
Chemistry with curls or carving curling (36 photos)


In pursuit of beautiful elastic curls and lush well-groomed hair, modern women are ready for anything. Owners of straight hair often dream of beautiful curls that will hold as long as possible. The beauty industry offers many treatments to achieve a similar result. The most common of them - the traditional perm (or chemistry) and carving.

Description of procedures and their difference

A perm (or chemistry) consists of treating the strands with special aggressive alkaline beauty products that penetrate all layers of the hair and turn them into elastic and hard.

The structure of the curls is destroyed, and this process is irreversible, so before starting their recovery, you must wait until the new ones grow to a sufficient length.

A more delicate acid perm (using thioglycolic acid) does not damage the hair structure as much as the solution is less aggressive than alkali. But the effect of such a curl lasts a relatively short time - about 2 months.

Carving is more gentle chemistry. The strands curl for a rather long period, however, this procedure does not use too harsh chemicals that can kill the hairstyle. It is impossible to call this manipulation completely harmless - the hair structure does change for the worse. Suitable for both long and shorter curls of any color.

In fact, this is the same chemistry. But thioglycolic acid and alkali are not included in the styling fluid. In this case, the hair is exposed to the solution only superficially, therefore, it is not damaged to the same extent as with the traditional chemical waving.

Important! For both procedures, you must carefully select a specialist and salon. Otherwise, there is a risk of irreversible destruction of the hairs, and it will be almost impossible to cope with it.

Both processes include several general steps:

  • hard fastening curlers,
  • treatment with a special solution
  • fixing the result with fixative
  • Proper hair care to prevent hair loss, cross-section and other undesirable effects.

Effect from carving and chemistry

The effect of the classic chemical. Curling is able to hold out until six months. The composition penetrates through all layers of hair, they become stiff and elastic. Such an effect on curls is not at all harmless. Strands-curls will not shine and will not become silky and obedient.

After carving The shock looks healthy, natural and lively, the hairstyle becomes lush. Curls are soft to the touch and shiny in appearance. The effect lasts an average of 4 to 8 weeks - it all depends on the quality of the used composition and careful care for the received curls.

What's cheaper

You can pay an average of 2 to 5 thousand rubles for carving. The cost depends on the following factors:

  • length, thickness and density of hair,
  • the popularity of a beauty salon or a carving master,
  • territorial location of the cabin (prices vary considerably in different cities),
  • price of chemical composition for processing.

Traditional chemistry will cost significantly less - 1–2.5 thousand rubles.

The difficulty of doing at home

To make a beautiful hairstyle that does not fall apart on the very first day, you should almost perfectly master the technique of execution. For both manipulations, it is best to call someone for help, since they are difficult enough and it is easier to prevent negative consequences than to eliminate them.

The following tools and fixtures are required:

  • curlers (of any type or shape - depending on the desired result and the length of the strands),
  • a couple of kitchen sponges,
  • a few hairbrushes
  • gloves, measuring container, several metal bowls,
  • special cap or plastic bag,
  • towel,
  • gum and cotton harness,
  • 5% vinegar solution.

The first thing you should buy in a specialty store is a chemical mixture for styling and fixer. Carving compositions are more innovative and delicate than solutions for classical chemistry, the main component of which is thioglycolic acid or alkali.

Council Before curling, you should carefully study the range of the proposed tools and get acquainted with the composition and instructions.

The stages of the procedures at home:

  1. Hair should be washed, and the scalp - oily. To achieve this effect, when washing you should avoid massaging the skin.
  2. Wet curls should be combed with a rare comb.
  3. Strands need to be screwed on the curlers very tight, and they should not differ in thickness.
  4. After fixing all hair curlers, it is worth treating the roots and scalp with a fat cream to take care of additional protection from the harmful effects of aggressive substances.
  5. Read the instructions for the carving tool. and pour the proper amount of the solution into the bowl. Proceed to the application.
  6. After about 15 minutes, do a small test: spin one of the strands and evaluate the result. If it does not suit you, wind the curler again and wait for the time specified in the instructions. If everything is in order, and the curl looks great, then the solution can be washed off.
  7. The chemical solution is washed off with warm running water, while the curlers remain attached to the hair.
  8. After rinsing the solution is applied fixative. After 5 minutes, the curls are freed from the curlers and washed off with warm water.
  9. Then the strands are rinsed with water with the addition of acetic solution and again wound on the curlers until completely dry.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of carving:

  1. Not as detrimental to a head of hair as traditional chemistry. The procedure can be repeated every 2-3 months.
  2. Some time after the manipulation, the curls themselves return to their original direct appearance - no additional manipulations like trimming the strands are required.
  3. After the procedure does not require special hair care - just an ordinary shampoo and balm for daily use.
  4. May contribute to the drying of fat roots.
  5. If the obtained curls are fed up, they can be easily straightened with the help of an iron or hair dryer.

Note, carving is not contraindicated for women who regularly resort to highlighting or lightening, owners of natural curls.


  1. Hair does some harm.
  2. Not recommended for owners of stained damaged curls.
  3. Heavy and thick strands of nature can simply not curl.
  4. Before repainting a new shade, you should wait at least 3 days after the procedure.
  5. Girls with sensitive scalp will feel all the "joy" of the resulting effects - the appearance of dandruff and hair loss.
  6. After the procedure, the color of the curls may change.
  7. Contraindicated in pregnant women.

Advantages of traditional perm:

  • you can forget about regular styling,
  • curls will be voluminous and elastic,
  • dried fatty roots,
  • The procedure has a long (up to six months) effect.


  • hairs get a lot of stress and begin to break down under the influence of chemical composition,
  • As a rule, after the procedure, the curls lose their original color, so you need to tint,
  • during the hot period the curls require careful care and care,
  • The procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, during lactation.

Important! Curls after chemistry may not fit and do not match the style and appearance, but getting rid of them is not as easy as carving.

Main differences

Thus, it is possible to distinguish 5 main differences between the considered processes:

  1. The purpose of carving - the creation of volumetric obedient curls, the result of chemical. Curls are elastic strong curls.
  2. Perm lasts much longer, however, the styling solution is very aggressive, therefore, the curls are damaged and cannot be restored. Modern carving compositions are more delicate in relation to curls.
  3. The solution for chemistry affects all layers of hair, the mixture for carving affects only their outer part.
  4. The main component of the solution for chemistry is thioglycolic acid or alkali. Carving mixes are presented in a huge range, so you can choose a tool that is suitable in its composition for strands of a certain thickness and elasticity.
  5. After carving curls gradually straighten. With traditional chemistry, there is a contrast between the regrown straight hair and twisted tips, which does not look very aesthetic.

Useful videos

What is hair carving and how is it done?

Perm hair.

Types of carving

The result of the wave depends on the used carvers (curlers) and the technique of their fixation:

  1. If your goal is a cool curl and impressive volume, use the vertical curling method and spiral carvers.. This method will appeal to owners of long hair and curls of medium length.

Photo of the result of curling in a vertical way

  1. Local perm allows you to get the root volume, in search of which there are owners of thin or greasy hair. During the procedure, the curlers are fixed only in the root zone, while the tips remain almost straight.

Local carving on large curlers allows you to create light waves with your own hands without time and effort

Local carving is also used at the tips, allowing you to get a light volume and bohemian waves that do not require a cardinal change of image.

  1. Personalities bright and bold can opt for texturing hairc, which involves partial curling of the strands using carvers of various shapes.

Especially carefully choose the type of curling, if your haircut involves bangs

With particular attention to the issue of choice of equipment should be approached by those who wear bangs.
Masters recommend to stay on texturing or local carving.
Too small curls throughout the mass of the hair will be dissonant with straight bangs, and give unnatural curls.

Curler type and result

The process of curling horizontal method

Long-term curl carving, made on classic rollers

Choosing a composition

The choice of the active substance must be approached seriously:

  1. Schwarzkopf Move up Color Natural Styling - The flagship among the brands that have released funds for carving. Contains silica and biotin (vitamin B7). Price set - from 4500 rubles.
  2. Cutrin curl is the only carving kit that can be used for heavily bleached hair. The lion's share of the composition falls on animal keratin, which “patches” the damage in the hair shaft.

Domestic composition for carving Estel Wavex

  1. GOLDWELL Evolution - designed for healthy natural and dyed hair, in the case of working with damaged and weakened curls, it is recommended to combine with keratin “Prosthetics”.
  2. Londastyle Permanent Form STYLE VOLUME - differs from the above compositions with the content of coco-betaine and the patented Londa Lift-formula. Duration of saving the result - up to 8 weeks.

Curling hair carving from GOLDWELL

Sequence of procedure

Technique carving little different from the classic perm hair:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo deep cleaning (does not contain nutrients and oils), which will effectively remove the remnants of styling products, sebum and reveal hair flakes.
  2. Slightly naturally dried hair is divided into small strands, choosing a horizontal or vertical method of curling. It is important to remember that the thickness of the strand should not exceed the diameter of the selected carvers.
  3. When the curling is completed, the main composition is applied. The most convenient way is to use a small-sized foam rubber household sponge. Thus, all hair curled on curlers are worked through.
  4. After 20 minutes, the curls are rinsed with running water and 1/3 fixing lotion is applied. After 10 minutes, the carvers are removed, and the remaining fixer is applied to the hair.
  5. After 10 minutes, the hair is thoroughly washed and a nourishing balm is applied.

Artificial drying of hair is recommended using a hair dryer with a diffuser and a small amount of foam or gel.
The latter should be marked “alcohol free”.

For daily styling it is recommended to use styling light creams and a hairdryer with a diffuser

Despite the fact that carving is called a safe procedure for hair, it has several contraindications:

  1. Temporarily postpone the procedure will have pregnant and lactating mothers. No, no, the composition itself does not pose any threat to health, the fact is that the hormone-unstable body can make its own adjustments to the result, so the effectiveness of the perm is extremely difficult to predict.
  2. If your hair was previously brightened many times, subjected to systematic hot styling and cannot boast of health, carving can be an extremely destructive procedure for them.
  3. Permanent dye hair dyeing is recommended after carving, because the composition has a lightening effect and can lead to uneven washout of paint.

Now you know what carving is different from perm, to whom it suits, and most importantly, what results you can get. Experiment, choose a suitable image, but remember that only healthy hair is beautiful. It remains for us to traditionally offer you a video in this article and invite you to the discussion in the comments, where our experts are looking forward to you.

Hair Carving Products

At one time, Schwarzkopf patented the word carving to designate a new method of long-term hair styling developed by it. It strongly resembles a perm, only when it is used, special, more benign preparations are used. At first, for the lubrication of hair curled on curlers, they used only hair carving products made by the German cosmetics company Schwarzkopf, but soon they were joined by the French firm L’Oreal. They are currently the leaders in the production of chemical solutions for carving.

The technology for performing a perm differs from the usual chemistry in that the applied agents act only on the outer layers of the hair, which are easily recoverable, while the inner ones do not affect it. Moreover, different sizes of hair curlers are selected for different areas of hair: from small bobbins to voluminous spirals and scooters. As a result, the skillful hands of the master can easily hide flaws in the structure of the skull, hide the bald areas, give splendor and volume to sparse hair.
Carving for short hair and hair of medium length looks especially chic, but carving for long hair is not recommended because it does not give the desired result: under its weight, the curls are straightened and the hair quickly loses its shape and volume.

Hair carving at home

In life, all sorts of situations happen, it happens that there is not enough money or time to go to the hair salon, and you need to do a haircut. So there is a need to carry out carving at home, which is quite real: the technology of curling is not complicated, and the cost of curlers and mortar are small.

1. Objectively evaluate your hair: structure, length, porosity. The best effect from carving is achieved on soft hair, and if they are hard, then you have to additionally buy a special emollient.

2Before you begin to use the composition, carefully read the instructions for its use.

3. Buy curlers specifically designed for chemical perms. Choose the size depending on what result you want to get: small curls - thin curlers, and vice versa.

4. Perform a curl only on clean hair, divide them into small strands, and wind them up on the curler as tightly as possible.

5. Prepare the composition and apply it to the hair with a sponge and strictly in accordance with the instructions, because any deviation from it can lead to undesirable consequences.

6. Put a plastic cap on your head and wrap it on top with a warm scarf.

7. After the period specified in the instructions, the hair should be well washed with hot water without shampoo, but it is still too early to remove the hair curlers.

8. Apply a special fixer to the hair, hold the time specified by the instructions, and only after that you can remove the hair curlers, then rinse the hair well, but do it again without shampoo (you can wash with shampoo only after three days).

9. Apply some softening balm to your hair.

10. Now you can dry and style your hair.

The procedure, as in the hair salon, will take you no more than two hours, but, on the other hand, it will open up new possibilities for carrying out various experiments with hairstyles.

How to make long-term styling - carving (video).

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Pros and cons

Gentle effect: no ammonia in the composition.

  • Curls can be chosen for every taste, of different shapes and sizes: small, medium, large, even slight waviness.
  • As well as carving, biowave will save precious half an hour in the morning, which women spend daily on styling.
  • Long-term effect: lasts from three months to a year.
  • There is the possibility of carrying out the procedure at home.
    • Women often complain of persistent odor, which becomes stronger if the hair gets wet.
    • Damaged hair biowave may dry out.
    • After the procedure is not recommended staining.
    • High price.
    • The complexity and duration of the procedure.

    Further care for curls

    1. Use moisturizing hair masks.
    2. Abandon hair dryer, pleyok and irons.
    3. Postpone hair coloring after the procedure for two - three weeks.
    4. Use aromatherapy to get rid of the smell.

    Watch a video on what a biowave is and what is the right hair care after this procedure:

    What is better to choose and what are the differences?

    • Biowave lasts up to a year when carving is only up to six months.
    • Long-term styling works on volume. If you still want elastic curls, choose a biological perm.
    • Different compositions and technology applied to the hair.
    • Carving, unlike biowave, makes it possible to curl curls not completely, but locally. For example, only on the tips or at the roots.

    Both procedures are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.during strong stress and hormonal imbalances. In any case, you need to test for allergic reactions!

    Choosing long-term styling, get ready to give up to five thousand rubles, and in the case of biowave, the cost ranges from two to ten thousand rubles, depending on the region of the country. Both the biological curling and the carving have their pros and cons. Consultation with a specialist will help determine, taking into account your wishes and the quality of your hair, their length and thickness.

    The choice is yours, in both cases you will get a new image and admiration of others. Take care of your hair, properly care for them, and then both playful curls and elegant curls will be beneficial to emphasize you.

    What you need to know about chemistry and biowave?

    How to make huge curls with the help of modern methods?

    Before turning to the fundamental changes in your hairstyle, you should learn one firm rule: there is no absolutely safe chemistry.

    Any influence of even the most benign chemical preparations is intended to destroy the sulfuric composition in the hair root, after which the rod takes a predetermined shape under the influence of other substances. Therefore, no matter how you were assured of the opposite by the best masters of their craft, beautiful curls are invariably the result of the destruction of the core structure.

    The biowave is certainly more benign in this regard, because with proper selection of means, the hair looks more alive and regenerates much faster, ensuring a truly beautiful hairstyle.

    To get started, look at the types of chemical perms:

  • permanent - long, there is also permanent straightening,
  • bio-extract - use French, overseas, Japanese and domestic drugs,
  • radical - neutral and especially gentle chemical perm for hair, components are applied lightly on the roots, the result looks more natural.

    Cautions: when it is allowed and impossible to do chemistry

    Carving, perm, not recommended for those who have strands heavily damaged or earlier
    often stained. After the procedure itself, it is unpleasant to straighten the curls for a while, wash and dry with a hairdryer. They are already overdried, and if you add a temperature effect, it is allowed to get a burn. Dry brittle rods, allergic reactions and other contraindications force you to postpone the hair chemistry and the dream of huge curls, taking up their recovery.

    Testing hair condition at home

    This hefty easy test is allowed to be carried out at home, and it is desirable to do this before chemical perms. Take a small strand and put it in a glass of cooled boiled water.

    Observe what happens:

    • if the strand successfully drowned at the bottom of the glass - your hair is quite healthy and will withstand the effects of drugs,
    • a bunch of hair dropped to the middle - also good. But it is allowed to postpone until the best of times,
    • Well, if the order is floating on the surface and does not want to sink, then there can be no talk about any curl.

    However, the condition of the hair can be seen with the naked eye or is determined by an experienced expert.

    Unlike traditional alkaline chemistry, biowave provides more low impact of ammonia on the scalp. Later on the gel biowave hair is formed in huge curls, later foam - in the volume boil on the head.

    How to care for hair later curling

    Your now curly curls need special care. Get a series of care with a moisturizing result in order to quickly restore overdried constructions. Do not use shampoo all day and forget about the hair dryer. Apply reducing serums, balms and masks in an indispensable manner. Even at the beginning it will worry about the unpleasant smell of ammonia when wetting the strands. It is allowed to neutralize with the support of herbal infusions, citric acid. Hair can get tangled and fall out. Do not panic. Take vitamins and go on a healthy diet.

    Some more useful tips:

    • It is better to prepare the hair beforehand than to reap the benefits of a failed experiment. Than
      the rod is thicker and healthier - the longer the result from the wave,
    • Do not skimp on cosmetics and curling materials. Let everything be professional and expensive,
    • It is important that there are no medical contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, intolerance to drugs, etc.
    • Apply for help only to experts with an excellent reputation. If you are offered a service cheaper, but in an unknown place, do not risk it. For a crappy total, overpay more.

    Is it worth the beauty of the victims - you decide.

    Someone will consider himself an altar, having spent a sleepless night with hair curlers, and it will be easier for him to do a perm in the salon once and for a long time having solved the problem. And someone reluctant to overpay for an unknown result.

    What is a temporary perm

    Temporary perm - is the formation of disulfide bonds in the hair in any way. There are two methods to do it:

    What is the difference?

    1. Styling is the shaping of hair with the help of perfumery tools and styling tools - curlers, curls, brushing. The duration of its effect - from one shampoo to the next.
    2. Long-term styling is a form of hair that is given with the help of chemicals. The effect after such procedures lasts from one month or more, no matter how many times they wash their hair. For long-term styling include all types of chemical perms, as well as hair straightening.

    Any perm, including even a strong permanent, is temporary!

    Genetically incorporated hair shape can not be changed by cosmetic procedures. Regardless of the number and intensity of chemical perms, regrowing hair will again become what it was before the procedures. The shape of the hair bulb depends on the follicle (bulb). If it is round in the section, then the hair is straight. When slightly oval, it is wavy. The stronger this oval, the smaller the curl will be.

    Since obtaining large curls with the help of "chemistry" can be done for a relatively long period, therefore, further under the temporary curl we will conditionally understand the usual styling using styling tools, which is maintained until the next shampooing.

    Having dealt with the terms and clarified the differences between the methods of temporary curling, you can proceed to the description of the styling, which create large curls. But first let us clarify which curls are considered large curls and what forms they may have.

    Types of large curls

    A large curl is a strand of hair, shaped like a spring, which is 5 centimeters in diameter and more.

    1. Spiral curls - it is clear curls, evenly wound from the roots to the end of the hair, resembling a slightly stretched spring.
    2. Cone-shaped curls - soft curls, wound from the roots to the end of the strand, which gently taper downwards.
    3. Flat curls - it's curls, twisted from the ends to the roots of the hair with a tube, and then loose.

    So that the temporary styling looks natural, you can change the direction of the curl, as well as their diameter. However, it must be remembered that it is impossible to combine different types of curls in one package.

    Used tools to create different types of curls

    Each type of curls needs tools of different shapes.

    1. Spiral curls are made by curling iron with a curved notch or large curlers with a cutout under the wound strand.
    2. Cone-shaped curls created using a special curling iron, tapering at the end or curlers of the same shape.
    3. Flat curls make straight curling with a special “tongue”, hair straightening iron, large curlers or brushing.

    It is impossible to make different types of curls with the same tool, therefore, before proceeding with the curl, you need to make sure that the appropriate device is present.

    Temporary Curlers

    To make strong curls need styling products. And also for each method of temporary curling will need different drugs.

    For curling curling must have:

    • thermal protective agent
    • liquid spray paint without gas,
    • wax,
    • spray dry lacquer,
    • gloss for hair.

    Curling on curlers and brushing is done using the following styling tools:

    • mousse to create curls,
    • wax,
    • varnish-aerosol,
    • hair gloss.

    If at least one tool is missing, the installation will not last a day.

    The technology of creating a temporary curl in large curls

    Temporary perm is done in two ways - on wet and on dry hair.

    1. In the first case - with the help of curlers or brushing.
    2. For dry hair - with the use of curling and ironing.

    We describe the technology for performing curling in large curls for each of the presented methods.

    On wet hair using curlers

    Before curling, make a diagnosis of hair, determine their type and degree of fixation of styling products. After that, you can proceed to the procedure.

    1. Rinse your hair with shampoo 2 times, use a balm.
    2. Evenly apply mousse to hair to create curls.
    3. Separate the hair covering by parting.
    4. Wind curlers according to the shape of the curl (spiral, cone or ordinary straight).
    5. Dry the head with a hair dryer or in a dryer without taking out the curlers.
    6. After the hair has dried and completely cooled, carefully remove the hair curlers.
    7. To smooth curls with wax and comb them with a comb with rare teeth.
    8. To fix a hairdress a varnish and process with gloss for gloss.

    In order for the curls to keep their original shape, after drying, they must cool to the end and not be warm, as during cooling they form a light disulfide bond.

    On wet hair using brushing

    For temporary curling is better to use brushing with a ceramic coating, as this material prevents the electrification of the hair. In general, the technology of curling on brushing is not much different from laying on curlers.

    1. Wash your hair with shampoo 2 times and treat with balm.
    2. Apply mousse or styling foam.
    3. Starting from the lower occipital zone, wind your hair over brushing and dry with hot air of a hair dryer, and then cool it with cold.
    4. After winding, wax each curl and gently comb it with a comb.
    5. The resulting styling fix varnish and add shine using gloss.

    The method of temporary curling on wet strands is suitable for normal and soft hair of medium length.

    For dry hair

    If the temporary perm is done with heated tools, then make sure that the hair is completely dried after washing.

    1. Wash your hair with shampoo, use a balm.
    2. Treat wet hair with a heat protection agent and dry with a hot-air blow dryer.
    3. Split the lower part of the area of ​​the horizontal parting into two parts and begin to wrap in thin strands, slightly moistening with a liquid spray lacquer without gas.
    4. Let the ready curls cool, then wax each strand and comb it with a rare comb.
    5. Fix temporary laying with spray paint and gloss.

    In order not to spoil the hair during the procedure, watch the temperature of the instruments. Bleached and weakened need to be wound on a curling iron or iron, heated to 170–200 ° C. For tough, heavy or extended - raise the temperature to 210-220 ° C.

    What hair fit large curls

    Temporary perm in large curls is not suitable for short haircuts. On hair shorter than 25 centimeters a large curl looks like a light wave, and not as a full curl. A large curl looks more beautiful on hairs 40–50 centimeters long.

    Such curls can be done on different styles of haircuts.

    1. If the hair is cut "to one length", then it is better to wind it on spiral instruments.
    2. For cascading haircuts fit all three types of curls.
    3. Haircut "Rhapsody" is wound cone or spiral tools.
    4. "Cascade" - universal haircut for curling. The curls are wound evenly along the entire length and in different directions. In order to emphasize the cheekbones, the temporal zones are twisted "from the face."

    Harm from frequent temporary curls

    Despite the fact that a temporary perm - it's just styling, often it is not recommended. The contact of hair scales with hot tools leads to a violation of the upper protective layer. Hair becomes dull, split off. The hot air of a dryer or a desiccant desiccates them, which can lead to dehydration and brittleness.

    To prevent violations of the hair structure, you should regularly use moisturizers, and once a week to make a nourishing mask on a keratin basis.

    How much can the effect of temporary curling

    Styling with styling tools without the use of chemical perm is short-lived and can last a maximum of a week before the first washing of the head.

    Hair gets dirty for natural reasons because of the work of sebaceous glands, as well as due to external contaminants such as dust, which is attracted by applied styling products.

    photo before and after

    How to prolong the effect of temporary curling

    You want to preserve a beautiful styling for a long time, however, you will not be able to significantly extend the effect of temporary curling. But there are small secrets that will help keep it for several days.

    Creation of the basal volume with a curling-wrinkle

    1. Create a basal volume with the help of a corrugation or a pile - the raised hair from the root does not come into contact with the scalp and gets less dirty.
    2. Daily handle styling spray paint.
    3. When the first signs of contamination appear, you can use a dry shampoo once, which will extend the styling by 1–2 days.

    If the hair becomes greasy very quickly, then it is better to resort to a long-term perm. It will dry the roots and curls will keep their original shape for several months.

    Concluding the article, we recall that any perm is temporary, whether it is “chemistry” or independent winding on different tools. We told how to make exactly the last type of styling, which will persist until the next shampooing. The effect of this type of curling does not last long, however, subject to several simple conditions, it can be slightly extended. If you want to keep the curls for a longer period, use the procedure perm.

    What is carving?

    Carving involves a procedure that is often called a light chemistry or a gentle option for curling. With it, long-term styling at the highest level will be provided, while the curls themselves will not be damaged.

    Another function of carving, in addition to curling, is the addition of resistant volume at the roots and a visual increase in their density.

    A bit of history

    More recently, Schwarzkopf patented the word "carving" for the name of a new long-term styling method. This procedure was conducted under the guidance of masters and when using a special chemical composition. The obligatory component of the curling hair carving were twisted curlers. Since then, the procedure of long-term perm is called carving.

    Depending on the type of hair and the composition that is applied, the effect of styling is maintained for 1-2 months. Now, depending on the result that the girl wants to receive, the usual large and small hair curlers, as well as various rollers, boomerangs and other types are used.

    If you want to make a hair carving, its price, please note, is not the cheapest one, since real professionals should work on this procedure, otherwise instead of a chic styling you risk getting spoiled curls.

    Do not forget about the special chemical composition. However, for the sake of a beautiful styling and a sparing attitude to curls - no money is not sorry.

    Many people are confused that if long-term styling is related to chemistry, then it will not always look at the right level. In fact, the chemical impact of this procedure has minimal impact, which allows you to create natural and natural curls. After reviewing the procedure of carving hair photo "before" and "after", you can no doubt verify the tenderness of curls.


    To get the perfect result of curling, curls must be carefully prepared. First you need to make sure the tips are healthy. This is done in order to avoid a sloppy result, because on the damaged tips of a hair curling may either not appear at all or appear poorly. Therefore, if a girl has split ends, they are cut off.

    Before the procedure, you need to discuss with the master whether the structure of your curls allows you to make a carving of hair, which photo you could provide. After that, the specialist selects the desired diameter curlers, as well as reducing and protective preparations.

    Creating curls

    First of all, the curls are fixed with the help of curlers. Next, they are applied not containing ammonia and other harmful substances. In this position, the curls should remain for a certain time, after which they are thoroughly washed and dried. The whole procedure takes about two hours.

    The longest term is carving for short hair, photos of which you can view. The fact is that due to its length, the short curls do not lose their shape under the action of the weight of the hair, therefore they are able to hold curls for about 10 weeks.


    Since hair carving has a drying effect, it is not recommended for women with curls that are brittle and dry. Carving is also not recommended for thick and heavy strands, since it will not last long for them, and the money spent will be wasted.

    This procedure is not recommended for bleached with highlighting curls, as the carving of hair in this case had not the most positive. Please note that tough curls longer retain the effect of curling. However, for the remaining types, the procedure can be repeated every 2-3 months.

    Hair care after the procedure

    It is advisable to add to your arsenal of cosmetics, restoring and moisturizing balsams and masks. Regarding styling means there are no contraindications, because you can use everything that appeals to you.

    Carving procedure allows you to create your own styling option after each shampooing: both light grooves and clearly modeled curls. Also, after carving, it is possible to color and highlight curls, however it is recommended to do this at least 3-4 days after the procedure. If you decide to color the curls, on which the hair was pre-carved, the price of a suitable paint will be slightly higher than usual, since it should not contain ammonia.


    Watch the video: Coloring Curly Hair - Mary Cuomo (July 2024).