
Comb for highlighting: types and application


It is difficult to find a woman completely satisfied with the color of her own hair. The experimental soul of the fair sex requires diversity. Highlighting is a method that can transform a natural hue by adding contrasting strands and refreshing the look. You can make it at home by purchasing a special comb for highlighting.

What is it and how is it called

What is the need for a comb for highlighting and what are its functions? First of all, such a dyeing procedure involves applying paint to individual strands, which, in turn, should be of equal thickness and be equally spaced from each other. Only then the highlighting is considered completed correctly. The implementation of these functions take on special combs, divided into:

  • strand highlighting models
  • models for applying paint with open highlighting.

It is worth noting that professional hairdressers rarely resort to those and other types, using a classic comb with fine teeth and a sharp tip. However, for self-painted home these items are indispensable, making them increasingly popular.

The names of the combs are different. For example, a fence is often used to highlight strands. It looks interesting, because asymmetric teeth resemble the tops of the Kremlin fence. Another view to highlight the order is a model with hooks. This device with rare teeth allows you to separate the strands of different widths depending on the desired result.

The models for applying the composition include a comb-blade. Its appearance resembles a small scoop, because the edge with the teeth is slightly bent upwards. Another interesting type of coloring is the stripper. This comb consists of two parts: the main with teeth and open cavities and nozzles for applying the composition. Stripper - a great tool available even to a beginner, will be a suitable option for highlighting on short and medium-length hair.

Features and benefits

Despite numerous types, professionals do not rush to resort to the help of such innovations in the art of hairdressing. What is the catch? The fact is that it is more convenient for masters to use one tool throughout the procedure, without wasting time on them. Yes, and the skill of specialists allows you to determine equal strands to the eye, making it sometimes faster than using instruments. Thus, the devices themselves do not have flaws and are happy to help in self-painting.

The main advantage here is the uniform distribution of the strands. Equal in thickness and width curls linger in the hooks of the device or teeth. The master only needs to pick up the remaining hair with his free hand, lay down the foil and apply the composition.

Application tools are also a big plus. So, the paint is distributed throughout the hair uniformly and evenly, which allows to achieve the correct color.

Another advantage is the democratic value. Professional brand tools can be purchased in the range from 45 to 300 rubles, which, you see, is much cheaper than going to specialists. And if the choice in favor of self-coloring is made, it's time to learn how to use this innovation.

Staining benefits

Highlighting is the bleaching of individual selected strands. They can be different in width and thickness, and the difference with the main color is from 2 to 6-8 shades. In the first version of the hair looks like you just returned from the coast and slightly burned out in the sun. In the second - an interesting contrast is obtained, adding to the image brightness and creativity.

A variation of this painting is coloring, in which the selected strands do not discolor, but are stained in one or several additional colors. The technique is more complicated, but if you master such a tool as a brush for highlighting perfectly, then it is also quite realistic to do it yourself at home.

This type of staining remains at the peak of popularity for so long, because it has a number of advantages compared to monochrome:

  • doesn't spoil your hair too much
  • perfectly masks the rare gray hair,
  • visibly refreshing and rejuvenating the image
  • updates hairstyle without radical changes,
  • visually adds a volume of hair,
  • does not require frequent correction
  • can be performed on almost any length.

Classic highlighting and its main modern varieties are now being made in any hair salon. The price for it is moderate, and the small mistakes of the master are not too noticeable. Many have already adapted to make highlights in the home with a special comb.


According to the method of applying a bleach, highlighting has three varieties:

  1. Closed - after applying the brightening composition strands tightly wrapped in foil. So they heat up, which speeds up the process of clarification, and the composition does not go to neighboring strands. Get pretty clear contrast stripes.
  2. Open - when the colored strands fall directly on the unpainted ones. This method is considered more delicate in all respects. It spoils the hair less, because the oxidation reaction is not as violent as with the closed highlights. And the color transition borders are slightly blurred, which makes coloring more natural.
  3. Radical - it is also called correction. It is necessary when the previously done highlighting has grown so much that the bright ends look unnatural. Only unpainted areas of the strands become discolored. Approximately 5-10 minutes before the end of the ink exposure time, the composition is drawn through the comb along the entire length so that there are no sharp boundaries for the transition of one tone to another.

For each of these types of coloring specialists have come up with a special comb of the original configurations.

Combs for highlighting

Not long ago, everyone used a comb with fine teeth and a long handle with a sharp tip for highlighting. This technique was called the "Darning" and was used mainly for the closed type. The scheme is simple and step by step looks like this:

  • the hair is combed and divided into the main zones: occipital, lateral, temporal,
  • a small strand is separated in the occipital and with a long tip it is “stitched” in width as a needle,
  • separated fine strands in the upper part are grasped with fingers and laid out on the foil,
  • a brightening compound is applied on them, the foil is tightly wrapped,
  • the process is repeated over the entire head or only in the selected zone,
  • after obtaining the desired shade or the end of the paint exposure time, the composition is washed off,
  • A nourishing balm is applied to the hair, after 5-10 minutes the head is washed well again.

Highlighting is complete - hair can be dried and styled into the hair. During coloring, the general scheme looks the same, but paint is applied to the selected strands, rather than the brightening compound. But the separation is more convenient to perform a special comb. The main thing is to choose the correct configuration for it to work comfortably.

With hooks

The shape of the comb with hooks is flat and voluminous. The location and size of hooks differ from different manufacturers. They can be more or less deep (it depends on how well the comb provides grip), as well as pair and single.

With a rare arrangement of hooks stand wide strands - they are more suitable for thick heavy hair. And for thin and rare need small teeth.

Such a comb is pushed from top to bottom into the selected strand, and then slightly shifted to the side and rises up. Thin strands fall into the hooks, which are easy to pick up with your fingers and lay on the foil or paint over in the open way.

Comb with hooks is more convenient for straight hair of medium length. Curly can cling to the hooks when you lift the comb.

These combs are shaped like a country fence: rare or thick. Wider bottom flat teeth at the top are split in two. This configuration makes it easy to work even on very long thick hair, as it has a different principle of operation. It can also be used for highlighting the open or closed way, but not too convenient for the root.

Before starting, it is very important to comb your hair well, so that they do not get confused and pull out. Comb-fence is fed under the selected strand, and hair gently push through it. Some of them remain on the upper double teeth, and the rest fall down. The upper strands are picked up and stained.

It is extremely inconvenient to work with such short hair with such a comb - they jump off the upper teeth and it is almost impossible to catch them.

Outwardly, such a comb resembles a children's plastic spatula, at the wide end of which are thick and thin teeth, like on a massage brush. They are small in length, so highlighting with a comb-paddle will be superficial, and the contours of the strands - blurred. But it is precisely this - its main advantage. Such a tool is easy to make beautiful California, Venetian or marble highlighting.

The paddle allows you to simultaneously comb the combing and dyeing hair. The strand is laid out on it, and the brightener is applied to the root zone, which is then stripped down through the teeth. If the hair is long - the composition can be added.

The main advantage of this method is almost perfect stretching. Therefore, if you want to get staining without abrupt transitions - this is the most suitable option.

The most difficult construction is a comb with a special nozzle, in which elongated slits are made. It is put on the teeth and a brightening compound is applied to it. When combing out, fairly wide, even strands are obtained. It is very convenient for creating clear contrasting bands, for example, in highlighting “zebra”, which assumes a characteristic alternation of dark and light colors.

The disadvantages include a small amount of paint that can be applied to the stripper. Therefore, it is suitable only for basal highlighting or work with rather short hair.

But there is also a significant plus - the width of the strands is constant and sufficient in order to precisely repeat the previous pattern during the correction.

Feedback and results

Despite such an abundance of devices of various configurations, experienced craftsmen still prefer to perform all types of highlighting with a comb with a long tail. It is universal, but it’s difficult to work with it on your own, especially with short hair. In salons, sometimes they use a stripper to get the effect of perfectly even contrasting strands.

According to most women, the easiest to use is a comb-fence. It combes the hair well, like a normal wide comb, the strands stain evenly and no adjustment is needed after such highlighting. It is difficult to work independently with the rest of the comb, but they do not require special skills. Therefore, if you ask your mom or girlfriend for help and wash out the composition in time, the result is quite decent.

Precautionary measures

Caring for combs is easy. Immediately after use, rinse well with running water and wipe dry. Remember that the composition for clarification and resistant paints are diluted only in non-metallic dishes, and hands for the time of work must be protected with gloves.

If by negligence the paint got into the eyes or on the mucous membranes - they should be immediately washed with clean water.

The hair during the highlighting is always damaged and after it requires careful maintenance and careful treatment. Therefore, do not forget about shampoos and balms for bleached hair, and a couple of times a week indulge them with nourishing masks, and they will long please you with pomp and beautiful modulations.

Advantages and disadvantages

The highlighting comb has many advantages, the most important of which is that it ensures an even distribution of strands. Curls of the same width and thickness remain on the comb due to the presence of a hook or teeth. After separation, the strands should be removed with the other hand, then take the foil and paint the curl with paint.

Uniform distribution of dye in the hair also plays an important role. Thanks to this tool the same and uniform color is obtained.

The undeniable advantage is an affordable price. Hairbrushes from famous brands cost from 50 to 300 rubles, and going to a specialist for highlighting will cost much more.

Many girls know that it is rather difficult to make highlighting on their own, because the paint should be applied evenly. Alone with this task is difficult to cope, it is better to enlist the support of someone from the family or invite a friend.

Typically, professional hairdressers do not use this kind of tools when coloring. Their choice is not based on the fact that the comb is bad or useless. Simply, they can already create uniform strands by eye, without wasting time on the use of additional tools.

The modern variety of comb for highlighting allows you to find the most comfortable and convenient option. Comb-shovel is very popular. In appearance, it looks like a small scoop, since the edge on which the cloves are located is slightly bent upwards.

Often girls prefer the dyeing tool called stripper. This model has two parts: one side includes teeth and open cavities, and the second is presented in the form of nozzles for convenient application of paint on curls.

This tool is perfect for coloring hair of short or medium length. It is worth buying for beginners who do not yet have highlighting skills.

Hairbrushes with rare teeth choose girls with short hair. It ideally allows not only to create a parting, but also gently select the necessary curls for coloring.

The massage model is not suitable for melirovaniyu, but it is also necessary to have around you, because before this procedure, the hair should be well combed. Massage model is ideal to cope with the task, while maintaining the softness and fluffiness of healthy hair.

How to use?

The dyeing process with special combing at home is simple.

It should be produced according to the following algorithm:

  • To lighten the hair, you should mix the required amount of oxygenate and blue powder to form a homogeneous mass.
  • Before dyeing hair should be thoroughly combed.
  • Using the highlighting tool, select the strands to be colored.
  • On the comb should be applied a small amount of paint and paint thoroughly and evenly each curl.
  • The paint should be left on the hair for about 10 minutes to half an hour. Time depends on the desired result. The lighter shade you want to get, the longer it is worth keeping the dye on the hair.
  • After painting it is necessary to wash off the paint well with warm water.
  • It is imperative to process the strands with a restoring balm.

But each model has its own characteristics, so there are nuances in the use of one or the other comb.

For example, shading using the “fence” comb will occur as follows:

  • You need to start by creating one wide strand, which will be identical in width to the comb.
  • Under the strand, which will be painted, you should make a comb, using the principle of "bottom-up".
  • Due to this action, part of the hair will remain on the upper teeth, and the other - on the lower ones.
  • Using a finger, you need to hold these two levels, and gently wind the foil under the upper teeth, paint them and wrap them in foil.

The paddle is more simple and convenient to use:

  • First you need to separate the strand of hair for highlighting.
  • The blade with the teeth up must be placed near the hair roots.
  • Gently apply the paint with a brush, while shifting the blade in the direction parallel to the brush.
  • This procedure should be done with each strand.

For short hair, the stripper is an ideal tool, which also requires a specific algorithm of actions:

  • Place the nozzle on the part of the comb that contains the cloves.
  • Apply paint carefully over the nozzle.
  • Remove the nozzle and quickly from root to tip to hold part of the comb with teeth.
  • When the hair is painted, it is necessary to thoroughly wash off the paint, dry it well and comb it with the help of a massage comb.

An illustrative process of using a comb for highlighting can be viewed in the following video:

Famous brands that make professional tools for hairdressers offer a wide range of convenient and practical coloring tools:

  • The German company Dewal offers a stylish model with hooks, which is ideal for coloring hair strands without any special skills. The comb is equipped with two rows of hooks. They are located at different distances.

The usual zone includes frequent teeth, and a sharp tip is used to divide the curls.

Hairbrush with hooks

On this comb, each clove ends with a hook set aside in the photo. The distance between the teeth and their width on each side of the comb are different, this is done specifically to gain strands of different widths.

The principle of working with this comb is as follows:

  • Separated strand of hair
  • A comb with hooks is inserted into this strand from top to bottom and slightly shifts to the side so that the locks are stuck in the hooks, then rises slightly up,
  • Strands are picked up by the middle finger and placed on the foil.

If you want to get bright and unusual shades, you can use colored pastels for hair. It is reliable and safe to use.

How to lighten hair a couple of tones using cinnamon, read in our article. This method strengthens and heals the hair.

Comb "fence"

This comb for highlighting gets the maximum amount positive reviews women who dye their hair by themselves. Her teeth are somewhat reminiscent of the top of the Kremlin fence.

How to use this comb for highlighting:

  • The comb is inserted into the separated strand from bottom to top,
  • The strand is clamped between the fingers and as if placed on the comb to the limit down. As a result, part of the hair remains between the teeth of the “fence” and is formed as two strand levels,
  • Between them put the middle finger and the top, separated part of the hair is placed on the foil,
  • Then everything is done as usual: the strands on the foil are carefully blotted with clarifier and wrapped.

Video: hairbrush-fence for highlighting

Presentation combs for highlighting MechesComb.

Judging by the reviews on the Internet, professional hairdressers almost never use such a comb.

This is explained by the fact that in the presence of a certain dexterity, it is more convenient to do all the operations (straightening the hair, dividing it into strands, laying them on foil) with a single tool, that is, an ordinary hairdresser’s with a comb with a thin tail.

Well, non-professionals who wish to spin at home alone, it is possible to try to adjust to such a comb. By the way, if you are interested in how frequent highlighting affects your hair, you can read our article.

The main thing to understand is that this is not a “magic wand”, and from the first time you will probably not be able to do it quickly and beautifully with it.

Combs for open highlighting

In addition to highlighting on the foil there is also open highlighting.

Its essence is that the hair with the applied composition does not close.

On the air, the composition has a softer effect, and slightly brightens the remaining untreated hair, as a result, the strands are not so clear and contrasting.

For this highlighting has its own comb.

Spatula comb

It looks like a wide spatula with a comb folded up at the end, and somewhat resembles a scoop for picking berries.

Blades for highlighting differ only in width, and you can buy them for only 50 rubles.

How to work with a spatula comb:

  1. The strand (entirely or thinned) is passed through a comb and is placed on the plane of the blade,
  2. A brightener is applied to the hair lying on the shoulder, while the shoulder itself moves smoothly towards the ends of the strand.
  3. At the end of the strand gently falls on the rest of the hair.

"Chip" of this method in fuzzy contours of the clarified strandtherefore, it is often used for “Californian highlighting” and bronzing of hair.

Working with a blade for highlighting seriously reduces the time of the procedure, and it is easy to use at home.

The disadvantages of clarification on the blade can be attributed blurred color of the resulting strands, but if the goal is natural shades of nature - then this can become a virtue.

By the way, about the dangers of hair coloring during pregnancy can be found here.

This is a comb with an additional nozzle, which is also used for open highlighting.

On the Internet, for some reason, you can find only the stripper for highlighting the company Eurostill, it costs from 45 rubles.

The principle of the stripper:

  1. There are voids in the teeth of the comb-stripper, which are filled with dye through the nozzle,
  2. After that, the nozzle is removed, and the separated strand of hair is once quickly combed by the stripper, turned down and it remains free to lie,
  3. A raw strand is placed on top and the process is repeated.

Repeated passage by a striker is not allowed.

Video: highlighting comb stripper

How is hair stained with a stripper?

Stripper is good for working with short hair and medium length hair.

It is convenient, irreplaceable when processing regrown roots, and even a beginner can handle it.

There is one drawback: the stripper can only be used for basal highlighting, because the amount of brightener, which is typed in his teeth, is not enough to paint a long strand. Here is an article about hair lightening products.

It turns out that there is no universal comb for hair dyeing, but from what is being sold at the moment, you can choose a tool that is suitable for specific purposes and will facilitate the implementation of highlighting even at home.

And if you do not do it yourself, and ask a girlfriend or mother, then exactly everything will work out.

Choose the most convenient comb for highlighting

Many women and girls always try to look perfect, so they often resort to hair coloring.

Fans of popular staining strands, which are very tired of salon procedures, prefer to highlight at home.

But how to make painting fast and correctly select small strands? Thanks to a special comb for highlighting, you will forget what it is to sit for hours on performing your favorite coloring.

Pros and cons of highlighting comb

Among the advantages of combing can be identified:

  • even division into strands
  • convenience in the implementation of technology
  • reduced procedure time
  • achieving a blurry color effect, which is important for individual techniques, unacceptable contrasts (using a scapula and a stripper),
  • the ability to make radical highlighting and accurately repeat the previous drawing, which is important for dyeing hair,
  • low tool cost.


  • each specific tool, except for a comb with a tip, is not a universal means for highlighting (for example, a stripper can paint over only the root part),
  • the necessary thickness of strands is not always selected,
  • Some newcomers find it hard to understand how the device works (although there are many videos, photos and detailed instructions on the subject on the Internet).

Prices for hairbrushes depend on the brand and country of manufacture. If you need an inexpensive option, you can purchase a Chinese comb for 50 rubles. But if you want everything to be perfect, then the professionals recommend getting Italian-made MechesComb hairbrushes, the prices of which start from 300 rubles.

Classic hairbrush for the selection of strands

The standard comb for selecting straps has a sharp end. When using it, you can easily:

  • separate one layer from another
  • go through the zigzag, select small strands that will be located at the same distance from each other,
  • select any strands of hair,
  • to separate both thick and thin strands.

Comb with small hooks

It is remotely similar to the standard hairbrush, but its teeth on both sides have upward-curved edges that resemble hooks. There are various variations of such tools, which are determined primarily by the distance between the teeth: for the selection of small, medium and wide strands. There are hairbrushes, with which you can select and thick, and thin curls.

How to use a comb for highlighting? Technique selection pryadok quite simple:

  1. Combing curls.
  2. A piece of hair is taken into which the comb is inserted.
  3. The tool is diverted slightly to the side so that the strands are stuck in the hooks.
  4. Slightly raise the curl.
  5. Carry out the pickup of the selected strands with the middle finger, and then gently spread them on the foil and coat with dye.

Comb "fence"

The scallop looks like this: the upper thicker teeth are separated by a small cutout, resembling the Kremlin fence, and the lower ones have only a small distance between them. In the opinion of users, such a comb is the best option if the girl does the coloring herself.

Technique selection pryadok:

  1. Choose a strand of hair.
  2. Enter the tool into it (from bottom to top) at the very root.
  3. Pull the curl down a bit. Now you see how it is divided into two parts. Swipe the middle finger between the layers.
  4. Select the tip and lay it on the foil.
  5. Smear the strands with the prepared clarifier and wrap them in foil.

Professional craftsmen do not like to use such a device for highlighting, because they have good dexterity in selecting strands using a conventional comb with a sharp end. Butwomen who carry out painting independently simply delighted with "small fence".

For the implementation of open highlighting, both professionals and amateurs prefer to use several types of comb, the most popular of which are the comb-shovel and stripper.

Highlighting spatula

For painting in the style of melange, mameshesh, shatush, Venetian and Californian melirovanie, which involves the activation of color in the open air, use a special device - a spatula comb.

The coloring composition is applied on the comb itself, and then carried out with the tool from top to bottom, while adding paint. At the exit you are waiting for small dyed strands.

This miracle device is very similar to the scoop that collect berries. It has rare cloves, bent upwards. This device is not expensive at all - about 60 rubles. The price of the product depends on the materials of manufacture, the width of the blade, the specific brand.

Technique of working with a spatula:

  1. Comb the entire head of hair.
  2. Select a separate layer and select the desired amount of hair, which roughly corresponds to the width of the blade.
  3. Insert a lock into the tool near the root zone. Fix it.
  4. Apply the dye to the paddle itself and start moving downward. Add coloring composition in the process of movement. Try to keep the scapula upright, making a small indent from the roots.
  5. After you reach the tips, you can safely lower the dyed locks on a layer of the rest of the hair.
  6. In this way, the entire head of hair is painted.

On the one hand, this comb has ordinary teeth, and on the other hand, it has a special spatula with voids in which paint is applied. Worth, like the previous options, absolutely not expensive - 50 rubles.

Relevant only for medium length and short hair. It is simply irreplaceable when coloring the regrown roots, since it allows to reproduce exactly the previous version of coloring.

How does it work:

  1. Comb the strands.
  2. Apply the dye on one side of the scapula.
  3. Quickly comb a curl with a stripper, turning the device teeth downwards.
  4. Put another strand on top and process it in the same way.

Re-using the stripper for the same strand is unacceptable, otherwise you will receive not highlights, but strange smears.

Preparation before using the tool

It is important to follow the standard rules that will allow the best way to clarify the curls.

Follow these guidelines:

  • well comb the entire head of hair so that there are no mats and tangled hair,
  • apply the composition on a dirty head (this is done in order to minimize the influence of oxygenator),
  • use a cape to protect clothing and shoulders,
  • combine the clarifier with the dye in a ratio of 1 to 1,
  • Prepare a special shampoo from the series “For melirovannyh hair”, as well as balm-conditioner.

Top Tool Brands

Professional masters and ordinary users prefer the following brands:

  1. Expert model from L'Oreal Preference, which involves filling three-level teeth with dye. With a slight movement of the hand, the comb is carried out according to the growth of the hair, - the output is a delicate dyeing that emphasizes the depth of the hairstyle.
  2. Famous German brand Dewal It is very popular with women who prefer to highlight at home. A contoured comb with a sharp end entered the Russian market. Also, the manufacturer offers a special silicone cap, for pulling the crochet hook.
  3. Belgian comb-blade Sibel - quite durable and reliable tool for highlighting.
  4. Eurostil Brand, originally from Spain, produces numerous strippers, best suited for coloring the roots.
  5. Harizma, world renowned hairdressing industry will please the user with a nylon hairbrush of the “fence” type with 3 sides of the teeth.

It should be noted that all the proposed options are quite budget. That is why every woman at home can easily start experimenting.

Thus, there is no single tool with which you can perform any highlighting options. But if you specifically decided on the technique, you can purchase certain accessories that will significantly reduce the time spent on the procedure.

Women ask: how to use a comb for hair dyeing at home?

Highlighting is the coloring of individual strands of hair.

If you wish, you can paint only a few strands - and this will add charm and elegance!

But more often they paint half or one third of the strands.

Popular types of lightening strands is a procedure carried out using different types of hairbrushes.

Next, you will learn about several interesting ways of such hair coloring at home.

Preparing for highlighting the comb at home

Partial dyeing of the house can be done very successfully using hairbrushes, but you need to adjust to this procedure. Perhaps the first time you do not get everything perfect.

Before proceeding to staining, it is necessary to get acquainted with the technology, stock up on necessary inventory and composition for highlighting.

The clarifier may have a liquid, cream and powder structure.

Better if you use a cream base - the result will be more predictable.

The composition of the liquid consistency will drain and can color the strands that are next.

Powder base, requires mixing with a liquid composition.

And it is good if you have adapted to the highlighting and do everything quickly and professionally.

The procedure with improper use can greatly impair the structure of the hair, up to the loss of the burned out strands.

Ideally, it is better to use this technique for those who have not used brightening, have not done a perm, that is, for those who have a living hair structure and the risk of damaging the strands is minimal.

And now directly about how to use a comb for highlighting, and not only!

Preparation of the necessary tools and consumables, the choice of comb, oxidizer.

You will need:

  1. cape on the shoulders.
  2. Ceramic, plastic or glass bowl with deep edges for breeding brightener.
  3. Wide flat brush with a long handle.
  4. Gloves.
  5. Ready professional set for highlighting. You can also use a brightening powder or paste and oxidant.
  6. Paint or tonic: in case you want to give a shade to the strands.
  7. Shampoo.
  8. Balsam or mask to care for bleached hair.
  9. Hairpins "crab" for the separation of hair into zones.
  10. Hairbrush. Depending on which way you want to use, you may need different combing options. For example, the following:
    • simple plastic comb with a thin handle,
    • wide massage brush for long hair,
    • special comb for stranding with rare teeth of unequal length,
    • stripper: comb with containers for coloring composition.

Practical coloring tips

Do not wash your hair for three to four days before the highlighting procedure. This will protect the strands from the harmful effects of paint.

For long curls, there is also the technique of highlighting with a wide massage brush - comb. Apply the composition with a wide brush to the entire surface of the brush and comb the hair from root to tip. We process each zone once, otherwise the strands will merge and the effect of highlighting will not work.

A special comb is used to divide strands with rare teeth of unequal length.

  1. Lightening agent applied to the comband then we brush it from root to tip. This method is suitable for hair of different lengths - short, semi-long and long.
  2. The procedure is carried out in one motion. - from root to tip. The exposure time is individual and depends on the structure of the curls, as well as previous staining.

The following factors are important for getting the desired result - your hair is dry or oily, thin or thick.

For home treatment you can use ready-made professional sets for highlighting. With such staining, the risk of failure is minimized.

Here you will see how to use this comb:

Used for short haircuts. A stripper is a comb, in the teeth of which there are small containers for brightening agent.that can be filled with the nozzle. Each selected strand is processed once.

The clarification process takes place in the air. Strands are obtained without clear contours, with the effect of sunburned.

How else can you perform this procedure?

This procedure can be done without a comb:

  1. Take ready-made strips of foil for highlighting or strips of parchment, plastic hairbrush with a thin handle to separate the strands.
  2. Divide the hair into zones, about eight parts. So it will be convenient for you to separate the strands of the required size.
  3. Secure each zone with a “crab”.
  4. It is recommended to start staining from the bottom of the head, moving up from the neck.
  5. After the central zone, we also begin to work with the side zones.
  6. We separate a wide, but rather thin strand with a thin tip of a plastic comb. Strands should be the same width.
  7. Then from it we select thin strands. This is convenient to do with the help of the darning effect - we pass the tip of the comb through the drawn strand of hair, dividing it into thin strands.
  8. Lay the separated upper part on the foil, apply the composition with a brush and wrap. We bend the tip of the foil, turn it into a square and press it to the head. We also process all strands to be dyed.
  9. The foil performs the function of a barrier and does not allow the stains to be colored, not subject to clarification.
  10. It’s not easy to carry out this process on the part of the head, therefore it is better to contact the assistant.

Feature! If you want to look at the future effect or practice, then paint three to four strands. As a result, you will understand: if this is the composition that you need, what should be the exposure time and other nuances.

See how to highlight with foil:

Differences of actions depending on the length of hair

It is hardest to paint long curls. In the home version there is a simplified procedure for highlighting using a massage brush - brush, which is described in the previous paragraph.

It does not give such clear contours, as if we used foil. But the effect of many girls like: blurry color contours give a natural touch to colored locks and visual volume.

Hair of medium length, as well as short, can be colored with a stripper.

The classic option for short haircuts is still staining with a silicone cap with holes.

At home, this is the best option if you want to get clearly defined melirovanie strands. Ready-made kits, which include a cap, comb and brightening composition, can be purchased at a professional store.

Here you can watch a video on how to make highlights using this cap:

What determines the time of aging curls?

It is individual and depends on the color, structure and thickness of the hair. For thin, light curls - exposure time from seven to fifteen minutes. For dark hard hair - from the term of minutes or more.

If you see that the desired lightening effect has been achieved, quickly wash off the composition with shampoo and apply a nourishing balm. If necessary, you can adjust the color and put tonic. He will last until the next shampooing.

Useful recommendations: how to make it to yourself?

  1. The main thing is not to overdo it! For the first time it is better to under-mix a little. All lightening agents have a strong chemical effect on the structure of the hair, and if the composition is over-exposed, the locks can be severely damaged.

If the curls are black and hard, poorly lightening, you can warm them up with a stream of hot air from a hairdryer. But exposure to hot air must be short-term - otherwise the strands can be burned, completely violating their structure.

An interesting video on how to make highlighting yourself independently:

How to avoid failure and how to be if nothing happened?

To avoid damage to the hair, highlighting itself, carefully read the instructions attached to the brightening compositionand follow all recommendations. If you make a mistake and your hair has suffered, you need to cut off the tips and actively, within a month, use the means to restore the structure - balms, masks, special oils.

If you are not satisfied with the color - do not immediately use dyes to change the color, let your hair recover. During the month, you can use tonic or tinted shampoos.

The result is predictable, if you comply with all the requirements set forth in the instructions for staining.

But a lot depends on the individual characteristics of your hair.

Even experienced masters can not get sometimes one hundred percent expected result.

Repeating partial staining can be no more than once a month, otherwise you can ruin the structure.

A prerequisite for subsequent care is the use of specially designed masks and hair balms after each shampooing.

Starting highlighting at home on their own, carefully read all the recommendations. Use for the beginning a simple type of clarification. - by means of a wide massage brush on which the clarifying structure is applied.

A good option is to make the first highlight in the cabin, and then copy all the actions of the master of the house.

Useful videos

Comb for highlighting.

Work with a comb for highlighting.

About the tool

The dyeing technique itself involves lightening individual strands, but when brightening at home, it is not so easy to select the same thin curls. To facilitate the task, you can purchase a special comb, its price starts from 40 rubles, so the tool will be affordable for everyone. However, at first it is better to study the characteristics of the product, as it has several types.

  1. Classic comb to highlight strands. This is a small comb with a long thin handle. The tool can be considered professional, since it is this type used in the salons. A person without special training will find it difficult to separate strands of equal width with it.
  2. The steeper has two sides: a scallop and a jagged nozzle, with the help of which a bleaching composition is applied.
  3. With hooks. Here the comb has two rows of teeth, divorced in different directions. At the end of each is a hook. The width between the hooks in the first and second row is different, so you can make strands of various sizes. To detach the strands, insert the tool into the strand and pull it slightly to the side and up. For the hooks hooked strands, which are picked up by hand and placed on a sheet of foil.
  4. If you prefer open highlighting, then use a comb - spatula. In shape, it resembles a scoop with teeth on the end, skipping a strand, only the necessary hairs remain on the “scoop”, which you paint and remove from the instrument. This method is well suited for creating fuzzy contours.
  5. The most popular hairbrush - fence. With its help, it is easy to lighten hair independently; each section of the tool resembles the tip of a fence.

Each type has its own instructions for use.

About application

Each tool has its own characteristics, but there are general tips. Before dyeing, you need to wash your hair, dry them naturally. Then the curls comb well, only then begins the process of staining.

Tip! Get the product in advance to care for bleached hair, it will help get rid of the yellowness and prolong the life of the color.

How to use the "fence"

The comb has a number of indisputable advantages, because it allows itself to do highlights with perfectly even and equal strands. However, in order for the effect to be achieved, it is necessary to use the device correctly.

  1. Select one strand in width equal to the width of the comb.
  2. Get the tool under the separated hair, moving in the direction of the bottom - up.
  3. If the movement was done correctly, then on the scallops you will have two rows of hair: on the upper and on the lower floor of the teeth.
  4. Place your middle finger over the top row, holding the strands and pulling out a comb.
  5. Separate the hair, put it on the foil, dye it with a brightener, repeat the procedure for the entire volume.

A similar list of actions will be a comb with hooks, the only difference is that when separating the order it is necessary to make a movement in the direction that the hair caught on the hooks.

Tool - Spatula

The paddle helps in applying the clarifier, it is a little easier to use, but you have to separate the strands in advance.

  1. Place a wide strand with hair highlighted for dyeing on the scapula, the teeth should be at the roots, look up.
  2. Pass the selected strands through the teeth.
  3. Spray paint over the composition.
  4. Repeat the entire volume.

Tip! Spatula is ideal for open staining. With such a tool, it will take much less time.

This view is perfect for owners of short haircuts, and the instructions for it will look like this:

  1. On the serrated side, attach the nozzle that comes in the kit.
  2. The clarifier is applied over the nozzle, then the nozzle is removed.
  3. 3. Paint with a comb turns sharply so that the teeth go through the hair from root to tip.
  4. Wait for the necessary time and wash off the paint.

The effect will be more noticeable if you make a beautiful styling. For short hair, use massage brushes that lift the roots and create extra volume.

Highlighting the comb is extremely convenient, but having considered the theory, it is not always easy to make a choice in practice. That is why we offer several proven brands.

Manufacturers Rating

Tools for creating hairstyles at home sell almost all manufacturers of paints, sometimes such combs even come with a brightener. For example, the company L'Oreal, to its collection Preference, has released three-level combs for dyeing. It is not difficult to use it, at all levels the hairs are colored, while it is important to move with a brush without pressing, so the color will be uniform. To facilitate the understanding of the work with the tools, manufacturers put instructions with photos.

It is worth noting that many manufacturers are trying to improve the tools, creating mixed models.

  • The German brand Dewal earned prestige in the production of products for coloring, but decided to supplement its line with special tools. So their model is considered the most convenient, a comb with hooks has two rows with different widths, a sin. So it turns out that with such a device you can replace several combs at once.
  • The company from Belgium Sibel has created various blades for applying paint. You can choose the width and bend, that is, to find a tool for each.
  • Eurostil - a brand from Spain also decided to take all the best from different models of combs. He created a striper, based on the principle of the fence. The nylon model has three levels of teeth with a forked end.

By the way, any of these tools is suitable for toning. Remember that now fashionable complex coloring, do not limit yourself to simple discoloration, pick up a beautiful shade that will advantageously set off your main hair color.

Important! If you later want to repeat the hair coloring exactly, then use the styper, only with this tool you can easily re-paint the same strands.

Useful tips

When all the basic rules for the use of various tools are given, several useful recommendations can be made.

  1. Always take into account the length of the hair and the method of coloring. When highlighting through a mono cap, confine yourself only to tools for applying the composition; in cases with foil, it is best to have two types of comb or a combined instrument.
  2. If possible, use help from the side, it is important so that you know that the hair on the back side is well dyed.In extreme cases, use two large mirrors.
  3. Be sure to use a balm for colored hair, remember that lightening is always a big stress for their structure.
  4. Do not forget about safety precautions, use glove compound, avoid contact with mucous membranes, try to ventilate the room.

So, a comb for home dyeing is a convenient and practical tool, but even it requires some skill. Therefore, in advance, familiarize yourself not only with the theory, but also see the training videos, detailed photos. Good preparation is the key to the desired result.

Step-by-step instruction: how to use it correctly?

And now directly about how to use a comb for highlighting, and not only!

Preparation of the necessary tools and consumables, the choice of comb, oxidizer.

You will need:

  1. cape on the shoulders.
  2. Ceramic, plastic or glass bowl with deep edges for breeding brightener.
  3. Wide flat brush with a long handle.
  4. Gloves.
  5. Ready professional set for highlighting. You can also use a brightening powder or paste and oxidant.
  6. Paint or tonic: in case you want to give a shade to the strands.
  7. Shampoo.
  8. Balsam or mask to care for bleached hair.
  9. Hairpins "crab" for the separation of hair into zones.
  10. Hairbrush. Depending on which way you want to use, you may need different combing options. For example, the following:

  • simple plastic comb with a thin handle,
  • wide massage brush for long hair,
  • special comb for stranding with rare teeth of unequal length,
  • stripper: comb with containers for coloring composition.

Result, repetition rate and subsequent care

The result is predictable, if you comply with all the requirements set forth in the instructions for staining.

But a lot depends on the individual characteristics of your hair.

Even experienced masters can not get sometimes one hundred percent expected result.

Repeating partial staining can be no more than once a month, otherwise you can ruin the structure.

A prerequisite for subsequent care is the use of specially designed masks and hair balms after each shampooing.

Starting highlighting at home on their own, carefully read all the recommendations. Use for the beginning a simple type of clarification. - by means of a wide massage brush on which the clarifying structure is applied.

A good option is to make the first highlight in the cabin, and then copy all the actions of the master of the house.


Watch the video: How to use the Smart Weave comb (July 2024).