
Onion mask for hair against loss


Onion mask with vitamins that will help to cope with the intense hair loss that women often face for various reasons (pregnancy, lack of vitamins and microelements, problems with the thyroid and many others).

Vitamin B1, B6, B12 - the best vitamins against hair loss, nourish, strengthen hair, give it a natural shine and help restore hair density. If during the course of this mask you add vitamins of group B inside, this will improve your result several times.

The best tool for hair growth and beauty read more.

Vitamin C - perfectly strengthens hair, promotes cell renewal, increases blood flow, and helps with hair loss.

The mask should be done once every 2-4 weeks, not more than four times, then a break for half a year, so as not to overgrow the hair with vitamins, this is also not very good.

  • 1 tablespoon of castor oil,
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • juice of one bulb,
  • 1 yolk,
  • 2 ampoules of vitamin B1,
  • 2 ampoules of vitamin B6,
  • 2 ampoules of vitamin B12,
  • 2 ampoules of vitamin C.

Heat castor oil in a water bath and add the rest of the ingredients, add vitamins at the very end before applying to the hair. Apply the mask on the hair before washing, first apply on partings, and the remnants can be distributed along the length. It is desirable to warm the mask and keep it for two hours. Then wash your hair as usual.

To reduce the smell of onions, you can rinse your hair with lemon or vinegar juice at the end: 1-2 tablespoons per liter of water. If the hair is dry, then there is practically no smell.

For the period of the mask it is advisable to take a shampoo for hair loss, not from the masses of the market, but some kind of medical, without sulfates, silicones.

Effective hair mask or onion panacea

Onions are especially useful for hair. It improves their structure, growth, and above all, prevent loss. What allows this vegetable to cope with any problem related to the health and beauty of the hair? Rich chemical composition. Onions contain useful minerals (zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus), B vitamins, including folic acid, and vitamin A. Due to this composition, the hair is saturated with essential substances that ensure healthy vitality of the hair follicle and stem.

Useful properties of the onion mask

Despite the fact that the onion is a very aggressive vegetable, it has a positive effect in the composition of the masks, which is determined by its chemical composition:

  • essential oils help to moisturize and grow hair, reduce fragility,
  • glycosides improve metabolic processes in cells, as a result of which they are saturated with all the necessary substances and become stronger,
  • sulfur is the substance that causes tears when cleaning and chopping onions, it irritates the tissues, stimulating hair to accelerate growth,
  • phytoncides that provide antimicrobial properties of onions, can eliminate all kinds of fungal diseases of the scalp,
  • organic acids normalize the ability of cells to regenerate,
  • potassium eliminates shine,
  • niacin strengthens the roots and makes hair color intense

Contraindications to onion hair masks

It must be remembered that this tool is not suitable for every person; it may just be an individual intolerance. If the scalp has mechanical damage, wounds from scratching, irritated skin, you can not make masks from a bow. To determine whether to engage in such treatment, you need to rub the onion juice behind the ear, wash it off after 15 minutes, and pay attention to the sensations. If there is no burning, the skin does not turn red, it means that you can use this tool.

Substances contained in onions, their effects on hair

A simple onion contains groups of vitamins: B, PP and C. In addition to them, it also contains trace elements, fluorine, iodine, potassium, zinc. The juice contains organic matter, biotin and keratin, essential acids, essential oils. Together, they strengthen the hair follicle, restore damaged hair cells with organic acids, moisturize hair with potassium, thin the blood from ascorbic acid, and improve blood flow, increasing oxygen supply to the follicles. Burning substances in onions improve blood flow and strengthen hair. Cellular respiration is getting better, because the metabolic processes are normalized. With the help of biotin, the damage on the hair is cured, their fragility is reduced. Together, these substances become the ideal way to care for the scalp and hair, and it is best to use it regularly.

How to make onion masks on hair

With all the effectiveness for strengthening hair, masks are not made of onions too often. All because of the smell that lasts a long time on the hair. However, there are some little tricks to avoid. It is also necessary to take into account that the chemical composition of onions is complex, there are a lot of acids in it, and if they are applied to the scalp in high concentrations, they are able to burn the cells of the epidermis. For this reason, it refers to aggressive means.

  1. For masks do not use chopped onions, it is necessary to squeeze before use to get the juice.
  2. The head in a meat grinder or blender is mashed, squeezed using gauze.
  3. It is not necessary to apply juice to the hair, it is easily rubbed into the scalp.
  4. It is not necessary to wash the hair, the mask works well on dirty ones. And wetting is not required.
  5. The main thing is to provide warmth. To do this, a plastic bag is put on the head, then a terry towel is fixed.
  6. You need to hold the mask for at least an hour, but if you have a burning sensation, you need to wash it off earlier.
  7. After treatment, the head should be washed with shampoo, then rinse with a pre-prepared solution of vinegar (6%) (15 ml per liter of water), or water with lemon, half a glass of juice per liter of water.

The full course is usually 30-40 sessions, but sometimes 10-15 is enough. It is necessary to do such procedures 2 times a week for the effect to appear.

How to get rid of onion smell

Very often an obstacle to the use of such funds can serve as an unpleasant smell that remains on the hair. It frightens many of the fair sex, and they lose sight of how effective this method is.

But getting rid of it is not difficult if you prepare the most basic hair rinses with your own hands. An excellent tool in the fight against the smell of onions can be decoctions of chamomile, rosemary or nettle.

If you have a lemon at home, you can squeeze some juice out of it and add it to clean water. Onion smell can be absorbed by mustard powder, various essential oils, coffee, colorless henna. If honey is one of the components of the mask, then you may not worry about the unpleasant smell at all. Honey will fulfill its function and the smell will not remain even the slightest trace.

Best Onion Mask Recipes

For the preparation of masks with onions, you can use it in its pure form, as well as combine with other useful products of natural origin: honey, chicken egg, aloe juice, kefir and oils, vegetable and essential. When this onion is used in the form of gruel or juice.

Whichever option you choose, the onion mask against hair loss or to improve their appearance, you will succeed in any case. We have prepared for you the best recipes for onion masks.

Bow and nothing more

To prepare this mask, you need to chop 1 onion head in a blender and squeeze juice through gauze, which must be carefully rubbed into the scalp with soft massage movements. Wrap hair in cellophane or use a shower cap, you will need to wrap a towel over it. In this state, you need to stay for at least an hour, but if unpleasant sensations (burning, itching) appear, you should immediately wash off the mask.

Onions and honey from falling out

To prepare this mask, take castor oil 20 ml, honey in the amount of 1 tablespoon, 10 ml. onion juice. These components are thoroughly mixed to a state of uniformity and applied to the hair roots. Keep the composition should be no more than 50 minutes. Only 3-4 procedures per month will be enough to stop the process of falling out. This recipe will help make the hair thicker and shiny.

On the basis of kefir

The mask, which includes kefir, will help improve the appearance of the strands and will accelerate their growth. In a deep cup, mix the squeezed onion juice and kefir in the same proportions. Add the yolk of the egg and, if desired, a few drops of burdock oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to hair for one hour. Do not forget to cover your hair with a package and a towel.

Egg and Onion Mask

Effective is a mask of onion juice and chicken yolk. To make it, squeeze the juice of one onion, mix it with the yolk, separated from the protein. Beat the mixture with a whisk or fork and apply to the roots, gently rubbing it into the scalp. The mask should be kept under the insulated cap no more than an hour. Then wash it off with shampoo and rinse hair with slightly acidified cool water.

Mask without smell

Many do not want or are afraid to use an onion mask, because they reasonably expect a sharp, hardly removable smell from hair. To neutralize this smell, you can add in 1 tablespoon of onion juice the same amount of yogurt and yolk of one chicken egg or 2 - 3 yolks of quail eggs. Further process is standard: we put, we wrap, we wash off. This tool can be used every other day for a month, after which you need to take a break.

Hair treatment with kefir, brandy and sea salt

  • 10 ml. burdock oil
  • 10 gr. sea ​​salt
  • Cognac 10 ml.
  • honey 10 ml.
  • kefir in the amount of 1 tablespoon
  • 20 ml. onion juice

Heat a specified amount of burdock oil in a water bath, then mix with honey and gently add the remaining ingredients. The finished mass should be applied to the roots and wait about an hour.

This recipe effectively fights against loss, helps speed up the growth process and improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands. You can do the procedure with a break of 4-5 days.

With the addition of burdock oil

This is the best option for hair that is prone to dryness. Indeed, in itself burdock oil not only produces a firming effect, but also intensively nourishes the curls. In the juice of onion, add 4 teaspoons of butter and egg yolk. This mask is distributed throughout the hair, starting from the roots and gradually moving to the tips. Wrap the head with a wrap and warm with a towel for 40 minutes.

It will be easy to wash it off from the hair, as an egg is included in the composition. But still use shampoo to remove the remnants of the mask.

Onion Mask

This tool has a regenerating effect on the hair follicles and hair structure. For the mask you will need cooked gruel of bulb onions. In a prepared container, combine it with three tablespoons of cabbage juice. Rub the mixture into the roots and scalp. Keep the mask under the insulated cap for 40 minutes. Rinse your hair with shampoo and rinse with slightly acidified water.

Mask with Cognac

To prepare such a mask, you must mix in equal proportions onion juice and brandy (usually 2 tablespoons of each product are enough), add to the mixture a slightly beaten chicken egg yolk (or 2 to 3 quail eggs). Stir the whole mass and pour another 1 tablespoon of natural honey, castor oil and lemon juice.

Such a "cocktail" has an intense impact, so it will help in the shortest possible time to cope with the problem, the main thing is not to overdo it with the number of applications.

Carrot-honey activator

To prepare, take onion juice, lemon juice, burdock oil ½ tsp, carrot juice, dry yeast 5 gr., Almond oil ½ tsp, honey 10 ml.

Prepare a mixture of all ingredients except yeast. Lemon, onion and carrot juice should be taken in a 1: 1 ratio. Yeast pre-steamed 20 ml. warm water is added to the mixture last. The mask is applied to the horse's head cover. For an hour, it must be kept warm, under a hat and a towel. This mask with onions significantly accelerates the growth of curls, and heals damage to the structure.

Onion mask for dry hair

The following mask contains oil, so it is suitable for dry hair type. For its preparation, mix in an enamel bowl two tablespoons of fresh honey, olive oil and juice of one onion. Add three to five drops of orange essential oil to the mixture. Distribute the heated product on the hair and hold 30-40 minutes under the insulated cap. Thanks to orange oil, the curls will get a pleasant citrus scent.

Yeast Mask

In a small bowl, combine the freshly squeezed onion juice and a teaspoon of yeast (dry). Add a little water and put in a warm place for about 10 minutes. Apply the resulting mass on the roots. Cover them with a plastic bag and a warm towel. Wait for about an hour and wash the mask out of your hair with shampoo. A yeast mask helps to strengthen the bulb and affects the speed of hair growth.

Nourishing mask

The following mask is perfect for damaged hair. Thanks to its components, the curls get the lack of nutrition, are saturated with moisture and are activated in growth. For cooking means, mix in a prepared dish one tablespoon of mayonnaise, the same amount of fresh honey and olive oil. To the mixture add two tablespoons of onion juice. Spread the mixture on the hair, paying special attention to the root area and scalp. After 40 minutes, wash off the mask with shampoo.

Proper hair care

Beauty and health of hair - the result of competent care for them. In the absence of proper, daily hair care, no therapeutic hair mask used occasionally will have the desired effect. Take a habit:

  1. Use shampoos, balms and conditioners according to the type of your hair.
  2. To hide the hair under a hat or hood in winter, and to wear a hat in summer so that the curls do not experience the harm of high and low temperatures.
  3. Minimize traumatic factors. It is clear that in the conditions of the modern world and the accelerated rhythm of life it is difficult to completely abandon the hair dryer and stylers, but the use of sparing devices for styling is quite real.
  4. Trim their tips regularly, even if you grow hair. After all, the tips are most affected by friction on clothes, combing and styling. In order to heal the ends of the hair, it is not necessary to go to the hairdresser, you can cut millimeters of hairs yourself at home with a special device.

After the birth, 4 months passed and my hair fell down (((I read the mask recipe with a bow that prevents hair loss. I decided to try it. The mask should be done every other day for 2 months. And she helped me, the hair not only stopped falling, but also began to grow faster, it seemed to me.

At the age of 16 I made a mask with a bow. What I personally had was chestnut hair and they were voluminous. Some time I stopped doing. Now she has started to make this mask again. From the first time I see that the mask worked and works now. My hair is better and more voluminous. Let's see what happens next. And let the chemical agents wait.

A long time ago, my friend advised me onion juice for hair.
But recently I came across a mask with a bow on the recipe site, I decided to try using it. And what do you think ... the hair stopped falling, got stronger, began to shine. I advise everyone to try. 5+

I always wore long hair, and once I decided to try cutting them under a square, but I did not like the result. I wanted to quickly grow hair to the same length, so I used onion masks, and it really helped. This month the hair grew by 7 cm, which is very impressive. True, there is a minus - a very persistent smell of onions from the hair, we had to put up with it for another 2 weeks after the end of the procedures.

Mask with a bow working! And the smell does not bother me at all. I make a mask for the night, and by morning everything is already weathered. (not for the whole night, but before going to sleep!) Who does sports is not an option, of course. Because the smell comes with sweat. I sit more and more, I'm fine.

Causes of Alopecia

The beauty of hair depends on their strength and moisture. Hair follicles should be fed with nutrients that penetrate the blood through food, as well as breathe oxygen. If they receive less vitamins and minerals, they can hibernate and even die. Accordingly, bald patches appear on the head, which, if ignored, may increase in volume, and you will lose all your hair.

Among the factors leading to alopecia (excessive hair loss), emit:

  • genetic predisposition (especially in men after 35 years),
  • nervous disorders
  • hormonal disruptions
  • bad ecology and the use of harmful dyes,
  • unbalanced nutrition
  • avitaminosis,
  • development of dermatological diseases,
  • and some others.

Council of cosmetologists. Healing onion masks help only at the initial stage of the disease, when a timely decision is made to eliminate the problem. In a running situation, you will need to take medication inside, use expensive shampoos and, perhaps, even resort to plastic surgery.

To get rid of severe hair loss, experts recommend complex therapy, which is the use of masks, proper nutrition, positive emotions and the exclusion of factors that have become the root cause of such failures in the body.

The benefits of onions

Onions are just a find for our hair and the dermis of the scalp. It is able to improve the structure of each hair, as well as affect the follicle. All this, of course, thanks to the healing composition of the onion vegetable.

Onions are rich:

  • zinc
  • calcium,
  • phosphorus,
  • iron
  • B vitamins,
  • retinol.

By feeding the hair follicles with these beneficial ingredients, the condition of the hair is improved. How does the chemical composition of onions in our curls?

Vegetable contributes to:

  • moisturizing the hair, making it supple and shiny,
  • improvement of growth due to the establishment of metabolic processes at the cellular level and soft tissue irritation,
  • decontamination of the dermis, because onion phytoncides are able to cope with microorganisms that inhabit the skin of the head,
  • accelerated regeneration of the epidermis,
  • eliminate oily shine,
  • strengthen the hair follicles,
  • giving the head of hair an intense color.

When we bow mode, we almost always start crying. This is due to the fact that the agricultural product emits sulfur, irritating our mucous membranes. If the gruel of onions is located on the head, then sulfur begins to activate tissues and improves the microcirculation of the skin. Through such processes, each hair follicle receives the right amount of nutrients through the circulatory system.

Indications for use

Onion-based masks should be used for the following problems:

  • excessive hair loss and baldness,
  • high fat content
  • the formation of a fat type of dandruff,
  • dull color of curls,
  • the presence of "sleeping" hair follicles,
  • appearance of gray hair,
  • severe breakage
  • Loss of vitality and shine.

It should be noted that the onions dry out hair and skin too much. Therefore, the owners of "dry" hair is better to refuse such therapy.

Important! It is advisable to coordinate the course of applying onion masks with a dermatologist or trichologist. As a rule, it is 2-4 months, and for men suffering from alopecia - 6 months. If, after 30 days from the start of therapy, you did not notice a positive dynamic, we recommend that you stop using masks and buy potent anti-alopecia drugs at the pharmacy.

Ingredient preparation

For the preparation of masks using different parts of the vegetable: pulp husk or green feathers of the plant. Although the last two options do not emit an unpleasant smell, yet they act on the hair more weakly, without leading to the expected effect.

Another thing is gruel from onions or its juice. In most cases, used onion fresh, mined through a blender, juicer or squeeze through cheesecloth. When you are preparing the juice, try to keep small onion particles out of it (they are very hard to wash out of the hair).

Opinion cosmetologists: onions - this is a good tool in the fight against the many problems of hair. Biotin and keratin, included in its composition, are able to return the former strength to damaged hair. Irritants and ascorbic acid promote microcirculation and blood thinning by supplying oxygen to the hair follicle. In general, the product has a beneficial effect on hair growth, strengthening and moisturizing.

Even in the store you can find special cosmetic masks or shampoos based on onions (for example, shampoo 911: onion against hair loss).

Tips for using onions in masks:

  • Vegetable does not need to enter in the mask in the form of gruel, it is better to squeeze the juice. To do this, first rub the onions on a grater or chop in a blender, and then pass through cheesecloth.
  • You can not even use other ingredients - just rub the juice into the dermis of the head.
  • Before applying the product, you do not need to rinse your head or wet it with water, because the mask works well on dirty hair.
  • It is desirable to create a "greenhouse effect." After distribution, wrap your head in a plastic bag and wrap it with a bath towel.
  • The exposure time of the mask is 40-60 minutes. If a tingling or burning sensation occurs, immediately rinse the suspension with water.
  • The course of therapy is limited to 30-40 sessions. With the improvement of the situation enough 10-12 procedures. If you really want to achieve visible results, then make these masks regularly 2 times a week.

To activate growth and improve hair condition

Since the product includes burdock oil and onion juice, hair follicles are saturated with beneficial substances. Sea salt is an excellent absorbent, absorbing excess sebum. Thanks to this ingredient, the mask is shown to owners of oily scalp and those who have dandruff.

You will need:

  • 10 ml burdock oil,
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt,
  • 1 tsp natural honey
  • 1 tbsp. l kefir,
  • 20 ml of onion juice.

Preparation and use:

  1. Grate a small onion, and then squeeze the juice out of the resulting gruel.
  2. Burdock oil is heated in a water bath.
  3. Salt is crushed to the state of fine fractions.
  4. Combine salt, extract of burdock, honey, kefir and juice. Mix thoroughly.
  5. The resulting tool is distributed on the dermis of the head, actively rubbing it into the roots. The remains of the healing suspension can be left on the curls.
  6. Wait about 40 minutes and then wash off with plenty of warm water.
  7. After a regular course of therapy, you will notice how your curls thicken and begin to grow faster.

Cognac Onion Mask

The symbiosis of useful components will help the hair to increase significantly in volume, which will occur not only because of the thickening of each hair, but also in connection with the appearance of new ones.

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l onion juice,
  • 2 tbsp. l brandy
  • 1 yolk,
  • 1 tbsp. l honey
  • 1 tbsp. l castor oil
  • 1 tbsp. l lemon juice.

Preparation and use:

  1. The standard way to get onion and lemon juice.
  2. Combine juice with cognac.
  3. Beat yolk well and add honey to it.
  4. Combine all liquids with an egg-honey mass and mix the mixture well.
  5. To distribute the mask on the hair, actively rubbing it into the skin.
  6. Leave the product to activate for 30-40 minutes under a turban constructed from a towel.
  7. At the end of the procedure, wash the curls with copious amounts of warm water.

With the use of this particular mask you need to be extremely careful, because it has a rather aggressive composition.. Masochka forbidden to do every other day. Cosmetologists and trichologists advise only once a week to resort to such a procedure.

Not bad also proved a combination of burdock broth, brandy and onion juice. It is used for severe alopecia.

Onion suspension for dry curls

This mask is designed not only to improve hair growth and awaken their bulbs, but also to eliminate the problem of dry curls. Thanks to the various oils and humidifiers that make up the wonderful tools, a comprehensive solution is achieved.


  • 2 tbsp. l honey
  • 2 tbsp. l olive oil,
  • juice of a small onion,
  • 3-5 drops of orange ether.

Preparation and use:

  1. Heat the olive oil in the steam bath.
  2. While the oil is warming, grate the onion and extract the juice from it.
  3. Combine the juice with honey and enter the olive oil, cooled to room temperature.
  4. At the end do not forget to drop orange ether.
  5. Distribute the resulting watery substance on the dermis of the head.
  6. Massage the skin, contributing to a deeper penetration of the mask into the layers of the epidermis.
  7. Wrap the hair with a towel.
  8. After 30-40 minutes, rinse the curls.

Due to the introduction of orange ether into the composition of the prepared suspension, the elimination of the unpleasant onion amber is achieved, - the curls will emit pleasant citrus notes. The course of therapy is a month with regular use 2 times a week.

Garlic Onion Mask

Of course, the smell after applying such a remedy is very difficult to remove, but the mask provides a “double blow” to the hair follicles, putting them into action. To eliminate the unpleasant smell, simply rinse the curls with kefir or broth of chamomile and burdock.

You will need:

  • 1 onion,
  • 1 head garlic,
  • 1 tbsp. l brandy
  • 1 tbsp. l burdock oil,
  • 1 egg yolk.

Preparation and use:

  1. Get the juice from garlic and onions.
  2. Add brandy and burdock oil.
  3. Beat yolk and mix with previously prepared liquid.
  4. All mix well and distribute in the root zone.
  5. Wear a plastic bag and hold for about 30 minutes.
  6. After the specified time, the agent is rinsed with running water.

The recommendation of cosmetologists. It is not necessary to introduce onions in masks, because you can simply use its juice. Spread a few tablespoons on your scalp. Wait a little more than an hour, and then rinse with plain warm water. If there is a burning sensation, do not wait for the specified period, but immediately eliminate the juice from the scalp.

Broth based on the onion peel

If you regularly wash after each wash curls prepared with onion peel decoction, you can minimize baldness. But you should understand that such a tool can slightly tint light curls, giving them a golden or reddish tint.

You will need:

  • ½ cup water
  • 3 tbsp. l onion peel,
  • 100 g of fresh nettle leaves,
  • 3 tbsp. l oak leaves.

Preparation and use:

  1. Chop onion peel and oak leaves.
  2. Fill them with water.
  3. Chop the nettle leaves and add them to the prepared liquid.
  4. Boil the medicinal drug for an hour on low heat.
  5. Filter and cool to room temperature.
  6. Now you can safely rinse them with your curls.

You may have heard that after the onion masks there is still an unpleasant smell in the hair. To eliminate it, resort to little tricks: rinse the curls with water and vinegar (15 ml of acid, 1 liter of water) or add ½ cup of lemon juice to the liter of water.

Also in the fight against unpleasant amber, a decoction of chamomile, rosemary or nettle proved to be a good idea. Honey, mustard powder, some essential oils, kefir and colorless henna, which are recommended to be included in masks against alopecia, will help eliminate the onion smell.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages can be identified:

  • availability, because the cost of a vegetable costs a penny,
  • rich in vitamins, minerals, acids and trace elements,
  • universality in solving problems
  • ease of use.

But unfortunately, in the arsenal of this product in store some flaws:

  • the unpleasant smell that accompanies the curls for a long time after applying the mask,
  • the aggressiveness of the components (if you calculate the proportion incorrectly, you can burn the scalp).

We fix the result

The effect of the use of masks based on the bow will come in 2-3 weeks. This time is enough to awaken the sleeping hair follicles. Of course, the curls will not immediately become long. After a month or two, you will notice at the roots of the hair the so-called hedgehog, consisting of new regrown hairs.

Of course, onion masks have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. But you will need a whole range of measures to improve the quality of the strands. First of all, you need to eat right, because a frequent reason for the weakening of curls is the lack of vitamins and mineral ingested with food.


  • pumpkin seeds,
  • carrots and bell peppers,
  • apples and citrus,
  • meat, fish, liver,
  • nuts and legumes,
  • cabbage
  • eggs,
  • cereal and bran.

Also follow these guidelines:

  • avoid stressful situations, but rather sign up for a massage, yoga, dancing,
  • try to quit smoking and drink alcohol frequently
  • observe sleep and rest,
  • minimize the use of thermal devices for laying, in particular, hair dryer,
  • do not brush wet hair,
  • regularly trim the tips, because they are subject to mechanical stress the most,
  • it is allowed to dye hair once in 3 months,
  • always choose shampoos and conditioners suitable for your hair type,
  • in the summer, wear a hat to protect against UV rays, and in winter - a warm hat that prevents the temperature difference that your curls are exposed to.

An important point! If oils come into your mask, they need to be heated in a water bath. The prepared drug, if it does not contain an egg, is brought to a temperature of 45 degrees and still warm is applied to the skin of the scalp.

Precautionary measures

Contraindications to the use of onions are reduced to its individual intolerance. To test the likelihood of allergic reactions, we would recommend to undergo a rapid test. Grate a little onion on a grater, and then apply it on your wrist. Examine the skin after 15 minutes. The absence of rash, swelling and itching gives the green light to the further use of masks based on this component.

The onion vegetable is not allowed to be applied to the skin in case of scratching and other open wounds on it. Aggressive components of the tool can even penetrate the microcrack and cause severe irritation.

Onions are classified as aggressive base ingredients for making masks. It has a lot of acids in its composition, so if you make an overly concentrated mixture or retain a useful suspension on the head, you risk burning the epidermis.

Onion masks are an excellent cosmetic in the fight against excessive hair loss. You need to properly prepare the healing suspension and set aside just an hour to activate the mask.During this time, the beneficial substances of the product will be able to penetrate into the structure of the curls and hair follicle, improving their condition. Onion masks are quite simple and inexpensive cosmetics that can solve a whole range of hair-related problems. The only thing, It is required to correctly observe the proportions and rinse the hair after applying the vegetable suspension.

Useful properties of ingredients

Masks with onions in the composition simultaneously solve a whole complex of unpleasant problems:

  1. Occurrence
  2. Prevention of alopecia.
  3. Treatment of fungal diseases.
  4. Moisture, nutrient saturation.

The onion component in masks is a source of many vitamins and microelements. It contains:

  • vegetable proteins,
  • mineral salts,
  • cellulose,
  • vitamin complex: B, E, C, PP,
  • zinc,
  • silicon.

Masks are especially effective due to the last two components. Not superfluous to recall the excellent bactericidal properties of onions.

Masks are used both in pure form and with the addition of many components. Most often it is honey, egg yolk, vegetable oil, bur, chamomile, lemon, carrot. Information on the beneficial properties of the additional ingredients is given in the table below:

Burdock Onion Mask

This mixture is perfect for dry hair type. One of its components is burdock oil, which has a cleansing and moisturizing effect.

For the preparation of therapeutic composition, mix the juice of the bulb with two tablespoons of oil. You can add egg yolk. Spread the mixture over the entire length of the strands, paying special attention to the root area. Wrap your head with a wrap and a towel. After 40 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Onion mask for hair growth

The following recipe will not only help stop hair loss, but also activates their growth.

Mix two tablespoons of onion juice, the same amount of brandy and one yolk. Spread the mixture on the roots, rubbing the fingertips into the skin from the temples and the back of the head towards the crown. Thus, you produce massage actions that contribute to achieving greater effect. After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo.

Onion mask for hair loss

Such a composition combines a whole complex of healthy products rich in vitamins and minerals. Mix three tablespoons of onion juice, one tablespoon of fresh honey, kefir and burdock oil.

Spread the mixture over the entire length of the curls, gently rubbing the roots. Leave the mask under the insulated cap for 40 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

Tips: getting rid of the smell

Masks based on onions give a stunning effect. But not every girl will risk turning to these recipes, given one unpleasant consequence - the smell.

In fact, the hair will not necessarily smell bad after the onion procedure. It all depends on the technology of preparation means, the structure of the hair and the subsequent care of them.

For example, curly or dry hair, which has a porous structure and loose fitting scales, absorbs the smell much better than straight and smooth.

You also need to take into account that pressed and carefully filtered onion juice almost does not leave any smell. Therefore, do not use mush, but juice of the onion. The tool must be rubbed directly into the roots.

To get rid of the smell will help the following products:

  • White clay (smear curls with blue clay after using the treatment mixture, then rinse with acidified water)
  • Apple or wine vinegar (dilute two tablespoons of vinegar in one liter of water)
  • Lemon (squeeze the juice of half a lemon per liter of water),
  • Essential lavender, tea tree oil or ylang-ylang (add three to five drops of oil to a balm or conditioner),
  • Broth nettle and chamomile used as a conditioner.

In conclusion, I would like to add that the fight against hair loss is a targeted set of measures. Onion mixes, without doubt, will help achieve the effect.

But proper nutrition, limited use of chemical dyes, a hair dryer and curling will help not only speed up the process of restoring the curls, but keep the result!

Onion mask - the most effective for hair loss, relieves dandruff and accelerates hair growth. My method of application, tips and results. Proven 5 ways to get rid of onion smell.

°•★ Hi, hi, my dear guests. ★•°

Today we will talk about the very "stinky", but at the same time a very useful product that is present in every home, the range of its application is very wide, but I will tell only one thing.


So I passed course onion masksIt's time to write a review and share your observations with you. The first time I did onion masks after pregnancy, because my hair fell out very strongly. Now the problem was the exact same dandruff. Why did I choose onions?

Due to the fact that onion juice is a storehouse of vitamins C, B2, B6, PP1, E, as well as zinc, cobalt, fluorine, iodine, sulfur (by the way, onion has such an intense and sharp smell because of sulfur), copper, manganese and potassium, masks from it have a truly miraculous effect. The mask of onion juice for hair not only stops hair loss, simultaneously stimulating new growth, but also eliminates dandruff, moisturizes and nourishes the hair over the entire length, restoring the damaged hair structure.

COOKING METHOD: I took two medium bulbs and scrolled them in the juicer. Then she skimmed another gauze to the juice was without pulp, since the flesh is harder to wash out of the hair, and even then the head will smell like onions even stronger. Juice every time you have to make fresh. Onions need to take onion.

MODE OF APPLICATION: It is most convenient for me to apply the mask with a regular sponge for washing dishes. I do not advise you to put a mask on the entire length of hair! Since the smell then it will be even harder to get rid of. I put onion juice on clean hair only on partings, rubbing into the scalp. MANDATORY: to warm the head, so I cover my head with a plastic bag, and on top I put on a warm hat. After giving birth, I made this mask every other day and left it on my head for 1-2 hours for a month. This time the loss I was not so catastrophic (thanks to this tool)therefore I made a mask 2 times a week and kept an hour. After washing off the mask with shampoo and applied balm.

MY HAIR: that then, that now my hair was not in the best condition: thin, porous, fall out, grow very slowly (about 0.5 cm per month). I very often mercilessly scoff at my hair, then lighten up, then, on the contrary, I painted in black, I even managed to go green. Now my hair is dyed with this paint.

MASK EFFECT: it's just a delight.Dandruff passed after a couple of masks, although I did not even hope to get rid of it. I also noticed that after 10 days the hair became more elastic and healthy by the look. Very pleased that a new undercoat has appeared hair, especially it is necessary to forehead. Regarding growth, I can also see obvious improvements. Since in the process I cut off the tips of the hair, then a reliable photo comparison of the length cannot be made. But I took measurements on the bangs, the hair industry on 1.5 cm-2 cm. (while taking a photo, I noticed that the length of the hair industry is also pretty). For me, these are simply stunning results.

CONCLUSION:Onion mask helped me get rid of dandruff, stopped hair loss, accelerated their growth, made my hair elastic and healthy, added shine.


  1. Essential oils. You can add a couple of drops in the mask or in the water for rinsing. I added lemon essential oil to water, sometimes I dribble a few drops into shampoo.
  2. Lemon juice. It is also advised to add to the mask or water. I thought that the essential oil would be much more profitable and more practical to use.
  3. Amla oil. Very fragrant oil, so you can add it directly to the mask. When I made onion masks after giving birth, it was thanks to this oil that I easily got rid of the unpleasant onion amber.
  4. Vinegar. I added it to the water for rinsing, I didn’t like it at all, because besides the onion smell, vinegar (straight skewer) also joined the hair.
  5. Colorless henna. It really helps to get rid of the smell of onions, but not at once, you will have to spend another course of henna masks. By the same principle operates clay and mustard powder, cinnamon.

Still thinking whether to make an onion mask or not? It is worth, because the huge advantages exceed the cons. Try it and see for yourself.

ツ Be beautiful)) Your Olika.ツ

Onion mask for hair loss - is it effective?

In folk medicine, the onion mask is considered one of the most effective means against hair loss. According to popular belief, onions are an excellent means to stimulate hair growth, and a mask of onion peel decoction or juice of this vegetable is able to deal with the problem of alopecia among all people who have baldness.

Is it really so? In what cases can an onion mask really prove to be effective, and how will its effect be caused? And when will it be necessary to look for an alternative option?

  • Why does onion help with hair loss?

It is quite common to say that the bow supposedly contains some kind of “live keratin”. Indeed, keratin is a derivative of the skin and forms the basis of the hair, but is it contained in a bow? And even if there is such a substance in the composition of this vegetable, it is not at all clear how it is embedded in the hair and ensures its strengthening?

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles, on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this filth enters the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise against using the means in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

In addition, the strengthening of existing hair does not stimulate the growth of new ones, so the conviction about “live keratin” is rather false, but the fact that the bow does indeed stimulate hair growth has been repeatedly noted. No wonder it began to be used in traditional medicine. What is the effect of this effect?

Apparently, with the content of a large number of substances that irritate the skin. Due to this, the vessels of the scalp are dilated, and the nutrition of the hair follicles is improved.

Of course, onions contain a large amount of vitamins that can be used in the process of formation of new substances to ensure hair growth.

Therefore, if alopecia is associated with some hair nutrition problems or lack of certain vitamins and trace elements, then an onion mask can really help and restore hair growth. With regard to improving the appearance of hair after using an onion mask, this effect should be attributed to the content of a number of fatty acids in vegetable juice. Under the action of oils temporarily improves the appearance of hair by increasing their volume. However, this result is maintained briefly, so after the completion of the use of the mask, everything returns to normal.

  • When will the onion mask be ineffective?

The causes of hair loss can be many, and they are not limited to the banal lack of those

or other trace elements. If the cause of alopecia is some kind of pathology on the part of the endocrine glands, for example, then folk remedies based on onion are unlikely to be effective.

So, hair loss is often a sign of insufficient thyroid function. Correction of hormonal disorders in the form of iodine preparations or hormone replacement therapy will make it possible to cope with alopecia quickly and effectively, but the use of onion masks in this case will be a waste of time.

  • Is it advisable to use onion masks?

If the process of hair loss has just begun, and you lose not so much hair per day, you can start with the use of onion masks. In the springtime, when the body lacks vitamins, they can be very effective. If against the background of such treatment, the condition is normalized, then you should not worry. Perhaps you should just use these masks periodically if the hair begins to fall out more actively.

It should be noted that using a mask with active hair loss should be at least three weeks day after day, if you want to see the effect after the first application, you can not waste time - you will not get it anyway.

But if against the background of using a mask, hair loss does not stop or even worsens, then you should go for a consultation with a doctor in order to undergo an appropriate examination and establish the true cause of alopecia. After this, the specialist will be able to recommend a specific treatment, in addition to which it may be advisable to use onion masks. In some cases, resorting to such treatment will not have to simply because it can not affect the cause of problems with the hair.

Secrets of Chippolino: onion mask for hair loss

Loss and brittle hair –– to attack not only the elderly, but also progressive youth and people in the “prime of life”. In the 21st century, early baldness became literally a catastrophic problem for young people whose lifestyle in the big city leaves much to be desired: chronic lack of sleep, heavy work schedules, regular stresses, an abundance of fast food in the diet and other “charms” of modern life. Therefore, for the density of the hair, which, by the way, depends on overall well-being, we have to fight.

In the series of proven folk remedies for hair loss, onion juice rich in vitamins and microelements occupies the honorable step of the pedestal.

A small onion can bring tears to anyone, but this does not detract from its merits when it comes to the beauty of curls. What is the secret of the notorious onion masks? How exactly do they save from hair loss? Does the “tear” mask help with a strong loss? About this and many other things in our article.

Bow of the seven disease: the principle of action

Interestingly, those who wish to restore their hair will not be stopped by a specific onion smell. This is not surprising, because the incredible effect, which can be observed after the first procedure, is worth it, then a couple of days to “smell sweet”. The onion mask not only strengthens the hair roots, preventing their loss, but also intensively nourishes the curls with nutrients:

    Trace elements involved in the formation of the hair shaft and cell regeneration of the scalp,

Thus, the onion mask provides a comprehensive care for hair, reduces their loss and perfectly nourishes. This is confirmed by numerous praise, as well as vivid photos of "before and after", which the Internet is teeming with.

Features of the use of onion masks against hair loss

An obstinate bulb can solve the problem of even the strongest fallout, unless, of course, the cause of hairfall is a serious systemic disease. However, onion masks should not be carried away because of their acrid smell, which, in the opinion of many beauties, as if eats into hair. Otherwise, your lush head of hair will attract the opposite sex, and the brisk smell of onions will reduce all efforts to nothing.

  1. It is necessary to consider the likelihood of an allergic reaction to the mask. Onion juice contains an impressive amount of organic acids that cause irritation of epidermal cells. To eliminate unpleasant consequences, conduct an allergic test: apply a small amount of a mask on the area behind the ear - if within 20 minutes the allergy does not show sight, you can safely apply it to your whole head.
  2. The expression "onion juice" baffles some: how to squeeze the juice from a whole onion? Very simple - you will need a meat grinder and gauze. Pass the onion through the knife, and squeeze the resulting gruel through gauze.

Onion Hair Mask Recipes

Do not indulge in all serious and try on yourself dozens of recipes from the Internet, because not all of them are equally effective and safe. For example, some ladies are advised to use the "striking" mixture of onion and garlic juice. However, white-haired blondes or people with sensitive skin, such a mask can severely injure the epidermis.

Below we give a few safe, and, most importantly, effective (according to numerous reviews) onion mask recipes for hair loss, which can be taken as a basis and diversify at your discretion:

A simple, but forgotten due to the abundance of ready-made "canned" means, the recipe contains only one ingredient: actually, onion juice. Freshly squeezed "elixir" is applied with a brush for painting (or with a soft toothbrush) at partitions, without affecting the hair itself.

2 tbsp. l Onion juice should be mixed with 1 tbsp. l liquid honey, add 2 tsp. olive oil. The resulting mixture is also applied to the partings, cover the head with a plastic cap and a bath towel.

The mask, saving and incredibly “invigorating” hair follicles, is excellent even with severe hair loss. Onion juice (2 tbsp. L.) Mixed with 1 tbsp. l good brandy, 1 medium yolk and 1 tbsp. l olive oil. You can also add the juice of half a lemon - this will help to quickly "knock out" the smell. The mixture is applied to the scalp as in the previous paragraph.

  • Odorless Mask of Husk

If the fear of smell is too great, try rinsing hair with a decoction of onion peel. The soft aroma of young onions will still be in the air, but it will not “cut” the eyes of others.

Broth recipe: you need to boil the husk for about half an hour, then strain and cool the resulting broth. Rinse your hair after each wash. Important! The broth has the ability to dye, so after a few procedures, your hair will begin to shine a honey shade.

You can prepare an onion mask for hair loss or growth using a recipe of just 1 root vegetable. For further use, it should be ground into a mush using a blender, and a regular grater will do. Using gauze, squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass. Rub the juice onto the previously washed and dried curls at the base, wrap them in polyethylene and a scarf.

After half an hour, hair with an onion mask used from falling out can be washed off. First, using plain water, and then acidified. If you do not want to use juice in its pure form, then you can dilute it with a certain amount (no more than 40-50 grams) of herbal decoction. Most often it is sage, burdock or nettle.

  • Onion hair rinse

How to make an onion mask for hair is more or less clear, but what is onion rinsing of curls? To prepare the composition is not used the root itself, and its husks. For 3 liters of water you need to peel with 3 bulbs. Water should be boiled and pour onion peel it. Capacity put stew for another 15-25 minutes.

When the decoction of the husk is ready, it should be cooled and filtered. Each time, my head, with the composition you received, rinse your hair along its entire length. Such a persistent smell, as after the onion masks for hair from falling out, this method of using a root crop does not have. The rinsing effect is also somewhat less.

Here are a few simple recipes for hair onion mask with the use of another “odorous” component - garlic. Most decide that this is too explosive mixture for the head, but do not rush to conclusions. The aroma from this mask will be no brighter than any other composition. For mixing you need:

  • Onion juice
  • Garlic juice
  • Egg
  • Burdock oil
  • A bit of brandy

Onion and garlic drinks are taken in equal proportions, there is also driven in by the yolk, a teaspoon of oil and a tablespoon of brandy. The obtained composition is thoroughly rubbed into the previously washed and dried skin, which is then wrapped in heat. After half an hour you can wash off the composition. It was one of the recipes for hair against their loss.

The onion mask is washed off according to the rule: water-use of the shampoo-applying oxidized water with balsam.

    Afforestation bow

For home hair use onions can be called an excellent method of treatment and prevention of baldness. This composition is suitable for both sexes. To prepare the required 1 teaspoon of skate, honey, burdock oil.

Putting onion hair masks at home always involves the use of fresh root vegetables and freshly squeezed juices. Storing them can lead to partial or complete loss of healing properties.

Burdock oil is heated and mixed with 2 tablespoons of juice squeezed from onions, as well as with the other components. Further, according to the scheme: rubbed into the root system, wrapped in heat and half an hour later washed off with a shower, shampoo, oxidized composition. To interrupt the smell of onions, you can use a balm with the addition of ether.

  • Onions against dandruff

Say, how often for the hair to make an onion mask is difficult. It all depends on their condition and your desire. One condition must be met exactly - regularity. If this is once a week, then it should be done every 7 days. You can repeat the mask at intervals of a day.

Excellent onion formulations cope not only with the problems of growth or dying hair, but also help to fight dandruff. When rubbing into the head of any masks, you should moisturize your hair properly, because they sometimes dry out the skin, causing the appearance of white flakes. To mix the dandruff mask you need:

  • 2 tbsp. l root vegetable juice
  • 2 tbsp. l olive oil
  • 5 drops of sage oil
  • Egg yolk

All ingredients are well mixed and rubbed into the roots. Under the plastic cap and handkerchief, the composition lasts for about 60 minutes, and then washed off according to a known scheme. Moisturize the skin should be a balm. Ease of use for hair masks on the reviews is that they are applied, held and washed off according to one scheme. Having once remembered it, you can confidently apply it when applying any onion composition.

How to eliminate the "offensive" effects

The famous onion boy from a kind and instructive tale could afford a typical amber, but in real life, onion flavor can put you in an uncomfortable situation.

Immediately make a reservation: you can hardly quickly get rid of the peculiar smell, but you can still try to minimize it.

  • The first thing you need to pay attention to is the presence of small particles of onion in the juice, carrying the lion's share of the smell. Do not be lazy and carefully filter the juice.
  • As mentioned above, apply the mask only to the roots, without affecting the hair lengthwise. You can even try to smear your hair with olive oil - this will create a protective film on the curls.
  • It is necessary to wash off the mask with plenty of cool running water.
  • To reduce the intensity of the smell, you can add to the mask the juice of half a lemon.
  • After washing, rinse the curls with water, acidified with vinegar or lemon juice.
  • Also well removes the smell of essential oil of ylang-ylang. Add it to the balm and apply to the hair along the entire length.

Remember that dry porous hair is easier to "cling" smells. Therefore, the owners of curly and repeatedly dyed hair more than others suffer from persistent amber.

Hair loss mask with burdock

Regular application of this tool (1 time per week) guarantees a positive result. For cooking should stock up on the following ingredients:

  • 1 onion,
  • 1 tbsp. l burdock oil,
  • 1 tsp Cognac (can be replaced by another strong alcohol, but better - on the basis of herbs).

How to apply onions for hair loss prescription? Clean the onion, rub on a grater and squeeze the juice. Add the oil, brandy and mix well. Mix need rub into the scalp, then wrap it with food film and a towel.

Useful video about how onion helps hair loss:

Oil with onion juice against alopecia

Carefully chop the onion and survive the juice from it (2-3 tablespoons). It should be rubbed into the roots for 10 minutes, then wrap up with a towel and hold for about 1.5 hours.

If hair is weakened, apply onion juice to hair from falling out. can be 2 times a week for a month. In the case of a burning sensation of the scalp when applying the mask, it should be immediately washed off with warm water.

Honey and Onion Mask

The simplest, but well-proven, is a mask with honey and onions, which stops the process of hair loss. Ingredients Required:

  • 1 onion,
  • 1 tbsp. l liquid honey
  • 1 tbsp. l olive oil,
  • 1 tbsp. l.mayoneza.

Grate the peeled onion on a grater, squeeze 2-3 tbsp. l onion juice from hair loss, then add honey, olive oil, mayonnaise and mix everything well until a homogeneous mass. The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the scalp and walk with it for about an hour.

How quickly help the bow from hair loss?

A positive result from the treatment of onions will not take long. Improvement of blood circulation occurs within 2-4 days, and after 2-3 weeks, “dormant” follicles restore their main functions.

If after 1 month after the start of treatment there is no effect at all. - it is better to stop it and try other means from the field of traditional medicine (for example, celandine juice, an infusion from burdock root).


The use of healing onion mixtures (pulp, juice, husk) is effective way to prevent hair loss, as well as a significant acceleration of their growth due to improved blood flow in the scalp.

Regular use of masks from onions against hair loss will allow you to see result after 2-3 weeks - bald spots will disappear, and new hairs will appear in their place.

As for contraindications to the use of onion juice for hair from hair loss and possible side effects, people who are allergic to onions will have to abandon onion masks to avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms (irritation, redness, itching). The same applies to people who have scratches and wounds to the head.

Onion dries skin and hairtherefore, owners of dry hair should not use it.

If after all procedures, the effect is not achieved, and the person continues to lose hair, you should contact a qualified specialist to determine the cause and purpose of treatment.


Watch the video: How To Use Onion Juice For Hair RegrowthDandruff Hair fall Control Premature Greying Of Hair (July 2024).