
The best vitamins to strengthen hair from falling out


Take vitamins for hair growth - the need in case of their loss. It is not possible to establish reliably whether there is any deficiency in the body, since the laboratories do tests only for some of them. Therefore, we need to establish proper nutrition and take additional vitamin complexes.

What vitamins to choose?

The choice of vitamins for hair growth on the market is large. You can choose both cheap and very expensive. Immediately, we note that the quality does not always depend on the price. This will be well seen in our fair rating review, which you will see at the end of the article.

First you need to decide what specific vitamins are needed for your body. For example, for vitamins D, B9, B12 - you can accurately pass the analysis in the laboratory and determine whether you have a deficiency. The remaining vitamins for which it is impossible to pass the analysis, we will select for indirect signs of beriberi from the table or description of each of them (as described below):

The physiological role of vitamins for human health

Vitamins work much better if taken separately or in specific pairs. This is a proven scientific fact.

Complexes will always work worse due to the fact that the vitamins and trace elements that are part of them begin to worsen the digestibility of each other in the human intestine. Here are just some of the vitamins we almost did not find in pharmacies. Therefore, we will choose from what is on the market and focus on the feedback from the people who accepted them.

We first describe each vitamin, which is necessary for hair growth, and then proceed to the rating of the complexes in which they are contained.

Vitamin A (retinol) is a powerful antioxidant for our body. It has many useful properties that make it indispensable for good and good health. For example, it is very important for the vision and growth of nails.

Its absence leads to dry hair. And the concentration of retinol in the blood below the norm leads to their loss.

If you prefer to grow a lot of vitamin A, then you should take care of your diet. To replenish stocks of retinol, it is important to eat the following foods: liver, fish oil, carrots, butter, cheese, chicken eggs, spinach.

Niacin (vitamin B-3) is a water-soluble vitamin that dilates blood vessels. When it is taken, some people may turn red. But do not panic - it expands your capillaries, thereby improving blood circulation on the face and head.

Improved blood circulation allows better nourishing of the scalp and hair follicles. This in turn allows you to stimulate hair growth.

Studies have shown that niacin works better if taken with biotin.

The main sources of vitamin B3 are champignons, potatoes, red meat, pork, fish, shrimps, almonds, and celery.

Biotin - the most important vitamin responsible for the health of the hair shaft. It gives a beautiful shine and strength, restores the tips, improves the structure of oily hair type. A sufficient amount of B7 in the body leads to faster hair growth.

Biotin is found in the following foods: eggs, almonds, cauliflower, raspberries, bananas, nuts.

C (ascorbic acid)

Vitamin C is used by the body to form collagen protein, which is essential for the good health of your hair. It also protects against oxidative stress, which adversely affects the curls and contributes to their early blooming and loss.

To replenish stocks of ascorbic acid, you need to eat broccoli, pepper, kiwi, strawberries, citrus fruits.

D3 (calciferol)

Calciferol is needed to strengthen the immune system and stimulate hair growth. With the loss of strands, a group of vitamins A, D - this problem is best solved.

Analysis of this vitamin can also be done in the medical laboratory. For most people, it will most likely be lowered. And then you should take it extra. If we are talking separately about D3, then the ideal choice is the drug Akvadetrim.

E (tocopherol)

Tocopherol is very necessary for curls of any type. This substance has a beneficial and effective effect on blood circulation and nutrition of the roots. As a result, a healthy shine appears. It is rich in food:

  • nuts,
  • sunflower oil,
  • butter,
  • eggs,
  • vegetables,
  • sunflower seeds.

Now there are a lot of new pills containing complexes of nutrients. Typically, manufacturers produce them a whole line. Treatment of the hair with such a complex will be at least 1–3 months. After the break, you need to repeat the course. After 6 months - the last repetition. The first visible result in the treatment of any drug will appear after 1 month, after 6-8 months the results will be fixed.

We have done a lot of work and brought out the rating of effective vitamins for hair growth in women (see table below).

With specific vitamins decided. What's next?

And then you need to turn to our national rating and choose the complexes where they are contained. The rating is called national, because the assessment of each of the multivitamin preparations presented in the table below was put down by real people on the well-known Irecommend feedback service. When compiling it, the average rating itself was taken into account, as well as the number of people who voted (to participate, there must be at least 70 people who left a review).

Vitamins of group B

These vitamins play a very important role in the vital functions of hair.

  • IN 1 - has a positive effect on the nervous system. Given that stress is a very common cause of hair loss, this vitamin is extremely important.
  • AT 2 - promotes the regeneration of damaged hair roots, reduces irritation of the scalp.
  • IN 3 - restores metabolism in the hair roots.
  • AT 5 - penetrates the hair follicle (follicle), strengthening it from the inside.
  • AT 7 - one of the most important vitamins for hair! Responsible for the regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
  • AT 9 - promotes cell regeneration, removes dead skin cells of the scalp.
  • AT 12 - promotes oxygen saturation.

Normalizes metabolism, promotes tissue regeneration, slows down skin aging.

Strengthens overall human immunitythat has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

Nicotinic acid can not only stop hair loss, but significantly strengthens them, makes them stronger and more brilliant.

In addition, it improves blood circulation, due to which the hair roots are better saturated with nutrients and oxygen.

Plays an extremely important role in hair loss. This vitamin restores inactive cells, thanks to which new hairs appear, and old ones begin to grow faster.

Food against hair loss

Knowing what vitamins are needed to improve the condition of the hair, you can properly make a diet.

Milk products (milk, sour cream, butter, cream, cheese, cottage cheese) - saturate your body with a complex of vitamins - A, B2, B3, B5, B7, B9, B12.

A fish contains such useful vitamins: A, B2, B5, B6.

Meat no less useful for hair. Use it to compensate for the lack of vitamin B3, B5. AT pork contains vitamins B1, B6, B12. Beef rich in vitamin B12.

AT beef and chicken liver contains vitamin A, B2, B5, B6, B7, B12.

It is important that the diet was saturated vegetables and fruits. Hair vitamins are found in such fruits: avocado, citrus, melon, apricot, kiwi, apples, peaches.

Useful hair vegetables: carrots, cabbage, red peppers, tomatoes, broccoli.

In addition, the diet should be present cereals and legumes, nuts, dates, honey.


Pantovigar - complex vitamin composition, which restores the hair structure from the inside, strengthens the hair and promotes their growth.

  • Medical yeast,
  • Vitamins B1 and B5,
  • Cystine
  • Keratin,
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid.


Pantovigar recommend women with diffuse hair loss, or, as an aid, men with androgenic alopecia.

It can also be used to prevent hair loss, to improve the condition of hair and nails.

Take a vitamin complex is necessary from 3 to 6 months. A noticeable effect appears after about 2 months.

The average cost of a vitamin complex - 1500-1700 rubles per pack (90 capsules).

Customer feedback

Galina, 45 years old
I had serious problems with falling out - diffuse alopecia, the doctor said that ordinary vitamins will not help, you need to buy exactly pantovigar. There were no results for two months. I already began to think that they wanted to just take more money from me, but no. Then the effect appeared and I got rid of this problem. The main thing is not to panic the first time.

Special Merz pills

Mertz - German vitamin complex against hair loss.

  • Vitamins A, C, E,
  • Biotin
  • Beta carotene
  • L-cystine
  • Vitamins of group B,
  • Yeast extract,
  • Calcium,
  • Iron.

The best juicers 2017-2018: the first step to a healthy lifestyle

If the hair has ceased to please its luxurious look - it means it's time to think about their active treatment. Do not forget that to maintain the health of the hair you need not only care products, but also nutrients (nutrients). The best vitamins for the hair, the rating of which we present today, will help to return the lost shine and elasticity to the locks.

What substances should be included in vitamin complexes for hair?

Before you begin to describe the best vitamins for hair, let's find out what elements are necessary for the health of curls and the normal functioning of the follicles (bulbs). So:

  • Vitamin A supports the blood flow to the bulbs, prevents dryness and fragility of the strands.
  • Vitamins B - power sources and moisturizing hair, preventing loss and loss of color. Choline (B4), which is involved in the structure of phospholipids, is important in this group. Their purpose is the effect on the cell membranes of the follicles, and hence on the strengthening of the hair.
  • Vitamin C is responsible for the synthesis of collagen and normal blood supply to the scalp.
  • Vitamin E helps to improve the delivery of oxygen to the hair roots, prevents the appearance of gray hair.
  • Calcium forms the hair, stops the strands from falling out. Its reception is especially important during periods of hormonal changes.
  • Zinc is needed to adjust the sebaceous glands. Prevents baldness, has an antioxidant effect.
  • Amino acids L-cystine, L-lysine and L-proline are part of peptides and proteins, being a “building material” for the formation of hair tissues.
  • Sulfur is necessary for the synthesis of elastin and collagen, helps the absorption of vitamins.
  • Silicon activates the production of collagen, increases its strength. Affects blood circulation, struggling with the thinning of hair.

10. Alerana

Alerana ® series is known in the Russian market and is successfully used to prevent baldness, stimulate growth and strengthen hair. Along with the means of external use, trichologists advise taking the drug to nourish the bulbs and improve the condition of the scalp. This vitamin complex contains 18 active substances necessary for the health of curls. An important component is silicon, which is present not only in the hair shaft, but also in human bone and connective tissues. This means that Alerana will also help solve the problem of brittle nails and dry skin.

With this complex, you will no longer be afraid to wash your hair, expecting to see a ball of lost hair. The thinning of the hair will stop regular use of the drug twice a day for three months. The average price is 550 rubles (60 tablets).



  • allergic reactions
  • possible failure of the menstrual cycle.

9. Special Bean, Merz Pharma

Creating the formula of this vitamin complex, the specialists of the German pharmaceutical company Merz Pharma took into account the rules of compatibility of the components. The manufacturer has deliberately not added to a tool containing iron, calcium - the body is not able to absorb these elements taken together.

The preparation contains 17 useful substances whose task is to stop the thinning of the hair, stimulate the growth of new hair and strengthen the nail plate. Special dragee is also recommended to be taken when:

  • avitaminosis,
  • physical exertion
  • iron deficiency.

The average price is 870 rubles (60 tablets).


  • combination drug
  • efficiency,
  • balanced composition.


Despite the fact that this complex of vitamins created to combat hair loss, it solves other problems. Thanks to iron, copper and zinc, as well as DL-methionine and L-cysteine, Revalid helps to restore damaged hair and nails and has an antioxidant effect. Wheat extract prevents baldness, while yeast gives the strands elasticity and returns their natural color. The structure also includes vitamins of group B, supporting the work of the nervous system and helping in the fight against stress.

An important component of the drug is millet extract - a product that hundreds of years ago served people as food and medicine. The grass contains silicic acid, which helps to restore the structure of the curls and renew the cells of the follicles. The result is a rapid growth of healthy hair.

The average price is 1,200 rubles (90 capsules).



7. Vitrum Beauty, Unipharm

Effective vitamins that help against hair loss. With them you will forget about such a problem as the fat roots of curls. Among the ingredients of the drug - 5 mg of zinc, regulating the work of the sebaceous glands, and 40 mg of vitamin C, which is responsible for skin circulation. Vitrum Beauty contains B vitamins, minerals, amino acids, papain and horsetail extract. Due to the rich composition of the complex can also be recommended for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and stress conditions.

The drug has a cumulative effect, the drug should be taken at least three months. The average price is 850 rubles (60 tablets).


  • efficiency,
  • composition,
  • availability in pharmacies
  • optimal dosages.


6. Biosil, Natural Factors

Bioactive additive, based on silicon and choline. The drug is able to increase the level of the amino acid hydroxyproline, necessary for the body to produce elastin and collagen by itself. Studies have shown that 70% of women who regularly take Biosil have stopped hair loss and their nails have ceased to exfoliate.

Advice from cosmetologists: If you want to improve the condition of not only the hair, but also the epidermis - take the drug for 20 weeks. This time is enough for the body to activate collagen synthesis, and therefore, tighten and tighten the skin.

The average price is 1,520 rubles (30 ml).


  • clinically proven efficacy
  • vegetarian product
  • composition.


5. Skin, Nails & Hair, Solgar

The American company Solgar since 1947 produces dietary supplements using natural ingredients in production. Skin, Nails & Hair is one of the best vitamin complexes for hair, nails and skin. His secret lies in the unique composition. The drug contains zinc, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands, copper, which protects from UV radiation, vitamin C, which ensures normal blood supply to the epidermis and sulfur (MSM), which is involved in the formation of proteins present in bones and tissues. Silicon, L-lysine and L-proline support normal levels of collagen, which, as you know, decreases with age.

The average price is 1,100 rubles (120 tablets).


  • natural composition,
  • lack of gluten,
  • vegetarian and kosher product
  • hypoallergenic.


3. Maxi Hair Plus, Country Life

Strands become brittle and thinned? Have split ends appeared? Do not rush to dial the number of your hairdresser - try to solve the problem of hair with a drug from the company Country Life. Millions of women successfully use Maxi Hair Plus and believe that these vitamins are the best for hair growth.

As part of the complex - everything you need that will provide the locks with a healthy shine, elasticity and silkiness. The basis of the products are biotin and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), which contribute to the production of keratin - a protein contained in the hair shaft. These elements will bring back vitality not only to your hair, but also to your nails.

The average price is 1,150 rubles (120 capsules).


  • composition,
  • lack of gluten,
  • vegetarian product
  • efficiency.


  • overestimated doses of B vitamins,
  • price.

2. Super collagen + C, Neocell

The composition of this tool does not differ in such diversity as the other participants in the top 10 vitamins for hair. The product from the American company Neocell contains only two components: collagen and vitamin C. But together they work wonders, which is confirmed by numerous positive reviews. Nine out of a hundred women surveyed noted that after taking the complex, the skin became more moist and elastic, the nails became strong, and the hair became elastic.

Collagen is a protein that acts on connective tissues and stimulates the formation of new cell membranes. With age, and also as a result of UV radiation and dry air, these proteins are destroyed. Regular use of Neocell products promotes healthy collagen regeneration in the body.

The average price is 1,000 rubles (250 tablets) and 640 rubles (198 g of powder).


  • efficiency,
  • lack of components of GMO and gluten,
  • additional prevention of diseases of the joints.


1. Healthy hair and nails, Lady, s formula

In the first place ranking - the best vitamins, the reception of which has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin. The complex contains minerals, amino acids that improve the structure of curls, collagen, vitamins B, C, E, A, folic acid, silicon and biotin. Manufacturers have not forgotten about vitamin D. It strengthens the hair follicles and improves the absorption of calcium by the body. The action of this compound is enhanced by extracts of horsetail, burdock root and kelp algae.

The complex from Lady, s formula is successfully used in the treatment of baldness, dermatitis and skin erosion. It is also suitable for those who suffer from hypovitaminosis or a violation of protein metabolism. Reception duration is three months. The average price is 1,100 rubles (60 tablets).


  • natural ingredients
  • efficiency.


  • individual intolerance,
  • soy in the composition.

Before you go to the pharmacy for one of the participants in the ranking of the best vitamins for hair, please consult your doctor. Dietary supplements and nutrients can cause hypervitaminosis, which threatens the body with weakness, impaired emotional background, decreased visual acuity and dermatological problems. In addition, when taking it is important to consider the recommended dose of drugs. Follow these simple rules and share with us how you take care of your curls.

Complit Shine

Komplivit Radiance - a complex of 11 vitamins and 8 minerals for the beauty and health of women's hair.

  • Vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, PP, H, D, K, P, F,
  • Calcium,
  • Silicon,
  • Selenium,
  • Iron,
  • Copper,
  • Magnesium,
  • Zinc,
  • Green tea extract

How to keep your hair?

Let's start with the fact that before you start to deal with certain deviations in the condition of the hair, you need to learn how to take care of them. Therefore, everyone needs to know what factors adversely affect the hair, or more simply, that it spoils them.

Constant manipulations that are necessary for a beautiful hairstyle, namely, drying, dyeing and perm - this is the main reason that after a while the hair loses its attractiveness, their structure changes, they become dull and brittle.

The same factors negatively affect the growth of hair, in the first place there is coloring.

Hormonal imbalances in the body can also cause unhealthy hair, this is typical for the period of pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, frequent stressful conditions. Due to the effects of stress, hair becomes brittle, thin and split.

Lack of nutrients in the hair and skin of the head always leads to the fact that the hair loses its appearance and starts to fall out. The most serious test for them is winter, when you have to wear a hat, lack of vitamins during this period is obvious for the whole body, and for hair hidden under a cap this time can be a disaster.

It is necessary to know that anomalies in the hair condition may not occur if you take care of them and take pharmaceutical vitamins as part of complex preparations that are specifically designed for hair in the form of therapeutic balms, shampoos and serums. Especially popular are specialized complexes of pharmaceutical vitamins, which are highly effective for strengthening the roots, restoring the structure, and improving hair growth.

Review of the best drugs reviews trichologists in tablets and ampoules

Consider the most popular vitamin complexes and dietary supplements for hair, available in pharmacies.

Potent vitamins to improve the beauty of the strands "perfect". The effect of their use will manifest in 7-10 days. Available in capsules, with a dosage of not more than one per day.

Potent vitamins

Revalid treatment for weakened hair. Today it is the best preventive drug. Its action is manifested not earlier than in 2-3 months.

But if the curls are completely lifeless, require urgent restoration, it is useless

The best vitamin complexes for hair

Naturally, it is necessary to select a vitamin-mineral complex in accordance with specific problems. It is best to visit a trichologist and a dermatologist, perhaps the reason for the poor condition of the hair is not only the lack of quality care or lack of vitamins.

However, there are a number of drugs that are consistently in demand.

Canadian brand Ladys Formula

Available over forty years. It is made from substances that are 100% natural (minerals, vitamins, amino acids), which have a positive effect on the health of hair, allow them to maintain their beauty for a long time.

Canadian brand Ladys Formula

The Vita-Charm hair complex is designed to improve the hair, nails and skin.

The drug produced in Russia is very effective, and is also available to every woman.

The drug "Nutrikap" to accelerate hair growth. To get the desired effect (to return the natural, healthy shine, stop the strands from falling out), you need to take it for at least six months.

But partial replacement (or alternation) of the drug with a balanced diet is possible, including the full set of minerals and vitamins necessary for hair

Hair Megaspray, Alerana, Multizan and others

Among the popular preparations for the hair is dietary supplement "Fitofaner." Its composition includes vitamins B, C, E, essential acids, beta-carotene. For the best effect, you need to take it for four months. Vitamin complexes "Alphabet", "AEvit" designed to feed the entire body, can also be used to heal hair, as it is a very balanced drug.

Vitamin complexes "Alphabet", "AEvit" designed to feed the entire body

The most important vitamins for healthy hair

It cannot be said that there are important vitamins, but there are completely unnecessary substances. In fact, all biologically active elements must be present in the body in a certain amount. Only a delicate balance and harmony of these substances ensures that a person will feel good and look appropriate.

However, each type of vitamins fulfills its specific mission. Including there are a number of substances that contribute to the beauty of the hair. Consider the main ones.

Rating "The best vitamins for hair" is headed by vitamin A. It significantly improves the structure of the hair, strengthens them, prevents their loss. An important nuance is that this substance easily accumulates (accumulates) in the human body.

Vitamin substances of group B are responsible for the strength and beauty of curls. The optimal amount of these elements contributes to the fact that the hair looks healthy, shiny. If there are no representatives of a group in the body, the hair begins to grow slowly or completely stops growing. You can also observe the pathological thinning of the hairs, and the tips quickly split.

The most important B vitamins:

  • thiamine
  • riboflamin,
  • panthenol,
  • pyridoxine
  • inositol
  • folic acid,
  • cyanocobalamin.

Vitamin C

Especially important and necessary vitamin for hair is ascorbic acid. She is responsible for optimal blood circulation. Good trophic scalp - the key to healthy hair. This means that all nutrients will get to the hairs, nourish, strengthen, promote their harmonious growth.

Vitamin C is often added to sprays, oil extracts and phyto extracts for split ends. At the very beginning, this vitamin helps strengthen hairs. However, it is important not only to influence the curls by external means, but to compensate for the deficit of ascorbic acid by taking the appropriate vitamin complexes.

Tocopherol is responsible for shine and strength of hair. If this vitamin in the body is too low, the appearance of the hair will immediately signal a growing deficit. Curls dull, the ends split off, sometimes there is a pronounced fragility of hairs.

Vitamin PP

Nicotinic acid, or niacinamide, is an indispensable component of the most effective and popular hair care products. Vitamin PP stimulates hair growth, reduces hair loss, corrects the microcirculation of the scalp, which optimally stabilizes trophism at the periphery.

It is believed that nicotinic acid prevents the loss of life-giving moisture, concentrated in the hair. There is a theory that vitamin PP deficiency plays a direct role in the mechanism of the formation of gray hair. Allegedly, the optimal amount of this substance is a kind of protection against premature aging of hair.

Balanced diet and rich menu for beautiful hair

All important and good vitamins for hair enter the body with food. That is why it is so important to eat right, think over your diet, form a really rich and varied menu.

Trichologists and nutritionists emphasize that hair grows on average by 1 cm per month. In order for this desired growth to be fixed, a strictly defined amount of vitamin elements and nutrients must be supplied to the body. Proper food is the basis for health, allowing you to feel energetic, radiate beauty and strength.

There is no specific diet for the beauty of curls, but there are a number of products, the use of which will significantly improve the condition of the hair. It is worth choosing only qualitative and fresh components for preparation of future dishes. Only in this case, you can be sure that such desirable "components of beauty" will get into the body.

Fatty fish

Salmon is a typical representative of this food category. Fish contains colossal amounts of fatty acids. These elements help to improve the condition of the scalp, and have a positive effect on the condition of the curls themselves.

As a rule, the optimal amount of vitamin B12 is concentrated in fatty fish. It will strengthen the hair. And iron will only enhance the positive effect of the vitamin.

Green vegetables

Green and leafy vegetables, as well as all sorts of garden herbs and seasonings contain a large amount of ascorbic acid and vitamin A. Also in products of this type contains a lot of iron and calcium. Such a combination is considered particularly advantageous.

Beans, beans, lentils, soybeans - all these products are not so often found on the table of the average consumer. However, they contain a large amount of biotin and a whole range of vitamins of group B.

The most popular preparations for hair

The modern pharmacological market is simply overflowed with a wide variety of vitamin supplements, microelement complexes, nutritional supplements, dietary supplements and other means that should saturate the body with important substances. Consider the most popular products and lines of hair care products, as well as those drugs that will help restore health to hair at cellular damage, nourishing them with minerals and vitamins.

Alerana is not just effective hair vitamins. This is a complete set of valuable substances. Ingredients - tea tree oil, nettle and burdock extract.

Natural components stop the process of loss, start the hair restoration processes at the cellular level. The tool speeds up the metabolism, curls look updated and shiny.

ALERANA is a whole line of products designed specifically for hair recovery. The manufacturer offers to deal with problematic hair from the inside and with the help of external means. The lines include:

  • balm spray for women
  • balm spray for men
  • vitamin-mineral complex for hair,
  • shampoo for oily hair,
  • shampoo for dry hair,
  • balm conditioner,
  • tonic care,
  • mask for all hair types.

There is also Alerana to stimulate the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes. Thus, you can immediately buy all the cosmetic products and a complex of vitamins and minerals, fully providing the body with useful substances.

Perfectil Original is a complex of vitamins, minerals and plant extracts designed to maintain the health and beauty of hair, nails and skin. It is recommended to drink the remedy both for medicinal purposes and for the prevention of vitamin deficiencies.

The composition is very rich: vitamin E, B, D, folacin, niacin, ascorbic acid, pantothenic acid, zinc, magnesium, manganese, iodine, copper, silicon chrome, grape seed extract. The manufacturer positions the product as a dietary supplement. The drug is prescribed for hypovitaminosis, to accelerate the regenerative processes, to strengthen the nail plate, in order to strengthen the body as a whole.


Innov - a good complex of vitamins to improve the condition of the hair. The active ingredients strengthen hair follicles, stimulate trophism on the periphery, strengthen curls, make them brighter and more brilliant.

Ingredients - taurine, green tea catechins, zinc. Each component separately is very valuable for hair, and together they are the real panacea for weakened hair.

Compliant "Shining"

Complivit is a dietary supplement that stimulates hair growth, improves their overall condition, and has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Composition - calcium, ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, magnesium, a number of catechins, tocopherol, lipoic acid, calcium, silicon, riboflamin, copper, biotin, cobalt, cyanocobalamin and a number of other valuable components.

A rich composition, a well-thought-out combination, the right concentration of valuable substances make it possible to solve the problems of the body as effectively as possible. Main effects: antioxidant, anti-aging, protective (a barrier against UV rays is formed), regeneration, detoxification.

Merz dragee

Drops Mertz - vitamin complex aimed at restoring the beauty and youth of the dermal sheet, hair, nail plates.The main components: ascorbic acid, vitamin E, L-citin, nicotinamide, biotin, betacoroten, yeast, iron.

The tool helps to restore the power of hair follicles, to establish the processes of blood supply to tissues. Hair will end up looking healthy and beautiful.

Vitasharm (Vitasharm) - multivitamins prescribed for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiencies. The composition includes the following components: retinol, thiamine, pyridoxine, nicotinamide, calcium.

The drug stimulates regeneration processes, corrects the processes of nutrition and moisture structures of the hair and dermal sheet. The skin becomes elastic, strong nails, and hair - more elastic and durable. All structures receive additional UV protection.

Vitamin masks and hair shampoos

It is necessary to look after hair correctly, selecting the most delicate and gentle means. Consider the most popular shampoos that will help improve the condition of the curls.

  1. VichyDercos, or "Vichy Derkos" (amineksil, vitamins PP, B6, B5).
  2. Rinfoltill Espresso (wheat protein, nasturtium extract, cinchona extract, dwarf palm fruit concentrate, amino acids, zinc, caffeine, panthenol, collagen, elastin, glycine).
  3. Alerana (poppy oil, lecithin, provitamin B5, tea tree oil, wheat proteins, nettle extract, burdock extract).
  4. TvinsTek Onion 911 (burdock extract, extracts from birch, nettle, chamomile, biotin, niacin, other vitamins).
  5. KRKA Fitoval (rosemary extract, glycogen, arnica extract, wheat peptide components).
  6. Selentsin Hair Therapy (selecin, keratin, caffeine, biotin, anaghelin, burdock extract, nettle extract, collagen, menthol).
  7. Agafi first aid kit (extract from calamus root, linseed oil, keratin).
  8. Elf burdock (extract from burdock, oil of burdock, oil of thyme extract, extract of dwarf palm).
  9. Ducray Anaphase (nicotinate, vitamin B, Ruscus extract).
  10. Indole (Pantothenic, Taurine, Carnitine).
  11. Medic Honey (horsetail extract, amino acid ficus extract).
  12. Organic Shop Coffee (babassu oil, goji berry extract).

In addition to shampoos, it is recommended to use serums for healing or direct hair treatment. Serum - one of the most popular options. Means of choice - Nanoderm, Grandmother Agafi's Recipes, Eveline Burdock Pharmacy Bio.

Elixirs are recommended for especially weakened or damaged hair. The most popular products of this type are: Hair Growt, Hairnutrition.

Rules for taking vitamins

Vitamins are biologically active substances, so you need to take them correctly. The basic rules that must be observed are as follows.

  1. It is best to consult with your doctor about what kind of vitamin complexes to take at this particular moment.
  2. The optimal time to take a regular capsule or pill is morning.
  3. You can never combine several drugs at once, especially if their composition is very rich and concentrated.
  4. Never exceed the dose of supplements taken.
  5. Vitamins can be drunk only with water. Do not use soda or coffee.
  6. Capsules never chew. They need to drink as a whole.


Caring for your health begins primarily with respect for your own body. The basis of hair care is a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. It is enough to form a rich and tasty menu, lead an active lifestyle, learn to listen to your body, and this will solve the problems at the very early stage of their formation.

Strengthen hair at home

In addition to the usual form (tablets or capsules), vitamin preparations are made in the form of sprays, oils or liquid solutions (ampoules or oils).

Liquid preparations are used for external use, helping to strengthen and nourish not only the strands, but also the scalp. They are suitable for adding to detergents (shampoos, balms). These hair vitamins are easy enough to prepare at home. To do this, add vitamins B1, B6, B12 and E to shampoo, carefully rub into the strands and scalp, and then rinse. Apply the solution again, hold for 3-5 minutes and rinse hair.

A very effective way to strengthen and restore hair are vitamin masks. They are prepared on the basis of oils (burdock, castor, sea buckthorn or olive), with the addition of one of the essential oils (lavender, rosemary or others).

The use of masks based on oils

This mask can be prepared at home with your own hands. The components are mixed, slightly heated (preferably in a water bath), and then add liquid vitamins. All is thoroughly mixed, applied to the hair and roots. Then they put a polyethylene cap on the head, wrap it up with a kerchief or a towel. Keep the mask at least 30 - 45 minutes.

To increase hair growth can be prepared at home masks based on herbs. They are prepared quite simply. 1-2 tablespoons of the dry collection of chamomile and nettle pour boiling water, insist 30 - 40 minutes. Broth filter, add mashed bread (preferably rye), vitamin E (oil). The resulting mass is rubbed into the roots. The mask is washed off after 40-60 minutes.

Experts believe that liquid vitamins are best used for problems associated with loss of hair shine, damage and brittleness, as they affect the roots and follicles.

It should be remembered that one should not expect the effect after one application, it is better to organize a course recovery 1-2 times a week for two to three months.

Vitamin complex is necessary

To enhance the result, it is desirable for the entire recovery period to balance the diet.

Injections and sprays to restore curls

In addition to vitamins in the form of tablets or capsules, or in liquid form, the beauty and health industry produces emulsions or sprays. They are applied to the hair at least twice a day.

Spray, created on the basis of rosehip oil and vitamin B, "Vitamins for hair", is used to strengthen the strands, suitable for frequent use. As a result, the curls become soft, acquire a healthy luster, silkiness.

Live vitamins for beauty and health of hair

Another Live Vitamins spray has a beneficial effect on strands. The drug, made from extracts of berries, allows you to enhance cell regeneration, gives impetus to the revitalization of hair growth, and also gives them a healthy shine and strength.

In winter, or if you have problems with hair, mesotherapy is used. These are subcutaneous injections, which are prescribed by the doctor trichologist. Injections allow you to deliver vitamin complexes for hair straight to the roots.

The structure of such a complex usually includes vitamins necessary for hair:

  1. Group B,
  2. E and D,
  3. vitamin C,
  4. a set of other items.

Vitamin complexes for men and children

Considering all sorts of vitamin and mineral preparations, it is worth remembering about men and children, their hair also needs nutrition and treatment.

Hair at any age is, above all, an indicator of health. If the strands become dull and brittle, it means that not only they, but the whole body is in dire need of strengthening and nourishing it with useful substances.

At children's age it is especially actual, as the condition of a head of hair of children directly depends on a food. The appearance of the child, as well as his ability - is a matter of pride for parents. Therefore, if the first signs of hair damage appear, you need to enrich the diet with vitamins and other necessary elements. It can be multivitamin preparations, having in its composition a group of vitamins A, B, C and E. Duration of use, as well as the dosage of drugs, will be determined by the physician trichologist, based on the child’s general condition or hair condition.

Be sure to take vitamins in childhood

Men are no different from women and children. For the recovery or strengthening of the hair they need the same vitamins, which means you should not look for something special.

Biotin for health

It is worth noting that if taking multivitamins and proper nutrition do not give results, the hair continues to be dull, brittle or fall out strongly, the best way out of this situation is to visit a doctor. The specialist trichologist after a comprehensive examination will give recommendations for treatment.

Complexes for pregnant women

Often there are questions about the need to use vitamin complexes to strengthen the hair in pregnant women. There is no definite answer, it all depends on the specific situation. But it is obvious that during pregnancy, as well as when feeding a baby, a woman spends a large amount of nutrients, both for herself and for the child. Therefore, it needs to be fed with vitamins.

It is best to organize the most balanced nutrition.

But in reality, this is impossible, so this period pregnant women take a special vitamin-mineral complex, which preserves and strengthens the curls

It is advisable at this time to regularly apply vitamin mask on the hair.

In order to preserve the beauty and health of your hair as long as possible, you need to maintain the necessary level of minerals and vitamins.

For this you need:

  1. organize the nutrition of the body so that it receives the composition of the necessary elements,
  2. carry out prevention of strengthening strands with the help of multivitamins, masks, sprays.

Thus, it will be possible to avoid loss of natural beauty of hair.

Hair growth mechanism

I think, not everyone knows how and why our curls grow. Let's see. It is clear that the hair on the head also grows out of the skin. Actually, the process itself takes place in several stages. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Anagen phase. During this period, new hair follicles are formed. First, the process is intensive, all resources are involved. Hair length is rapidly increasing due to follicular cell division. This phase lasts an average of 2 to 6 years.

Phase catagen. During this period, the cell structure of the hair follicles changes, its resources are partially depleted. The growth of curls gradually slows down. In fact, this is a boundary phase of development in which all processes are coming to a close. The duration of this stage is about 2-4 weeks.

Telogen phase. The final stage of development. It is also divided into early and late. At the early telogen stage, the hair no longer grows. You probably noticed that the curls grow to a certain length and do not change further. At this time, the follicles go into a state of rest.

When the hair is in the late telogen phase, it can easily fall out even with a minor effect. This is a normal physiological process. Its duration is about 3-4 months.

What vitamins and minerals are needed

A balanced diet rich in beneficial trace elements is a prerequisite for healthy curls. I already wrote about this in the article “vitamins for hair loss».

Want to know what nutrients are needed for the rapid growth of your curls?

  • Vitamins of group B - extremely necessary for the normal growth of our strands. They play a very important role in this process. For example, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) stimulates the renewal of skin cells, regulates the work of the adrenal glands. Thanks to this element, the curls become smooth and shiny. Vitamins of this group are found in many products: meat, liver, bread, buckwheat, nuts and others.
  • Vitamin C - A great antioxidant that helps the body fight free radicals (1). So, it prevents cell aging. Vitamin C is abundant in citrus fruits, kiwi, sea buckthorn, rosehip, broccoli. In the cold season, you can additionally take ascorbic acid, 500 mg twice a day. The drug is also sold in ampoules. It is convenient to use them for home strengthening masks.
  • Vitamin D - helps to strengthen hair follicles, prevents fragility and hair loss. For the production of this substance in the human body, you need ultraviolet light. However, there are foods in which there is a sufficient amount of it. In more detail about him I wrote the article “why vitamin D is needed”.
  • Iron - plays an important role in strengthening, nourishing and restoring hair. Low levels of this substance in the body can cause alopecia (2). Iron-rich foods can help prevent this. Enter into your diet spinach, greens, egg yolks, liver, veal, legumes. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe a multivitamin or iron supplements.

  • Zinc - with a lack of this substance, the condition of the hair deteriorates dramatically. They become more fragile, dull, begin to fall out. Products such as meat, beans, chicken eggs, mushrooms, nuts, etc. will help to fill the shortage. Maintaining a normal level of this element in the body will help to avoid an imbalance of hormones and improve immunity (3).

Additional effective components

Now you know what vitamins are needed to strengthen and grow your curls. Strengthen the effect of these nutrients will help three more components. They are able to literally transform the hair, make it stronger and healthier.

Fish fat. Incredibly useful substance in all respects. It contains omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids that the body needs. They nourish and restore the hair structure, promote good growth. Eat fish and seafood, eggs, walnuts.

Rosemary essential oil. Recent studies have shown that this substance has a beneficial effect on the hair follicles. Thanks to him, metabolic processes in the skin cells are accelerated, hair growth increases (4). Regular use of rosemary oil helps to effectively deal with androgenetic alopecia. The main advantage over other drugs is a minimum of side effects.

Juice aloe vera. Possesses powerful antibacterial and antifungal effects. It contains a record amount of vitamins and minerals for rapid growth and recovery of curls. Scarlet juice is applied directly to the scalp, added to shampoos and masks. This tool is also used to create anti-wrinkle products at home.

Coconut oil. Literally transforms dull and lifeless hair. Oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes, protects curls from external influence. With regular use, it restores the hair structure, enhances their growth, gives shine and softness.

Rating of the best vitamin complexes

With intensive loss of homemade masks and lotions are already useless. In this case, it is time to turn to stronger tools. I advise you to study at first information about amineksil hair. This is an external effective remedy. Additionally, it is necessary to support the body from the inside with special vitamin complexes. I described the most popular means for strengthening and growth of strands. Choose from a list of which is better to take.

The complex is designed taking into account daily human biorhythms. Tablets need to be taken twice a day. They are already divided into two formulas, "Day" and "Night." Do not get confused when and what to drink :) I can not say that their composition impressed me with something. In the complex that I take, more nutrients on the dosage. And I did not understand yet what vitamin E is contained in this preparation alpha- or gamma-tocopherols.

Revalid, TEVA Private Co. Ltd., Hungary

Release form: cardboard packs, in each 3 or 9 blisters with 10 gelatin capsules filled with a powder with a characteristic odor.

Active substances: DL-methionine, iron, calcium pantothenate, copper, L-cystine, thiamine hydrochloride, zinc, pyridoxine hydrochloride, yeast, trace elements in a chelate complex, para-aminobenzoic acid, an extract of millet and wheat germ.

  • Shown in violation of the structure, hair loss.
  • Contraindicated in nail fungi, allergies to the components of the drug.
  • It is not recommended to use "Revalid" if the problem with hair is connected with hormonal imbalance.
  • Possible side effects: indigestion, allergies.
  • The course of treatment is 2-3 months. Adults take a capsule three times a day before meals or with meals. The reinforced course with a double dose is used in the first month of treatment in case of diffuse prolapse.
  • The average cost of the drug: 30 capsules - 325 rubles, 90 capsules - 750 rubles.

  • effective, quickly strengthens the hair follicle,
  • good portability of components
  • hair becomes really shiny.

  • the high cost of the full course
  • slight nausea.

Priorin, Bayer, Finland

Soft gelatin capsules of 60 and 120 pieces in a carton.

Active substances: millet extract, biotin, wheat germ oil, pantothenic acid, L-Cystin.

  • It is indicated for mild and severe hair loss, as a preventive measure.
  • Contraindications: pregnancy, allergies.
  • The course of treatment is 3-6 months. 3 months is recommended to take 2 capsules after a meal, without chewing and drinking water. Further, the dosage is reduced by 2 times.
  • The average cost per pack of 60 capsules is 4000 rubles.

  • high efficiency,
  • strengthens hair follicles
  • nails cease to exfoliate.

  • cost,
  • course duration
  • rarely available.

Alerana, VERTEX, Russia

Release form: cardboard packing contains 60 tablets.

The complex "day" high content of selenium, beta-carotene, vitamins E, C, group B.

The composition of the complex “night” is different in calcium content of pantothenate, cystine, silicon, group B vitamins, chromium, biotin, para-aminobenzoic acid.

  • It is indicated for enhanced hair loss.
  • Contraindications include: pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies.
  • The course is 1-3 months. It is recommended to take a pill in the morning and an evening pill in the evening.
  • The average cost of the drug is 415 rubles.

  • quickly stops hair loss,
  • 1 month is enough for a lasting effect,
  • focus only on the hair.

  • caustic dye in the shell,
  • preferably drink 2-3 times a year,
  • nausea,
  • rash,
  • pills uncomfortable to swallow.

“Aevit”, Kiev Vitamin Factory, PAO, Ukraine, “Aquion”, Russia

Form release: gelatin capsules in glass containers of 20-25 pieces or carton, which contains 10 pieces.

Active substances: vitamin A, vitamin E.

  • It is indicated for dry, brittle and hair loss.
  • Contraindications: chronic blood flow insufficiency, chronic glomerulonephritis, thyrotoxicosis, pregnancy.
  • Side effects: seborrhea, impaired stool, alopecia, headache, allergies, irritability, exacerbation of pancreatitis and gallstone disease.
  • The course of reception of 40 days in 1 capsule. Only on the recommendation of a doctor!
  • The average cost per pack of 10 capsules is 40 rubles.

  • high efficiency,
  • can be used for making masks,
  • low cost.

  • extensive list of contraindications
  • risk of hypervitaminosis.

Vichy, Lab. VICHY, France

Release form: in packaging of 12 ampoules with solution.

Active substances: thermal water VICHY SPA, glucose linoleate, amineksil, arginine, vitamins PP, B6.

  • Vichy vitamins are indicated for enhanced hair loss.
  • Contraindications and side effects are not indicated.
  • The course of taking 1 monodose per day or 3 monodoses per week for 6 weeks.
  • The average cost is 2100 rubles.

  • high efficiency,
  • the solution absorbs quickly,
  • does not increase skin oilyness.

  • high price,
  • for an optimal course is not enough 1 pack.

Aurita, Richard Bittner, Austria

Form release: capsules of 40 pieces per pack, flower tea.

Active substances: "Aurita Silicon-calcium" - calcium carbonate, silicon dioxide, "Aurita Yeast" - honey, medical yeast.

  • Indicated for the regeneration of hair, eliminating increased fragility, foci of alopecia.
  • Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, age up to 12 years.
  • Side effects: allergies.
  • Take twice a day, 1 capsule half an hour before meals. Tea is allowed to drink throughout the day.

  • for optimal results, it is advisable to use all 3 forms,
  • risk of weight gain due to brewer's yeast
  • rarely on sale.

Expert Hair, Russian company Evalar

Tablet form. 60 pieces per pack.

High content of taurine, zinc oxide, yeast, cystine, horsetail extract.

  • Shown with insufficient hair volume, enhanced hair loss.
  • Contraindications: lactation, pregnancy, allergies.
  • Side effects: allergies.
  • Course 3 months. During the meal twice a day on the tablet.
  • The average cost of packaging is 380 rubles.

  • high efficiency,
  • convenient to take
  • very quickly grow nails.

  • long course
  • side effects.

Phyto, Phyto, France

Release form: capsules, packing 120 pieces.

Ingredients: vitamins C, E, B group, gamma-linolenic acid, gamma-oryzanol, eicosapentanoic acid, docosahexanoic acid, glukides, lipids, protides.

  • It is indicated for enhanced hair loss.
  • Contraindications include: lactation, pregnancy, allergies.
  • The course of reception is 4 months. It is recommended to take 2 capsules daily with water while eating.
  • The average cost of packing is 2000 rubles.

  • hair becomes stronger, gain shine,
  • nails grow quickly.

  • high price,
  • nails become brittle.

"Perfectil", Vitabiotiks, UK

Capsules, pills.

High content of vitamin C, group B, vitamins E and D, Radix bardanae extract, iron, zinc, Echinacea Purpurea extract, selenium, cysteine.

  • Shown with a weakened hair, alopecia.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components.
  • Side effects: allergies.
  • Take 1 capsule after or during meals, washed down with water.
  • The average cost of a pack of 30 pieces is 500 rubles.

  • effective
  • strengthens the nails
  • convenient dosage.

Doppelgerz, Queisser Pharma, Germany

Capsules, packing - 30 pieces.

High oil content of wheat germ, zinc sulfate, extract of millet, pyridoxine hydrochloride, biotin.

  • Indicated to strengthen hair.
  • Contraindications include: allergies, lactation, pregnancy, up to 14 years. Side effects: allergies.
  • Reception course 2 months. Capsule during a meal, washed down with water.
  • The average cost of packaging is 700 rubles.

  • effective
  • short course.

  • large capsules
  • allergy,
  • for the full course you need 3 packs,
  • high price.

Vitasharm, Veropharm, Russia

Form release: pills in the shell, in a package of 30 pieces.

Active substances: retinol acetate, thiamine chloride, riboflavin, calcium anttotenate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, nicotinamide.

  • Indicated to strengthen hair.
  • Contraindications: pancreatitis, individual intolerance, pregnancy, gallstone disease.
  • Side effects: allergies.
  • Course: a month on a tablet after a meal, drinking milk or water.
  • The average cost of packaging is 200 rubles.

  • efficiency,
  • convenient packaging
  • tablets are easily swallowed,
  • low cost

  • contraindications
  • long wait for a positive result,
  • low efficiency.

“Horsepower”, Natisal S. A., Russia

Capsules, pack of 30 pieces.

High content of vitamins of group B, pantothenic acid, niazan, zinc, copper, manganese.

  • Indicated to strengthen hair.
  • Contraindications: lactation, idiosyncrasy, pregnancy.
  • Side effects: allergies.
  • The course of reception month by capsule 30 minutes before meals.
  • The average cost of packaging is 580 rubles.

  • efficiency,
  • small contraindications.

  • large capsules
  • high price.

Selection of the optimal means occurs on the basis of indications. You must first find out the cause of the defect and only then proceed to treatment.

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Watch the video: Common Hair Loss Issues, Treatments, and Solutions (July 2024).