Dandruff treatment

Should I buy shampoos with zinc from dandruff (seborrhea): the advantages and disadvantages of their use, effectiveness and results


Dandruff is a signal to pay more attention to your health, review nutrition and change hair care products. With the help of shampoo, you can not only improve the condition of the hair, but also get rid of seborrhea for a long time. The selected drug should, in addition to gentle and high-quality cleansing, have an antiseptic, antifungal effect, reduce inflammation and help enhance the barrier function of the skin. Many experts recommend shampoo with zinc from seborrhea head.

Operating principle

The appearance of dandruff scales on the head can be triggered by various factors, in most cases - a violation of the sebaceous glands and the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, fungi. Careless treatment of the problem leads to hair loss and complicates further treatment of seborrhea.

One of the effective substances that can eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of seborrhea, influence the cause of the problem and prevent its development in the future is zinc pyrithione.

The active ingredient has the following properties:

  • has a high fungicidal, antifungal effect, is effective in the treatment of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, ringworm, eczema,
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the cells of the integument of the head,
  • stimulates regeneration, contributing to the rapid renewal of damaged tissue,
  • promotes the elimination of toxins, harmful substances from the body and epidermis cells,
  • involved in improving the quality of curls,
  • strengthens hair follicles, preventing hair loss,
  • relieves inflammation
  • stabilizes secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp,
  • has a drying effect, thereby reducing the greasiness of the hair.

For a quick recovery, trichologists and dermatologists recommend treating the problem at an early stage, at the first appearance. This approach will minimize the risk of recurrence of the disease in the future.

Note, shampoos with zinc from seborrhea, fungal diseases of the scalp can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the positive qualities of products for hair with the addition of zinc, users say:

  • reasonable price
  • effectiveness in combating seborrhea,
  • quickly relieves itching and inflammation of the affected scalp,
  • has high antibacterial properties, is also used in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema,
  • rarely causes side effects
  • regular use will relieve and prevent the problem of hair loss,
  • a list of contraindications is often limited to individual intolerance,
  • overdose facts are absent.

Shampoo with zinc against seborrhea is not without drawbacks. First of all, violation of the manufacturer and the attending physician leads to addiction, reducing the effectiveness of the tool. Many patients also note that the product is ineffective in the treatment of chronic and neglected diseases. In this case, a combination of zinc with other active substances, for example, with ketoconazole, climbazole, allantoin, is required.


Dandruff preparations combine effective solution and gentle effect on curls.therefore, there are practically no contraindications. It is forbidden to use only patients with allergies to the component funds.

Avoid an unpleasant reaction of the body to the allergen, which is expressed in severe itching, fragility of curls and increased sensitivity of the scalp, will help the allergy test before the first use of the drug.Check how the body reacts to the components of the tool, you can on the inner bend of the elbow, behind the ear or on the wrist.

Such tools are more suitable for owners of a fat type of hair. For locks that are naturally dry, use them with extreme caution.

Review of the best shampoos with zinc

The richness of dandruff product selection can confuse users. Our review of popular shampoos against seborrhea will orient them to choosing the best.

Contains zinc pyrithione activated in the proportion of 1 g per 100 ml of the drug. Suitable to combat dry and oily seborrhea, effective in the treatment of psoriasis, seborrheic and atopic dermatitis. Application Skin-cap does not affect the color and structure of the hair, quickly reduces the signs of the disease.

It is recommended to use every 2–3 days for 2 weeks. The treatment course against seborrhea lasts 2 weeks, against psoriasis - up to 5 weeks. The drug can be used for prophylaxis at intervals of 1 every 7 days.

Cost - from 1200 rubles for 150 ml. In addition to shampoo, the manufacturer offers a cream and aerosol Skin Cap.

Friederm Zinc

Friederm Zinc is a cheaper equivalent of Skin-cap. Contains zinc pyrithione suspension at the rate of 20 mg of the active substance per 1 ml of medical shampoo. As part of no artificial dye and fragrances.

Used against seborrhea, seborrheic, atopic dermatitis, and to eliminate their symptoms. The drug copes with hair loss, stimulating the active growth of new ones.

Friederm Zinc is suitable for all hair types. They need to wash their hair twice a week. After 2 weeks it is possible to use the product once every 7 days. The treatment course can last up to 2 months, after which you need to take a break.

You can buy the tool in a pharmacy or online store. Price - from 576 rubles for 150 ml.

Keto plus (Keto plus)

Keto plus is a powerful antifungal agent. In 1 g of the drug contains two active ingredients at once: zinc pyrithione (10 mg) and ketoconazole (20 mg). This combination helps to fight various types of dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, even an advanced stage.

Keto plus is used for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases of the head, accompanied by the appearance of dandruff. For therapeutic purposes, the composition is used twice a week for a month, for the prevention of just one wash of the head for 7 days.

No cases of overdose have been identified.

The cost of a bottle of 60 ml - from 520 rubles. The manufacturer also offers packages of 75, 80, 100 and 150 ml.

Attention! Despite the high efficacy of the drug, Keto Plus is not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating.


Tsinovit shampoo is used to fight dandruff on the head. Climbazole is present in the composition with zinc pyrithione (2%) (1%). The tandem of these active substances ensures the achievement of the expected effect after a course of applications.

The product is shown against many fungal diseases of the scalp. Means at the same time looks after hair, thanks to panthenol, glycerin which is contained in structure, natural oil of mint.

To combat seborrhea, it is recommended to wash your hair up to 2-3 times a week. The duration of the treatment course is 1 month.

The price pleasantly surprises - only 262 rubles for 150 ml.

Zinc + birch tar (Green Pharmacy)

The product is used to combat oily seborrhea. In addition to zinc pyrithione, birch tar, known for its high antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties, is added to the composition.

If the tips of the hair are weakened and suffer from dryness, before washing the head with Zinc + Birch Tar from the Green Pharmacy, treat them with vegetable oil and try not to touch them during the procedure.

Significant minus - an unpleasant, sharp smell. Cost - no more than 100 rubles for 350 ml.

Be careful! The tool is very aggressive and can turn the hair into "straw". Before use, specify the dosage and frequency of procedures.

"Zinc" Libriderm (Librederm)

“Zinc” from Liberderm - dandruff shampoo with zinc and allantoin. It is prescribed against various types of dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis. As part of no artificial colors, fragrances and parabens.

Suitable for any type of hair, even dry and brittle. May be used to restore curls after dyeing.

The recommended course of treatment is 2–3 weeks. Used with every shampooing.

Cost for 250 ml - from 400 rubles.

Application features

The use of therapeutic composition is not different from the usual washing of the head. You need:

  1. Shake the bottle, wet your hair.
  2. Spread some of the product in your palms and apply to the scalp.
  3. Massage for 1-2 minutes. Spread the foam along the length of the curls.
  4. Wash off any residue with plenty of warm water.
  5. For greater effect, repeat the action. This time, the composition is kept on the hair for another 2-3 minutes.
  6. Thoroughly washed hair.

Many users point out that if after washing, rinse curls with a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, etc.), the expected effect can be achieved faster, plus the hair will be soft, silky.

The duration and frequency of use of the drug depends on the composition and degree of the problem. On average, manufacturers converge on two to three times a week for 1-2 months.

An important point! These drugs are sold without a prescription, but medical consultation and an accurate diagnosis of the disease are required.

What effect to expect

Regularly applying shampoo, you expect the following changes:

  • itching, discomfort after several procedures,
  • the peeling of the skin and the amount of dandruff are gradually reduced,
  • hair greasiness normalizes,
  • hair becomes softer, natural shine appears.

Treatment of seborrhea shampoos with zinc ensures a gentle and effective problem resolution. Such drugs are well cared for curls and prevent their loss. Do not stop there, use the tool and to prevent relapse.

Useful videos

Therapeutic shampoos for seborrhea.

The best dandruff shampoo.

Advantages and disadvantages of shampoos with zinc dandruff

The active substances in this case dry the skin and regulate the amount of sebum secreted by the glands. These shampoos have several advantages:

  • have a complex effect, preventing not only the development of seborrhea, but also hair loss. The drug treatment stimulates the growth of new hair,
  • products that contain zinc, have anti-inflammatory as well as anti-bacterial effects,
  • drugs practically have no contraindications, available to many. They can be purchased without a prescription in many retail stores, pharmacies, the Internet,
  • cost of shampoos from seborrhea with zinc is low.

There is a drug and disadvantages:

  • idiosyncrasy its constituent elements
  • addictive and therefore a decrease in efficiency,
  • can not always help with exacerbation of the disease.

Important: zinc pyrithione significantly improves the properties of any hair care product.

What can be found dandruff shampoos with zinc in the pharmacy?

The retail and pharmacy chains offer a wide selection of shampoos with zinc content for the treatment of dandruff and associated hair problems.

Here are the most famous ones:

  • Friederm Zinc. The active ingredient of the drug is zinc pyrithione. It is usually recommended for all types of dandruff, in complex with other means,
  • ShampooZinc + birch tar»Manufactured by Green Pharmacy. There are 2 active substances in the preparation: zinc pyrithione, tar. There are no restrictions on the number of its applications. The only downside is that the smell of shampoo is too strong,
  • Keto plus. The active ingredients of this drug are ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione. Their mutual action increases the effect of treatment,
  • Dandruff Shampoo Zinovit. It is considered an innovative tool to combat dandruff. Active substances zinc pyrithione, climbazole. Both have anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects,
  • Skin cap. Not bad, but not cheap.

Read tips about how to choose the right shampoo for men or women, as well as dry or oily dandruff.

How to choose the most effective means?

When choosing the best treatment for dandruff, you need to consider several factors.

How started the disease. If the initial stage of dandruff can help shampoos with one active ingredient - zinc, then in severe forms it is more expedient to use products that include, in addition to zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole.

Kind of dandruff: oily or dry.

Individual intolerance to the drug. Like any other cosmetic tool, shampoos with zinc in the composition may not be suitable, in individual cases, giving a completely opposite effect.

It should be noted that for the manufacture of high-quality shampoo used natural raw materials. For example, herbal concentrates: sage, chamomile, nettle, lichen.

Making a choice in favor of a particular brand, it is fraught to focus on the beautiful packaging and photos of beautiful curls on advertising brochures. First of all, you should pay attention to the composition, choosing a tool based on the type of hair and the causes of the disease.

What is included in the composition?

In addition to zinc pyrithione, the following ingredients are present in shampoos:

  • Sulfur, tar, acid. Their task is to enhance the exfoliation of dead skin particles,
  • Clotrimazole, ketoconazole, ciclopirox - powerful antifungal components,
  • Essential oils (tea tree, lavender, cedar, orange) - have antibacterial effect,
  • Concentrates of herbs and plants

  • Water,
  • Salicylic acidwhich has a disinfectant effect on the scalp, removes fungus and layers of dying cells,
  • Selenium sulfide - reduces the activity of fungal cells, regeneration processes,
  • Ichthyol - has anesthetic, antiseptic effect.

Special medicated shampoos are as follows: zinc pyrithione in combination with other active substances penetrates into the upper layer of the epidermis, reducing the activity of the fungus and promoting the exfoliation of skin scales.

Important: in the composition of the means it is possible to contain harmful substances in not dangerous quantities, which serve as catalysts under the action of the active components.

How to use therapeutic shampoo?

Anti-dandruff shampoos are easy to use. The technology of application is almost the same for all means:

  1. Apply a small amount to wet hair.
  2. Foam, evenly distributing on the surface of the head.
  3. Leave on for 3-5 minutes (the time required for the active substance to work).
  4. Rinse thoroughly.

The use of shampoo is recommended no more than 3 times a week. in alternation with conventional means.

When will the result be noticeable?

The course of treatment for dandruff shampoos with zinc is usually 3-4 weeks. At the same time, the amount of dandruff noticeably decreases after 2-3 shampoos.

If necessary, for a more effective fight against dead skin particles by a doctor: a dermatologist or trichologist, complex treatment may be prescribed.

In addition, specialized shampoos with zinc can be alternated or used simultaneously with other means:

  • Regular anti-dandruff shampoos. For example, HEAD & SHOULDERS, NIVEA,
  • Special ointments, scrubs, medical aerosols,
  • The course of procedures: cryotherapy, herbal medicine, ozone therapy.

Who is suitable and when zinc products are contraindicated?

Zinc-containing preparations help solve the problem with almost any kind of dandruff.

Drugs may be contraindicated in childhood, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, as well as with individual intolerance to the components.

Regardless of the brand of the selected drug, you must remember that the earlier the treatment is started, the faster the result will come.

Useful video

A brief overview of the properties of shampoo with zinc:

In dandruff shampoos, the therapeutic effect is achieved by antifungal components. The speed of action depends on the composition of the funds. When the problem of dandruff cannot be solved by special shampoos with a healing effect, it is worth making an appointment with a specialist.

What is and what is dandruff

Patch-shaped peels of gray or white color are the result of impaired desquamation of dead horny epithelium cells. Experts call this condition mild seborrhea, which under the influence of certain factors can develop into seborrheic dermatitis. Depending on the composition of the secretion of the sebaceous glands distinguish between dry and oily seborrhea.

Its first form is more typical for adolescents in the period before puberty. The reasons for its development are insufficient secretory activity of the sebaceous glands or the release of an overly viscous secretion.

Manifested by the deterioration of the structure of the hairs - brittleness, dryness, split ends, as well as their abundant loss. Often, pathology is accompanied by severe itching, a feeling of tightening of the skin, the formation of yellow or white-gray crusts, the appearance of patches of red-pink hue.

Severe disease may be accompanied by the formation of suppurating sites due to blockage of hair follicles and the development of staphylococcal infection in them. The dense form of seborrhea is accompanied by compaction of the epidermis and expansion of the mouth of the glands, as a result of which comedones are formed.

Causes of dandruff

Often this condition is called a cosmetic defect, but its manifestation indicates a violation in the body or a weakened immunity, so it should not go unnoticed.

Violation of the process provokes the creation of favorable conditions for the spread of the fungus and occurs due to a number of physiological factors:

  • change in the acid-base balance of the epidermis,
  • an increased level of exfoliation or premature maturation of epithelial cells,
  • excessive sebum secretion
  • excessive amount of oleic acid in the composition of sebum,
  • mechanical violations of the epidermal barrier (when combing), etc.

Also, the risk of pathology increase:

  • genetic predisposition (the size of the sebaceous glands, the composition and volume of sebum production),
  • physiological features in women (changes in hormonal levels during puberty, pregnancy, ovulation, menopause),
  • disruption of the genital and pancreas,
  • weak natural protective function of the body,
  • malnutrition, avitaminosis,
  • poor-quality decorative cosmetics for curls, violations of personal hygiene,
  • diseases and mental disorders (stress, neurosis, depression),
  • diseases of the skin, internal organs (liver, stomach, intestines),
  • negative external factors (environmental situation, weather, thermal and chemical effects).

Types and compositions of shampoos

Medical and cosmetic products for eliminating dandruff are selected based on the cause of its occurrence and type. Medical dandruff shampoos in pharmacies can be:

  1. Antifungal (ketoconazole is included in the formula).
  2. Antibacterial (they contain zirconium and octopyrox).
  3. Exfoliating (with salicylic acid and sulfur content, having a scrubbing effect).
  4. Organic, based on herbal ingredients.

The concentration of ketoconazole does not exceed 1-2%. Instead, you can use another synthetic antifungal drug - ciclopirox. The distinctive ability of the latter is the rapid penetration into the upper layers of the skin and the active blocking of the processes of growth and reproduction of fungi.

Zinc pyrithione (has an antiseptic, antimycotic effect) may be included in both antifungal and antibacterial therapeutic agents, tar - in the formula of antifungal and organic.

Other active ingredients of such shampoos are:

  • selenium sulfide (cytostatic effect),
  • Ichthyol (promotes cell regeneration),
  • salicylic acid (enhances exfoliation),
  • selenium disulfate (antimicrobial action).

Otium Unique, ESTEL

Means belongs to a series of professional shampoos, is on sale in specialized and online stores, beauty shops. It is designed to actively moisturize, maintain the lipid balance of the epidermis and has antistatic and peeling action (peeling effect).

The consistency is thick. At first use, it foams a little. Color - transparent blue. The aroma is pleasant, citrus-peach, pronounced.

Consumed sparingly, a bottle of 250 ml lasts for 2-3 months. For best results, you can additionally use a tonic from the same line.

As part of no parabens and sulfates. Small quantities contain preservatives methylisothiazolinone and sorbitol.

  • panthenol,
  • glycine,
  • mannitol (aliphatic alcohol, which has moisturizing and antioxidant effects),
  • allantoin (soothes irritations, activates cell regeneration, produces a conditioning effect),
  • zinc (antifungal effects),
  • Piroctone olamine (prevents the spread of the fungus, eliminates inflammation).

The average price is 450 rubles.

Dercos, VICHY

Sulfate-free effective shampoo contains thermal water, salicylic acid and selenium DS, cahesyl (restores the structure of the intercellular lubricant) and selenium disulfide (has anti-fungal properties).

It has a medium density texture. Pleasant fragrance, flower and berry. Color - deep yellow with mother of pearl. Foams bad, because it does not contain sulfates.

  • pregnancy,
  • lactation period
  • children up to 12 years old
  • intolerance to the components.

The average price in Russia is 649 rubles for a 200 ml bottle.

Kelual DS, Ducray

Suitable for the treatment of chronic, recurrent seborrhea.

The consistency is thick. White colour. The aroma is mild, pleasant. Foams well, consumed sparingly. The volume of the bottle - 100 ml.

The manufacturer recommends two schemes of use: as a therapeutic agent - 3 times a week for fourteen days, for the prevention and prevention of relapse - 1 time in 7 days.

In the composition there are:

  • B-glycyrrhetic acid,
  • ciclopiroxolamine 1.5%,
  • zinc pyrithione,
  • keluamide (necessary for deep cleansing of the skin, exfoliation of the stratum corneum).

Country of origin - France. Cost - 990 rubles.

Dandruff Relief, Jason Natural

Does not contain parabens, sulphates and artificial colors. Active substances are sulfur 2% and salicylic acid. It has a specific, but unobtrusive aroma, which captures the smell of wood.

The consistency of cream, moderately thick. Color - beige, milky cream. Consumed economically, despite the fact that the foam is weak. The manufacturer recommends rubbing a small amount of the product directly into the root zone.

In the free market is not available. The average price for a bottle of 355 ml in specialized online stores is 1,590 rubles.

See also: choose anti-dandruff shampoo (video)

Sebosol, LLC Dionis

The active ingredient is ketoconazole (1%), but it also contains glycerin, citric acid, and other components. Can be used for seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis, pityriasis.

Some users note the feeling of dryness with a long holding of the product on the skin, so it should be used strictly according to the instructions for use - no more than 5 minutes. Then shampoo thoroughly wash off with plenty of water. Suitable for children a year and older.

The average cost is 335 rubles.

Healing Shampoo, Secret Key MAYU

Translucent shampoo with an amber shade. Moderately thick, well distributed along the strands. Fragrance unobtrusive, cosmetic, sweet. Does not contain parabens. Virtually no foam. Active ingredients include horse fat and extracts of walnut, black soybean, and peach tree leaves.

The average price at the pharmacy is 790 rubles.

Markell Professional Hair Line

It has a fluid texture and unobtrusive cosmetic aroma. Color - transparent with a light pearl shimmer. It foams well due to the presence of sodium laureth sulfate (a safer SLS analog) in the formula. Other active substances are nettle and burdock extracts, wheat grain proteins and other components.

The price for a 500 ml bottle is 229 rubles.

Mikanisal, Grindex

Reviews of this drug against seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff vary. Among its shortcomings is called the uneconomical expense and not the complete elimination of the problem, but at the same time the number of positive responses prevails.

The shampoo has a viscous, gel consistency and a transparent dark pink shade. The aroma is almost not felt. Foams weakly. The main active ingredient - ketoconazole, auxiliary - chemical impurities and dye. Contraindicated in people with liver disease.

Price - 385 rubles.

Tar 911+, Twins Tack

Inexpensive tool with a pronounced specific aroma of tar. It has a dark yellow or brown tint. The consistency is close to liquid. Judging by the reviews, it dries curls, but completely copes with the problem of dandruff. After the women's forums, it is recommended that, after its application, moisturizing and firming aromatic masks be made, as well as the use of conditioning medical and cosmetic products.

Price for the volume of 150 ml - 130 rubles.

Instant Clear Pure Shampoo, L’Oreal Professionnel

Suitable for the whole family. It has a thick texture and unobtrusive smell. Blue color. It foams well. Spent sparingly. Contains zinc pyrithione and alpha-bisabolol.

Price - 586 rubles for 250 ml.

Watery, bright red. At the heart of - cotoconazole (2%). Foams weakly. It is indicated for seborrheic eczema, pityrias, and skin lesions with fungi. Data on the tolerability of shampoo for children, pregnant women and nursing are not available, therefore, for such categories of people need expert advice.

Price - 700 rubles for 60 ml.

Algopix, Medica

Contains salicylic acid, extract of green microalgae and juniper tar. Contraindicated in the presence of mechanical damage to the skin (fresh scratches, abrasions). It has a peculiar smell. An open bottle is stored no more than a month.

Price - 260 rubles for 200 ml.

It is used for prophylaxis. The active ingredient is selenium disulfide (slows down the process of maturation and exfoliation of skin cells, prevents the growth of the fungus). It also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Differs sharp specific odor. Color - orange or orange-yellow. Read more about shampoo in this article.

Cost - 225 rubles for 150 ml.

Mirrolla Sulsen Forte

It belongs to a series of prophylactic anti-dandruff products based on selenium disulfide and cotoconazole, but it also contains some natural ingredients. It has a pleasant, non-medicinal aroma. Watery. Foaming is average. Curls after use combed well, remain soft.

Cost - from 150 to 330 rubles.

Node DS, Bioderma

Texture honey, stretching. The aroma gives chemistry, but quickly disappears. It foams well, but when it is washed off, an oily film may remain. Contains algae extract, antifungal components and a group of zinc-vitamins B6.

Price - 1450 rubles for 125 ml.

Healing Shampoos

According to the recommendations of the manufacturers, such anti-dandruff products are rubbed into the root zone no more than 1-2 times a week.After applying the shampoo is left for 3-5 minutes (sometimes 10 minutes) for maximum therapeutic effect.

The tool contains strong antifungal components, so it is used strictly courses (for daily use is not suitable). The standard course duration usually does not exceed 4 weeks. It is not recommended to interrupt it, although the first improvements are noticeable after the first application of the product.


Such tools have a lower concentration of active ingredients. Used for primary prevention of the appearance of scales, and to prevent recurrence. Especially popular among such products is Shampoo-Tonic Witcher "Dandruff Prevention", whose formula includes burdock and hops, as well as the Forte Sulsen shampoo, which has no age restrictions for use.

For daily use

In the "national" list of shampoos for the fight and prevention of dandruff are:

  1. Belarusian Wellreal based on aloe, D-panthenol and piroctonolamine extract.
  2. Perhotinet (contains castor oil, chamomile extract, tar and vitamins)
  3. Clear Vita Abe - shampoo-balm for men.
  4. Head & Shoulders.

Customer Reviews

Marina: “I have very sensitive skin and have a tendency to eczema. I tried different means, but stopped at a product with a complex name Secret Key MAYU Healing Shampoo. I did not understand what was included in it, because the text on the package is without translation. The sensations are quite comfortable and dandruff disappeared after 2 weeks of use. ”

Tatyana: “I managed to try the Tar Desert 911 + ... The smell is standard for tar, but it doesn’t last so long. It helped me. Good".

Veronika: “For example, I adore Vichy cosmetics, but the cost, of course, bites. With great difficulty I allocated funds for the purchase of VICHY Dercos, he acted with a bang! ”.

Zhenya: “I have chronic seborrhea. I wonder if Ducray Kelual DS helps in such cases. Take a sample. "

Natalia: “I believe that dandruff is not a cosmetic defect, but a medical one. I treat accordingly - by means of pharmacy. I recently acquired Nizoral, for me this shampoo is the best I've ever tried. ”

How do dandruff shampoos work?

As is clear from the video above, to get rid of dandruff, you must either reduce sebum secretion, or speed up the process of natural exfoliation of the skin, or, if you have a fungal infection, destroy the fungus treatment.
Therefore, the selection of dandruff shampoo in its composition should include:

  • substances that slow down fat formation (tar, plant extracts, essential oils, ichthyol, zinc, etc.)
  • substances enhancing the exfoliation of dead skin cups (salicylic acid, tar, sulfur)
  • antimicrobial components (ichthyol, ciclopirox, ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione, selenium disulfate, climbazole, clotrimazole)

In shampoos from the masses of the market, you usually will not find medical components, so if the cause of dandruff in you - a fungus - buy pharmaceutical shampoos for dandruff. When buying, be sure to see the composition - it must include at least 3 components from the above groups.

Let's see what components are included in the anti-dandruff shampoos from our group:

Top 10 best anti-dandruff pharmacy shampoos

Medical shampoos in a large assortment are presented in pharmacy chains, differing in the form of their action, composition and active components.

Before you start choosing such a tool you must determine your skin and hair type, as often for oily and dry scalp, as well as for hair prone to oiliness or dryness, different shampoos are used, affecting the problem in different ways.

In case the skin and hair combine a dry and oily appearance, you should choose a headwash for the mixed type respectively.

  1. Klorane. Eliminates dry dandruff while softening hair.
  • producing country: France,
  • composition: extract of nasturtium water-alcohol, salicylic acid, vitamin B5, as well as antifungal and emollient supplements,
  • description: treatment and prophylactic shampoo suitable for all types of hair as a prophylaxis and for dry scalp as a remedy for dry dandruff,
  • properties: disinfection and healing,
  • act: heals and disinfects the scalp, eliminates dry seborrhea (dandruff), disinfects and eliminates harmful microorganisms,
  • who is suitable: for the treatment of diseases of the dry type,
  • the cost: about 650 rubles.
  1. Home institut. An excellent tool to combat dandruff with the scalp and hair prone to fat. On a herbal basis.
  • producing country: France,
  • composition: panthenol, plant extracts of nettle, ginseng, burdock, as well as French spring water and a special patented formula of this company for the elimination of dandruff,
  • description: dermatological herbal shampoo, soothing the scalp and improving hair condition,
  • properties: relieves itching, peeling, gently cleanses and regenerates the skin, helping to get rid of dandruff problems with the help of natural ingredients,
  • act: nettle extract in the composition of this tool is a natural antiseptic that disinfects and cleanses the skin, destroying harmful bacteria
  • who suits: for oily seborrhea and dandruff caused by the production of excess subcutaneous fat,
  • the cost: about 350 rubles.
  1. Sulsena shampoo. Antifungal dermatological shampoo, perfectly eliminating dandruff caused by a yeast fungus.
  • producing country: Ukraine,
  • composition: water, sodium laureth sulfate, selenium disulfide, salicylic acid, citric acid, sodium hydroxide, glyceryl olerate, glyceryl stearate,
  • description: selenium disulfide-based shampoo, fighting yeast and dandruff,
  • properties: regulates the production of oily skin of the scalp, fights fungi, destroying them,
  • act: exfoliation, cleansing, normalization of the sebaceous glands, easy drying,
  • who is suitable: effective for dandruff caused by yeast,
  • the cost: about 300 rubles.
  1. Squaphane s. A universal therapeutic tool used to eliminate acute forms of dandruff for all skin types.
  • producing country: France,
  • composition: climbazole, salicylic acid, natural essential oils of juniper, mild cleansing agents for surfactants and a specially developed medical complex aimed at the destruction of fungus and bacteria,
  • description: treatment and prevention of dandruff and other diseases of the scalp. Mild impact, economical use,
  • properties: gentle cleansing of the skin and hair, the destruction of fungi, strengthening hair and combing them slightly,
  • act: antiseptic, soothing and regenerating,
  • who is suitable: effective for seborrhea caused by fungi of various kinds, as well as, if necessary, to relieve itching and other manifestations of dandruff,
  • the costfrom 600 rubles.
  1. Keto Plus. Fights disease caused mainly by yeast.
  • producing country: Russia,
  • composition: ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione to fight fungi and other standard cleansing ingredients,
  • description: suitable for the treatment of dandruff in the initial stages of its appearance. For all skin and hair types,
  • properties: antifungal and sedative,
  • act: combats the cause of dandruff - fungi, and also eliminates unpleasant sensations. The greatest effect occurs when applying this tool to combat not running dandruff, with a small percentage of skin lesions,
  • who is suitable: used at the onset of the disease in various types of dandruff and seborrhea,
  • the cost: from 600 rubles.
  1. Sebosol. It is used for skin lesions with fungi and mites.
  • composition: the main active substance is ketoconazole, sodium chloride and other components for gentle cleansing,
  • description: a therapeutic agent that successfully suppresses fungal lesions,
  • properties: antiseptic and moisturizing properties allow you to apply this product for dry skin and dandruff caused by dry seborrhea,
  • act: disinfects the skin not only from fungi, but also from ticks, gently cleanses hair from impurities, easily washes away skin fat,
  • who is suitable: is used for dandruff of any kind,
  • the cost: about 300 rubles.
  1. Vichy dercos. In the Vichy line are anti-dandruff shampoos for different hair types.
  • Country of Origin: France,
  • composition: the main active ingredient is aminoxyl, which strengthens hair, vitamin E, and also selenium sulfide, salicylic acid to cleanse and combat the problem of dandruff and other additional components,
  • description: very effective in combating various types of dandruff,
  • properties: fights dandruff by regulating the work of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, eliminating excess fat,
  • act: exfoliating, drying, cleansing and soothing - relieves itching, eliminates irritation,
  • who is suitable: This shampoo is widely used for any type of dandruff and any degree of severity,
  • the cost: about 800 rubles.
  1. Brown Rice Anti Dandruff Shampoo. Cleanser based on natural oils.
  • Country of Origin: Korea,
  • composition: the active ingredient is climbazol, brown rice and lemongrass essential oils, as well as wheat, oat and rye proteins, glycerin and d-panthenol,
  • description: means for delicate cleansing from dandruff and pollution,
  • properties: eliminates dandruff, eliminating its root cause with the help of the active substance in the composition and has a beneficial effect on the hair, strengthening it,
  • act: eliminates dandruff with natural ingredients, enhances blood circulation, strengthens hair and makes them soft and manageable,
  • who suits: for all hair types,
  • cost: about 500 rubles.
  1. Hanaro Plus. A relatively new tool on the market of medical shampoos, which stands out for its predominantly natural composition.
  • Country of Origin: Korea,
  • composition: It contains up to seven medicinal herbs, as well as bamboo juice, which gently removes dandruff and cleanses the hair,
  • description: one of the most well-known anti-dandruff shampoos among biocosmetic products,
  • properties: cleansing, refreshing and strengthening hair. Does not require additional moisture conditioners or balms,
  • act: eliminates dandruff, gently exfoliating its particles and preventing further appearance due to its natural components,
  • who suits: for all types of hair and scalp
  • cost: about 450 rubles.
  1. Kapous Profilactic. Dermatological shampoo, drying and disinfecting antifungal drug.
  • Country of Origin: Italy,
  • composition: based on zinc and tea tree oil - the most famous components that are widely used to eliminate dandruff, as well as mild cleansing supplements,
  • description: healing shampoo with a pleasant apple scent, perfectly coping with the task of getting rid of seborrhea, cleans hair well,
  • properties: restoration of the proper balance of oily skin of the head, getting rid of dandruff of any nature and the reasons for its occurrence
  • act: It has a calming, antifungal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It also strengthens the hair, gives it a soft and healthy glow,
  • who suits: This remedy is suitable for any type of dandruff any type of scalp
  • cost: about 370 rubles.

Antifungal Dandruff Shampoo

  1. Mycozoral
  • a country: Russia,
  • composition: ketoconazole as the main active ingredient, as well as not hard surfactants for cleansing,
  • description: a common anti-dandruff remedy in the form of a shampoo for any kind of seborrhea and dermatological problems associated with dandruff,
  • properties: stops the development of fungi and destroys them,
  • act: slightly drying the skin and exfoliating the existing dandruff, this medicine penetrates deep into the skin, regulating the production of subcutaneous fat of the scalp,
  • purpose: seborrhea, dermatitis, dandruff of any nature and any intensity of manifestation,
  • cost: about 500 rubles.
  1. Nizoral.
  • a country: Belgium,
  • composition: ketoconazole for eliminating dandruff and the causes causing it, collagen, as well as means for washing out dirt and mild sebum,
  • description: shampoo, perfectly coping with dandruff of different types. Feature: during the application, it is recommended to stand on the head for about five minutes before rinsing,
  • properties: has a cleansing, antiseptic and anti-mycotic (antifungal) property,
  • act: normalizes the microflora of the skin and scalp, effectively eliminates fungi and other harmful microorganisms, saves from a repeated dermatological disease,
  • to whom: Such a medicinal shampoo will suit any type of skin and hair, both for the treatment of seborrhea and for its prevention,
  • cost: about 560 rubles.
  1. Dermazole
  • a country: Russia,
  • composition: ketoconazole, sodium chloride, sodium lauryl ether sulfate and other additional components,
  • description: highly effective preparation for fight against many types of mushrooms and bacteria,
  • properties: antifungal, antiseptic and antimicrobial,
  • act: penetrating the skin affected by fungi and harmful microorganisms, this shampoo slows the spread of dandruff, stopping the growth of fungi and destroying them,
  • when to apply: for fungal skin lesions of any intensity,
  • cost: about 300 rubles.
  1. Keto plus
  • a country: Russia,
  • composition: ketoconazole as the main active substance and additional ingredients for gentle cleansing of hair and scalp,
  • description: a delicate drug that eliminates dandruff gradually and gradually,
  • properties: antifungal, exfoliating and soothing effect,
  • act: heals both dandruff itself and all its unpleasant manifestations, easing and eliminating itching and irritation of the skin. Used also for the prevention of dermatological diseases,
  • for whom: with any form of seborrhea and dandruff in the initial stages of their appearance,
  • cost: from 600 rubles.
  1. 911 shampoo.
  • a country: Russia,
  • composition: glycerin, sodium chloride, coconut oil, birch tar, citric acid and related components,
  • description: universal product that destroys the vast majority of bacteria and fungi,
  • properties: exfoliation, disinfection and removal of unpleasant manifestations of seborrhea,
  • act: penetrating deep into the skin, the active ingredients in the composition of this tool suppress and neutralize the foci of the spread of the disease, destroying fungi and microorganisms that contribute to the appearance of this disease, also the shampoo cleans the skin and hair from contamination, without irritating,
  • when to apply: used to get rid of dandruff of any type,
  • cost: about 150 rubles.
  1. Bioderma.
  • a country: France,
  • composition: betaines, natural natural extracts and oils, as well as additional ingredients,
  • description: anti-dandruff shampoo with a mild cleansing and moisturizing effect,
  • properties: agent with antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties,
  • act: softens the skin, exfoliating the particles of dandruff with dry seborrhea, disinfects with the help of natural substances present in the composition, and also gives the hair a soft and healthy glow,
  • purpose: can be used for chronic seborrhea mostly dry type, itching, psoriasis and hair loss,
  • cost: from 430 rubles.

The best professional medical shampoos

  1. Fito.
  • producing country: Slovenia,
  • composition: shampoo based on zinc and white willow extract, which are actively involved in eliminating the causes of dandruff, curing the affected skin,
  • description: mild anti-dandruff remedy,
  • properties: anti-inflammatory, soothing, moisturizing and exfoliating,
  • act: the active ingredients in the composition of this therapeutic agent reduce the number and activity of bacteria and fungi, while at the same time effectively eliminating itching and skin irritation,
  • who suits: used to treat mild to moderate dandruff,
  • how much is: about 450 rubles.
  1. Dandruff Control Shampoo.
  • producing country: Great Britain,
  • composition: zinc myriton, medicinal sage leaf extract and extra cleansing agents,
  • description: professional anti-dandruff shampoo with natural ingredients
  • properties: restoration of the normal microflora of the scalp, elimination of dandruff and a large number of fungi, bacteria and harmful microorganisms, exfoliation, treatment and prevention of dandruff,
  • act: gently cleansing the skin and hair, this shampoo fights dandruff of various types perfectly, eliminating irritation and itching, also this product washes the hair very well, refreshing it,
  • who is suitable: for all types of hair and scalp,
  • how much is: about 1000 rubles.
  1. Tervapuun Tuoksu.
  • producing country: Finland,
  • composition: tar of Finnish pine, ammonium lauryl sulfate, glyceryl and other components,
  • description: treatment and cleansing shampoo based on natural extract of Finnish pine,
  • properties: relieves dandruff, fighting fungi, cleanses and strengthens hair, nourishing and slightly moisturizing them,
  • act: tar destroys fungal diseases, without irritating the skin and without causing addiction,
  • who is suitable: for hair prone to dryness or oiliness, as well as for mixed type,
  • how much is: about 400 rubles.
  1. Instant Clear from L’Oreal.
  • producing country: France,
  • composition: zinc compounds that eliminate the cause of dandruff, vitamin E, as well as the unique formula of the company L’Oreal
  • description: effective shampoo of a famous company, which helps to forget about the problem with dandruff for a long time with regular use,
  • properties: disinfection, cleansing, moisturizing the skin and strengthening hair
  • act: Zinc in combination with other components effectively destroys dandruff, saturating the skin and hair with useful vitamins and microelements, soothing and eliminating itchy sensations,
  • who is suitable: for normal and oily hair, suffering from dandruff and for the prevention of re-illness,
  • how much is: about 800 rubles.
  1. Grindex “Mikanisal”.
  • producing country: Estonia,
  • composition: base - ketoconazole, additional substances - sodium laureth sulfate, coconut oil diethanolamide fatty acids and other auxiliary ingredients,
  • description: fast acting antifungal dandruff for all skin types,
  • properties: antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic,
  • act: the main component, when absorbed into the areas of the affected skin of the scalp, begins a quick and effective fight against them. A noticeable improvement begins after the first use of this drug,
  • who suits: used for seborrhea caused by yeast, dermatitis and itchy sensations in dermatological diseases of the scalp,
  • how much is: about 500 rubles.

The best shampoos for the prevention of dandruff

  1. Mirolla Sulsen Forte.
  • production: Russia,
  • composition: The main active ingredient is sulsen. Also, the shampoo is enriched with vitamins and herbal supplements,
  • description: therapeutic and prophylactic shampoo, eliminating dandruff and its manifestations,
  • properties: disinfects, cleans, moisturizes, normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat and restores the hair structure,
  • act: drying the skin and normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands, this drug is both a therapeutic and prophylactic agent in the fight against dermatological diseases, in particular with dandruff. Stops the growth of fungi, reducing their activity and destroying,
  • purpose: oily seborrhea, fungus-induced dandruff,
  • price: about 250 rubles.
  1. Tar tarry
  • production: Russia,
  • composition: birch tar, oak bark infusion, mint oil and lemon juice as the main active ingredients,
  • description: an effective and affordable shampoo that copes well with its task in eliminating dandruff and its prevention,
  • properties: anti-inflammatory, antifungal agent on a natural basis,
  • act: eliminates dandruff and seborrhea while fighting undesirable microorganisms, destroying them and disinfecting the skin, helps relieve itching and regeneration of the scalp,
  • purpose: severe seborrhea, dandruff,
  • price: about 150 rubles.
  1. Zinovit
  • production: Russia,
  • composition: zinc pyrithione and climbazole, as well as related substances,
  • description: shampoo with comprehensive care and elimination of dandruff problems,
  • properties: antiseptic, antifungal and softening effect on problem areas. Used for both treatment and prevention,
  • act: eliminates dandruff, its cause and manifestations, penetrating deep into the skin, destroying fungi and regulating the sebaceous glands,
  • purpose: oily, dry or mixed seborrhea, prevention and treatment,
  • price: about 250 rubles.
  1. Tar Tar.
  • production: Russia,
  • composition: D-panthenol, citric acid, birch tar, glycerin and other additional components,
  • description: high-quality shampoo with a natural active ingredient in the composition,
  • properties: cleansing, softening, regenerating and drying,
  • act: relieves the scalp and hair of fat and pollution, helps to cope with dandruff, regulates the oily skin and strengthens the hair,
  • purpose: for frequent use in case of dandruff and oily hair,
  • price: about 400 rubles.
  1. Panthenol.
  • production: Czech,
  • composition: dexpanthenol, sodium chloride, lactic acid and related components,
  • description: shampoo, curing not only dandruff, but also hair loss,
  • properties: healing, cleansing and strengthening,
  • act: active ingredients eliminate the cause of dandruff and prevent relapses, cleansing the skin and saturating it with useful trace elements,
  • purpose: for prophylactic purposes for dermatological problems with the scalp,
  • price: about 550 rubles.
  1. Shampoo tonicMedicine man “Dandruff prevention”.
  • production: Russia,
  • composition: burdock extract, burdock root and hop cones, as well as cleansing and moisturizing supplements,
  • description: shampoo, which contains a large amount of natural ingredients,
  • properties: emollient and cleansing. It also nourishes the skin and hair with beneficial substances, which gives the hair a healthy and shiny look.
  • act: very well nourishes, nourishes and moisturizes, which is especially important when the skin is prone to dryness. In this case, moisturizing and nourishing with natural ingredients is the prevention of dry dandruff
  • purpose: prevention of seborrhea and dandruff, mostly dry type,
  • price: about 100 rubles.
  1. Friderm.
  • production: Italy,
  • composition: active ingredient - zinc pyrithione,
  • description: effective remedy for dandruff and for prevention,
  • properties: antiseptic, antifungal, antipruritic and cleansing,
  • act: absorbed in a large amount by the scalp and inhibits the growth of fungi and bacteria, gradually destroying them,
  • purpose: dandruff and seborrhea, itching and irritation, baldness,
  • price: about 800 rubles.

The best anti-dandruff shampoos for daily use

  1. Wellreal dandruff shampoo.
  • production: Belarus,
  • composition: d-panthenol, piroctone olamine, aloe vera extract as the main active substances,
  • description: high-quality anti-dandruff remedy, aimed at careful adjustment of the fat content of the skin,
  • properties: normalization of the sebaceous glands, peeling and soothing itching, removing irritation and preventing dandruff,
  • act: cleansing from excess fat, drying the skin without drying out and irritating, nourishing and moisturizing with natural aloe extract,
  • indications: oily or oily scalp and hair, as well as dandruff caused by excessive fat,
  • cost: about 100 rubles.
  1. Perhotinet anti-dandruff shampoo.
  • production: Russia
  • composition: birch tar, chamomile extract, castor oil, citric acid, vitamins and additional components,
  • description: an agent based on tar and other natural ingredients that can be used daily,
  • properties: deep cleansing, adjustment of fat content, softening,
  • act: cleansing without drying, normalization of the production of subcutaneous fat and, as a consequence, the elimination of dandruff problems,
  • indications: oily scalp and dandruff caused by fat,
  • cost: about 90 rubles,
  1. Himalaya Herbals Dandruff Shampoo for greasy hair.
  • production: India,
  • composition: tea tree oil, rosemary and indigo extracts and auxiliary components,
  • description: natural composition with a minimum of chemical additives allows you to use this shampoo often, without fear of addiction,
  • properties: getting rid of excess fat and its normalization, strengthening and nourishing hair,
  • act: washing and cleansing of the skin from fat, regeneration and improvement of skin and hair,
  • indications: oily scalp, oily hair and oily dandruff,
  • cost: about 200 rubles.
  1. Biocon.
  • production: Ukraine,
  • composition: active ingredients - tea tree oil and ketoconazole to fight fungal infections,
  • description: gently cleansing shampoo with natural anti-dandruff active ingredients,
  • properties: soothing, cleansing and antiseptic,
  • act: relieves symptoms and gradually eliminates dandruff itself by destroying fungi by the active ingredients of this agent,
  • indications: seborrhea mild or moderate severity, dandruff prevention,
  • price: about 150 rubles.

The best shampoos for dandruff complex action

  1. MaYu Healing Shampoo from Secret Key.
  • manufacturer: South Korea,
  • composition: horse oil, a variety of medicinal herbs and their oils and extracts, such as walnut extract, peach leaves, black soybean and Chinese wretch as active working substances,
  • description: broad-spectrum drug with natural ingredients,
  • properties: stimulation of hair growth, moisturizing dry skin and elimination of excess fat content, if necessary,
  • act: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and fortified action aimed at eliminating the lesions of the scalp,
  • who suits: Perfect for any type of hair, including mixed,
  • price: about 800 rub.
  1. Libriderma.
  • manufacturer: Russia,
  • composition: perition of zinc and allantoin at the base of working substances,
  • description: successfully eliminates the cause of dandruff and dandruff itself without excessive draining,
  • properties: antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and firming,
  • act: eliminates dandruff, itching and irritation, normalizes oily skin and hair, moisturizes and softens the hair, as well as fights loss,
  • who suits: Ideal such a drug hair, prone to fat or normal,
  • price: about 500 rub.
  1. Jason Natural Danruff Relief.
  • manufacturer: USA,
  • composition: colloidal sulfur, salicylic acid, jojoba oil, oat milk, tea tree oil, folic acid.
  • description: a very effective drug with natural substances in the composition that improves the work of the sebaceous glands and heals the hair,
  • properties: antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal,
  • act: deeply and thoroughly cleanses and disinfects the skin, eliminating the root cause of the disease even in a rather neglected state, nourishes the scalp and improves blood circulation, due to which the hair becomes stronger and grows better,
  • who is suitable: people with a favorite type of hair and skin prone to seborrhea and dermatological problems,
  • price: about 700 rub.
  1. ALPECIN ALPETSINE with caffeine.
  • manufacturer: Germany,
  • composition: The main difference of this shampoo from others is that the main element in the composition of this product is caffeine. In addition, it contains panthenol, salicylic acid, menthol and other supplements,
  • description:
  • properties: dandruff removal, antiseptic and antimicrobial effects, nutrition and adjustment of fat,
  • act: biphasic - first dandruff is removed, using salicylic acid and other cleansing agents in the composition, and then cleansed skin and hair roots are saturated with caffeine,
  • who suits: all hair types
  • price: about 500 rub.

The best inexpensive dandruff shampoos

  1. Librederm.
  • production: Russia,
  • composition: based on zinc, panthenol, glycerin and excipients,
  • description: one of the most common dandruff shampoos of various types,
  • properties: hydration, nutrition, elimination of bacteria and fungi of various types,
  • act: cleansing and elimination of dandruff occurs with the help of zinc, and the remaining components help to strengthen the hair, restoring its vitality and shine,
  • to whomfits: people with skin of any type,
  • cost: about 500 rub.
  1. Hair Vital.
  • production: Italy,
  • composition: zinc perition and ancillary supplements,
  • description: effective anti-dandruff with adjustable fat content
  • properties: disinfection, cleansing from fungi and harmful microorganisms, removing itching and peeling,
  • act: antiseptic and antifungal with the help of the main active ingredient, as well as normalization of the lipid balance of the scalp and prevention of dermatological diseases,
  • who suits: used for dandruff of any type
  • cost: about 450rub.
  1. ESTEL Otium Aqua.
  • production: Germany,
  • composition: zinc pyrithione, piroctone olamine, allantoin and plant extracts,
  • description: antidandruff without sulfates,
  • properties: normalization of the lipid balance of the epidermis, elimination of seborrhea,
  • act: controls the balance of the scalp, prevents dandruff, softens and soothes irritation and itching, gives the hair softness,
  • who suits: for the prevention and treatment of dandruff,
  • the cost: about 400 rub.

The best dandruff shampoos: price - quality

  1. Horse Force Horsepower.
  • manufacturer: Russia,
  • composition: based on ketoconazole and citric acid,
  • description: shampoo for the prevention and treatment of dandruff of any kind,
  • properties: antiseptic, antimycotic and antioxidant,
  • act: slightly dries and reduces fat content due to citric acid, and with the help of ketoconazole effectively fights dandruff and its symptoms, destroying fungal cells,
  • who suits: suitable for all hair types
  • cost: about 400 rub.
  1. Ducray Kelual.
  • manufacturer: France,
  • composition: active substances - ciclopiroxolamine and zinc pyrithione,
  • description: strong remedy for dandruff of moderate and severe forms,
  • properties: antifungal, anti-inflammatory and soothing,
  • act: destroys fungal lesions of any degree, inhibits growth and the number of fungi, and also eliminates unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching, redness and irritation of the skin,
  • who suits: for people suffering from severe seborrhea and frequent recurrences of dandruff,
  • cost: about 1000 rub.
  1. Matrix Biolage Anti-Dandruff Scalpsync.
  • manufacturer: USA,
  • composition: The main anti-inflammatory component is peppermint, and dandruff cleansing is zinc pyrithione,
  • description: professional dandruff shampoo,
  • properties: exfoliation, cleansing and disinfection,
  • act: normalization of salivation, getting rid of dandruff, nourishing and strengthening hair
  • who is suitable: effective with oily seborrhea,
  • the cost: about 800 rub.
  1. L’Oreal Professionel Experts Clear Pure.
  • manufacturer: France,
  • composition: zinc pyrithione, laureth sodium sulfate, proteins and amino acids, as well as vitamins and a special “caring formula”,
  • description: deep cleanser, restoring water-fat balance,
  • properties: nutrition and saturation, cleansing and regeneration, as well as reducing skin irritation,
  • act: puts the hair roots in order, strengthening them and eliminating dandruff with zinc,
  • who is suitable: best suited for treating oily dandruff and eliminating excessive oily hair,
  • cost: about 800 rub.

The best anti-dandruff shampoos for children

Choosing the right dandruff shampoo for children is a responsible task., because it is necessary to make sure not only the effectiveness of the action of the medicinal product that can cope with an unpleasant problem, but also its hypoallergenic.

A few rules to make the right choice:

  • The tool must exactly match the age of the child. - the use of detergents for adults is strictly prohibited,
  • The drug should not contain aggressive substances dyes or fragrances, as well as sulfates and parabens,
  • In case of accidental contact with eyes, they should not corrode or pinch..

List of baby shampoos:

  1. Chicco. Italian drug recommended for use from birth. The composition contains natural ingredients such as wheat proteins, as well as hawthorn extracts and chamomile. A positive effect on hair and skin, gently eliminating dandruff, Price segment: around 300 rubles,
  2. Mustela. Means of the French producer from children's seborrheic crusts and dandruff. It consists of standard cleansing and soothing ingredients: zinc, ketoconazole. Price segment: around 600 rubles,
  3. La Cree. Drug of domestic production at a very affordable price of 200 rubles relieve baby dandruff and dry scalp. Bisobalol, keratin, panthenol are present, as well as wheat proteins, jojoba oil and olive oil. Cleans, disinfects and nourishes.

Dandruff Shampoo for Men

The composition must contain antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components, as well as natural and natural ingredients, soothing and nourishing the skin.

Rating shampoos for men:

  1. Nizoral (Russia). Ketoconazole effectively kills fungi and relieves itching. The cost of such a drug will be in the area 700 rubles,
  2. Sebosol (Russia). The drug, with virtually no contraindications, which allows its use in sensitive and dry scalp. At the heart of ketoconazole. Price - 300 rubles,
  3. Ducray (France). The working substances are zinc, as well as the vitaminized complex, which not only eliminates the problem with seborrhea, but also perfectly nourishes and nourishes the skin and hair with minerals. The price segment is about 750 rubles.

For greasy hair

Dandruff remedies caused by excessive oily hair should primarily regulate the lipid balance of the scalp and effectively cleanse the skin and hair.

For oily and oily hair the following drugs are suitable:

  1. Tar-based shampoos, eg Friderm, Tar Tar or simple Tar for severe dandruff. Tar helps cleanse and disinfects, and additional natural ingredients nourish the skin. These drugs are domestically produced and cost from 200 to 800 rubles,
  2. Indian Himalaya Herbals Shampoo for greasy hair.It perfectly regulates lipid balance, delicately cleansing and saturating with the help of natural ingredients: tea tree oil, indigo and others. The combination of an affordable price of 200 rubles. and high efficiency.

For dry hair

To get rid of dry dandruff, the skin of the head must be moisturized and saturated with useful trace elements.

  1. Hair Vital (Italy). At the base is zinc, due to which a good effect is achieved and fixed for a long time — if you periodically use dandruff, it will disappear completely, and unpleasant symptoms will disappear after a couple or three of this remedy. 450 rubles,
  2. Vichy Dercos (France). Using this product for dry hair helps to cope with dandruff in a very short time. In addition to cleansing and antiseptic components in the form of salicylic acid, there are also a lot of oils and natural extracts that help to cope with the problem of dry seborrhea. 800 rub.

What dandruff shampoo to buy

If it is difficult to determine the cause of dandruff, as well as for the skin of a mixed type or normal fat content, it is rational to choose “Panthenol” or “Zinovit”,

For sensitive skin suitable “Librederm” and Hair Vital

At the initial stage of the disease, you can use the drug. “Keto plus” or Estel Otium Aqua,

For prevention - “Biokon” and MaYu Healing Shampoo,

An effective American shampoo will help to get rid of severe dandruff. Jason Natural Danruff Relief,

If preference is given to natural drugs - Himalaya herbals for hair prone to fat and Hanaro plus for all types.

What to do if dandruff comes from shampoo

Sometimes the use of improperly selected shampoo can cause dandruff.. Also, this problem may appear due to an allergic reaction to any component in the composition.

In both cases, it is recommended to stop using detergent.by switching to neutral, very soft preparations, such as baby shampoo.

If any type of allergic reaction appears, it is important to visit a specialist.which will help to establish the exact cause in order to avoid such a trouble in the future by identifying the allergen and avoiding it as part of hygiene products.

Defeating such a dermatological ailment as dandruff is possible with the help of a properly selected shampoo, which will be used regularly.

Preventive measures are among the most important therefore, anti-dandruff shampoo will help not only in the treatment, but also in the prevention of relapse.

Overview of the composition

Most often, the composition of "zinc" shampoos include the following components:

  • Ichthyol or tar (strengthens local immunity, accelerates skin regeneration),
  • salicylic acid (speeds up the peeling of whitish flakes),
  • zinc,
  • selenium disulfate (reduces the concentration of yeast).

Naturally, what else is added to the aromatic composition, as well as tar, and Ichthyol in its usual form is not the most pleasant smell.

How to use?

Trichologists claim that such shampoos should be used no more than 2 times a week. In general, wash your head more often - not recommended. The more often a patient will do this - the more glands will synthesize sebum. The best option is once a week (this is just enough to maintain hair in good condition).

Recommended The course of therapy is at least 4 weeks. The maximum allowable is 2 months, after which it is necessarily done break at least 2 weeks.

When to expect a positive result from the use of these shampoos with zinc against seborrhea? Reduced hair oiliness will be noticeable after the first use. But we should not forget that the work of the sebaceous glands largely depends on the diet of the patient.

Accordingly, if shampoo with zinc does not help well, then you should contact for help to a trichologist or a dermatologist for a more detailed study of the problem.

For whom is this remedy best suited?

Most often, doctors recommend the use of medical dandruff shampoos with mat matt men since their sebaceous glands work more actively (physiology of the representatives of the stronger sex). But, in fact, it will help to get rid of dandruff to everyone who has it due to excessive oily hair.

Who should not use it? Owners of excessively dry and flaccid hair, as their problem is clearly not associated with too active production of sebum. Here they shampoo with zinc only hurt.

This tool can be prescribed by doctors in the treatment of seborrhea, if that is provoked by increased oily hair. After all, such an environment is favorable for the reproduction of yeast fungi, which provoke accelerated keratinization of the epithelium.

Before using such shampoos, you should still consult with a trichologist or a dermatologist, and it is better to buy them in a pharmacy, and not in regular stores.


Watch the video: Instructions to use Ketoconazole shampoo - Dr. Rasya Dixit (July 2024).