Useful tips

Hair Growth and Restoration with Scalp Mesotherapy


In modern clinics, they increasingly began to introduce such a cosmetic procedure as mesotherapy. It is especially effective in treating hair. Both men and women can use it only after having familiarized themselves with the available contraindications. A positive result is noticeable only with the full passage of the entire course.

What is this process for the scalp and skin?

Hair mesotherapy is performed using special cocktails and solutions.which contain vitamins, trace elements and missing components. They are injected under the scalp, thereby improving its condition and condition of the hair.

We offer to watch a video on what is mesotherapy of the scalp:

In mesotherapy, there are many indications for use. One of them is the disease "alopecia". It can be of two types: cicatricial (hair loss due to inflammatory, atrophic and cicatricial processes in the skin. The follicles are completely destroyed) and non-cicatricial (this area still remains poorly understood. There is no skin lesion before baldness).

Also, indications include seborrhea, dandruff, ringworm, hair loss due to diets, medications, lightening, etc.

Types of Alopecia

It should be noted that non-scar alopecia is divided into several classifications.

Occurs as a result of physiological hormonal changes in the body during puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause. This classification differs in that alopecia occurs with uniform hair loss of varying degrees. Occurs more often in people:

  • experiencing constant stress
  • taking drugs and contraceptives,
  • transferred a resection of a stomach.

Hair falls out, forming a rounded or oval pattern of baldness. Most often baldness is found in the occipital region. It has 3 types:


Occurs due to an excess in the body dihydrotestosterone (male hormone), stimulating hair loss on the head. The process takes place gradually: first, short hairs come to the place of long hair, which are then replaced by fluff (vellus), eventually disappearing permanently.

The disease begins with a slow loss of the front of the hair. Further, the hair grows only on the sides of the head and on the back of the head, and the entire top of the head becomes completely bald.

We offer to watch a video about the types of alopecia:


Are common:

  • a sharp decrease in the body's defenses,
  • oncology,
  • damage to the area of ​​the scalp in the place where the tool will be injected,
  • medications that affect blood clotting,
  • endocrine gland diseases
  • inflammatory processes
  • scalp diseases
  • mental disorders
  • weakened immune system
  • allergies of various kinds.

For women:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • menstruation,
  • failure in the hormonal system, in the gallbladder and kidneys,
  • hypertension of 3 degrees.

For men: cholelithiasis and all contraindications from the point "common".

We offer you to watch a video about contraindications for mesotherapy:

How is the procedure?

  1. Before performing the procedure, the doctor or a qualified cosmetologist is obliged to conduct tests to identify the absence of contraindications. Also, it should be remembered that 3 days before the meeting it is worth excluding drugs that affect blood clotting. Hair mesotherapy is performed with the help of small syringes with a thin needle.
  2. The patient is placed in a special chair sitting or lying, considering what zone the operation is to be. If he is prone to fainting, the doctor should take this into account. On average, the operation takes about 40 minutes. One visit will not be enough. How often do you need and can do the procedure to get the full effect? This requires from 8 to 10 procedures.
  3. To begin with, the doctor treats the scalp with an antiseptic. Injections are carried out from the set top point on diverging radial rays. Injections are placed at a distance of approximately 1.5 centimeters.

Through this process, mesotherapy allows you to directly influence the metabolic processes and trophism of the head skin. Upon completion of the procedure, the skin is treated with a solution containing 0.05% chlorhexidine.

There are 3 types of special cocktails:

  1. Injections. This procedure is painful when compared with the dermaroller procedure. Studies have shown that this procedure is the most effective.
  2. Pistol. Therapeutic cocktail is administered in semi-automatic mode, making the procedure faster.
  3. Dermaroller. This is quite painful, however, an almost automated method of introducing a cocktail. They are led along with a medicinal preparation on the skin, which evenly distributes the substance over the surface of the head.

We offer to watch a video on how the hair mesotherapy procedure is carried out:

Does it help from falling out and for acquiring luxurious curls?

Is it true or myth that luxurious hair grows after mesotherapy? Definitely true, but only under all conditions:

  • correct identification and elimination of the cause of alopecia,
  • completing the full course of therapy
  • compliance with all recommendations appointed by experts.

Before and after pictures

Photos of the results can be seen below:

Description of the procedure

Mesotherapy is a modern hair care method. Despite the fact that the procedure has appeared recently, it has already managed to gain popularity. With its help you can improve the condition of the locks and scalp. And this effect is achieved due to the fact that special solutions and nutritious cocktails are injected under the scalp. After completing the full course of therapy, the condition of the hair improves significantly.

All cocktails used in mesotherapy can be divided into two groups: quick action (the effect is noticeable almost immediately, but it keeps less than from the long-term) and long-lasting (the effect of it will not increase so quickly).

Differ two types of mesotherapy:

  1. Allopathic. This method allows you to get quick results, but it often causes allergies in the form of itching and redness.
  2. Homeopathic. The method is designed for a longer action and is not so dangerous in terms of the body's response.

Mesotherapy is a non-surgical, safe invasive procedure, in which active substances are injected under the skin of the scalp. Enter the drug to a depth 1-2 mm.

Due to the injected substance, the glands, which are responsible for the healthy state of the head dermis, are stimulated. After this manipulation, the hair becomes strong, beautiful and shiny, gaining a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Mesotherapy is a universal procedure that effectively deals with many problems. It can be used for oily, dry and normal hair.

Indications and contraindications for use

If the hair has become dull, brittle and actively fall out, then this is a cause for concern. If you do not begin modern treatment, then there is a risk of alopecia.

When referring to a trichologist, he prescribes a course of mesotherapy. But testimony for its implementation are:

  • increased dryness, hair breakage,
  • massive hair loss on the background of hormonal imbalance in the body,
  • severe baldness
  • ringworm,
  • external damage to the curls in the result of the application of curling or dyeing,
  • dysfunction of growth after a long diet, taking medications,
  • effects of pregnancy, childbirth,
  • abundant dandruff, seborrhea,
  • gray hair, prematurely.

And although mesotherapy is considered a safe procedure, it is not always possible to use it. To prevent the development of negative effects, you should be familiar with the following contraindications:

  • a sharp decrease in the body's defenses,
  • pregnancy and postpartum lactation,
  • blood diseases
  • taking drugs whose components change the composition of the blood,
  • tumors
  • skin fungus, inflammatory rash,
  • menstruation,
  • mental disorders, epilepsy,
  • malfunctions in the organs of the endocrine system,
  • cholelithiasis,
  • allergy.

Pros and cons of mesotherapy

Mesotherapy, like all other cosmetic procedures, is characterized by advantages and disadvantages. The benefits and harms of the procedure depend on how well it was carried out.


  1. Scalp mesotherapy is performed locally, so the components of the nutrient composition do not penetrate into the blood.
  2. Manipulation is performed using microscopic papules.
  3. Cooked nutritious cocktail directly affects the problem areas.
  4. Fast effect and safety of carrying.


  1. Soreness, redness (through 15-20 minutes discomfort goes away).
  2. Small hemorrhages with deep piercing of the skin.
  3. Allergic reaction to the components of the drug.
  4. Complications such as anaphylactic shock and skin necrosis may occur.

Injections are introduced to a depth of 3 mm, with an interval of 1.5 cm. During the manipulation, thin needles are used.

If the skin is very sensitive, then treat it with a cream with anesthetic effect.

After mesotherapy can not:

  1. During the first 2-3 days forbidden to wash your hair.
  2. You can not visit the baths, saunas, solariums. For this must pass 3-4 days.

The effectiveness of the session is directly related to the exact observance of the rule.

How many mesotherapy procedures are needed?

Full recovery will be noticeable six months after the procedure. To get the first tangible results, you need to go at least 4 sessions. Total course includes 10-12 visits.

The duration of the fixing and supporting course is determined by the doctor individually. It comes from the initial picture of the state of baldness. Mesotherapy is recommended every six months.

The difference between mesotherapy and plasma lifting

Plasma lifting is a cosmetic procedure, during which plasma injections artificially enriched with platelets are injected under the skin. In the role of the active component is the patient's own blood, which must be donated immediately before the procedure. Then it is subjected to special purification and enrichment. A few minutes after blood donation, the finished substance is ready for use.

Mesotherapy is the subcutaneous administration of a drug based on hyaluronic acid.

The difference between the procedures in the substance, which contributes to the elimination of problems such as dull, brittle and damaged hair. Since plasmolifting is more efficient manipulation, then its cost is higher.

After the first plasmolifting procedure, a noticeable effect can be observed. Fix it need 2-5 sessions, thereby extending it up to 18-24 months. To feel the visible results of mesotherapy, you need to hold at least 3 treatments. The effect obtained from them is retained on 6-12 months.

The probability of negative reactions after plasmolifting is lower, since the patient’s own blood is not used as the active ingredient in the role of the active substance. As a result, allergies and various rejections are not observed. The worst thing that can happen in the first hours after surgery is a slight swelling, redness and soreness.

Mesotherapy is a popular and effective procedure for strengthening and healing hair. With its help, you can eliminate problems such as dull hair, brittleness, split ends and prevent alopecia. And if you go through a full course of therapy, the resulting effect will please more than one month.

Difference from plasma lifting

Before you figure out what is better plasma lifting or mesotherapy of the scalp, let's talk about the differences between the two procedures. Plasmolifting is a cosmetic procedure that injects injections using its own plasma into the skin on the head. The technique is used to stimulate the processes responsible for tissue repair. Mesotherapy is more effective in terms of the speed to achieve a visible result.

but plasma lifting allows you to achieve a short-term effect. The difference between the procedures in the substance, which helps to eliminate the fragility of dullness and damage to the hair. Since plasmolifting is more efficient manipulation, then its cost is higher.

How much does hair and scalp mesotherapy cost? The cost of the procedure will depend on the degree of complication of the disease, the choice of a suitable vitamin cocktail and the number of visits to the beautician. The average price of this technique is from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles per session. How many procedures are needed to prevent alopecia? This will require 10-12 procedures, and 3-4 treatments will be required for seborrhea treatment.

general information

For many women, this problem is often associated with stress in the family and at work. It often happens that habitual and expensive cosmetics do not help to recover. Traditional medicine, proven brands of shampoos and recommendations from a beauty salon stylist also do not save the situation.

And in this case, modern science comes to the rescue. Not so long ago, a fairly new, but already proven, method of mesotherapy appeared.

He was loved by both the patients themselves and professional cosmetologists for efficiency and accessibility.

What is it - mesotherapy of the scalp, does it help to get rid of hair loss and does it contribute to enhanced growth, what tips do the experts use for this method and what are the reviews about this technique? About this relatively new method of treatment and restoration of hair and will be discussed in our article.

What is needed

Mesotherapy is a fairly new method in hair care, which has already gained great popularity among grateful clients and also earned respect in the professional environment. It is designed to improve the condition of the hair and scalp through the introduction of special solutions and nutritious cocktails under the scalp.

After a full course of such therapy, the condition of the hair is significantly improved.

They are divided into two groups: the first is a quick action, the effect of which is more noticeable, but holding less, and a long-term, but more prolonged action, the effect of which does not come so quickly.

Principle of action for hair

There are two types of mesotherapy: allopathic and homeopathic. The first option is designed for a quick effect, but can cause allergic reactions such as itching and redness. The second method is designed for a longer duration and is less dangerous in terms of the body's response. This is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure, in which active substances are injected under the skin of the scalp to a depth of 1-2 mm.

Substances injected under the skin stimulate the glands responsible for the healthy state of the scalp. After that, the curls become strong, beautiful and shiny, gradually finding a more healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Mesotherapy quite effectively copes with many problems and can be used for both greasy and dry and normal hair.

Indications for

This method of treatment is able to solve many problems with the scalp, which cause problems with hair.

The main indications for such a procedure are:

  • seborrhea of ​​the scalp,
  • fragility and fragility of hair,
  • thinning of their structure,
  • itchy skin
  • dandruff,
  • premature appearance of gray hair,
  • ringworm,
  • hair damage by other procedures, such as perming, coloring, bleaching,
  • deterioration of the skin caused by taking medication, aggressive environment and ultraviolet radiation,
  • intense hair loss (gas-liquid peeling of the scalp can help).

How are preparations and cocktails carried out for the procedure?

The treatment itself begins long before the procedure itself, it is preceded by a preparatory stage. The doctor must take the necessary tests for allergens. This is a very important and crucial moment, since the patient may have a negative reaction to one of the components of the cocktail.

After the necessary data have been obtained and there is a complete picture, cosmetologists are preparing the mixture in the volume necessary for the session. In this method, two types of cocktails are used: homeopathic and allopathic. The difference lies in how the injection is carried out, there are also differences in composition and health benefits.

The first method of healing stimulates the body's own strength, while the second fills in the missing substances. The choice of method depends on the specific issues, age, gender and general health of the patient. In the manufacture of homeopathic cocktails use vitamins, nutrients and plant extracts.

These elements are designed to force the body to heal itself, triggering internal forces. The composition of allopathic nutrient mixtures include: hyaluronic, grape and glycolic acids, collagen and elastin. Also, various oligo-elements and vitamins of group B, H, E, A can be added to cocktails. Mixing them in certain proportions, the doctor can get the optimal composition for treatment.

In addition, there are ready-made mixtures. However, it should be remembered that they have a narrower scope and may not suit everyone.

Technically, mesotherapy is a simple procedure, but its behavior is permissible only in the clinic, as it requires proper qualifications and certain knowledge and training.

First of all, the beautician conducts the preparation, treating areas of the skin with anti-inflammatory agent. After that, injections are made, they can be done either manually with a syringe or with a special device, the so-called hardware method. The duration of the procedure lasts from 30 to 40 minutes, depending on the complexity of the case.

Since the procedure can be quite painful, local anesthesia may be offered to the most sensitive patients. After the session, the patient is given time to relax and you can go home.

On the features of thread lifting after 50 years, which threads are better to use at this age, and much more, read here.

And you will find an article about face reinforcement with maisonettes and reviews about thread lifting by clicking here.

Recommendations before and after skin injections

Before and after the procedure it is absolutely impossible to drink alcohol for 8-10 days, this is not a recommendation, but a strict limitation. The use of even small doses of alcohol can, at best, neutralize the action of active substances, and at worst, cause severe allergies and a number of complications.

It is also not recommended to wash your hair the day before and after the mesotherapy session.

Exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided; in cold weather a hat or scarf should be worn. After the procedure, you can not visit the saunas and baths in the first 2-3 days.

You will also have to refuse to visit the solarium, as its rays can have a harmful effect.

Doctors advise to avoid other active cosmetic procedures for 4-7 days. You can not massage and scrub the skin. Head can be washed in 2-3 days. Repeated session can be carried out after 14 days.

Charcot's douche helps to cope with cellulite, gives the body vitality, and skin - elasticity, effective as a procedure for losing weight.

How to carry out mechanical cleaning of the face from a beautician, and what the approximate prices for this procedure can be found here.

Results, efficiency, photo

The effect after a course of treatment with this method is very noticeable, the curls become much more luxuriant, the luster appears and dandruff disappears. In most cases, it is possible to successfully stop the loss, dormant hair follicles resume their growth. Gray hair becomes less pronounced, improves the overall structure of the skin.

For the best result, you need to spend at least 5-6 sessions of mesotherapy. If the regimen is observed, the result after the procedure will last about a year, in the future you can undergo an additional course of treatment. When maintaining a healthy lifestyle and compliance with all recommendations, the result can be extended to 2-3 years.

See what results can be achieved with this procedure:

Patient Reviews, Videos

Kristina, 35, fitness trainer:

“The skin began to deteriorate, dandruff appeared, no means helped. Passed the course of 4 sessions of mesotherapy, was pleased with the result. Curls regained their shine, but forgot about dandruff. I recommend this to be an effective way to recuperate. ”

Anna 54 years old, accountant:

“The hair began to thin, the shine disappeared, itchy scalp appeared.

They advised me to undergo a course of mesotherapy.

After that the itch was gone, hair became thick as before, shine appeared.

Mesotherapy is a good way for hair loss, but its cost is quite high. ”

Catherine, 34, designer:

“I have problems with hair, I took a course of recovery. I heard a lot of good reviews, plus my best friend works as a beautician. But the procedure turned out to be very painful and, to be honest, little helped me. I will try another treatment, it is not for me. ”

Irakli is 45 years old, engineer:

“With age I began to go bald, but on the advice of my acquaintances I decided to undergo a course of mesotherapy. Passed several stages of homeopathic treatment, the result is simply gorgeous, hair again as in youth. ”

Svetlana, 30 years old, pharmacist:

“The procedure seemed to me too painful, so I could not stand more than one session, I can’t say anything about the effect. From a medical point of view, the method is justified. "

This method despite his youth, managed to gain prestige among customers of beauty salons. At observance of technology of its carrying out - it is safe and effective, the risk of side effects is reduced to a minimum.

See how the beautician conducts a mesotherapy session for hair:

Technology of Hair Mesotherapy, which courses of injections, when the result is visible, the price of mesotherapy

The process of mesotherapy head is a large number of mini injections, which the doctor performs in the treated scalp. The injections are not very painful, since the amount of the preparation injected into the skin is very small, and the needles used in the procedure are very thin.

Using these injections during the mesotherapy procedure, it is possible to nourish the scalp and hair bulbs with essential microelements and vitamins to improve their condition, as well as improve the blood circulation of this part of the body.

Mesotherapy takes no more than 60 minutes, usually the doctor copes in 40 minutes. Procedures are carried out within 5 weeks. During this period, make 8 such sessions.

The effect after the five-week course does not appear immediately, the first improvements are noticeable as early as 5 months after application. And the result is visible after 10 months. After this time, the course of sessions is repeated, adding or leaving the same composition of injections.

The cost of the procedure varies from 1 thousand to 3 thousand rubles, which largely depends on the drug to be used.

Mesotherapy, cocktails + for hair mesotherapy and vitamins that are included in their composition

The drug, which is injected into the scalp, during the mesotherapy for each is selected individually. Most doctors are guided by the problem that needs to be solved.

But many factors are taken into account, including the tolerability of patients of various ingredients included in cocktails. To date, these types of tools for mesotherapy are distinguished:

  • oxygen,
  • microelement,
  • cocktails
  • multicomponent,
  • homeopathic.

Any tool solves its problem and, with the right selection, shows a healing result. Most salons use ready-made preparations, but it happens that for treatment it is necessary to independently select components and prepare so-called cocktails.

Preparations for mesotherapy have their own composition of vitamins and microelements. But more often than not, a cocktail for injections contains components necessary for the vitality of hair: zinc, selenium, copper, fatty acids and amino acids, vitamin complexes (E, P, B, C), etc.

All substances that make up the funds are divided into four groups.

  • Major or active. It is their action that is considered essential. They are aimed at solving the problem of the patient. Directly affect the hair root and its bulb, stimulating growth and improving the structure at the cellular level.

  • Allopathic ingredients also affect hair growth and structure.
  • Auxiliary components are aimed at improving the circulation of blood supply to the scalp.
  • Homeopathic ingredients. These are natural components in small concentrated doses, which should solve the patient’s problems with their properties.

"F-HAIR", "Keractive", "Meso Hair System" - the best mesotherapy

"F-HAIR", "Keractive", "Meso Hair System" are widely used drugs in the mesotherapy of the scalp. They contain trace elements necessary to improve the condition of the hair.

Their action is aimed at solving such problems:

  • growth stimulation
  • nutrition and strengthening the bulbs,
  • fighting alopecia,
  • improving blood circulation
  • improving the structure of each hair.

These drugs are used by many salons, as they are very effective in dealing with most hair problems.

Dermahil Mesotherapy

Dermaheal (Dermahil) - is a tool for mesotherapy South Korean production. The manufacturing company is trustworthy because it does not position itself as a cosmetic company.

Caregen Co, the author of Dermaheal, is marketed as a research laboratory. The company is known not only for its peptide cocktail for the head, but also for the skin and body.

Head mesotherapy with Dermaheal (Dermahil) solves such problems:

  • hair loss (male and female)
  • thinner hair structure at the top of the head,
  • dry skin.

It has a multicomponent composition, which includes a large amount of vitamins (13 items), amino acids (24 types), antioxidants, enzymes and acids.

Indications for use

Mesotherapy is prescribed to clients over 18 years old male and female. It acts as a part of complex therapy for skin diseases:

  • sebaceous seborrhea,
  • dandruff,
  • fungal infections.

Beauticians use this technique to solve various problems associated with hair:

  • dropping out,
  • stratification
  • thinning
  • fragility
  • loss of shine.
Trichologists prescribe mesotherapy to eliminate the effects of bad staining, straightening, perm. The introduction of therapeutic cocktails is a mandatory part of the hair transplant surgery.

Quick reference

Mesotherapy of the scalp is an innovative method of treating hair diseases that appeared in the 60s of the last century. The scope of application is quite extensive - from the solution of problems associated with hair loss, to the restoration of the scalp from polyetiological diseases (lichen).

Despite the rather solid age - 55 years, the procedure came to the Russian beauty market not so long ago. In this regard, the masses have not yet formed a clear provision: mesotherapy of the scalp - what is it?

The main objectives of the procedure:

1. Treatment of skin diseases.

2. Rejuvenation and nutrition of the skin.

Regardless of the purpose of the procedure, the principle of the procedure is subcutaneous administration of the working preparation. Targeted exposure to the problem area by injection increases the efficiency of its use by 80%. Due to this, mesotherapy is considered one of the most effective and emergency ways to restore hair.

Where to do?

  • Kraftway Clinic at: Moscow, Kulakov Pereulok, 13 Contact number: (499) 403-10-67.
  • Medical Research Center "MedBioSpektr" at: Moscow, Kashirskoye shosse, 24, building 8 Contact number: (495) 231-26-13.
  • Medical Center "MedAlyuks" (Kuzminki) at: Moscow, Marshal Chuikov Street, 12 Contact number: (499) 346-85-37.
  • Clinic "MedlayN-Service" (River Station) at: Moscow, Festivalnaya street, 47 Contact number: (499) 322-90-41.
  • Mokhova Center of Osteopathy at: St. Petersburg, Lanskoe shosse, 2/57 Contact number: +7 (812) 309-83-87.
  • Profiklinika, a multidisciplinary medical center at: St. Petersburg, Engels prospect, 50 Contact number: +7 (812) 643-33-12.

The essence of the technique

Fractional mesotherapy head is a technique of hardware cosmetology, which involves the injection of drugs into the scalp.

During the classical mesotherapy, drugs are injected under the skin with a single syringe, the cosmetologist makes several injections successively. Fractional mesotherapy has an undeniable advantage - the apparatus for carrying out the procedure is equipped with a nozzle with a multitude of needles, the distance between which is regulated by a doctor. Due to this, the maximum seizure of the treated area occurs, the healing effect is achieved faster. Each needle is covered with a thin layer of silver, so the needles do not become blunt for a long time, and the skin of patients is protected from inflammation (silver has antibacterial properties).

Preparations for mesotherapy of the scalp are selected by the doctor after analyzing the condition of the patient's hair and scalp.

The composition of injection tools include:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals
  • Biostimulants.
  • Antifungal substances.
  • Extracts of plants.
  • Amino acids.
  • Anti-inflammatory components.
  • Substances that improve microcirculation.
  • Hormones.
  • Enzymes
  • Oxygen.

These components are combined with each other, which gives a stronger therapeutic effect.

Effects that develop after a course of mesotherapy:

  • Alopecia development stops, hair growth resumes.
  • Hair bulbs receive nutrition, restore their function.
  • Hair becomes thicker and stronger, stop falling out.
  • Work of sebaceous glands is normalized.

How are the procedures

Injections are carried out with syringes with thin needles in the focal zone. Syringes are “charged” with mixtures (cocktails), which may include allopathic (gitaluronic acid, amino acids, enzymes, vitamin complexes, antioxidants) and homeopathic preparations. Ideally, the cocktails should be based on the individual characteristics of the patient and the tasks to be solved.

The main task is to bring the drugs exactly to the location. Usually they start with a line of hair, and then go to the problem areas. Since the follicles lie at a depth of 3-5 millimeters, thin needles are inserted close to this horizon, but not lower than 2-3 mm. The intervention should also affect the papillae, on which the viability of the follicles depends. In order not to cause pain, injections are performed at a sufficiently high speed, and anesthetics are offered to people with an increased pain threshold.

Mesotherapy manipulations, in fact, provide a deposit (accumulation of reserves) of the necessary drugs in local areas. The cumulative effect appears after 5-7 procedures. Only then can the patient receive an objective review of the results.

Features of hair mesotherapy at the RTH clinic

1. Professionalism of medical staff. Mesotherapy for hair in Moscow is offered by many institutions, to correct the “results” of which, alas, often have to our doctors. Therefore, finding on the Internet a beautiful website of a cosmetology center or institution, do not be lazy to look at the licenses of the institution for medical activities, the implementation of cosmetology procedures. And also make sure that the doctor to whom you are planning to make an appointment has a specialized higher medical education and is constantly improving his qualifications. At RTH, these standards are fully implemented. The minimum practical work experience of doctors is 5 years. Leading experts work for 15 years or more. It is clear that such hands can be trusted. As evidenced by the numerous reviews of our patients on the results of hair mesotherapy.

2. One patient - two specialists. Since medical manipulations with skin and hair are located at the junction of cosmetology, dermatology and trichologists, two specialized specialists often consult with a patient. This allows you to more accurately diagnose the problem, quickly select a pharmacological component and give a forecast for obtaining results.

Indications for the procedure

Mesotherapy of the scalp is prescribed to people suffering from alopecia. However, it is worth noting that here we are talking about hair loss caused by mechanical stress or an imbalance of nutrients in the body. Cure the pathological problems of hair loss caused by hormonal disorders, mesotherapy is not able to.

As a pleasant bonus in the treatment of problems will be solved:

2. Itching of the scalp.

3. Excessive secretion of skin secretion, for the normalization of the glands.

3. Loss of hair shine, their dryness.

4. Thinning hair, etc.

It is recommended to conduct sessions with skin ringworm lesions: the components of the composition will help the cells to recover, and the hair follicles - to begin active work that promotes hair growth.

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to contact a specialist for the procedure in early autumn (early September) and early spring (April). It is in these months that there is increased alopecia due to beriberi and the undue influence of harmful factors - the sun in the summer and frost in the winter.

Auxiliary drugs

Preparations for mesotherapy of the scalp are called mezokokteylyami. These are specialized blends of cosmetic products that are directed to the treatment of hair:

  • Nutrition roots.
  • Enriching the scalp with vitamins.
  • Moisturizing the skin, etc.

The main active ingredients of cocktails:

  1. Vitamins of group B.
  2. Vitamin A.
  3. Vitamin C.
  4. Preparations to improve blood flow.
  5. Preparations to regulate the process of secretion.

Depending on the professionalism of the master can be used either ready-made cocktails, or prepared by their own beautician. In the second case, the drug has the most effective effect, since the components of the composition are selected individually - in the amount and proportions necessary to solve the particular problems of this client.

The compositions are also divided into natural and synthetic. Most often they are used in tandem, because the effect of mezokokteyly containing only natural substances, appears much slower. Therefore, to reduce the number of necessary procedures, the volume of preparations and to speed up the result, specialists prepare combined preparations.

Technique and methodology of the procedure

The technique of mesotherapy of the scalp consists in the subcutaneous administration of the working drug - approximately every 3-6 mm the doctor makes an injection to a depth of 2-3 mm, injecting a solution into it. It is due to targeted effects that mesotherapy has become a popular method of treating skin diseases and combating its age-related changes.

Depending on the instrument used by the beautician, the technique is divided into:

  • Injection - involves the use of a syringe.
  • Fractional - using a cosmetic apparatus.
  • Roller - using mesoscooters.

The procedure, regardless of the technique, is always the same:

  1. Using a special shampoo, the skin secret is washed off from the head.
  2. Hair dried hair dryer with ionization function.
  3. The doctor divides the head into working areas with straight partings.
  4. The scalp is treated with an antiseptic.
  5. Mesotherapy - every 3-6 mm specialist injects the drug.
  6. Repeated treatment of the scalp with an antiseptic.

Injection Mesotherapy for Scalp

When using injection techniques, the main working tool of a cosmetologist is a syringe. Using a needle, the specialist delivers the mezococteil directly to the hair follicle.

Skin injury from injections is a minus and at the same time a plus of this method. The presence of damage on the covers is always a risk of infection, so when choosing a master, pay special attention to the sterility of the cabinet, as well as the process of preparing for the procedure - disinfection and the use of a new disposable needle.

A plus is the fact that microtraumas stimulate the production of new cells, which is a pleasant bonus from the procedure.

Fractional mesotherapy of the scalp

This technique is not much different from the injection. With one exception - a special device for mesotherapy acts as a syringe. Its advantages are the work with several needles. Its additional features - the work of several types of mezokokteyley.

Design features of the device allow you to fill not one but 2-4 flasks for the drug, which at the same time through special needles inject the composition into the scalp. The device itself selects the pressure necessary for injection, which saves the solution, time and effort of the master.

Scooter mesotherapy

This technique involves the use of a special device - mezoroller. It consists of a handle and a roller drum, studded with needles at a distance of 2-3 mm from each other.

The size of the drum and the length of the needles can be very diverse, it all depends on the personal preferences of the master.

Unlike a syringe and a meso-device, the scooter does not have containers for storing the composition used. Therefore, the cocktail is applied directly to the needles.

What technique to choose?

Before talking about the effectiveness of each of the methods, it should be clarified that the injection and fractional mesotherapy of the scalp is most often used in beauty salons. Working with a scooter is the lot of "home" beauty salons. However, this fact does not detract from the value of each of them, since the principle of nutrition of hair follicles is identical. Consider the pros and cons of each mesotherapy technician:

1. With the injection and fractional technique, the solution is injected to a depth of 2-3 mm - not all rollers have such long needles.

2. Microdrums from mesoscalers with thin needles are instantly tightened - the composition does not have time to get into the skin.

3. Mezorollers and injections distribute the composition unevenly (25% of the composition remains on the hair).

4. Procedures with the use of injection technology take 2 times longer - each corner is set by a specialist separately.

Summarizing all these shortcomings and advantages, the most effective and economical is the fractional technique of the procedure.

Mesotherapy at home

Conducting mesotherapy at home - an apple of discord cosmetologists and patients.

The former oppose the “domestication” of the procedure, while the latter, referring to its high cost and simplicity, believe that they can perform the session at home.

Definitely say one or the other are right, in this case it is impossible. Since the procedure is really very simple, and the necessary tools and materials can be purchased at any online store — the home method is more expensive than the expensive procedure.

Many are interested in: more effective salon or home mesotherapy of the scalp? Reviews show that it is painful and extremely uncomfortable to carry out at home, but no less effective than in the cabin.

We must not forget that every introduction of the needle - damage to the skin. In this connection, much attention should be paid to their disinfection, as well as antiseptic processing of the materials used.

The most common device for home mesotherapy is a scooter. However, you should not immediately gang up on models with a needle length of 2-3 mm. It is necessary to start with thin and short, gradually increasing their size.

Reviews of the procedure

Opinions of people - the best indicator of efficiency! They will help answer the main question of all people who are not indifferent to the procedure: “Is the mesotherapy of the scalp effective?”. Reviews largely indicate its effectiveness. On the Internet, grateful clients post photographs where hair fluff made their way through mesotherapy is the best evidence of hair follicles awakening.

Analysis of opinions showed that mesotherapy of the scalp contributes to solving hair loss problems caused by improper care or an imbalance of nutrients in the body. When there are cases of hormonal disruptions or hair loss due to pathological processes in the body, the procedure was impotent. People spent money and did not get the desired result.

Before you put your savings in the hands of a beautician, be sure to find out the true cause of scalp disease. Even though the procedure has no side effects, you can miss valuable time to save hair from a real disease.

Preparation and conduct of mesotherapy

Before undergoing the procedure, the doctor examines the head, assesses the condition of the hair and skin, selects the drug with which the treatment will be carried out. Then the patient is sent for examination to the laboratory: there he passes a blood test (general and biochemical), as well as an analysis for hormones.

To prevent negative consequences, the patient must warn the doctor about the drugs he takes orally. And also mandatory test is conducted for sensitivity to the tool, which will be injected into the scalp.

Special preparation is not required before mesotherapy, the only thing the patient should do is to stop taking blood coagulation drugs (these include acetylsalicylic acid, warfarin, dipyridamole).

The patient sits or lies down in a chair, the doctor treats the skin with an antiseptic solution and with the help of the device makes injections at a designated area or over the entire surface of the scalp. After the procedure, the skin is again wiped with an antiseptic.

At home, the patient should observe the following recommendations:

  • Do not wash your hair for 2-3 days.
  • Do not be in the open sun.
  • Do not use hair care products (sprays, conditioners) for the first 12 hours after the procedure.
  • Do not massage the head.

Disadvantages of Mesotherapy

Despite the enormous benefits of fractional mesotherapy for the scalp and hair, there are such disadvantages of the procedure:

  • Soreness with the introduction of drugs - the level of discomfort depends on the threshold of pain sensitivity of the patient, the skill of the doctor, the diameter of the needles. To reduce discomfort, it is possible to use painkillers in the form of a cream on the scalp before injections.
  • A long course of treatment - if the patient is not set up for a long course, the treatment can not begin. The effect appears gradually, over several months.
  • There are no guarantees of effectiveness in some forms of baldness - some types of alopecia are difficult to treat not only by mesotherapy, but also by other methods.

In general, fractional mesotherapy is an effective procedure that allows you to restore healthy hair, eliminate scalp diseases and restore an attractive appearance.

Using the method for growth and recovery at home

Mezoroller should be used exclusively by one person.. The stepwise process of injecting mesotherapy of the scalp consists of the following steps:

  1. Rinse head thoroughly.
  2. Dry hair.
  3. Process the mezoroller. Let it dry.
  4. Treat the scalp with a special antiseptic solution.
  5. Apply a professional or homemade solution on the machine roller.
  6. To process the scalp: move to the back of the head, treating each area once. On average, each site takes 1 minute.
  7. Apply Minoxidil.


Mesotherapy is a popular and effective procedure for strengthening and healing hair. With its help, you can eliminate problems such as dull hair, brittleness, split ends and prevent alopecia. Also, it can be done at home, saving on a trip to a professional salon. And if you go through a full course of therapy, the resulting effect will please more than one month.

Temporary and absolute bans

Treatment of the scalp should be postponed during critical days, pregnancy, breastfeeding, colds, exacerbations of chronic diseases. Absolute prohibition applies to people suffering from:

  • diabetes mellitus
  • mental disorders
  • oncological diseases
  • skin diseases with ulcers, rash, open wounds.

Mesotherapy is useless for baldness due to hormonal disorders. It is not prescribed with the complete loss of the vital energy of the hair follicles.


The injection method is the introduction of drugs by hand, with a syringe with a fine needle. The beautician independently determines the treatment areas, the composition of the cocktail, the angle of puncture. This procedure differs in duration, the likelihood of painful injections due to falling into the ganglion. The result depends largely on the skill of the specialist.


Non-invasive mesotherapy is suitable for people with sensitive skin or low pain threshold. During the sessions, the drug is delivered to the bulbs by means of a laser, ultrasound, weak electrical impulses. Women can choose iontophoresis, phonophoresis, laser procedures.

The advantage of the method is the activation of metabolism, the discovery of internal reserves of the body.


This is the name of the technology of drug administration using a roller with thin needles. They pierce the skin to a depth of 1 mm so that the drug penetrates through the upper protective layer. This massage enhances blood flow, lymph, metabolic processes. As a result, the hair becomes thicker, elastic, shiny.

To solve problems on the scalp are used concentrates of useful substances and a mixture of drugs.


Serums are assigned to clients with one pronounced problem. Minoxyl dilates blood vessels to activate dormant bulbs. Azelaic acid accelerates hair growth, D-panthenol makes the rod elastic. Thiamine nourishes the skin, Dimexide fights inflammation. Preparations for home massage can be purchased at the pharmacy.


A mixture of medicinal substances has a complex effect.But it’s not easy to calculate the proportions yourself and stick to the conditions of sterility. Therefore, you can purchase pharmaceutical cocktails "F-Hair", "Mesodermal", "Keractive". During the course of procedures in the cosmetology office, the doctor individually makes a list of components. He mixes them up before the session.

Stages of the procedure

Preparation includes consultation with a beautician. In her course, the doctor finds out about the problem, conducts the examination, makes a test for allergic reactions. He offers to pass tests to some clients in order to exclude contraindications. Next, the doctor chooses the technique, talks about its principle, shows the video, calculates the number of sessions.

During the procedure, the beautician performs the following actions.

  1. Washes hair with a special shampoo.
  2. Dries the head with the effect of ionization.
  3. It highlights the problem area.
  4. Treats it with an antiseptic.
  5. Injects a concentrate or cocktail under the skin.
  6. Re-wets the area with antiseptic.
Depending on the area of ​​the problem area, the session lasts 60-90 minutes. For maximum effect, you must complete a course of 12 treatments at intervals of one week. The cost of treatment is 1500-3000 rubles.

Possible side effects

If the beautician did not conduct allergotesta, manifestations of intolerance of components are possible. They are expressed peeling, itching, rash, swelling. Another side effect is infection. It can be identified by hematoma, painful swelling, general deterioration of health.

After the session you can not wash your hair for the day. It is necessary to protect hair from direct sunlight, wind, rain, frost. It should also refrain from using a hairdryer, curling iron, comb with metal teeth.


Watch the video: New treatment for hair loss (June 2024).