
A visit to a trichologist - a waste of time?


Did you notice that your hair has lost its shine and beauty? How often do we have to restore the curls after improper handling of them: straightening, curling, frequent dyeing ... And what if your hair has changed for other reasons, and you have to go to the trichologist? We decided to figure out when, indeed, there is a reason to contact a "hair specialist."

Trichologist and hair loss

If you notice that you leave a lot of hair on a comb, do not panic! But it is worth referring to a specialist, girls often face alopecia, which can be caused by many reasons. Of course, you can hope for the popular methods of treatment and lose precious time! The task of the trichologist is to determine what you are losing hair from and to assign an objective treatment.

The reasons for hair loss include the following factors:

· Chronic diseases (some of them you may not even suspect!),

· Acceptance of aggressive drugs.

To understand what influenced your hair, you will be prescribed a full examination: spectral analysis of hair, blood biochemistry, analysis of hormones, ultrasound of the liver and thyroid gland. Not a frail list, but the result is worth it, don't you think?

Lyubov Zhiglova

Psychologist, online consultant. Specialist from the website

- March 2, 2012, 09:16

you need to check hormones, thyroid hormones and female. if something is wrong with hormones, then no trichologist will help. and if with hormones everything is in order, then all kinds of chemicals there and hair dyeing are indifferent, they will be thick anyway. Yes, their ivd, brightness, brilliance can spoil. but not density

- March 2, 2012, 09:45

I agree with the Guest ╧ 1 that it is necessary to first check the harmonic background, in particular, to pass the test for free testosterone — it is he who is most often the cause of hair loss. You can contact the trichologist — he will appoint an external supportive therapy, but the most important thing is to establish an internal cause and believe it, I know what I’m talking about — about 5 years ago I’m talking about it myself — half a cup got out in a year and a half, I'm sorry ..- the reason was still in the same testosterone. I fixed the problem thanks to an endocrinologist homeopath plus treatment from a trichologist, happy pah-pah everything is fine. Health to you!

- March 2, 2012 10:40

I agree with the Guest ╧ 1 that it is necessary to first check the harmonic background, in particular, to pass the test for free testosterone — it is he who is most often the cause of hair loss. You can contact the trichologist — he will appoint an external supportive therapy, but the most important thing is to establish an internal cause and believe it, I know what I’m talking about — about 5 years ago I’m talking about it myself — half a cup got out in a year and a half, I'm sorry ..- the reason was still in the same testosterone. I fixed the problem thanks to an endocrinologist homeopath plus treatment from a trichologist, happy pah-pah everything is fine. Health to you!

oh, and the homeopath is an endocrinologist in which city? Share, please, coordinates.

- March 2, 2012, 13:18

Moscow Homeopathic Center at the 2nd Vladimirskaya-it is there one homeopath-endocrinologist-Ragimova Svetlana Samedovna. At the reception it is better to have all the analyzes on the problems that concern you, so as not to lose time (ultrasound (if thyroid gland), harmonics). This is the only homeopath doctor, who ever really helped me, as well as my mom and grandmother in my time.

- March 2, 2012, 13:22

I turned to the trichologist, did a trichogram to determine the cause of hair loss, because further treatment depends on the root cause, in my case the trichogram showed that the reason is in severe stress. I forbade myself to be nervous, bought vitamins for pregnant women (not being pregnant), and made up a whole complex of care (masks, rubbing), did not restore the volume, but the hairfall stopped.

- March 2, 2012, 4:30 pm

Here is the fashion then in people, just a little, then these are hormones.
Of course it is worth to turn to the trichologist, if it already shines then!

- March 2, 2012, 22:41

I addressed. The tests showed something and he prescribed medication. I bought them, read them and did not drink. A lot of side. And the rubbing that he gave me some kind of plant from Asia, it was necessary to pass urine for analysis. There could be abnormalities in the kidneys and the urine turned orange. So you rub it in your head and you can kill the kidneys. Yes, and all the drugs were not directly for the hair, but the hairiness increased from overdosing, a side effect so to speak. And even looking at the tests, he said that I can not be painted. In general, I didn’t drink or smear anything. Although the doctor's office in Moscow is famous near his White House, they often show him on TV. And Vishy’s firm bought the pharmacy (oh, I forgot the name) (they are for men and women) pipette and rubbed them. But it’s expensive and now Garnier’s companies are cheaper (bought in Ol Hood at Manezhka). Hair has become thicker and healthier. Sorry now at home I can’t see the name, but they are in all pharmacies. I had one pipette for 2 days, and there are 12 in the box. This medicine improves the hair follicle.

Briefly about the main thing: what the trichologist treats

In the area of ​​responsibility of the trichologist - diseases of the hair and scalp. Contrary to popular belief, they are caused not only by improper care, frequent staining, aggressive beauty procedures, abuse of the use of hot appliances, and other local effects. But the internal problems of the body - metabolic imbalances, hormonal imbalance, age-related changes, infectious and skin diseases, eating disorders, depression.

Unlike a hairdresser, a trichologist looks at any problem in a complex way. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor collects a detailed history, ascertains the general health of the patient, is interested in his lifestyle, hereditary diseases, and, if necessary, prescribes additional tests (clinical blood test, as well as hormones, trichogram and spectral analysis, scrapings).

If the doctor sees that the patient's problem is caused by the state of the organism, consultations can be made with the advice of narrow specialists - a neuropathologist, an endocrinologist, a general practitioner, a gynecologist, etc.

It should be understood that hair loss and scalp problems can be caused not by one, but by several problems of the body. And the specialist needs time to identify them and then prescribe a comprehensive treatment. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor at the first warning signs.

1. Excessive hair loss

The leader among the reasons for contacting the trichologist is excessive hair loss. Moderate hair loss is generally considered a normal sign of regeneration, but loss of more than 100 hairs per day is an alarming sign.

If you notice increased hair loss, and your strands began to thin noticeably, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. The fact is that you can not have time to save the hair follicle, and then some of the hair will be lost irretrievably.

Editor's Board: Please note that “Pure Line” “Burdock Oil 5 in 1” is not a drug. But if it falls out because of their weakening and fragility of curls, it can help. Apply the product from root to tip and try to perform a light massage of the scalp to stimulate blood circulation.

2. Early gray hair

The appearance of the first gray hairs is different for everyone. It is considered normal if you find single gray hairs after 30-35 years. But the occurrence of early active gray hair to 25-30 years may be the cause of a disease. You should definitely discuss this symptom with a specialist and get to the root cause.

Editor's Board: if you want to mask the gray hair with dye, make sure that the pigment does not wash out of the hair too soon. So you will be able to dye your strands less often, which means less damage to them. Let's say take a closer look at the shampoo and Dove Balsam Rinse Shine of Color with Vibrant Color Lock color fixation technology. They will help to keep the shade for a long time, as well as to give dyed hair shine and softness.

3. Dandruff and itching

We often recommend the use of shampoos and conditioners anti-dandruff. But in the case, they do not help, and dandruff is accompanied by itching, it can be a symptom of seborrhea or dermatitis, when you should definitely go to a doctor.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure strong dandruff and itching with just shampoo.

4. Slow hair growth

The growth rate of hair in young healthy women is one of the highest - about 1.5-2 cm per month. If you notice that the hair began to grow noticeably slower, this is another reason to visit the trichologist. Continue to care for your hair as always, but if treatment is necessary, it can help prevent baldness or have time to detect the onset of any diseases.

5. Split ends

Who was not bothered by split ends, especially when it comes to long-haired girls? We have repeatedly mentioned how to care for split ends.

Are you caring for the ends of the hair, but they still split?

But if you moisturize your hair over the entire length, cut it regularly, and the strong section still continues, you should look to the trichologist. Perhaps the doctor will help you find the right vitamins, deal with nutrition, or identify and eliminate another internal cause of the hair section.

Trichologist and dandruff

This unpleasant problem worries a lot of girls, and how much money promising to save you from it is on the shelves of the stores! But is it worth to trust your precious head shampoo, which does not take into account all the possible nuances? First, make sure dandruff is bothering you? Perhaps you are faced with seborrhea, and it threatens with seborrheic dermatitis and, as a result, hair loss. Yes, and dandruff - not quite a harmless disease! Most often this is a symptom of an imbalance in the body, and the trichologist will help you to understand exactly where.

The cause of dandruff can be:

· Incorrect hair care (rare or frequent washing, improper shampoo, poor quality dyes),

· Abuse of styling products,

· Lack of vitamins and microelements,

· Malfunction of the endocrine system,

· Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract,

The trichologist will easily determine what caused dandruff in you and prescribe adequate treatment.

What problems require mandatory consultation of the trichologist?

1. The list of reasons for which patients turn to trichologists is headed by hair loss. Intensive, and most importantly, long-term hair loss is a serious reason to be wary. Especially if the cause of the loss is not obvious. When should I go to the doctor?

  • if the hair began to fall out much stronger than usual
  • if this problem has been bothering you for several months
  • daily falls more than 100-120 hairs
  • noticeably decreased hair density
  • bald spots appeared, bald spots became noticeable
  • you changed shampoo and other hair care products several times
  • popular folk remedies that you used for several months do not give any results
  • standard tests prescribed by the therapist do not show serious abnormalities
  • there are other hair problems - severe dryness, brittleness, split ends.

If hair loss is not treated for too long, you can miss valuable time. Hair loss can become pathological (a phenomenon called alopecia) and can lead to baldness.

2. A serious reason for trichological consultation with a specialist is dandruff. As a rule, it is extremely difficult to cure yourself. Oily or dry dandruff combined with severe itching is most often a manifestation of such a serious dermatological disease as seborrhea. Seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis require extensive diagnosis and long-term treatment of the underlying disease that caused them, in order to get a lasting improvement and get rid of dandruff. You need to go to a specialist, if there is a lot of dandruff, it is accompanied by severe itching, they bother you for a long time, self-treatment and change of shampoos does not work.

3. Hair is very bad, slowly growing. The causes of this problem may lie in diseases of the internal organs or hormonal disorders. If hair growth has slowed down, especially if it does not occur in certain areas of the scalp, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the hair does not grow well due to genetic factors. It is possible that the body is experiencing a shortage of essential vitamins or trace elements necessary for hair to grow faster.

4. Hair is very fragile and brittle, strongly split at the ends or along the entire length. In this case, regular haircut and good care does not help to improve the condition of the hair. Hair looks miserable, and no noticeable results are given either by professional hair cosmetics or folk masks and lapping, the recipes of which are passed from mouth to mouth. It is important to remember that a lot of time is required to solve any hair problem. As a rule, it takes at least three to four months for your hair restoration efforts to bear fruit, and the condition of the strands has improved markedly. If after six months of regular restorative care, the condition of the hair is still not good, you should consult with the trichologist. Very often, the cost of consultation is at times the amount that has to be spent on buying cosmetics again and again, picking them up using the “at random” method. At best, it often turns out to be useless, and at worst, it can damage your hair and only aggravate the problem.


Why does hair fall out and what to do with it? Questions that require an answer in any case, so that your hair please, and not be the subject of experiences or disorders. The Professional Clinic has developed a program for the restoration and treatment of hair using modern trichological conservative techniques.

Step 1. Consultation of the doctor trichologist + computer diagnosis of hair and scalp.

Consultation begins with the collection of information on the patient's lifestyle and state of health, because the hair reflects the problems of the whole body, in most cases, of an endocrine nature. Then computer diagnostics are performed. It makes it possible to determine how long the fallout began, and at what stage it is now. For a detailed examination of the scalp and individual hairs, the videoscope is used, and for a detailed study of the state of the bulbs - a microviziograf.

Step 2. Selection of home professional care

If the patient is worried about dandruff and itching, then in this case the discomfort is eliminated by proper home care, consisting of professional cosmetics (shampoos, balms, lotions, masks). We use drugs that do not give the effect of cancellation that are safe and will not harm. These are products based on biomimetic peptides that protect hair from the negative effects of the external environment: Dermaheal (Dermahil), Renokin (Renokin), Nanogen (Nanogen), Optima (Optima).

Step 3. Treatment in the doctor’s office of trichologist

If a patient complains of hair loss, then a comprehensive treatment consisting of vitamin therapy, individually selected home care and medical procedures (mesotherapy, plasma lifting and ozone therapy) is selected.

Scalp mesotherapy

Mesotherapy for hair is nourishing the scalp with microinjections with vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. It is carried out both by a needle, and a mezoroller. The clinic has a large selection of mezococktails, including those with growth factors. Necessary preparations for each patient are selected strictly individually.If you go through the full course of mesotherapy, you can immediately solve a number of problems that are of concern: to stop the hair section, hair loss, thinning, to stimulate the growth of new hair. In addition, you can adjust the secretion of sebum, and thus get rid of dandruff.

Plasma lifting

Plasma therapy allows you to locally stimulate hair growth, prevent hair loss and improve the quality of the hair shaft: increase shine, elasticity and thickness, significantly reduce its cross-section. Indications for carrying out: all types of alopecia, seborrhea, poor density and quality of hair. Thanks to plasma lifting, a powerful visible effect is achieved after the first procedures: hair loss due to strengthening of hair follicles is reduced, the sebaceous glands function is normalized, dandruff, itching and dryness are eliminated. Done course, no contraindications.

Ozone therapy

Physiotherapy treatment is represented by ozone therapy. First of all, this method is necessary for those who have inflammatory elements on the scalp and dandruff. Ozone has a bactericidal effect, oxygenates and gives extra breath to hair. This method is combined with others, enhancing their effect.

Eyebrows and eyelashes

To stimulate the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes, we recommend Renokin LASH LASH - a highly effective hypoallergenic drug, the active components of which restore the structure, increase the length and thickness of the eyelashes. LASH LASH makes it possible to achieve fast and long-lasting results: brittle, short and thin eyelashes become thick, long and shiny! The use of air conditioning has no restrictions related to age and gender. Recommended as a means of nutrition and restoration of eyelashes after exposure to decorative cosmetics and environmental factors.

As our long-term practice shows, it is only possible to solve any problem in a complex way, therefore this approach is the basis of our work.

5 reasons to contact the trichologist in the clinicProfessional:

  1. Hair has become dull and brittle.
  2. Dandruff appeared
  3. Itchy scalp
  4. Hair began to fall out
  5. Dandruff remains on clothes

If you are worried about these symptoms, then you need to sign up for a consultation with our dermatologist, trichologist Olga Pavlovna DEAL.

We guarantee our patients privacy, comfort and safety, because your health and beauty is our top priority!

Make an appointment by phone: +7 (8442) 358-358.

How is the reception at the doctor?

As with any other medical specialist, an appointment with a trichologist takes place in a pattern scheme - first collecting anamnesis, then a visual inspection. The doctor assesses the condition of the hairy part of the scalp, conducts trichoscopic examination, analyzing the density and quality of hair, the uniformity of their distribution. If you need to take additional tests or visit other specialists, the doctor will prescribe a referral. If the picture is clear, treatment will be prescribed.

Like cosmetology, trichology has a wide range of methods that can help solve almost any problem. The doctor has the right to prescribe drugs and homeopathic remedies, prescribe to take orally and apply externally herbal infusions and decoctions, prepare homemade hair masks or use ready-made compositions of professional cosmetics.

If necessary, physiotherapeutic procedures will be connected - massage of the scalp scalp, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, acupuncture. If problems with the hair and scalp are associated with improper nutrition or deficiency of vitamins, nutrients, a diet based on the principles of a balanced diet can be recommended.

Hair loss

Hair loss can be divided into two types - diffuse and androgenetic. Diffuse hair loss can be caused by stress, illness, hormonal alteration of the woman's body after pregnancy and childbirth, or it can occur while taking certain medications. Coping with diffuse hair loss can be at home.

But you must understand that lost hair is the result of changes in the body that occurred not today, but a few weeks ago. Therefore, if the hair falls out moderately (up to 100 pcs. Per day) and evenly (approximately equally in the middle) and nothing else bothers - you need to wait this moment, adjusting the care of curls. Experts recommend finding time for regular use of indelible lotions and serums for the scalp (excellent with keratin and amino acids), masks and conditioners based on natural plant extracts (nettle, aloe vera, chamomile, calendula).

If you are experiencing local hair loss in the parietal and vysochnoe zones, most likely you are dealing with andogenetic hair loss. Here, without the help of a specialist can not do.

Seborrhea, eczema, dermatitis

Advertising for the well-known dandruff shampoo made consumers think that this is a temporary condition of the scalp, which can be forgotten by washing your head with the right means. In fact, this opinion is not just wrong, but also dangerous!

Active dandruff is not just a peeling of the skin, but a fungal disease. To "heal" you need to be able to distinguish between its types - dry and greasy dandruff, and then determine the treatment. The drugs and medicines selected by the doctor will gently cleanse the scalp, relieve discomfort - irritation and itching, will have antifungal and antiseptic effects. If you do not treat seborrhea, over time it can "grow out" into other diseases - for example, seborrheic eczema or dermatitis.

Excessive oiliness, dry scalp

These unpleasant conditions often result from improperly chosen cosmetic care. The culprit of all troubles may be too aggressive, or vice versa, a delicate shampoo, not enough cleansing the hair and scalp.

In some cases, the health and beauty of the hair take away beauty trends, for example, coving. A popular trend is to wash the hair with conditioner and not to use shampoo. The other extreme - deep cleansing of the scalp - the frequent use of professional shampoos with the function of deep cleaning, as well as scrubs and peels for the scalp. As a result, the skin becomes sensitive, vulnerable, sebaceous excretion can increase or, on the contrary, the skin becomes very dry and painful. The doctor will determine the cause of the discomfort and recommend competent care.

Constantly split ends

Many owners of long curls consider this problem to be cosmetic rather than medical. Sometimes there are reasons for this. If a woman often uses thermometers, loves experimenting with hair, welcomes radical changes of image, the appearance of split ends is just a matter of time.

But sometimes split ends is an alarming symptom indicating an imbalance in the body. Some chronic diseases, vitamin deficiency, trichoptilosis, and anemia can lead to this result. The doctor will identify the root of the problem and prescribe the appropriate therapy.

Early gray hair

The appearance of gray hair is a serious problem, especially for women. They pay special attention to the color of their curls and strive to preserve a beautiful natural shade as long as possible. If the first silver strands appeared in the hair after 35 years - this is considered the norm.

Blondes begin to turn gray before everyone, at about the age of 35-38 years old, and later all brown-haired ones - after 40 years. This conclusion was made by foreign scientists.

It is impossible to get rid of gray hair, it can only mask or slow down the process of its formation, if it is activated by the internal causes of the body, the disease. Patients with anemia and a history of endocrine disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and many others are at risk of suddenly turning gray at risk. The doctor will identify the cause that contributed to the formation of early gray hair and recommend measures that will slow down this process.

In a healthy person, hair grows at a rate of 1.5-2 cm per month for about three years, after which it moves to a state of rest. In this stage, there is approximately every tenth hair on the head, which is pushed out by a new hair for 2-3 months. Loss of up to 100 hairs per day is considered normal.

The causes of hair loss are various diseases, including the pathology of the organs of the endocrine system or the gastrointestinal tract. Only a specialist can determine the reasons for the thinning of the hair and the method of control. When is it worth asking for help from the trichologist?

If you notice that your hair has become coarse, dull, brittle and thin. Moreover, the quality of hair has deteriorated not only on the scalp, but also on the whole body. This may be one of the signs of dysfunction of the thyroid gland, or hypothyroidism. A characteristic feature is the thinning of hair at the tips of the eyebrows. Scientific studies show that in hypothyroidism, a large number of hair follicles are in the sleep phase. This is due to a decrease in thyroid production of its own hormones, which are necessary for normal metabolism in the hair follicles.

Alopecia or hair loss on the head, the appearance of bald patches in the frontal zone may indicate a violation of the perception of androgen receptors. These sex hormones regulate the processes of differentiation, cell secretion of the scalp and hair growth rate. Very often, predisposition to alopecia is inherited.

Changes in the condition of the scalp, the appearance of oily shine, dryness or itching also indicate excessive stimulation of the sebaceous and sweat glands with androgens. If there is an irregular cycle, acne, hair growth in atypical zones, it is necessary to exclude the pathology of the adrenal glands and ovaries. Also, the frequent "culprit" of the appearance of seborrhea and dandruff is considered to be the activation of the growth of a particular fungus against the background of reduced immunity or improperly selected scalp care.

If the itching and dryness of the skin is accompanied by the appearance of pink or reddish rashes of various sizes in the form of plaques, the presence of psoriasis can be suspected. This disease is characterized by pathologically rapid renewal of epidermal cells. Exacerbations can be caused by frequent stresses, changes in nutrition and vitamin deficiencies.

Our emotions, mood and self-care directly affect not only the quality, but even hair color! Early gray hair most often occurs due to the strongest psycho-emotional upheaval. However, it is possible that there is a shortage of some trace elements, liver pathology and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For the growth and development of hair is very important adequate intake of proteins and vitamins! If you prefer to refuse animal sources of protein or raw foods, make sure that you get all the elements you need for metabolism!

Trichologist and split ends

It would seem that you know all about split ends! Of course, they can be provoked by the love of “hot” styling, improper and frequent hair coloring, lack of care ... But sometimes this is a disturbing signal about an imbalance in the body.

Trichologist using spectral analysis and microscopy will determine the cause of your troubles, and this may be:

· Trichotilosis (congenital pathology of hair follicles).

Trichologist and early gray hair

Noticed the first gray hair? Contact the trichologist! It is considered normal if gray hair begins after 35 years, and then we are talking about single hairs. It is impossible to get rid of gray hair, it is easier to prevent it!

Gray hair cause:

Only a trichologist will be able to determine the real cause of early gray hair, so do not delay with a visit to a specialist.


Watch the video: New Jersey Trichology and hair loss training (July 2024).