Hair Growth

Vichy Dercos Neogenic for hair growth


Posted by: admin in Hair Care 08/31/2018 0 2 Views

Many cosmetic companies deal with the issue of density and hair growth. For more than ten years the leader is the French company VICHY. She has developed her own line of products that prevent hair loss, strengthen, accelerate growth. Products are considered “luxury”, as a positive effect appears after the first use.

The main feature of hair products from "Vichy" - water, which is the basis of production. It is taken from a unique source from the Auvergne region (Vichy city). This water is composed of healing micronutrients, minerals that do not lose their properties over time, do not break up under the influence of external factors.

The company took the principle of fighting not the consequences, but the causes that provoke hair loss. During the development of the formula, specialists took into account the individual characteristics and needs of all types of hair.

The manufacturer guarantees that after the course of treatment the core is compressed by 84%, and the density of the hair is increased by 88%.

The consistency of the media is light, so the application process does not cause difficulties. Another important point - a pleasant light aroma.

Products of this brand qualitatively improve the structure, give you a radiant shine and silky hair. Vichy removes greasy patina, curls get a fresh look. The drug does not cause allergic reactions, it is completely safe.

The line of cosmetics "Dercos Neogenic" (Derkos Neojenik) is aimed at stopping hair loss, their strengthening and further stimulation of growth. Gamma includes shampoo and a means to activate growth.

This tool is an innovation in its field. Stemoxidin molecules that make up the shampoo, have a sealing effect, so thin hair becomes bulky and dense. The discovery of this substance was the impetus due to which the trichology was allocated to a separate area of ​​medicine. Stemoxidine was discovered by L’Oreal Corporation, to which VICHY belongs. This substance is responsible for the stable and healthy vital activity of the hair follicle.

Shampoo "Dercos Neogenic" is suitable for both men and women. Hypoallergenic. It is convenient to use “neo-jenik” from “Vichy”, it is easily washed off and makes the curls soft, obedient, elastic.

Means for hair growth "Derkos Neozhenik"

The preparation is packaged in monotubes. It is necessary to rub into the scalp massaging circular movements. All manipulations are carried out carefully, so as not to injure the cover. The field of application strands noticeably compacted, their density will increase. The course of treatment is about 3 months. To maximize the effect, the course should be repeated several times a year.

The drug Vichy for hair growth in capsules is a dosed drug, which consists of amino acids, minerals, vitamins and other healing substances that eliminate hair loss and stimulate hair growth.

Manufacturers have carefully developed the composition, calculated the dose of the drug, so medical therapy can be carried out at home. After applying the curls become strong, strong and healthy, stop the processes of loss.

The treatment system is based on the use of the placenta, which is the structure of the embryo. It is in all female mammals. The effectiveness of this biological material has long been proven, so it is used as a cosmetic and therapeutic product.

It consists of amino acids, alanine, nucleic acids, low molecular weight proteins, salts, phosphorus, chlorine, vitamins. Due to the composition of the placenta restores the body, rejuvenates. Millions of women could see for themselves that cosmetics based on this biological material return beauty, freshness and youth.

The composition of funds for hair growth from Vichy includes herbal ingredients that enhance the action of the placenta. Manufacturers add germinated grains of corn, wheat, Chinese ginseng root extract. They have a beneficial effect on the state of hair.

For the functioning of stem cell conditions creates stemoxidin 5%. It forms the growth of new hairs in the follicle itself. Due to its effect, “sleeping” hairs make their way to the surface, become strong, strong.

The capsule “Dercos Amenixil PRO” from Vichy passed numerous tests that showed high results. If you use the drug daily for three months, you will receive about 1,700 new hairs. It gives them elasticity, strength, improves their quality, indispensable for increasing the density of hair. The tool is suitable for men and women.

  • SP94 has a beneficial effect on the state of curls, improves their quality,
  • Amenixyl is a drug molecule that softens collagen around the follicles, so that the strands are strong and elastic,
  • vitamins nourish and give beauty
  • The amino acid arginine improves blood circulation, nourishes, strengthens the bulb.

A soft white bronze applicator for application has been developed to stimulate the scalp, increasing blood flow to the bulbs. He evenly distributes the contents and makes a light massage of the cover.

Capsule Derkos acts in several directions:

  • increases the protective function of tissues
  • improves cell metabolism and blood circulation
  • normalizes acid-base balance
  • strengthens and nourishes the bulbs,
  • makes the locks elastic and shiny,
  • protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Using the means of this trademark, you will soon notice an improvement in the state of your curls. Be irresistible!

Vichy Dercos Neogenic

To combat this problem, an innovative drug Vichy Dercos Neogenic has been developed. Revealed that the source of new hair growth are stem cells. The composition Vichy Dercos Neogenic is a molecule of Stemoxidin, which creates the conditions for the optimal functioning of stem cells. Also, the molecule has an activating effect - induces the hair follicle, transferring it from a state of rest to a state of intensive growth.

Vichy Dercos Neogenic for hair growth

Stemoxidine's area of ​​responsibility is a quick response to hair loss and the formation of a new healthy hair in its place. It should focus on the fact that Vichy Dercos Neogenic is positioned as a means of combating thinning, rather than hair loss, the drug helps to restore the natural hair composition.

Vichy Dercos Neogenic action for hair growth

The tool at an early stage eliminates the problem of thinning and is preventive for baldness. The manufacturer stated that at the end of the 3-month course of use will grow 1700 new hair, rather than with placebo. According to the results of clinical studies in France, L’Oreal Research states the fact that after 92 days of using the product 88% increase in hair density will occur. Among other things, this beauty product has a pleasant, non-sticky and non-spreading structure, a rich aromatic odor, absorbs quickly, has no contraindications and is hypoallergenic (does not contain parabens).

Ampoules Vichy Dercos Neogenic - reviews

Sometimes reviews say a lot about the drug. Therefore, I propose to begin acquaintance with them:

Ira:Already purchased a second package. I can not boast of chic hair. But there are positive results. itching is gone. I was generally diagnosed with androgenic alopecia. None of the procedures prescribed by the trichologist helped me. Vichy Dercos Neogenic was pleasantly surprised. I will continue to use. I think in the future the mane will grow again))

Martha: I noticed that after I started using this tool my hair began to climb less. I hope that soon and the density will increase.

Anton: I use the month. Near the forehead on the bald spots began to appear fluff. Well, the hair seems to have become larger.

Maksim: 2 months using the tool. It does not help at all. And this despite the fact that I do not even have bald spots, but simply sparse hair. Whether it does not suit me, or again a divorce ...

Olga:The drug has a pleasant smell. Means is quickly absorbed. Yes, and easy to apply. I have been using Derkos Neojenik for 2 weeks already. Already now I can boast that the hair has become larger. Relatives noticed this too)))

Hair cycle

To understand how the drug works, it would be nice to understand the life cycle of hairs. Generally it is an amazing structure. Each hair has a stem and a root. The rod is what we see, and the root is in the hair follicle. The lower part of the root or the bulb is responsible for the formation of new hair.

The life cycle of each hair is represented by such stages:

  1. Anagen - a phase of active growth. There is a continuous division of the matrix, followed by movement of hair cells to the skin. This period lasts from 2 to 5 years.
  2. Catagen - resting phase: the follicle falls "into hibernation." At this stage, the division of the matrix either slows down or stops altogether. Period duration: from 3 weeks to 1 month.
  3. Telogen - at this phase cell renewal stops. An old hair falls out and then a new one begins to grow.

It turns out that each hair follicle constantly passes alternating phases: anagen, catagen and telogen. It is genetically programmed to produce 25,000 -27,000 hairs. However, each hair has its own “individual schedule”. Usually on the head 85% of the hair is in the anagen stage. In the catagen phase, 1% stay and in the telogen phase - 14%.

On the head of a person is from 100 000 to 150 000 hair follicles. Since they are in different stages, an average of 70 to 80 pieces per day fall out.

So, Vichy Dercos Neogenic acts on the final stage of telogen. It is at this phase that it activates the processes occurring in the follicle and leading to the growth of new hair.

DERCOS NEOGENIC 1st means for new hair growth 28pcs, Vichy

The therapeutic composition is "packaged" in 6 ml ampoules. They are packed in a black large box. In one pack of 28 pieces. There is also a massage applicator. The package contains instructions containing step-by-step instructions on how to apply the product correctly.

The main active ingredient in Dercos Neogenic is Stemoxidin. Generally, Dercos Neojenik is the first drug that contains a 5% Stemoxidin molecule. This molecule has a biomimetic effect. The active ingredient “awakens” the sleeping follicle and stimulates the intensive growth of new hair.

The action of Stemoxidine is reminiscent of the natural processes that take place inside the hair bulb. Therefore, this active ingredient is absolutely safe.

For whom is Vichy Dercos Neogenic designed?

This tool is intended to correct alopecia. Also actively used in the case when the decrease in the density of the hair is caused by stress, pregnancy, heredity and other reasons. Suitable for both women and men. The drug can be safely used from 14 years.

How to apply Derkos Neojenik:

  1. From the bottom of the applicator insert the ampoule with a miracle cure.
  2. Push down until it clicks (the tip in the applicator cuts a hole in the capsule cap).
  3. There is a purple button on the applicator, press it (a healing elixir will start to appear on the tip).
  4. Apply serum in zigzag movements on the partings on clean, dry or wet hair. Do not be afraid to scratch the skin with the tip of the applicator: it is soft and does not injure the scalp.
  5. Finger rub the elixir into the scalp.

This mini instruction is in the box:

Vichy Dercos Neogenic absorbs quickly and does not leave a sticky film on the hair. You can use it in the morning or in the evening. There is no fundamental difference. The main thing is to make you comfortable. The procedure of applying the serum with the massage does not take much time. Maximum, it lasts 10 minutes.

There is also a video instruction from Vichy:

After applying Derekos Neojenik for the next 10-12 hours, do not wash your hair with shampoo. Otherwise, the active substance will wash out.

To enhance the effect, I recommend to wash your hair with Neogenic Vichy Dercos shampoo during ampoule therapy.

How long does ampoule therapy last?

The duration of the treatment course is 3 months. This means that one box with 28 ampoules is not enough for you. Still have to buy a few packages. When calculating the required number of capsules, please note that 1 ampoule is for 1 day. Do not save! Do not divide the capsule into 2 procedures. The opened ampoule cannot be stored. The active substance - stemoksidin evaporates quickly. If you divide the ampoule into several procedures, you will not get any savings and the effect will be much lower!

Why is the treatment course delayed for 3 months? The fact is that the hair follicles awaken gradually. It will take a certain time to awaken them all from the "dream".

But agree that it is better to suffer a little and then enjoy the result - a chic head of hair. Do not want to endure, then you can do a hair transplant. Only the price of such a procedure is significantly higher than the rate of Derkos Neojenik. In addition, you carry out ampoule therapy yourself. You do not need to additionally pay for the services of a specialist in a medical center or beauty salon. And if you calculate the number of ampoules for the cost of the box itself, it turns out that you buy a coffee cake every day. Although not. There may not be enough for a bun

Efficiency of Vichy Dercos Neogenic

I not only carefully studied the reviews, but also found photos of those who used this tool. I was amazed. In one of the photos a man was with such good balding. The same "experimental" six months later put his photo, where he already has a wonderful head of hair.

From what I saw myself, my hair began to move ... and grow

And here is another elderly woman decided to return the hair:

From answers to frequently asked questions

  • The healing elixir has no age limit. Occasionally, the elderly may experience a decrease in the activity of the main component. This process is associated with the fact that with age the metabolism slows down. But this happens very rarely, so feel free to use Vichy Dercos Neogenic.
  • Derkos Neozhenik can be used both during pregnancy and during lactation. Active substances do not enter the blood or milk. Therefore, they can not hurt the baby. In addition, I note that these products are hypoallergenic.
  • Elixir does not affect hair color. If you have gray hair, the hairs will grow like this.
  • During the treatment course Vichy Dercos Neogenic you can dye your hair and use styling products.
  • The number of ampoule courses depends on what caused alopecia. If this is the result of stress, one three-month course is enough. But with the androgenic pattern of baldness, I recommend holding 1-2 treatment courses in a year.
  • If there is local alopecia, you first need to find out the causes of what is happening. This will help trichologist. After the trichogram is made, it will be possible to talk about the expediency of treatment. Vichy Dercos Neogenic will help only when the hair follicles are “asleep”. If they have died, ampoule therapy is powerless.
  • Vichy Dercos Neogenic increases hair growth. But if you have a terrible "molt", you must first carry out ampoule therapy Dercos Aminexil Pro. And only then connect Derekos Neojenik.
  • In no way apply the drug to eyebrows, hands, feet, stubble or where else would you think of it 🙂
  • To enhance the effect, take vitamins A, B, E and F. The intake of mineral complexes containing calcium, iron and zinc also does not interfere.

Where it is more profitable to buy

I order Vichy products on the official website of the manufacturing company Enumerate 5 reasons why it is more profitable to buy in the online store Vichy:

  1. With each order give gifts. These are free probes of a new line or already known series of tools. So nice!
  2. When shopping bonuses are awarded on the program Then they can be exchanged for a variety of prizes: free flights, equipment, toys, etc.
  3. There is a free delivery to any region of Russia (when ordering from 2000 rubles.)
  4. Often they carry out gorgeous promotions for one or another product line. Recently, I made a small order and, in addition to the probe, I also added micellar makeup remover Vichy Normaderm for free.
  5. Guaranteed storage conditions. It is on the official website that they will not sell you a fake or expired goods. All products, before reaching the buyer, are stored in the warehouse. Here she is provided with proper storage conditions.

Therefore, I always order Vichy products only on the official website. Here is a link to the ampoules:

About Vichy

The history of the brand VICHY began in 1931. At the heart of its creation is the occasional meeting of two people. One of them, Georges Guerin, is a famous industrial tycoon, the other is Dr. Haller was a physician and managing director of the VICHY Thermal Society. During his stay in Vichy, Georges Guerin, on the advice of a doctor, used water from one of the sources (Lucas) to wipe long-lasting skin damage. The resulting effect inspired him to use thermal water as part of skin care products. Dr. Haller first proposed to classify cosmetics by skin type and use scientific expertise in their development. This is how the VICHY Secrets brand appeared with an emblem depicting a woman at the source and the revolutionary slogan for that time “Skin is not just a shell, it is an organ that reflects the state of the inner environment of the body. " The French women "unraveled" VICHY secrets until the early 70s, until the brand appeared on the international market under the name "VICHY Laboratories".

Thermal water

The main component that ensures the uniqueness and uniqueness of VICHY Laboratories products is Thermal Water from the Lucas source. Its composition (15 mineral substances) is unique and not reproducible under laboratory conditions. In nature, it is formed at a depth of 3000-4500 meters from the surface of the earth, at a temperature of from 135 to 140 ° C. Only under such conditions a number of mineral substances dissolve in ordinary fresh water, which determine its therapeutic effect. Due to the unique mineral composition, thermal water soothes the skin and enhances its natural protective properties, activating antioxidant enzymes.

High performance components and the latest technology

The main components of VICHY active cosmetics are the latest scientific developments in the field of molecular biochemistry, biotechnology and many other scientific disciplines related to the regulation of metabolic processes in the skin. These are highly effective substances of both natural and synthetic origin, which can affect the functional activity of skin cells. This ability is achieved with the help of special technologies that ensure the delivery of these substances to target cells (liposomes, oleosomes, nanocapsules, etc.).

Safety - guaranteed by VICHY laboratories

Each active ingredient and future cosmetic is tested in the laboratory on cell cultures (in vitro), and then in clinical studies conducted under the supervision of dermatologists (in vivo).

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles, on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this filth enters the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise against using the means in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Due to such strict control, the observance of the main principle of active cosmetics VICHY - safety is achieved, an additional guarantee of which is the complete list of ingredients on the package that make up this product.

The optimum ratio of price and quality

The pricing policy of the company is determined by its investments in the latest scientific developments, the introduction of advanced technologies, the selection of components of cosmetic compositions, and multicenter clinical studies. All this guarantees the high quality and safety of VICHY Laboratories cosmetic products that consumers are willing to pay for.

Sold only in pharmacies

Since its inception, the VICHY brand has been an integral part of the pharmacy range. The company's strategy is based on long-term mutually beneficial cooperation with each pharmacy. The long-term experience gained in the international pharmaceutical market allows us to make this cooperation as fruitful as possible.

A means of stimulating the growth of new hair - Dercos Neogenic from Vichy

The main active unit of the Vichy product is the Stemoxydine molecule (Stemoxydine 5%), which has a biochemical effect. It mimics the effect of the hypoxic environment necessary for the proper functioning of stem cells and the optimization of the interaction between them. The researchers of the cosmetic brand found that the stem cells located above the bulb and at the hair root function correctly in a hypoxic environment (an environment where there is little oxygen). Thanks to the “work” of stem cells, the resting phase (the time when the follicle has lost hair and is preparing to become the birthplace of the next ward) is reduced, the growth of a new hair begins. Dercos Neogenic deals with this process.

Vichy Derkos - Amineksil Intensive 5

Indications for use: Loss, weakening and slowing of hair growth in men. Suitable for sensitive scalp.

Act: The new Derkos Amineksil Intensive 5, thanks to its updated formula, successfully fights against all causes of hair loss and weakening in men.

For a convenient application of the product in each package Derkos Amineksil Intensive 5 includes a massage tip applicator made of white bronze.

Result: After a course of Dercos Aminexil Intensive 5, the hair becomes healthier and stronger, hair loss is significantly reduced and new hair growth is activated.

Active ingredients: Specially selected active ingredients act on three levels at once and provide the most effective start to combat hair loss.

Hair Root Level:

  • Aminexil (Aminexil) 1.5% - prevents the hardening of collagen at the mouth of the hair follicle, retains the softness and elasticity of tissues. It enhances the fixation of hair in the skin of the head and slows down their loss,
  • Arginine (Arginine) - stimulates blood microcirculation and improves nutrition of hair follicles.

Scalp level:

  • Pirocton Olamine + Vitamin E, an innovative discovery by VICHY Laboratories, has anti-microbial and soothing scalp action to combat the effects of negative external factors,
  • VICHY thermal water - enhances the barrier-protective functions of the scalp, helping it resist the effects of aggressive factors.

The level of the hair shaft:

  • SP94 - due to the content of vitamin F and glucose, it provides nourishment to hair from root to tip,
    Vitamins PP / B6 - saturate hair with essential nutrients, restore it from the inside and make it stronger.

Shampoo against hair loss Vichy Dercos Energising Shampoo

The problem of falling strands in the modern world is becoming more and more common. This is due to many reasons: stress, unhealthy diet, polluted atmosphere, lack of vitamins, various infections, etc. To stop the process of hair loss, it is necessary, of course, to eliminate the root cause of the disease and help outside strands.

Vichy has developed Vichy Dercos Energising Shampoo Anti-Hair Loss Toning Shampoo, which contains aminexil. Aminexyl is a unique, patented molecule that prevents collagen from hardening at the exit of the follicle.This ensures proper blood supply and nutrition of the hair follicles.

The composition of the shampoo is enriched with a complex of vitamins PP, B6, provitamin B5. As a result, the presented shampoo struggles with the problem of hair loss, restores the hair structure and strengthens their roots. It should be noted that this remedy against the loss of curls does not contain parabens (chemicals used as preservatives in cosmetics and causing some harm to the human body).

After applying a tonic shampoo against hair loss, the amount of hair remaining on the comb decreases 10 times, and the growth rate of the strands increases - so testify consumers. More buyers note that the structure of curls is improving, strands become obedient, silky and smooth.

Probably, due to this effect on the curls, this shampoo became a sales hit.

Shampoo for hair density Vichy Dercos Neogenic Redensifying (Dercos Neojenik)

Thick, strong, elastic curls - the dream of every woman. After all, any image with a beautiful head of hair will always be winning. However, mother nature did not give everyone such luxurious braids. Vichy offered the world's first hair thickener Vichy Dercos Neogenic Redensifying (Dercos Neojenik). The composition of this unique shampoo includes the patented molecule Stemoxine and Pro Densifian (ultra compacting technology).

Stemoksidin awakens hair follicles, there are favorable conditions for hair growth and termination of hair loss.

Ultra compacting technology makes the thinnest curls more dense. This is achieved due to the fact that the formula "Derkos Neoshenik" includes styling ingredients that envelop every hair (even the thinnest), making it thicker. In this case, the curls do not become heavier and acquire additional volume.

In addition, after the use of shampoo, as evidenced by consumer reviews, strands become elastic, silky, soft, crumbly, the intensity of their growth increases.

Shampoo for thick curls is quite economical, perfectly foams, washes away oil masks. In the composition of the funds are no parabens. According to the manufacturer, shampoo "Derkos Neozhenik" is hypoallergenic. It should be noted that this tool was tested on a hundred men who showed the problem of hair loss.

Volunteers for ninety days used shampoo "Derkos Neojenik." At the end of the experiment, men showed evidence of strand growth: there were about 1,700 new hairs.

Means for oily hair Vichy Dercos Oil Control Treatment Shampoo

Holders of greasy hair every day are faced with the problem of the untidy look of their curls. The activity of the sebaceous glands leads to the fact that the strands become covered with a sufficiently large amount of sebum and acquire an unpleasant fatty shine. But, in addition to aesthetic problems, excessive secretion of sebaceous secretions leads to blockage of the roots, and this leads to the appearance of dandruff or seborrhea and creates conditions for the loss of curls.

Vichy company offers Vichy Dercos Oil Control Treatment Shampoo - seboregulative shampoo-care for oily hair. The composition of the tool includes the original complex, which reduces the production of subcutaneous fat and its distribution along the strands. The formula of the complex contains four components that have an increased surface activity. They heal the scalp, strengthen hair and improve their structure.

As a result of using the product for fatty strands, curls become light, silky, crisp and healthy. The cosmetic product does not contain parabens and silicone. Silicone when exposed to the skin can cause irritation and the appearance of dandruff, and in advanced cases leads to the problem of hair loss.

As stated by customer reviews, this Vichy shampoo for oily curls reduces the need to wash curls up to two or three times a week.

Vichy Dandruff Remedies

Dandruff suffers from a third of the world's population. Dandruff appears on both greasy and dry hair. In both cases, the sebaceous glands do not work properly, which leads to the spread of natural yeast on the scalp, itching and peeling, which ultimately causes dandruff.
To combat the disease, experts recommend using shampoos without sulfates and with active anti-dandruff complexes. Vichy cosmetic brand offers sulphate-free anti-dandruff products: for normal and oily hair - Vichy Dercos Anti-Dandruff Advanced Action Shampoo and for dry curls - Vichy Dercos Anti-Pelliculaire.

The composition of shampoos is microbiome technology with selenium disulfide. It helps to refresh and cleanse the scalp, and at the same time preserve the natural microflora on the surface of the skin. Vichy anti-dandruff products prevent its occurrence up to six weeks.

In addition, microelements and vitamins that are part of shampoos activate metabolic processes, improve microcirculation and increase the growth of curls.

Another remedy for Vichy is Vichy Dercos Anti Caspa Sensitive. This is a dandruff shampoo for sensitive scalp. It contains no sulphates, parabens and dyes.

According to customers, the tool removes itching and dandruff from the first use, the curls become smooth, silky.

Vichy Dercos Nutri Reparative Cream Shampoo hair softener

The range of Dercos range contains shampoos for dry and damaged hair care. Most often, the strands are damaged due to the frequent use of hot ironing, curling, hair dryer, etc. As a result, the hair becomes hard, brittle, dry and look untidy. Taking care of these strands, Vichy has developed the Vichy Dercos Nutri Reparative Cream Shampoo.

The product contains almond and safflower vegetable oils, wild rose and ceramides.

Ceramides support the extracellular "cement", thereby improving the structure of the curls. Natural oils, penetrating into the hair, nourish it, strengthen and moisturize. After applying the shampoo, the strands are noticeably transformed: they become smooth, shiny, docile and soft.

Sometimes not only dry or damaged curls need softening. Ultraviolet rays, polluted atmosphere, chlorine in tap water, dust and other aggressive factors can cause serious damage to the strands, and they can become harsh and dull.

Vichy company to eliminate this problem offers a softening shampoo with minerals to strengthen hair Vichy Mineral Soft Shampooing. The product contains iron, magnesium, calcium, silicon, manganese. Each of these minerals brings some benefit to the strands.

Thanks to minerals, curls are saturated with oxygen, at the cellular level, renewal and restoration of tissues takes place. Shampoo helps strengthen hair and makes it soft. As part of the tool is not parabens, dyes and silicone. Shampoo is hypoallergenic.Vichy claims that it can be used for all types of hair, for adults and even for children. Vichy cosmetics shampoos have a high rating and the best reviews from consumers.

We hope that the above material has helped you become more familiar with the means from Vichy.

You have to make the appropriate choice and give your hair a decent care.

Principle of operation

Hair growth depends on the condition and health of the scalp, since it is there that the hair follicles are located. Vichy hair growth products are based on the latest formula with the use of aminexil. This substance is considered one of the most effective means in the fight against hair loss and poor hair growth.

For example, the result of regular use of shampoo, masks, balms, lotions Vichy Dercos with amineksilom in the composition, the hair falls out much less, grow better, have a well-groomed healthy appearance.

Attention! Vichy cosmetics for hair growth is declared as a medical brand, created taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of different clients, therefore, it is easy to choose the best products for yourself.

In what cases is used

In many cases, hair loss becomes too intense, and poor growth leads to discouragement - it is for such cases that Vichy products have been developed to strengthen and grow hair.

If the condition of the hair before the start of the procedures does not cause positive emotions, then after the very first procedures they become completely different both in appearance and in touch. The hair stops to thin, dull, lifeless curls become intense color and shine, the quality of hair is noticeably improved, and the previously dormant follicles become more active and begin to give new hairs.

The composition of this cosmetics uses thermal water, as the basis (this is the best solution for strengthening compositions), substances stimulating stem cells to activate the follicles.

The tool is considered a kind of "first aid" weakened, thinning strandswho have lost their attractiveness and health due to various reasons.


There were no contraindications for Vichy products of this line, you only need to pay attention to the composition of the product, so that there are no components to which individual intolerance is possible.

All products are hypoallergenic, tested and have all necessary medical certificates and approvals. Not intended for use on children's hair and scalp.

Attention! The company's products themselves are absolutely safe, but you should beware of fakes (this applies to all well-known brands).

Non-original shampoos, masks, capsules can not only be of no use, but also greatly harm the hair and scalp, which is not so healthy. It is necessary to acquire cosmetics from the checked sellers, without going on about suspiciously low prices. As you know, the miser pays twice.

Composition and application rules

In each product of this series, there is an innovative formula to stimulate the growth and thickness of hair, caring and strengthening the natural components, giving silky and fluffy hair after regular use.

For all types of hair there are options: for oily, dry, normal, thin, dyed. It is necessary to carefully study the packaging, to choose "their" means, which will solve any individual problems. If the effect of the procedures is noticeable immediately, this does not mean that you have to be content with a one-time result.

Council The best performance is achieved with regular systematic use, as recommended by the manufacturer.

Shampoo Dercos Neogenic

It is aimed not only at high-quality cleansing, without drying the hair, but also at increasing the length and density of curls, improving their appearance. Thickness is provided by the awakening of dormant bulbs, for which Stemoxydine molecules are included in the shampoo.

In addition, the tool contains a natural conditioner from the guar gum of Indian trees, giving the strands pomp, facilitating combing, styling. Salicylic acid fights dandruff by removing dead skin particles. Vitamin complex nourishes and improves the structure of curls.

Application: It is recommended that you first rinse the scalp with a small amount of shampoo, removing excess sebum, then rinse both the head and hair with another dose. The manufacturer advises to leave the product for a couple of minutes on the hair for the best effect.

Volume - 200 ml, price - about 800 rubles.

More information about Dercos Neogenic shampoo, as well as the best shampoos for hair growth, their composition and application rules, read our website.

It has a moisturizing, caring effect, hair looks healthy, shine, does not split and easily fit. Heals curls after aggressive action of the environment, revives colored, bleached strands.

The mask contains nourishing oils of almond, rose, 5 useful amino acids, which restore the protective and building functions and components of the hair.

The product is hypoallergenic, does not contain preservatives, dyes, parabens. In addition to the restoration and nutrition, due to some enveloping properties, it seals problem ends of hairs.

Application: apply on clean hair, hold for 3 minutes, rinse.

The price is about 1300 rub., The volume is 200 ml, the economy is average.

You will be interested! We have prepared for you some more effective hair growth masks.

Conditioner lotion

Stated as a firming, tonic, preventing hair loss. Not suitable for people with irritated or damaged scalp, If there are any diseases - you need to consult with a dermatologist or trichologist.

In composition conditioner amineksil prevents hair loss, strengthens hair follicles, as well as natural ingredients, caring properties.

Application: on wet clean hair, and head, hold for 3 minutes, in the process of massaging the skin. Wash off in the usual way. It is better to use after applying the shampoo of the same series.

The cost is 800 rubles, the volume is 150 ml, the consumption is average.

How does the lotion for hair growth, which is better, the recipes for its preparation at home, read on our website.

It makes an excellent pair of shampoo for the growth of curls in this series, perfectly complements and enhances its impact.

The result of using this tool - silky docile hair acquires a natural radiance, becomes elastic and strong, seals split ends.

Application: on dried hair from root to tip, kept for a couple of minutes, washed off in the usual manner.

Volume - 150 ml, the price is about 800 rubles.

Volume - 200 ml, price - from 800 rubles.

Balsam Vichy did not fit? Do not worry, we offer a review of equally effective hair growth balms.

Created to improve the structure of each hair, and besides the miracle formulas in the composition of the product, there are substances that nourish the hair, saturate it with vitamins and give energy to the "tired" strands. This is a necessary condition to stimulate growth and reduce the loss.

Application: if significant loss is necessary to use per capsule per day, if the average is 3 capsules per week. The course of treatment is one and a half months. They are potent, used according to the instructions.

Volume - 28 disposable capsules of 6 ml, the price is about 4800 rubles.

Read more about hair growth ampoules, including Vichy ampoules, on our website.

Effect of use

Applying products that stimulate the growth of Vichy curls, you can count on real help to your weakened, poorly growing hair. The impact is based on the activation of stem cells responsible for the intensity of hair growth.

Important! Each tool has its own application program, masks and ampoules with a specific course duration, everything else is suitable for permanent use.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • effective remedy with natural ingredients and new formulas,
  • intense action with noticeable results
  • hypoallergenic products,
  • ease of application and rinsing, ease of use.


  • high price,
  • packaging ampoules is not enough for the complete course,
  • ampoules are not stored in clear form, you need to use the entire capsule at once.

Vichy hair care products cannot be considered inexpensive products, but they have a pronounced effect in preventing hair loss and enhancing the growth of curls.

These products have not only caring, but also healing properties, and with regular and proper use, they significantly reduce the number of hairs falling out, activate dormant bulbs, increasing the density of hair.

Learn more about hair growth, thanks to the following articles:

Useful videos

3 super funds for hair growth.

Means for rapid hair growth.

Causes of hair loss

Every day the human body loses hundreds of hair. This is due to the natural processes of the body, thanks to which a new hair grows after the hair falls out. While all this is happening at a moderate speed, there is no need to treat problems with curls.

The solution to the problem of intensive hair loss should begin by finding out the reasons that provoked this process.

When the loss significantly increases or the growth of hair rods slows down - you need to take serious measures immediately. Without proper treatment of the problem, both alopecia (alopecia) and other equally serious diseases can easily develop.

Among the main causes of hair loss are:

  • hormonal disorders,
  • frequent stress
  • a significant lack of iron in the body,
  • poor immunity
  • any infectious diseases of the scalp,
  • natural reaction to a variety of drugs, among which antidepressants and antihypertensive drugs deserve special mention,
  • exposure to high or low temperatures, for example, when hiking without a headdress under the hot sun or in the cold,
  • poor blood supply to the hair follicles and to the scalp as a whole.

When treating hair problems, regardless of the stage of the disease, you should not wait for instant results. It may take a week, a month or half a year to heal. As a rule, the time of treatment depends entirely on the individual characteristics of each person.

In a healthy person, curls grow at a rate of 1-1.5 cm per month. It is impossible to speed up this process because of the anatomical features of people.

In case of problems with hair (falling out, etc.), one should not wait for a miracle - the hair will not fall out.

Ampoules "Vichy"

The Vichy company produces potent ampoules of Dercos Aminexil Pro against loosing hair. This tool will stop hair loss without any problems, and a properly selected shampoo, mainly from the same company, will allow you to permanently record a positive result.

Intensive remedy for hair loss in ampoules "Vichy"

Vichy Dercos Aminexil Pro Anti-Hair Loss has been developed to the same extent for both women and men. Use the drug should be after finding problems with curls.

The effectiveness of this tool comes from the main active ingredient - aminexil. The substance in turn has the following positive effects:

  • returns health to each curl,
  • stops and prevents hair loss,
  • destroys hardened collagen in hair follicles.

A positive result from the use of funds can be observed after 2 weeks. Among other things, a 72 percent reduction in "molting" and a significant increase in the thickness of hair rods are possible. Also, hair becomes bulky and fascinating shine.

To avoid any uncertainty about the benefits of the tool, it is recommended to read reviews of real people on the forums. In addition, many online stores also allow you to get acquainted with the opinion of consumers who have already tested the tool on their own hair.


Ampoules "Dercos Aminexil Pro" from the company "Vichy" are supplied in small packages of 12-18 pieces. Basic instructions for use are on the back of the front surface of the package. Every action that needs to be done is written down to the smallest detail and allows you to use the drug accurately.

The applicator in the form of a cap with a rubberized spout is also included in the package. One capsule has a volume of 6 ml.

As a rule, the entire treatment period takes 6 weeks (when using 1 ampoule per day). In the event that the problem is not minimized, it is strongly recommended to repeat the treatment during the same period.

Instructions for use on the package

The appearance of the drug (serum) for hair growth is a non-viscous fluid that has similarity with water. The smell of the product indicates the alcohol content of the liquid.

Use "DercosAminexilPro"Need as follows:

  • on the ampoule wears an applicator,
  • the device is firmly fixed until a special ledge (made of hard plastic) cuts through the capsule,
  • the drug must be applied to the hair parting, performing zigzag movements,
  • After applying the product, massage the scalp thoroughly.

It is not necessary to wash off the drug - all the applied solution evaporates on its own without any visible traces. Under no circumstances should you use 1 ampoule more than once.

The drug can be stored for a limited period. As a rule, the shelf life is 36 months, however, opening the vial, it is recommended to use the tool immediately. It is also worth considering that after opening the capsule, the process of evaporation of the active substance begins.

Shampoo "Vichy Dercos"

This type of Vichy shampoo for hair growth should be used in conjunction with ampoule therapy. Shampoo has the following positive effects on curls:

  • strengthens every hair shaft
  • eliminates fragility and weakness of hair,
  • helps to stop the process of baldness.

Shampoo "Vichy" for growth and against hair loss

Vichy shampoo for women and men is easy to apply on the head and also rinses well. The nominal volume of one package is 200 ml.

In appearance, the shampoo is a white-pearl gel. As a rule, the hue of the consistency is in no way associated with dyes.

The appearance of shampoo "Vichy" (consistency)

The feedback from real people about this cosmetic is mostly positive. Many consumers (about 78%) noted that after 3 weeks, the weakness of the hair rods disappeared. In addition, 76% of people using shampoo, also noted a more healthy-looking hair at the end of therapy.

Most of the people who used the shampoo did this as part of an ampulla therapy. That is, if you do not use ampoules - you can not achieve the maximum effect.

In most cases, after using the product, the hair will lose its luster and volume. Of course, this is a clear proof of the real benefits of Vichy products.

In the Vichy shampoo from hair loss, the same aminexil acts as the main active substance. Thanks to him, collagen deposits are not formed on the hair follicles. This in turn significantly affects the force of fixation of the curls in the skin of the head.

It is worth noting that the Vichy Dercos shampoos contain the minimum amount of aminexyl. Thus, this cosmetic alone cannot cure problem hair. In addition, with abundant hair loss (alopecia) shampoo may be useless.

In order to maximize the benefits of Vichy Dercos, it is strongly recommended to use Vichy Dercos Aminexil Pro ampoules simultaneously with shampoo.

A remedy for falling out. Video

The video describes the effective treatment for hair loss "FULLY" and the nuances of its use.

The tool can be used to treat baldness in both men and women. However, it is worth remembering that male pattern baldness requires significantly more time to heal. You can buy shampoos and ampoules of "Vichy" in pharmacies or online stores. You can also study the reviews of real people on the Internet on the relevant sites. This will prevent possible errors in the treatment of the tool.

The composition and instructions Vichy Dercos Neogenic

The set of this beauty product includes 28 ampoules and an applicator, the volume of each ampoule is 6 ml. In accordance with the Vichy Dercos Neogenic instructions, you must use one mono dose each day as follows:
1. Tilt the ampoule with liquid, fix the applicator in it and press it so that the tip of the applicator cuts a hole in the ampoule.
2. Next, apply the contents of the ampoule on the head and immediately massage it into the skin with massage movements. Flush this tool is not necessary.
You can use it on dry and wet hair, whether the hair is washed or not.

Vichy Dercos Neogenic Instruction

The perfect consistency and light aroma make the application process quick and pleasant. It should be noted that the tool is intended for women and men and is very easy to use. The recommended course of use is 3 months. At the end of the 3-month course, as stated by the manufacturer, there will be an increase in hair density by 88% and compaction of the hair shaft by 84%.

Summing up, it should be noted that sensational statements by manufacturers Vichy Dercos Neogenic have aroused great interest in the tool. Its features are called a qualitative improvement in the structure of the hair, increase strength and increase the healthy shine.
A concomitant effect is the absence of oily shine on the hair roots after application, ease of use. The tool has no contraindications and does not cause an allergic reaction.

The results of the use are contradictory and ambiguous, but it should again be noted that its main principle of action is to induce the growth of new hair, rather than the retention of old. The effect of Vichy Dercos Neogenic or its absence can be assessed after the recommended 3-month course of use, in particular cases, the effect is manifested already at first.

Based on the foregoing, the drug Vichy Dercos Neogenic can be used as a means of baldness in men and to achieve the desired result.


Watch the video: 1700 New Hair in 3 Months? My Honest Review of Vichy Dercos Neogenic (June 2024).