
Debunk the myths about gray hair


With age, melanin production naturally decreases. The 50/50/50 principle is known: by the age of 50, 50% of the population has 50% gray hair. A few years ago, scientists checked this rule and found out: More accurate figures: 74% of people aged 45 to 65 years have an average of 27% gray hair.

Usually, the first gray hair appears around 30 years or later. If pigmentation is lost before, they talk about premature graying.

2. Genetic factors

The time of appearance of gray hair and the speed of its distribution depends on heredity. This is confirmed by the science of Why Some Women Look Young for Their Age. So if your parents turned gray early, then the same fate is likely to await you.

Raciality is also important. It has been proven that the Caucasians are turning grayer than Asians and Africans.

Gray hair may appear due to problems with the thyroid gland, some autoimmune diseases or progeria. It is also sometimes caused by chemotherapy or by taking certain medications.

This addiction has a negative effect both on the skin and on the hair color. According to Smokers ’hair: Does smoking cause premature hair graying? , published in 2013, smokers are 2.5 times more than non-smokers, prone to premature bloom.

6. Perhaps stress

Argued that the hair turns gray due to nervous tension. One study directly confirmed this connection, but on the whole, science still has doubts about this.

In any case, stress is bad for the body. So less nervous.

How to resist gray hair

There are no preventive measures against age-related loss of pigment or heredity. So the advice here is obvious: if you want to get rid of gray hair - paint it. Detailed instructions Layfhaker gave in these articles:

There are less durable solutions:

  1. Paint over gray hair mascara for hair. It is great for disguising individual strands, and is washed off with water.
  2. Use the tools to mask the gray roots. They come in the form of a spray or powder and hold on until you wash them off with shampoo.
  3. Use a tinted shampoo. It is not washed off as quickly as previous products, and is able to hold onto hair for several days.

By the way, contrary to popular opinion, gray hairs can be pulled out: this will not make more gray hair - just a new gray hair will grow in the same place.

But such a radical way harms the hair follicles, so it is better to resort to more sparing measures.

If it’s not about age or genetics, you can delay graying. For this:

  1. Stop smoking (or don't start at all).
  2. Eat animal products, especially liver: they contain vitamin B12. Special vitamin supplements are best taken only after consulting a doctor.
  3. By the way. Check your health: maybe, it will be possible to stop both earlier graying, and diseases causing it.
  4. Learn to deal with stress. As already mentioned, not the fact that it will stop the appearance of gray hair, but at least you will be less nervous because of it.

And finally, the good news

Most recently, scientists from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center made an interesting discovery. According to their data, the loss of hair color and the hair itself can also be associated with the presence of SCF and KROX20 proteins in the cells.

While the experiments were carried out only on mice. But the authors do not exclude that due to their work in the future there may be a cure for gray hair and baldness. For the time being, we can only hope that this future will not be too distant.

If you pull out one gray hair, seven new ones will grow in its place

This statement is 100% false. There is no scientific evidence for this common myth. It is impossible to estimate what would have happened if we had not pulled out this hair, as well as to understand whether new gray hair appears because of this, or is it just a natural, due to nature process, which is impossible to stop and reverse.

Gray hair grows faster

This is not entirely true. There are studies that gray hair grows faster than pigmented ones, however, other studies report that their growth rate remains almost unchanged or even slower compared to other periods of life.

Stress provokes the appearance of gray hair

Lying. It is difficult to find a direct relationship between stress and the appearance of gray hair. If you are nervous today, then tomorrow you will hardly have gray hair. Of course, in our time, the level of stress has increased significantly, however, today we see no more gray-haired people on the street than 50 years ago. However, it has been proven that there is a genetic relationship: if your parents turned gray early, then you, most likely, will also have white strands too early.

Gray hair is stronger

50 to 50. It is not known whether the diameter of gray hair is larger than the diameter of pigmented hair, but it can be said with confidence that gray hair may appear thicker due to the refraction of light. Indeed, with the advent of gray hair, some people actually become thicker hair.

Gray hair is gray

Lying. The fact is that the combination of gray and ordinary hair creates an optical illusion, thanks to which all hair appears gray to us. In fact, gray hair is yellow, not white or gray.

Vitamin B deficiency speeds up the graying process

True. If you are less than 35 years old and you already have a lot of gray hair, a deficiency in vitamin B, especially vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid, may be the cause. This problem can be solved by starting to take a vitamin complex. Also it is necessary to introduce foods with a high content of these vitamins into the diet.

Smoking causes gray hair

50 to 50. Here everything is the same as in theory with stress. Definitely, smoking is harmful and it only brings problems. There are scientific studies that demonstrate that people who smoke a lot risk getting gray hair at an earlier age, although this process also linked to genetic prerequisites.

Gray hair can be dyed only with persistent dye.

Lying. There are many ways to return gray hair color, so do not believe in the common myth that permanent dyeing - the only effective way. There are many natural dyes, herbal infusions, all known henna and basma, which are considered less harmful to our hair.

Gray hair can return natural color

Lying. There is not a single study that proves that a person can restore the natural shade of hair without resorting to dyeing or special products. Unfortunately, as soon as gray hair appears - it's forever, because this process cannot be reversed.

Gray hair can be obtained due to injury

Lying. Surely grandmother told you about something like that. Just as in the case of stress, it is almost impossible for a person to turn gray overnight and wake up completely gray the morning after the injury. However, there is a connection between traumatic situations and the process of the appearance of gray hair, but it manifests itself in the long run.

Our genes are to blame for the appearance of gray hair

Absolute truth. Genetically predetermined at about what age a person will begin to turn gray. What is contained in our DNA cannot be changed. Most likely, you will start sitting around the same age as your parents.


Hair color, like skin, is determined by the presence of special colored substances in the hair - pigments. It is they who set lightness, and their content is individually for each person and is given at the genetic level. Our body produces 2 types of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Each of them has its own distinctive properties and features of shade, so the final color of our hair is affected not only by the amount of pigment, but also by the ratio of 2 pigments to each other. This makes each person's hair color individual.

Special hair clients — melanocytes — are responsible for hair pigmentation. At the root of the hair, they are located between keratin-forming cells (keratinocytes). As a result of complex chemical reactions, melanocytes produce small melanosome globules containing melanin. All melanocytes have an unusual shape with processes in the form of tentacles, like an octopus. Such processes allow you to easily integrate melanosomes into keratin cells formed by a number of cells and stain them. The hair color is formed at the root and in the future the natural pigment does not enter it, respectively, the hair, which has already grown, cannot darken by itself.

Gray Grown Roots

The activity of melanocytes, like the cells that produce the protein itself, is not uniform throughout the entire mass of hair; for this reason, even the hair of one person differs in color and thickness. It is this unevenness that is familiar to us and speaks of the naturalness of color. If the hair is dyed, then usually they are painted evenly, it gives them. For this reason, now dyeing techniques and special hair dyes have become very fashionable, which give somewhat uneven colors with light reflections, which makes the final look natural.

With age, the activity of melanocytes may change in one direction or another, which changes the pigmentation of the hair (their color). This is what happens to graying or, on the contrary, darkening of hair (which is quite common in children).

Gray hair: the causes of

The appearance of gray hair is manifested with age, it is not uniform and is associated with impaired melanocytes. During the period of active growth, melanocytes all the time produce pigment and growing hair all the time have color. However, cells all have only a limited ability to renew and produce melanin.

Gray hair, the reasons for its appearance and treatment are currently being carefully studied. Every self-respecting cosmetic company wants to open a medicine for gray hair and thereby capture its name in history for a long time. But, despite all the attempts, now the exact mechanisms of graying hair is not established and there are only dozens of working theories that are still developing. It is for certain established only that there are a number of possible reasons for the appearance of early gray hair, among which are:

  • some diseases
  • Nervous shocks
  • disruption of the glands,
  • genetic predisposition and some others.

Attempts are being made to influence these factors in various ways in order to suspend graying or at least slow it down.

Age of appearance of gray hair and the speed of graying is individual for each person. Someone graying begins in middle age, and someone in 20 years. At the moment, all this is also the subject of active study by researchers. The current level of development of science does not allow to stop this process, although developments in this direction have been carried out for decades. And the only way to give color to gray hair is coloring.

A dozen theories with different variants of gray hair causes are considered in science, however, they are still not proven, and in general about the appearance of gray hair we can say the following: with age in some hairs, melanocytes no longer produce pigment and such hairs grow white (without pigment). Gradually, this process is aggravated until eventually all hair becomes white.

Photo of gray hair under the microscope

Information about the features of the structure of gray hair is quite small. Mostly gray hair has a coarser texture, more curls - than normal. Although it is believed that their strength is not much different from normal. Often, gray hair resists the introduction of artificial pigment into its structure (glassy gray), the reasons for such changes have not yet been established, although the fact is known to many hairdressers. It was also noted by some scientists that the gray hair has a more clearly expressed medulla, which is quite clearly seen in the figure. As you can see in them it is difficult to consider separately the cuticle layer and the cortex. Even the structure seems to be monolithic and somewhat even glass. Such hair is rather hard to loosen and poorly colored, so special techniques are used for correct dyeing of gray hair, for example, mordanzage.

In gray hair there is no pigment at all, while in healthy one it is still present and when applying dye gray hair will react to the dye like a white sheet of paper, and the pigmented will show a background of clarification, as it will lighten melanin.

Often you can find a gray-haired yellow (in the form of individual strands or sections) - a fairly common phenomenon among smokers. In them, keratin changes color to yellowish as a result of biochemical reactions, therefore hair takes on a similar color. Just yellowness on gray hair can be purchased under the influence of various therapeutic series. For example, some ampoules from falling out cause a growth of gray hair with a slightly yellowish color. Usually such yellowness is not removed from the hair and all attempts to lighten them to white - only lead to damage. When working with similar hair should always be considered.

Causes of gray hair

Gray hair is evidence that the production of melanin, a natural pigment, is impaired. Eternal workers, melanocytes, are responsible for this; even a slowdown in their work can lead to gray hair. With age, more and more melanocytes begin to be lazy or die at all. It is considered normal if this process began at the age of 40-45 years, but if you are 20 (or even 30), then you can safely say that you have premature gray hair. Let's try to determine what is to blame.

· Gene mutation (albinism),

· Heredity (if your mother or grandmother turned gray early, you are more likely to repeat their “experience”),

· Metabolic disorders (diet, poor nutrition, lack of vitamins can provoke gray hair),

· Stress (anxiety, depression, anxiety),

· Frequent staining (premature graying can be caused by some trace elements of paint, for example, AETT and PPD),

· Neglect of a hat in the cold (this, in addition to gray hair, can provoke baldness),

· Postponed viral diseases,

· Alcohol and tobacco abuse,

· Sedentary lifestyle,

· Thermal factor (fascination with irons, hairdryer, curling iron).

As you can see, there can be a lot of reasons to determine what exactly “silvered” your hair, you should contact a specialist.

Sedina: trying to postpone

You can slow down or even stop gray hair (and in some cases even get rid of it)! For this:

· Avoid situations involving an adverse emotional background.

· Eat a full meal. Your diet should contain foods rich in zinc, iron and manganese (walnut, hazelnut, seafood, Bulgarian pepper, spinach, lentils, asparagus, pumpkin seeds).

· Take care of your health, pass a full examination to identify the cause of early gray hair.

· Take vitamin complexes containing selenium, group B vitamins, vitamin C. Selmevit and Selmevit intensive preparations have recommended themselves well.

· Consult a trichologist who will tell you which care products you should use.

· Try the Antisedin lotion recommended by trichologists.By the way, they also highly recommend the introduction of magnesia solutions, mesotherapy with amino acids and magnesia to stimulate melanocytes.

· Among the hardware methods have shown themselves well: darsonvalization, ultrasound, iontophoresis.

Gray hair: what to paint

If gray hair has already appeared, it is better to paint it. But, unfortunately, many girls notice that it is not so simple. Not all colors "take" gray hair, sometimes instead of the desired shade it turns out something unimaginable.

It's all about the quality features of gray hair. In order to avoid mistakes, of course, it is better to contact a professional who will select the shades that are suitable for you and give the necessary recommendations. But, if you like to solve problems on your own, first determine the type of gray hair.

1. Hair is soft, fluffy - to begin with, you will need a tone of tone with the desired shade.

2. Hair is hard (the so-called vitreous gray hair) - take the dye darker than the desired shade by 1-2 tones.

Colorists strongly recommend choosing natural shades (in the palette from 1 to 10, moreover, if you see a zero after the number, the gray color is exactly painted over), but if you are eager to get a trendy shade of unnatural series, the so-called fantasy, you will have to buy two colors at once. This is the only way you will insure against unpredictable hair color. Details in the video!

Gray hair: how to care

Gray hair by definition needs to be moisturized, therefore:

· Use a line of products for damaged and brittle hair.

· Apply deep masks or oil wraps once a week.

· Give up alcohol based sprays.

· Try to use less hair dryer and iron.

As evidenced by the early gray hair

We have every reason to assert that the early gray hair is a favorable sign. Scientists who have studied the relationship between hair color and human health for many years, have seen that 30-year-old owners of gray hair are well protected from serious diseases.

The increased content in the body of a particular substance, Gluation, guarantees protection against deadly diseases such as:

  • Cancer diseases,
  • Cardiovascular pathology,
  • Alzheimer's disease.

Therefore, gray hair is not a cosmetic defect, but on the contrary: the hallmark of a person with a strong body. Gray hair in men and women in 30-40 years are a symbol of wisdom and foreshadow a long life.

Why does hair turn gray?

It is known that a special pigment, melatonin, is responsible for the saturation of hair color. When all the glutathione is spent on the production of this pigment, the hair does not turn gray for a long time, but the body's protective reserves are quickly depleted.

When the early gray hair appears, we can say that the body has learned to use glutathione more rationally. Therefore, whitened temples in a person under 30 years old not only add solidity to him, but also indicate an increased presence of a natural antioxidant in the blood.

Gray hair in young men

If a man has gray hair at the age of 30, one can say that he has a long and happy life ahead of him. Of course, it is necessary to exclude such serious pathologies as excessive infatuation with bad habits and complicated heredity. But in general, early gray hair is not a reason for sadness, but rather the opposite: the opportunity to shine with its symbol of maturity and good health.

And do not be afraid if the "gray hair" came too soon. Gray hair up to 30 years give a chance to all gray-haired beauties to prove their superiority over the more fragile owners of multi-colored shave.

Myth 1. Gray hair is the first sign of aging.

It is not true. Most often, the appearance of gray hair - the body's response to stress. The fact is that adrenaline, which is released into the bloodstream when we are nervous, can destroy the structure of the hair. It is worth remembering that severe stress also causes a spasm of blood vessels, which leads not only to gray hair, but also to hair loss. Experts claim that if there are no failures in the body, gray hair will not appear before fifty years. But if there is no stress, and gray hair began to break through before thirty - you should consult a doctor. There is a possibility that your thyroid gland is out of order or there are irregularities in the cardiovascular or digestive system. By the way, it is known for certain that rigid diets can lead to early gray hair.

Myth 2. If you pull out gray hair, several new ones will grow in its place

No more than fiction. Gray hair grows just like everyone else. And from one hair bulb several new hairs cannot appear. But, often pulling gray hair, you can damage the hair follicles, but this is also not good, because in the end it can lead to hair loss.

Myth 3. Gray hair is inherited

But this is true. Very often, children turn gray in the same way as their parents. However, this is not a one hundred percent guarantee that you have adopted this feature from your mom and dad. Therefore, to sound the alarm early. Although it’s worth paying attention to how and when gray hair appears in your loved ones.

Myth 9. Sedin can be cured.

No matter how much we want it, it is not. At the moment, all the tools that promise you dark hair again, are not able to perform a miracle. They only dye the hair or, in rare cases, briefly slow down the process of graying. But science does not stand still, and if scientists have already found a remedy for the treatment of vitiligo (a disease in which the skin loses its natural pigments and becomes white), then perhaps the medicine for gray hair is not long to wait.


Watch the video: Busting hair myths: Plucking grey hairs, cutting dead ends and more (July 2024).