Eyebrows and eyelashes

10 best eyebrow pencils


Eyebrow pencil - one of the most common representatives of decorative cosmetics. In terms of popularity, it surpasses only mascara. However, lately, stylists have paid so much attention to the female eyebrows, that even the representatives of the fair sex themselves gradually realize their important role in creating a beautiful image. A good pencil is incredibly important here. It allows you to emphasize or adjust the shape, add brightness to the color. Naturally, all the ladies, as tireless perfectionists, ask a simple and straightforward question, which pencil is the best.

To give a definite answer in this case is almost impossible. The fact is that every woman is deeply individual. Even if you take two identical types that suit the same shade, you will still find your own small nuances, to the extent that it is convenient for someone to hold this pencil in their hands, but not for others. Not to mention the shape and condition of the eyebrows.

Therefore, let's talk about the basic principles of choice, about what to pay attention to, about important criteria, without which no beautiful makeup is possible. And which of the pencils is better, you can determine for yourself.

Important points

Imagine that you are in a makeup store. And here in front of you in fine lines lined eyebrow pencils. How not to get lost in their diversity? If you have not been in front of these rows for several years already and have some experience of “communication” with them, then you already have some preferences. You know which company is right for you, and whose products are best avoided. If you are a perfect newcomer, then get ready to spend a lot of time among the shelves. To help you decide which eyebrow pencil is yours, we’ll now tell you about important points to consider when choosing.

So, for a start it should be noted that pencils are different. In addition to those that are fairly familiar to us, the manufacturers came up with mechanical ones. They are very convenient, do not need sharpeners. The point is that the pencil has a plastic case into which the stylus is screwed, as in the case of lipstick. A big plus is that the rod is securely protected, you can safely carry it with you in your purse or cosmetic bag, without fear that you will get it broken in the most crucial moment.

Pretty new invention - powder eyebrow pencils. They appeared on the wave of increased attention to the naturalness of the image. With their help, you can create the most close to the ideal makeup.

There are wax versions of these representatives of decorative cosmetics. The meaning of their existence is not only to give the desired shade, but also to fix the hairs in a certain shape.

As you can see, already at this stage it is very difficult to single out which pencil is better. It all depends entirely on your preferences. Therefore, make a choice based on them and from the goals for which you are purchasing the product.

The next important point is slate. To get a beautiful picture as a result, you need to choose a solid and dense option. Why? Only in this case, you will be able, first, to sharpen it well (if necessary) and make fine lines. Natural makeup is impossible without clear strokes. Secondly, these touches will last well and for a long time. If the stylus is soft, then your eyebrows very soon risk to “leak”, lose the desired shape and turn into a kind of porridge.

Also, the slate should be uniform. All sorts of extraneous inclusions to you are completely useless, and the manufacturer, most likely, simply turned on the strict saving mode of consumables and diluted them with something that doesn’t have anything to do with the stylus.

There are eyebrow pencils with glitter effect. If you really like them, buy, but it is better to leave them for evening makeup, but in the day they are unacceptable. Do not believe? Try to take advantage and go out. Look in the mirror. True, you look stupid in the sun?

Do not forget to check how the pencil falls on the skin. Naturally, right in the store you will not engage in eyebrow makeup, especially considering the fact that you have to make sure of the quality of more than one means. Therefore, draw the lines simply on the hand, but not only which ones, but imitating those that you will have to do in the future when creating eyebrows.

So, the line should be clear, the same along the entire length, without interruptions, which may occur due to the inclusions that we discussed above. Choose a not very bright color. Pay attention also to the presence of an unpleasant smell, it is better to refuse such agents immediately.

Color selection

Selection of the correct shade is one of the main tasks. You can purchase the most ideal tool in the world, but if it does not match your color type, nothing good will come of it.

In order not to be trapped, it is enough to remember simple rules. The shade of the pencil is selected in accordance with the hair color. If they are light or blond, then as your options you should consider a palette similar to the color of curls, but a little darker. It is a little, that is, within two shades. Remember that the times of platinum blondes with coal-black eyebrows have sunk into oblivion. If you are brown, your eyebrows should be a little lighter than the head of hair.

Remember that the only people who go black pencil, this black-haired girls with dark skin. In all other cases, this color option should immediately be moved away. Even if you are a very dark brown-haired woman, your choice is a dark brown or gray pencil.

Advise some kind of universal shade of fair-haired women is impossible. All due to the fact that the term "blonde" hides such a wealth of colors, tones and semitones that it is necessary to approach each specific case strictly individually. Blondes usually use different variants of gray, beige, brown, graphite and their combinations.

Red-haired girls can be advised to slightly muffle the color of their eyebrows, that is, they should not be as bright as curls framing a face. The usual palette of such "fiery" beauties is brown, brown with a touch of red or gold, and terracotta.

If you are the owner of gray hair, then you should stay on a dark gray or graphite. However, this applies only to those cases where the curls are not painted in other colors. If this is done, the pencil is selected according to the principles described above, for the tone of the hair.

what color is best for blonde and blondes

Eyebrow pencils are an important part of female cosmetics. They help lead edge in order to tint, delineate the line, bending. The best eyebrow pencils emphasize the natural beauty if used skillfully. As an alternative, they use shadows and gels, but pencils, according to reviews, are more convenient because they are suitable for fine work.

Eyebrow pencils must be of excellent quality.

How to choose a pencil for eyebrows and eyes

It is important to choose a pencil for eyebrows, which is suitable for the color of the eyes, in harmony with the skin tone, and most importantly does not contradict the color of the hair. Gray eyebrows are suitable for blondes, but owners of dark hair should opt for products that are lighter in several tones.

What a good eyebrow pencil can do:

  • emphasize eyes, eyes,
  • tint inconspicuous brow arcs, retouch areas without hair,
  • Give the face a new expression and complement the image.

Fashion is changeable, now in a trend of naturalness, tomorrow the created image will be considered attractive, but makeup artists advise applying dyes first of all to emphasize natural beauty, so you shouldn’t put a lot of paint on it, sometimes a few strokes.

Hard or soft - which one is better to paint

Correctly choose a pencil for eyebrows is important not only in color but also in structure or form. There are soft and hard pencils.

What is their difference:

  1. A solid eyebrow pencil is a pencil that resembles the most common objects for drawing and drawing, but is designed for make-up. They can make subtle touches. The paint is usually kept stable, so the tool is spent economically. The downside is that it needs to be periodically eaten up. You can do this with a simple sharpener or a knife. Sharpening eyebrow pencil is more convenient after it has lain an hour or two in the freezer, then it will not crumble.
  2. Soft pencils are preferable for owners of dry skin. But because of the soft component, it is not always convenient for them to tint small lines, bends. And they have more fuel. But with its help it is easy to create a natural make-up: it is only necessary to feather the paint.

How to choose a brow pencil

Beauty is made up of details. Well-groomed eyebrows are a must-have element of a sophisticated and stylish look. Being correctly accentuated, they give the look expressiveness, making the woman even more attractive. But to achieve a similar effect, you need to use a suitable eyebrow pencil. By what criteria should it be evaluated at the time of purchase?

Eyebrow pencil: how to choose? Structure, shape and smell

Pencil pencil pencil, and before you find the perfect option, you have to devote some time to the search process. Studying the range of cosmetic stores, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Rod structure A good pencil is solid and dense, due to which it easily “falls” on the eyebrows and does not smear during the day. In contrast, soft grids do not allow you to perform clear strokes, spreading greasyly through the hairs and spreading in the conditions of heat.
  2. The form. The simplest pencils are a rod hidden in a wooden shell: such models are cheap, they can sharpen sharply and, as a result, they are able to paint subtly and clearly. Mechanical pencils do not require sharpening - just one turn of the body to the stylus seemed out. In addition to the relatively high price, the disadvantages of “mechanics” include excessive softness of the slate and a relatively short service life.
  3. Smell. It should not be harshly unpleasant, otherwise it makes sense to suspect low-quality products.

It is also important to evaluate the pencil on the "style of drawing." It should hold on the back of the palm line and see how easy, clear and uniform it turned out. It is recommended to abandon the purchase of a pencil, which gives the "effect" of lumps and falls on the skin intermittently.

How to choose a brow pencil? Features of the composition

From the components that make up the pencil, depends on its structure, and hence the quality of the application. According to this criterion, there are two main types of rods:

  1. Wax They are made from beeswax with the addition of vitamin E, due to which they have a slightly sticky consistency and are able to beautifully lay naughty hairs, while maintaining the natural look of the eyebrows. Wax pencils are colorless: they can be combined with other means, or they can be applied “solo”, while maintaining the true hair color.
  2. Powdery. They contain tiny particles of mica, talc, silicon, as a result of which they allow to achieve maximum naturalness. They are characterized by resistance to heat and mechanical friction. These pencils are advised to buy women with oily skin, but they are absolutely not suitable for owners of thick eyebrows.

For applying everyday make-up it is best to stay on a matte pencil, while evening events allow using models with a shimmer: glitter will look out of place in the daytime, but in a suitable setting will give the image charm.

Water resistance is an added advantage of any color cosmetics. Using a pencil with this property, you can feel confident in any weather: a sudden rain will not cause unaesthetic eyebrows to float.

How to choose the color of eyebrow pencil? Key recommendations

Very rarely happens when the perfect pencil is on the first try: usually you have to make several test “visits” to the shops. But you can increase the chances of success if you listen to the following tips:

  1. Hair color - the main selection criteria. Blondes are advised to stay at the pencil, the pencil which is a couple of shades darker than the hair color. Brunettes, on the contrary, should prefer the options for two or three tones lighter.
  2. Unpainted hair involves the use of a pencil, as close as possible in color to the natural shade of the hair. If the hair yielded, the pencil should be purchased under the updated color of hair.
  3. Tint should be chosen under the skin tone. Communication is directly proportional: the brighter the skin, the brighter the pencil is. Golden warm tone involves the use of a pencil of the same warm golden hues. Only black-haired women with perfectly smooth, pale skin can take the risk: the very dark color of their eyebrows will suit them.
  4. A good option - a combination of two pencils of the same color, but different shades. Playing on tones, you can turn your eyebrows into a stylish, but neat and natural accent of makeup.

A huge number of brands on the market negates the ability to make any truthful list of the best brands: in many respects, the company's fame depends on the amount of money allocated for advertising, and not on product quality. Traditionally, leaders are considered Givenchy, Dior, Essence, Lumene, Max Factor, MAC, Pupa.

But there remains the likelihood of acquiring a good eyebrow pencil of unknown brand at a “ridiculous” price. Therefore, you should not dwell on the familiar brand, because you can always find something else better.

How to choose a pencil for eyebrows by type

The acquisition of decorative cosmetics requires knowledge of the characteristics of their own appearance. In the case of eyebrow pencils, eye and hair color play a special role. What to choose?

First you should evaluate the shade of the eye:

  • green and blue are well combined with ash-brown and warm beige tones of pencils,
  • Brown and black clearly indicate that it is better for a woman to choose darker colors - from brown to black.

Regarding hair color recommendations are as follows:

  1. The ashy shade is perfectly combined with the cool-gray tone of the pencil.
  2. Blondes whose hair is distinguished by a golden-red shimmer, any warm shade is perfect.
  3. It is better for the owners of wheat-colored hair to tint eyebrows with grayish-beige pencils.
  4. Brunettes with a cool shade of hair should choose muted-gray colors, whereas with a warm tone you can use dark brown pencils.
  5. Strict black pencil color is suitable exclusively for women with blue-black hair and perfect skin.
  6. Bright-red hair “coexists well” with a slightly darker shade of eyebrows: you should try terracotta, reddish-brown, chestnut tones with a golden hue.
  7. The red head of hair is “friendly” with brown, and the gray one - with gray and other colors, in the “composition” of which it is included.

A woman then reaches perfection, when every detail of her appearance is thought out to the smallest detail, but she is not striking. With the right eyebrow pencil, it is very easy to become just such an ideal.

How to paint in stages right? We draw the form step by step

Decorative tools for eyebrows in stores are now in a wide range.Eyebrow pencils are popular and effective because of the convenience and ease of use. In addition, each tool has certain features that affect makeup. That is why you need to carefully and correctly determine how to choose a pencil. The best option is the presence of several types of such funds. This approach allows you to change the makeup depending on the time of day, features of the event. Different types of products are also necessary for easy and quick make-up correction in any situation. To do this, determine which pencil is better.

Types and characteristics of the composition

The main purpose that a good pencil should correspond to is a decorative function. The tool allows you to adjust the area of ​​the eyebrows. Giving the lines a smooth shape, density, shade. In this case, you can paint the eyebrows of all, as the perfect makeup should be careful. To create the perfect image is very important to know how to choose a pencil. This is due to the fact that the tool is presented in an extensive range, and each product has certain properties and features.

Cosmetic manufacturers offer a wide variety of pencils. The classic is a tool in the form of an ordinary pencil that needs to be sharpened as needed. The rod is made of a special composition, which includes colored pigments, wax, components that ensure the stability of cosmetics. Also effective and powdery pencil for eyebrows, which has a soft structure and easy to shade. In any case, it is important to determine the best way to paint eyebrows with pencil or shadows.

This tool of decorative cosmetics is presented in a wide variety. There are options with a hard, medium or soft core, which are characterized by ease of application and the final effect. In any case, the color palette is quite extensive and therefore it is possible to choose the optimal shade. For example, blondes should paint their eyebrows with light shadows or a pencil without a reddish tint, and brunettes are best to use dark types of products. This approach allows you to choose the right pencil and create the perfect makeup for any occasion.

Easy and quick to choose a tool, you can, given the following important points:

  • Hue needs to be selected very carefully, paying attention to the color of hair and skin, as well as the type of makeup. For an evening event, it is best to choose a dark color that differs from a hair shade by 2-3 tones. For many manufacturers, the color palette is very extensive, making it easy to choose a tinted gel and the best pencil,
  • The composition of the products includes a tint component, wax and oils, fixing ingredients and other substances. The cheapest options are not safe and therefore the tool or eyebrow gel should be of high quality, because cosmetics are used in the eye area. It is best to give preference to well-known manufacturers, for example, a pencil from Yves Rocher,
  • The degree of endurance provides a beautiful and flawless makeup in any situation. The reliable and resistant pencil has the thought-over and safe structure. You can also fix the usual means, using tint fixing gel,
  • Women can paint eyebrows with shadows, apply gel or powdery eyebrow pencil.

The use of a pencil for the eyebrow area does not require much effort. The texture of the medium and the tint are important. Soft options, for example, a pencil Eves Rocher, or a powdery eyebrow pencil allow you to create a light contour. This tool is very easy to shade, providing a natural makeup. At the same time, this product does not differ in particular resistance and therefore it is best to use a tinted gel that emphasizes and fixes the color over the applied shade.

There are various options for pencils. For example, the classic tool can be supplemented with a brush on the other end of the rod. This design provides ease of application and shading. One of the most popular tools - this is Yves Rocher pencil - has a classic shape, and the rod must be periodically sharpened. In this case, the color palette is quite extensive, and make-up with a pencil or shadows can be supplemented using a tinted gel that has good reviews.

Brands and application

A large number of manufacturers of cosmetic products represent a very diverse range and therefore it is quite difficult to choose the best pencil. To do this, you need to determine the optimal color of the product, a comfortable texture and the desired application. Women can have their eyebrows painted with shadows or with any other special means, but in any case it is important to determine the most appropriate type of cosmetic product and read the reviews.

Before you determine how to choose a pencil, you should familiarize yourself with the assortment of famous brands. Each manufacturer of cosmetics produces a line of products that allow you to create eyebrow makeup. When choosing it is necessary to take into account the texture, which may be different. The main options have the following features:

  • Classic pencil with an average level of hardness of the rod is optimal for both day and evening makeup. Darker shades should be used in the latter case, carefully emphasizing the eyebrow area. You can also combine several color options to create natural makeup.
  • Many women paint their eyebrows with shadows. Such a product is optimal for lightly emphasizing the contour, creates a soft effect and gives color. Shadows of famous manufacturers have good reviews,
  • Shading gel, which has positive feedback, is a practical and convenient means. The composition is easy to use, applying over the shadows or a pencil to fix the color.

In order to choose a good product, it is important to consider the manufacturer’s reputation and reviews. Cheap and low-quality types of cosmetics should not be purchased, because it is dangerous to health. Among famous brands such brands as Yves Rocher, Maybelline, Max Factor and others stand out. The products of these brands have positive reviews, high quality, and the color palette is very extensive.

The best eyebrow pencil is determined individually, depending on the ease of use, composition, color saturation and durability of the product, as well as the quality of the package. A good product is difficult to choose among a large assortment. Therefore, it is best to pay attention to the line of cosmetics of a particular manufacturer.

The pencil should be darker than the hair color by no more than two shades. It is important to paint the eyebrows correctly. To do this, you must first create the optimal shape of the eyebrows, and then, using the desired shade, draw short strokes. You can apply two shades, darker emphasizing the lower part of the eyebrow, and light is applied to the rest of the area. To fix the result allows the tint gel, which can be colored or transparent. You can also choose a special wax that fixes the shape and position of the hair.

Putting makeup, you should use a brush. This accessory allows you to quickly and easily lay the hairs in the right direction, evenly distribute the color and make the eyebrows perfect. At the same time the brush can be built in a pencil. Shading gel is also available in a bottle with a brush, which makes the process of applying makeup simple and convenient.

A quality pencil is a popular and effective tool for creating the perfect eyebrow line. To achieve this result, you should choose the color, texture, type of cosmetics. The application technique on which the final effect depends is especially important. The optimal combination of color, application and quality of the product is the key to a perfect eyebrow line.

Choosing a manufacturer

The undisputed favorites of this product are the recognized leaders of French decorative cosmetics - Dior, Givenchyand Bourjois.The rest Europeans are not inferior to them either - Essence (Germany) and Rimmel (Great Britain). American MAC and Max factor also do not need special presentation. Popular analogues of professional pencils are low cost, but very good products from Pupa (Italy), Maybelline (USA) or Artdeco (Germany).

The best in 2017 (according to reviews of both experts and ordinary customers) eyebrow pencils are in our ranking.

8 popular persistent eyebrow pencils: the secrets of choosing the right one

Eyebrow pencils are an important part of female cosmetics. They help lead edge in order to tint, delineate the line, bending. The best eyebrow pencils emphasize the natural beauty if used skillfully. As an alternative, they use shadows and gels, but pencils, according to reviews, are more convenient because they are suitable for fine work.

Wax (waterproof) or powdery - which is better to draw

Another important feature of such funds that needs attention is the consistency. Companies offer wax, powder, gel and even liquid pencils. The first two varieties are considered traditional and are widely represented on the market.

What is their difference:

  1. Powdery. Give the hair dullness, remove unhealthy, oily shine. Stop the release of sebum.
  2. Wax Fix naughty hairs, give shape.
  3. Gel Moisturize, give natural shine.
  4. Liquid. Moisturize. Easy to apply. Give a rich color. But can flow if used incorrectly.

Top 8 best pencils for price and quality: Brow, Maybelline, Drama pomade, Satin, Eyebrow pencil

All means are distinguished by price and composition. It is not easy to choose the best eyebrow pencil, it is important that it matches the price and quality, and most importantly - emphasizes the individuality of each woman.

Eight of the best, according to customer reviews, means:

  1. Dior Powder Eyebrow Pencil. Soft, with a rich palette. The cost is 1300 rubles.
  2. Yves Rocher Couleurs nature. French product. Price: 350 rubles and above.
  3. Vivienne Sabo Coup De Genie. Inexpensive cosmetic (from 200 rubles) with a brush. Enriched with vitamins and oils.
  4. Rimmel Professional Eyebrow Pencil. Professional goods from the UK. Average price: 200 rubles.
  5. Eva Mosaic Ideal Brow. Available in three shades. Price: 230 rubles.
  6. Pupa Eyebrow Pencil. Italian remedy with a solid base, without parabens. Cost: 650 rubles.
  7. Max Factor Eyebrow Pencil. Economical pencil. Available in two shades: walnut and black. Average price: 200 rubles.
  8. KIKI Browliner. American means for a modest price (about 40 rubles). Resistant to moisture.

Christian dior

Creation of French couturier, which was released in 1946. Today the company has the status of an international corporation. The staff consists of more than 56,000 people; branded boutiques are “scattered” around the world. The company is an honorary member of the Paris High Fashion Syndicate. The core business of the company is the production of clothing, footwear, underwear, perfumery, and cosmetics.

Global manufacturer of luxury products. In the company's assortment are clothing, shoes, cosmetics, jewelry. The founder of the company is a French aristocrat with a unique taste and charisma. The company was named in his honor.

Company specializing in the production of decorative cosmetics. The peculiarity of Rimmel products is natural composition. The company is almost 200 years old. It was born in 1834 by the efforts of a French perfumer. The founder was an employee of the royal court and for the first time introduced the inhabitants of London to the perfume. Today, the company belongs to the son of the brand's creator, who defined the modern profile of Rimmel.

Max factor

The hearsay cosmetic brand, which was created by Maximilian Faktorovich. Difficult childhood hardened young man. The first attempt to build a career in America is crowned with success - Max opens a cosmetic boutique near Hollywood. The store immediately began to enjoy success among the representatives of the star world. Today the head office of the company is located in the States. Max Factor production points are distributed worldwide.

Brand of the American company Diane Dubeau Company. The company's products comply with international standards. Production points are located in New Jersey, USA. An attractive feature of Kiki's product is high quality at an affordable price.

Hard or soft - which one is better to paint

Correctly choose a pencil for eyebrows is important not only in color but also in structure or form. There are soft and hard pencils.

What is their difference:

  1. A solid eyebrow pencil is a pencil that resembles the most common objects for drawing and drawing, but is designed for make-up. They can make subtle touches. The paint is usually kept stable, so the tool is spent economically. The downside is that it needs to be periodically eaten up. You can do this with a simple sharpener or a knife. Sharpening eyebrow pencil is more convenient after it has lain an hour or two in the freezer, then it will not crumble.
  2. Soft pencils are preferable for owners of dry skin. But because of the soft component, it is not always convenient for them to tint small lines, bends. And they have more fuel. But with its help it is easy to create a natural make-up: it is only necessary to feather the paint.

To keep the color for several days, it is better to use a permanent resistant eyebrow pencil.

Wax (waterproof) or powdery - which is better to draw

Another important feature of such funds that needs attention is the consistency. Companies offer wax, powder, gel and even liquid pencils. The first two varieties are considered traditional and are widely represented on the market.

What is their difference:

  1. Powdery. Give the hair dullness, remove unhealthy, oily shine. Stop the release of sebum.
  2. Wax Fix naughty hairs, give shape.
  3. Gel Moisturize, give natural shine.
  4. Liquid. Moisturize. Easy to apply. Give a rich color. But can flow if used incorrectly.

Is there an alternative

Cosmetic companies offer alternative methods of care and coloring eyebrow. The following products are popular:

  • Gels. Their goal is to give shape, healthy shine, to protect from bonding. They also sell colored gels that replace other coloring agents and help align the hairline.
  • Eyebrow dye. Acts more radically, not so much corrects and emphasizes the shape, how many changes color. Keeps much longer.
  • Kits for correction. Include powdery shadows, balm and brush. By mixing the powder, a certain shade is achieved, which is applied to the hairs with a brush and fixed with balsam.

Choose a good tool for painting your eyebrows.

Which eyebrow pencil is better, is it possible to find an alternative, each woman decides for herself. Sometimes by trial and error. But in the cosmetic bag must be a means to care for this part of the face. But it should be remembered that brow hair needs protection and does not like a lot of chemistry, so you need to use only high-quality products on a natural basis.

Criterias of choice

A large number of various samples are on sale. To choose the right pencil, specify the properties and functionality of each product.

Eyebrow pencils are classified:

  • on the structure of the coloring composition - (there are powdery and wax),
  • on a design (mechanical and demanding sharpening),
  • as slate (soft and hard).

In addition, there are differences in the tone of the slate.

Powder - soft, sold in a set with a brush, after applying on the eyebrows they are shaded. As a result, the effect of natural well-groomed eyebrows. Wax samples have a dense structure, they are cheaper. Drawing not only creates a tone, but also puts unruly hairs.

Some manufacturers make pencils with brushes or brushes. They evenly distribute the applied pigment, fix the form. The tassels have the shape of a spiral, differ in length and density. They are placed on the back of the funds, closed with a separate cap.

The brushes are on the cap and do not close. This option is quite controversial, as the villi are not protected from dust, sand and other contaminants.

We understand the leads

The name stylus is conditional for cosmetic pencils. Manufacturers produce tools for the correction of eyebrows with a different consistency of coloring material. It:

The dye is waterproof, hard or soft. On sale are matte pencils and options with a shimmer. To create shine use ground mica. This is an option for a party. Foreign companies offer rods with very fine glitter. They are uniformly applied with slate, distributed by brush. Sequins on the hairs are not noticeable, but they give volume to eyebrows. This option is suitable for girls with thin, expressionless eyebrows. Casual makeup is best done matte tone.

Choose a shade

For a successful purchase consider:

  • skin tone
  • hair color,
  • skin condition
  • eye color.

The general rule in choosing a shade: blondes need to choose light colors, brunettes - dark. For blondes and blond hair owners, the tone of the pencil should be 2 tones darker than the complexion. Black color is contraindicated for such ladies. It makes the face unnatural, visually adds a few years.

Girls with dark hair are recommended to use shades 1-2 shades lighter than their hair. They are well perceived with dark hair and brown eyes.

The hardness of the pencil is chosen in accordance with the condition of the skin. For dry choose soft pencils. They clearly draw the eyebrows, well "fall" on the face. On oily skin, a soft stylus will smear and quickly float - for this type of skin, drier correctors are chosen.

For girls with light eyes, it is recommended to use brown pencils. For brown eyes, black pencils are suitable.

The best powder eyebrow pencil

The most high-quality powdery option - pencil by christian dior. The brand produces a large color palette, suitable for any hair color and skin tone. The tool is easy to apply, but quickly goes.


  • type - powdery
  • plastic case,
  • in a set there is a brush for shading,
  • double-sided - on the other side of the brush,
  • sharpener provided.
  • just applied
  • fits well on hairs
  • evenly covers the brows
  • wide range of colors,
  • high quality.
  • expensive,
  • no tones for blondes,
  • not resistant.

The best wax eyebrow pencil

Wax based specimens create a dense and lightweight coating. Pencil Master Shape brand Maybelline not only paints eyebrows, but also masks the gaps in the hairline. Suitable for girls with sparse hairs.

The best gel pencil for eyebrows

New in the cosmetics market - eyebrow gel. Gels are transparent and coloring. Pupa Eyebrow Fixing Gel recognized as the best gel for modeling eyebrows. The composition includes vitamins and coloring pigment.

  • model the shape
  • take care of the hairs
  • fix the shape
  • stained.

The gels use shades of brown and gray. After application, the hairs look natural, take the desired shape. Means are suitable for the disobedient, protruding hairs.

The best double-sided eyebrow pencil

Brand Yves Saint Laurent has released a new product - Dessin des sourcils. It is saturated with coconut oil, which makes it easy to apply and shade hairs. The rod consists of the smallest sparkles. Visually, they are not noticeable, but create a healthy sheen, create additional volume.

The best eyebrow pencils worth up to 100 rubles.

Many well-known manufacturers produce several product lines that are in different price categories. There is a myth among fashionistas that cheap money is just money thrown away. But this is absolutely not the case, as evidenced by the pencils presented below, with which you can achieve the perfect shape and color of eyebrows.

Belor Design PARTY

Products of the Belarusian company has long gained popularity among Russian women. Eyebrow pencils are presented in four shades that will help to make the color as close as possible to the natural. Having a light powdery texture, they paint well, correct the shape and fix it for the whole day.

For naughty hairs there is a brush-corrector, which places them in the right direction, while gently feathering the applied pigment. It does not spread and does not smear, at the end of the day it is easily washed off with water or makeup remover. The composition includes natural beeswax and coloring pigments.

According to reviews the pencil does not crumble when undermining, has a minimum consumption, is very convenient to use. Acceptable price was an added bonus to a quality product.


High quality, memorable design packaging and affordable cost allowed us to include cosmetics of the second Belarusian manufacturer in our rating. Eyebrow products consist of natural plant pigments that give brightness and high resistance.

Due to the semi-solid texture, they help in creating a clear bend. The brush with soft hairs which is on a cap a well shading a pencil. Despite the fact that the tool does not have a waterproof effect, it does not spread in hot weather or in the rain.

Expert opinion and customer reviews are the same: a pencil from L'ATUAGE COSMETIC is the best budget tool for modeling and creating perfect eyebrows. It has a well-pigmented structure and will help even in the most difficult cases: when the hairs grow unevenly or very rare.


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High quality, memorable design packaging and affordable cost allowed us to include cosmetics of the second Belarusian manufacturer in our rating. Eyebrow products consist of natural plant pigments that give brightness and high resistance.

Due to the semi-solid texture, they help in creating a clear bend. The brush with soft hairs which is on a cap a well shading a pencil. Despite the fact that the tool does not have a waterproof effect, it does not spread in hot weather or in the rain.

Expert opinion and customer reviews are the same: a pencil from L'ATUAGE COSMETIC is the best budget tool for modeling and creating perfect eyebrows. It has a well-pigmented structure and will help even in the most difficult cases: when the hairs grow unevenly or very rare.



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To create the perfect contour and maximize the naturalness of the eyebrows, DIVAGE PASTEL has developed special products with a powdery texture and natural composition. Vegetable waxes and castor oil gently care for the skin of the eyelids, contribute to the rapid restoration and growth of hairs.

With the help of a pencil creates the effect of thick and smooth eyebrows with perfect shape and optimal volume. With the help of a brush, you can give the correct direction to the hairs, and the wax will secure them for a whole day.

The tool is presented in 5 shades, which allows you to choose the most close to the natural tone. Due to the wax texture, it repels water well, does not spread from rain and heat. The pencil is economical to use, which is an undoubted advantage to the low price.

The best eyebrow pencils of the average price category

The following in our rating included the means of the average price category. There are already presented not only simple pencils, but also mechanical ones with unscrewing lead. The composition of many included nutrients. These pencils will provide a steady even color for the whole day without the effect of smearing and dribbling, help to simulate the optimal shape of the eyebrows.

Gosh eyebrow pencil

A Czech-made pencil will help create the perfect eyebrow line and optimal volume. The ultra-light powdery hard stylus does not crumble, sharpens well and is economically spent. 3 natural shades provide a soft natural color for blondes, brunettes and fair-haired girls.

The pencil is easily shaded with a convenient brush applicator. The composition does not include perfumes, preservatives and other allergy-provoking substances. It can be used both in a dry form to obtain a soft color, and applied to moisturized eyebrows for a brighter and richer shade.

In the opinion of women, the pencil fills in well hairless places, perfectly conveys shade, the shape and color lasts throughout the day. Spiral-shaped brush with soft and flexible bristles is very convenient.

NYX Professional Make Up Sculpt & Highlight Brow Contour

The American brand is a pencil highlighter, which at home will help to create beautiful eyebrows without the help of a professional makeup artist. The cream-colored lead leads to the finest hairs. A softer consistency highlighter will accentuate the graphic of the eyebrow and visually raise its line.

The choice of several shades that will appeal to Russian women of fashion. With their help, create a natural natural color. Included in the wax securely captures unruly hairs.

According to the reviews, the product has a very convenient package, it is easy to apply and shade, keeps its shape and color for a long time, does not spread in the rain and in heat. With a pencil from NYX you can make beautiful makeup in just a few minutes.

Pupa Eyebrow Pencil High Definition

Thanks to the extremely positive feedback from users, we have included the tool of the popular brand Pupa in our rating. The company's specialists have developed an exclusive formula that helps create a clear outline and simulate the optimal shape.

The composition includes vitamins C and E. Due to their healing properties, gentle eyelid skin care is carried out, hair growth is accelerated. Wax and special film-forming substances make it easy to apply color. The high density of the pigments carefully paints the entire intervilosity space, making a uniform and even shade.

The pencil is double-sided, there is a spiral-shaped built-in brush. She helps to comb and lay naughty hairs. The wax structure retains the created shape for a long time even at elevated humidity and temperatures.

Best Premium Eyebrow Pencils

Premium class cosmetic products meet international quality standards. In their development, the most fashionable trends are taken into account, the best safe raw materials are applied. There are increased requirements for design. Pencils and other cosmetics of famous brands are used by professional makeup artists and the most avid fashionistas who are not confused by the relatively high price of the goods.

Make Up For Ever Pro Sculpting Brow

The tool has become a real boon for lovers of perfect makeup. A pencil with a powdery texture helps to create a clear eyebrow line. A high concentration of pigments evenly fills the hair between the hair, eyebrows look well-groomed and natural.

The built-in corrector brush helps to set the right direction even for unruly and tough hairs, to shade the tool, to highlight the eyebrow line. Another advantage is the presence of the applicator-highlighter. Its basis is matte powder. He, like the brush, is built into the case, which is very convenient for storage and carrying.

The line is represented by 5 shades that can be optimally selected for a particular type. Women in the reviews note the triangular shape of the stylus, with which you can and create a clear line, and draw each hair.

Helena Rubinstein Eyebrow Pencil

The tool of the German manufacturer, rightly included in our rating, will become an indispensable tool in creating well-groomed natural eyebrows at home. Pencil is very easy to use. On the one hand, there is a spiral brush that helps to shade the pigment to a uniform tone and to arrange the hairs correctly, on the other hand, a soft stylus to create a clear and even contour.

The new formula ensures long-term preservation of color and volume. Silk proteins for soft and gentle leaving are a part. Semi-rigid texture facilitates easy and fast application.

Means is presented in 2 colors: dark and light brown. According to numerous reviews, shades are perfect for blondes, blond girls and brown-haired women.

Givenchy Eyebrow Pencil Sourcil

A true expert in the world of beauty and fashion, the Givenchy brand has created an innovative tool with an ultra-light powdery texture to create a clear line, optimal shape and volume of eyebrows.

Medium hard lead provides a matte makeup result and allows you to accurately draw the finest hairs. The pigment is easily tinted with a convenient brush-corrector, filling the entire inter-hair space.

In the palette there are three shades: for brunettes, blondes and brown-haired. All of them are as close as possible to natural tones, so the eyebrows look very natural. According to reviews, the pencil is ideal for using and getting really impressive results at home. The shape and color is kept all day, not smeared, does not spread even when visiting the pool.

Eyebrow Pencil Tips

We tried to make a rating of the best cosmetics to facilitate their selection. A few tips from the experts will help you use them correctly to create the perfect eyebrows that fit the specific type.

To draw strokes that imitate fine hairs, take a pencil with a hard and sharp lead. For shading and creating a single smooth tone, a soft tip is better suited.

Choose a shade as close as possible to the hair color or slightly darker, then the eyebrows will look natural and natural.

A special brush-corrector can help with naughty and tough hairs, so you should choose a pencil with it in the set.

Special attention should be paid to the composition of the product. It should not contain synthetic fragrances and other harmful components. Only safe composition, which includes natural ingredients such as wax and natural dyes, will avoid the appearance of allergic reactions.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.

Soft pencil

Persistent eyebrow pencils are soft and hard. A soft pencil will be easy to apply, but it paints not only the hair, but also the skin. This makes the eyebrows unnatural, too bright and too expressive. But for evening make-up or simply dark-skinned girls with a bright appearance, this feature of a cosmetic product may only play into the hands.

Another negative feature of a soft pencil is that it can blur from sweat or heat. Such a product, especially if you choose with vitamin supplements, will suit owners of dry skin. A soft pencil is quickly consumed and inconvenient to sharpen. It is best to lie down before sharpening a couple of hours in the freezer.

Powder or Wax

On the basis there are also powder or wax pencils. Both types of cosmetic products are equally easy to apply. But the second option is better to choose when disobedient, constantly shaking eyebrows. Using a pencil on the basis of wax, you can give your eyebrows the desired shape, fix (8-9 hours), smooth and make obedient even the most stubborn hairs, tint eyebrows in the desired shade.

Powder pencil has a more delicate texture and easy to lay down. Makeup artists recommend the use of such cosmetic products in the cold season or for normal and dry skin. Powder pencil does not spread even on oily skin and gives the most natural effect. True, it is difficult to find a durable eyebrow pencil on a powdery basis - such cosmetic products do not last long by themselves.

To make the shade more saturated, apply a powder pencil on wet skin. But it can not be sharpened when the slate is wet. If the stylus is damaged, such a pencil should also be slightly sharpened.

There are still gel and liquid pencils, but such types are not particularly common, they are hard to find, even in major cosmetics stores. Gel moisturize additionally (so that suitable owners of dry skin) and give a natural shine. Liquid, too, moisturize and easy to apply, give a rich shade, but can flow if they are not properly applied.

Pencil shade

Determining how a shade is suitable is best in daylight, because artificial lighting can significantly distort the tone. Brunettes should choose a shade of two or three colors lighter than the hair, but if the hairs are black, you need to choose a pencil that is darker with the same two or three shades. If the hair is brown or chocolate, black eyebrows will look ugly.

Light-haired and red-haired girls are best to choose an ashen color, beige shades - blondes. If the hair on the eyebrows is colorless, you should pay attention to the bright and warm colors. For fiery-red hair fit reddish-brown and chestnut pencils.

For gray hair, it is better to choose a gray or gray-brown eyebrow pencil.


Cosmetic products from Dior, Bourjois or Givenchy are often the leaders in the ratings of persistent eyebrow pencils - these are all French manufacturers. In the first lines of the ratings and European brands Essence ("Essence") or Rimmel ("Rimmel"). Do not need a special presentation of the American MAC ("Mac") and MaxFactor ("Max Factor"). Good analogues of professional cosmetics can be found in the product lines of budget brands Pupa ("Pupa"), ArtDeco ("ArtDeco"), Maybelline ("Maybelin").

Luxury Pencils

According to reviews, the most resistant eyebrow pencil in the luxury segment - Dessin Des Sourcils from "Yves Saint Laurent." The average cost is 2130 rubles. Cosmetic product is enriched with coconut oil, which allows it to easily glide over the eyebrows, giving them the desired shade. "Yves Saint Laurent" offers a pencil in four shades with the tiniest sparkles. They are not visible, but give the eyebrows a natural shine and volume.

Dessin Des Sourcils is a wax crayon that gives a light shade when applied softly and is darker and more durable when pressed. Additionally, there is a brush with which you can remove the lumps, slightly shade the tone, comb the eyebrows. Both the pencil and the brush are closed with protective caps. At dense drawing the pencil differs in very high resistance.

Disadvantages: when applied in several dense layers lumps may appear, in addition, the pencil is not very economical. With daily use it will last for four to five months.

Another good product from luxury cosmetics is a Japanese pencil for 2,700 rubles. The long eye brow brow pencil is a mechanical flat slate. In the configuration there is also a brush, and quite unusual, as for pencils. The tone lies evenly and well, gently shaded, the color is very resistant.

Medium price category

A tool that is quite popular in the middle price category is a durable Sephora eyebrow pencil (375 rubles). Pencil is convenient to use, it is easily applied to the skin. The wax structure makes the product really very resistant, it does not spread. Well shaded, does not tarnish during the day.

Reviews of a stand-up eyebrow pencil emit another product - ArtDeco Eye Brow Pencil with a creamy, slightly oily texture. The slate pencil contains palm seed extract, which allows it to easily glide over the eyebrows and color carefully. There are six shades, three of them are pearlescent, suitable for evening makeup, three - matte, for everyday, natural make-up.

Browbema from "Maybeleen" - another worthy cosmetic product. The manufacturer offers a mechanical pencil with good pigmentation (but still brand makeup artists advise using it in two layers) and high durability. The texture is unusual, very soft, with a satin finish. A durable eyebrow pencil (photo below) does not leave lumps even when layering color, does not float in heat or oily skin, but is consumed very quickly. And the amount of funds is small. Cost - 470 rubles.

Low cost cosmetics

Among the products of the budget brands the Belarusian “Belita-Vitex” is the most persistent eyebrow pencil from customers, professional makeup artists and cosmetologists. Even the manufacturer calls the product "pencil tattoo". The texture is quite hard and very dry, but the shade is quite saturated. The color lasts a long time and does not spread even on oily skin. A brush is attached to the cap to shade the tone if necessary.

Pencil cheap and economical. It lasts a long time even with daily application in several layers. The average cost is 160 rubles. A slight drawback can be considered the formation of lumps with strong pressure. In addition, the manufacturer offers only two shades, both are dark and not suitable for blondes.

A good and budget (180 rubles) pencil is in the Rimmel line. Professional Eyebrow Pencil does not spread, but does not scratch the skin, like some solid and cheap products. Saturated shade and lasting results - perhaps this is enough for the price. For 100-150 rubles, you can still buy Russian-Italian El Corazon. The pencil is waterproof, keeps well and does not spread. It is distinguished from other budget products by a rich palette - as many as 11 shades close to natural ones.

The budget choice is American KIKI Browliner. The pencil is waterproof, keeps for a long time and does not spread. When applied in several layers can form lumps, which are easily cleaned with a brush (not included). The product is economical - a pencil has a long slate that is consumed for a long time.

A very popular cosmetic product is Vivienne Sabo Coup De Genie. It is presented in four shades close to natural. Enriched with shea butter, palm and vitamins. The texture is soft, allows you to change the intensity of the color by pressing. True, softness is the cause of uneconomical consumption.


Not all women can easily handle pencil, and even the best products sometimes do not fit. For eyebrow correction, you can use eye shadow, mascara, gel, wax. Mascara is not very suitable for shaping, it is often used for brightness. Shadows - the best option. It is very convenient to apply them with a special brush, the shade is natural, eyebrows will look harmonious. True, not everyone is comfortable using crumbly shadows. Then fit compact or in the form of a cream. But the gel and wax are used only to give the eyebrows the desired shape, and not for color.

Top Eyebrow Pencils Ranking

The following list of the best cosmetics is based on user feedback. In evaluating the product, the following criteria were taken into account:

  • composition,
  • color palette,
  • stamina
  • design,
  • price,
  • texture,
  • equipment,
  • performance characteristics.

Dior Powder Eyebrow Pencil Tops the Ranking List

Powdery pencil composition provides a soft application and a natural look. The color scheme is represented by four shades, among which there is a suitable option for both the brunette and the blonde. Facilitates the process of using tools special brush. The cost of a pencil in Russia ranges from 1,200 to 1,300 rubles.

User feedback helped to highlight the main advantages of the pencil:

  • uniformly applied,
  • easy to shade
  • gives brows a natural look,
  • comes with a sharpener,
  • not smeared.

Among the disadvantages of Dior Powder Eyebrow Pencil:

  • it is quickly erased,
  • the proposed palette is designed more for dark-haired women,
  • tough eyebrow brush.

Almost all the reviews about the pencil brand Dior are positive. Product quality suits buyers. All the described characteristics of the cosmetic are true.

Rimmel Professional Eyebrow Pencil - Favorite for Durability

A pencil that attracts consumers with its quality for relatively little money. Its price is in the range of 200-250 rubles. The tool provides expressive look and durability for the whole day. The softness of the slate is medium. There is a built-in brush. The color palette is presented in black, dark and light brown shades.

Women using a pencil have noted a number of advantages of a cosmetic product:

  • saturated color,
  • stamina
  • the presence of a brush applicator,
  • moderate softness slate,
  • non-greasy texture
  • gives brows a natural look.

The product has some disadvantages:

  • may crumble
  • loses firmness when applied to oily skin,
  • No sharpeners included.

Pencil has an excellent user rating. The price of the product is fully consistent with its quality.

The most budget option - a pencil KIKI Browliner

Wax texture means provides reliable fixation of hairs. The body of the product is made of wood. Built-in brush for combing eyebrows and feathering a pencil. You can purchase the product for only 50 rubles.

The main advantages of cosmetics:

  • wide palette of natural shades,
  • soft structure
  • affordable price,
  • A good eyebrow brush.

Of the disadvantages:

  • high consumption
  • missing sharpener included.

User reviews about the pencil are decorated in a positive way. The quality of the product exceeds all customer expectations.

The luxury holding pencil Givenchy Mister Eyebrow - the choice of the majority

Transparent color of a pencil provides preservation of naturalness of eyebrows. The main task of the cosmetic product is the correction of the shape and fixation of the eyebrows. The effect persists throughout the day. The natural composition of the product makes it attractive to most consumers. There is an alternative means - a pencil with a wooden case. Price Givenchy Mister Eyebrow varies within 1000 rubles.

After analyzing consumer reviews, we can distinguish the following undeniable advantages of a pencil:

  • soft texture,
  • stamina
  • beautiful color palette
  • the convenience of use,
  • can be used after applying the usual coloring pencil.

Some representatives of the fair sex noted the following product flaws:

  • can not cope with tough hairs
  • visually thinning eyebrows - unacceptable in the case of the nature of thin eyebrows,
  • not suitable for oily skin - may spread.

Customer reviews about eyebrow pencil are positive - almost all users put the highest rating on the tool. The product is easy to use and high quality.

The MAC eyebrow pencil is the best mechanical ink pencil

The cosmetic has a plastic base. The stylus is very thin, easily extended. The pencil gives the eyebrows the desired shade and shape. The palette includes gray, black, brown, as well as combinations of tones. The cost of the product is about 800 rubles.

Of the obvious advantages of eyebrow pencil can be identified:

  • stamina
  • usability,
  • variety and appeal of tones.

As disadvantages of cosmetics are considered:

  • high enough cost
  • no eyebrow brush.

Judging by the reviews, the opinion of women about the product is extremely positive. Many people really think this eyebrow pencil is perfect.

What eyebrow pencil to choose

1. For owners of thick eyebrows from nature and women who are quite happy with the appearance of their eyebrows and want to just give them a shape for the whole day, a Givenchy Mister Eyebrow pencil will suit.

2. Fans of brand cosmetics and those who are not accustomed to save on cosmetics, will taste the brand Dior or MAC.

3. If there is an important day ahead, there is no time for occasional tinting of the eyebrows, the resistant Rimmel Professional Eyebrow Pencil will be indispensable.

4. Max Factor Eyebrow pencil and KIKI Browliner promise to be the most gentle for the wallet and of sufficient quality.


Watch the video: 10 Best Eyebrow Pencils in India with Price (July 2024).