Hair Growth

Burdock and Castor Hair Oil


They are used to strengthen hair.

But what is the effect of castor and burdock?

Castor oil restores the hair structure, it is recommended for thinning and split ends. It should be applied from root to tip of hair. It is also used to power eyelashes.

Burdock oil enhances blood circulation and restores metabolic processes in the scalp, it is used for better hair growth, treatment of dry seborrhea, with baldness. Oil is rubbed into the hair roots.

Castor and burdock oil have almost no difference in the use and effect of hair treatment. Both oils beneficially nourish and strengthen the hair bulb, thereby restoring its structure. Beneficial effect on the blood circulation of the head, eliminate itching and help get rid of dandruff. Help with dry and brittle hair, with hair loss and split ends. Both oils do not have allergenic components and can also be used in cosmetology. Castor oil is applied to the eyelashes when they want to lengthen and thicken them. And since both oils are good, you can use them alternately, the application is identical.

Hair care

On the store and pharmacy shelves presented a wide range of different cosmetics, but still quite a lot of women prefer to use traditional methods for the care of the scalp and strands. Of these, the most popular are burdock and castor oil for hair. They have long been used by women as available remedies for brittleness, hair loss, inflammatory processes of the skin of the head and dandruff. Their advantage in naturalness, the absence of chemical components, affordable price and effective use.

You will learn more about castor oil in the following video.

The latter has its own subtleties, observing which, you can achieve an impressive effect.

What is so useful burdock oil?

Burdock oil can be purchased at the pharmacy, cosmetic department or even cook yourself from the root of the plant, called burdock, or burdock large. The root of this nondescript weed is a real fount of useful substances. For cosmetic purposes, namely, hair care, valuable, above all:

  • fatty acids - stearic, palmitic,
  • vitamins - retinol, C, E, P, many representatives of group B,
  • mineral substances - calcium, iron, chromium,
  • tannins,
  • inulin polysaccharide,
  • proteins.

The natural composition as a whole has a nourishing and blood circulation improving effect for the scalp, strengthens the hair follicles, restores the smoothness of the damaged strands, and gives shine to the hair.

The use of burdock oil shown owners of all types of hair, because nutrition and strengthening does not hurt anyone. Russian beauties have long used this folk remedy for growing chic braids. Especially useful is burdock oil for curls, suffering from dryness, damaged by frequent styling, aggressive paints or some other means and procedures.

For example: The beneficial effect of the natural components of burdock root on the scalp is manifested in increasing blood circulation, eliminating dryness and itching, eliminating dry dandruff.

Watch the video about the benefits of burdock oil for hair care:

The benefits of castor oil

Castor oil is widely used in medicine., and it can be freely purchased at any pharmacy at a cheap price. The castorcum, well-known since childhood, is produced from ricin seeds, or common castor. A more poetic name for the plant is the paradise tree. What is it good for healthy hair?

The composition of castor oil includes:

  • Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids (oleic and linoleic),
  • ricinoleic acid
  • complex of natural vitamins - A and E.

Useful properties and use of castor oil are similar to its burdock “brother” - it activates the growth of curls, strengthens hair follicles, effectively fights dry hair and scalp, and “split” split ends. Due to its strong antimicrobial action, castorca eliminates dandruff successfully..

If you have oily hair, it is better to refrain from the use of castor oil "in its pure form", use it in a mixture with burdock, and better - only one burdock oil.

Watch the video about the benefits of castor oil for hair:

Is it possible to mix?

Mixing these healing compositions is not only permissible, but also desirable., because it will help to take all the benefits from each of them. This mixture will both strengthen the follicles and thicken the hair itself, smoothing the scales on it.

Watch a video about blending burdock and castor oils for hair restoration and growth:


If you want to get a good effect, the key to success will be the correct use of oils. The head should be freshly washed, at the same time, if desired, the hair can be dried or left slightly moist. Immediately before use, the product should be slightly heated in a water bath - so that its temperature is 35-40 degrees (it feels pleasantly warm, but not hot).

Before applying the oil you need to comb your hair with a massage brush., and cover the shoulders with a cape or a towel. The heated product is taken with a small sponge or cotton pad and rubbed into the scalp with gentle circular massage movements. If the hair is very dry, the product can be spread over the entire length using a comb with rare teeth.

Immediately after applying, put on a special cap, and wrap the head on top with a towel. Depending on the recipe used and the condition of the locks, the exposure time can be from 30 to 120 minutes.

Further, the composition should be washed off, and there are some subtleties. For better rinsing, it is recommended to first apply 2 pre-whipped yolks to the hair, rinse them with water, and then apply shampoo, and - importantly - for oily hair. Many women successfully use tar shampoo for these purposes.

Another option - 3 tbsp. l his usual means add 1 tbsp. l drinking soda, hold this composition for 3-5 minutes on the hair and then rinse with warm water. To consolidate the effect and, simultaneously, for silky and shiny curls, you can rinse your head with lemon water (juice of one small lemon per liter of water).

Castor oil in hair care

Castor oil is produced from castor fruits grown in East Africa. In the people it is sometimes called "castor oil". This oil moisturizes the hair well, easily solving problems such as excessive dryness and fragility of the tips of the strands. This tool perfectly nourishes the curls, giving them shine and elasticity. Castor oil also has a beneficial effect on the scalp, eliminating dandruff and strengthening the hair follicles.

This tool can be used in its pure form, without mixing with anything. Castor oil should be heated in a water bath to a temperature of 38-40 ° C. Then the tool must be carefully rubbed into the scalp and spread over the entire length of the hair. Next, the head should be covered with plastic wrap and wrap with a towel. An hour later, the oil is washed off with regular shampoo to completely remove the greasy film. This mask can be done every two weeks for the prevention of hair loss, the appearance of split ends and treatment of dry scalp.

Castor oil is also used to improve the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes. This tool is applied daily to the eyebrows and eyelashes with a washed brush from the old mascara and washed off in half an hour. The mask of a mixture of castor oil and vodka in a ratio of 2: 1 strengthens the hair and increases their volume. This tool must be rubbed into the scalp and hair roots twice a week.

How does burdock oil differ from costera oil?

Well, even they have different names, and composition)

yes nothing, safsemshtol, this is one and the same.

Burdock oil is obtained from the well-known burdock (burdock), which not only blooms beautifully with purple balls, but also clings to our clothes with its prickles when we walk on the grass :)
Burdock oil, unlike other oils, is obtained not by squeezing fruits or seeds, but due to the infusion of burdock roots on other vegetable oils (olive, almond or other).
Burdock oil has a very valuable composition of substances, it includes: a large complex of different vitamins, essential and fatty oils, tannins, palmitic and stearic acid. But the most important value of burdock oil is that it contains a large amount of inulin - a natural conditioner that smoothes the hair, gives it shine and a healthy well-groomed look. In the care of hair burdock oil is an invaluable product.
KASTOROVA OIL is produced from one of the largest garden annuals - castor bean, which grows in natural tropical conditions as an evergreen plant, reaching more than ten meters in height. The seeds of this amazingly powerful plant with huge leaves that look like umbrellas with sharp teeth and contain unique fatty oil.
Castor oil is unique among all fats and oils since:
- This is the only source of 18 - carbon hydroxylated fatty acids with one double bond.
-Ricinoleic acid (12-hydroxyoleic acid) is about 87% fatty acids.
- Product homogeneity and sustainability are relatively high for natural features.
-This is a biological, renewable resource.
Oily and instantly soothing, castor oil, even with a single application, has a smoothing effect, and its abilities to deeply nourish and improve skin smoothness do not even know equal among vegetable bases.
Most noticeable is the rapid effect of castor oil on the cuticle, which, after applying the oil, quickly restores elasticity and attractive appearance.
Due to its specific aroma and unpleasantly viscous texture, castorcion, when used, causes not entirely pleasant sensations, but the positive aspects of its effect on the skin and hair far outweigh the fat content and oil density.
Since castor oil is heavily washed off the hair, its use is complicated by the need for thorough rinsing.
Based on this, we conclude: burdock oil is best used for the treatment and restoration of hair, and castor oil for the skin.

How to use castor or burdock oil for hair growth? How long should I use? When to wait for results?

I heat it up in a water bath and rub it into the roots of my hair. I have been using my hair for 3 months already, but it’s not worth waiting for some stunning results.
You can buy burdock oil with pepper, it warms the skin of the head better, promotes growth))

An excellent mask for strengthening and QUICK hair growth: 1 spoon of castor oil, 1 spoon of red pepper tincture (available at the pharmacy), 1 spoon of any hair balm. Rub into the roots, under the bag, for 1.5-2 hours, if for strengthening, then once a week, for growth 2-3 times a week, at least for 1 month. The result is noticeable after the second time.

Valeria Albovskaya

Questions about strengthening, hair loss, as well as their rapid growth - are constant.
Put in the "Questions and Answers Search" (above) keywords - for example, "fast hair growth", or "strengthening hair"., Or "burdock oil".
See about 10,000 responses in many years. Because the questions are constantly repeated, but the answers are almost the same. Read a lot of interesting things.

Valentina Sanina

I heat them up (to a warm state) and mix them into a mask (so that it is not too greasy from the oils) and apply the hair with a syringe without a needle. I am massaging the roots, wrapping it up for an hour. and wash off with shampoo and then rinse with a decoction of herbs. at least you need to wait a month for the appearance of something weighty. shine and softness will be weeks after two regular care.
masks examples:
1 teaspoon burdock oil
1 teaspoon castor oil
1 teaspoon of vitamin A
1 teaspoon of vitamin E
2 teaspoons of Dimexidum mix all put on your hair, cover your head with cellophane or something else and wrap with a towel. I use old son's knitted hat for insulation. Leave for an hour. Then wash off with shampoo. You can do 2-3 times a week.
Balm to strengthen hair.
All these herbs and oils for the preparation of balm can be purchased at the pharmacy.
Take equal proportions of celandine, hops, hazelnut and nettle extracts, dilute with a mixture of oils of 10 grams: pink, eucalyptus, sea buckthorn, burdock, add 5 grams of pollen. Wash your hair with soap 2 times, wipe slightly with a towel, then take a little balm and rub the ring, middle and index fingers with circular movements of your fingers. Make circular motions from the temples to the crown.
If you have dry hair, a mask of onions and beets will suit you. Wipe this mask in the same amount. Mix this mass, warmed with burdock oil in a water bath.
Dilute with warm water 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry mustard (to the consistency of sour cream). Add 2 tbsp. spoons of olive (burdock, jojoba) butter, 2 yolks and 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Apply to the hair roots before washing the head for 20-25 minutes.
Mix 1 tbsp. spoon tincture of red pepper, 2 tbsp. spoons of castor oil and 2 tbsp. spoons of your shampoo. Apply the mixture onto the scalp for 1 hour, then wash your hair.

What is best for hair growth? castor or burdock oil?

It is for the growth of hair that Castor is better — well, not only do masks with it, but also rub them in with massage movements on your finger tips. Blood circulation is improved and better the oil penetrates to the hair follicles. Burdock is often to restore brittle hair and for density, to improve the quality of the hair


The only contraindication may be an individual allergy to oils.. In all other cases, both burdock and castor oil, used externally, are completely safe. The most important thing is to use high-quality and not expired product and follow the recommendations on the exposure time on the hair.


Which oil is better - castor or burdock - is definitely difficult to say. The range of their application is almost the same, the useful properties are very close. You can get an answer to this question for yourself only by trying one or the other in action, alternately or in combination. This is truly a healing elixir for weakened by stress hair, as well as for the growth of curls and giving them a visual density.

Medicinal properties

This type of oil has a huge list of useful properties:

  • The natural basis of the product helps to improve the health of all hair types.
  • Oil helps to restore metabolic processes, improve blood circulation in the capillaries.
  • Regular use of oil contributes to the rapid growth and strengthening of the hair.
  • Burdock oil - the best way to prevent hair loss, especially effective when running forms.
  • The product has a nourishing, firming effect on the skin and hair roots, which in turn eliminates itching, dryness, and dandruff.
  • It is this product that solves the problems of slow growth of hair, hair loss at any stage, exhaustion and damage to hair, tip sections.

Mode of application

To care for the hair you need to prepare:

  • burdock oil (only natural, without chemical impurities),
  • plastic cap, bag or cling film,
  • high-quality shampoo and hair conditioner.

The simplest and at the same time extremely effective way to improve the strands is a mask based on burdock oil:

  • Moisten hair with warm water. Lightly rub with a towel (it does not matter clean hair or dirty). Heat the oil to room temperature, spread out the product evenly along the length of the hair with massaging fingers. Comb the treated hair, rubbing it well into the tips. To warm the head with a film and a towel. Keep the mask on your head for at least 1 hour. The head must be necessarily insulated so that the healing properties of the oil have the maximum effect. Wash off the oil with shampoos, then use conditioner or hair balm.

Experts recommend doing this mask 2 times a week for 2 months. After the first course of treatment, be sure to give your hair a few weeks rest.

Useful properties of castor oil

Due to its rich composition, the oil is able to eliminate the fragility and dryness of the strands, ensuring shine and elasticity. Also, the oil has a beneficial effect on the dermis of the head, eliminating dandruff, dry skin, strengthening the follicles.

Castor oil is often used for aromatherapy. For the procedure to castor oil, you must add any other essential oil. Treatment by this means helps to restore the health of the hair, relieves stress.

Useful properties of burdock oil for hair

Burdock oil is very affordable, you can cook it yourself at home. If the oil is of high quality, then you can feel a very pleasant, light aroma. The beneficial properties of this product are indispensable for daily hair care. It can stimulate blood circulation in the skin, restore metabolism, strengthen the roots and the structure of the strands.

If you mix the oil with red pepper, you can get a tool that will increase blood circulation in the dermis of the head, stimulating the growth of follicles, saturating the strands with vitamins.

Cooking burdock oil at home

  • 200 grams of vegetable, olive oil,
  • 75 g burdock root.

  1. Grind the root.
  2. Mix with butter.
  3. Insist 24 hours in a warm place.
  4. Boil on low heat for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.
  5. Filter the product with gauze.
  6. Store in a glass container.
  7. The oil is rubbed into the scalp 2 hours before washing the hair.

Use of burdock oil

Most often, burdock essential oil is used for:

  • hair loss prevention
  • fast growth strands
  • eliminate dandruff, relieve irritation of the scalp, moisturize it,
  • protection against baldness,
  • giving shine to your hair
  • repair damaged strands.

Castor or burdock - which oil is better?

Which oil is better to choose - burdock or castor oil, is of interest to many of the fair sex. It is necessary to choose oil, proceeding from the purposes for which it is acquired. Each of the oils has its own unique composition, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the hair. For the preparation of masks can be used simultaneously two types of oil to enhance the effectiveness of the tool.

Homemade masks with burdock and castor hair oils

For the preparation of healing masks to the oils, you can add various components, for example: honey, egg yolks, decoctions of herbs.

Burdock and castor oil mask

  • 1 egg yolk,
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 tbsp. l castor oil
  • 1 tbsp. l burdock oil.

This mask is prepared very simply: you need to mix the oil, heat them in a water bath. It is important not to overheat the components - the temperature should be no more than 40 degrees. Add honey to the oils, mix, beat the yolk and mix with the other components. The resulting tool is rubbed into the scalp, then with a comb is distributed along the length of the strands. To increase efficiency, you can wrap your head with cling film and put on a hat. You need to remove the mask after 30-40 minutes with warm water and shampoo. This tool is suitable for the prevention of hair loss and daily care for them.

Parsley with castor oil

To prepare the mask you need to prepare 1 tbsp. l Castor oil, 2 tbsp. l parsley juice. Owners of long hair can increase the number of ingredients, while necessarily observing the proportions of 1: 2. The tool is prepared quite simply: it is necessary to mix the ingredients, rub them into the scalp and lubricate the hair. On the head you need to wear a cellophane cap. After 50-60 minutes you can wash off the mask with shampoo.

Burdock with honey

The prepared tool will help strengthen the hair, enriching it with useful substances, vitamins. This will require:

  • 1 tbsp. l honey
  • 2 yolks,
  • 3 tbsp. l burdock oil

First you need to heat the oil to 30-40 degrees. Beat the yolks and mix all the ingredients together. Means to apply on the head, intensively rubbing into the dermis. To evenly distribute the mask on the hair, you can use a comb. After 1 hour, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Burdock with pepper

Such a mask can stimulate the follicles and improve blood flow.

  • To prepare the mask, you need to mix 1 tbsp. l burdock oil and 1 tbsp. l pepper vodka and then add the beaten yolk.

Lubricate with hair and rub into skin. After 50 minutes, remove the mask with chamomile decoction.

Castor and burdock oils help restore natural health hairstyles. In the preparation of oil masks, you can alternate or use simultaneously two types.

How to use hair oil?

For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
Read more here ...

Masks for hair from oils are one of the most effective and effective ways to restore curls. The method, known since ancient times, is now experiencing a real boom. Cosmetic hair oil is divided into 2 groups: nourishing and essential. It depends on belonging to a particular group how to use hair oil. Most often, Shrovetide drugs complement each other in the care of the strands, provide the hair with necessary nutrition, strengthening them and filling them with strength.

Nutritious oils for curls

The beneficial properties of cosmetic oils for hair are indisputable, the result of their impact is visible to the naked eye, but, despite the simplicity of use, nourishing oils must be properly used. They are divided into 2 groups:

  • oils penetrating the hair structure. This is due to the fact that the molecules of such oils are so small that they can easily penetrate through the cuticle into the very core of the hairs. These include: coconut, olive, avocado, shea, castor,
  • oils that do not penetrate and cover hair. The molecules of these oils have a more impressive size, so they can not penetrate deep into the hairs and envelop it along the entire length of the protective film. This is sunflower oil, oil of thirst, soybean, corn.

Penetrating and covering oils are equally useful for curls, they feed and strengthen roots, but their features should be taken into account when applying them.

The advantage of penetrating oils

This group of Shrovetide drugs has the greatest effect if the oils are applied before and during the hair washing process. Hair in the process of washing, like sponges, absorb moisture, swelling and stretching. For comparison: we inflate the ball. At one fine moment - the ball bursts. The same thing happens with our hair: it "gets tired" to stretch, shrink, also breaks and falls, often from the root. This effect has the name "hair fatigue", when the curls become loose, split, damaged along the entire length due to daily or improper washing of the hair. Penetrating the inside of the hairs oil does not allow to absorb excess moisture, which protects the curls from excessive swelling. It is for the treatment of loose, split along the entire length of the strands, to prevent damage to the curls in the process of exposure to water should be used penetrating oil.

Benefits of Coating Oils

Covering oil preparations form the thinnest protective film on the hairs, retaining the natural moisture inside, protecting the hair from harmful external effects. An effective “barrier” created by covering oils protects hairs from the harmful effects of the environment, protects them from drying out, dryness, and minimizes damage caused by thermal and chemical effects on curls.

These nuances should be considered when using oils. Therefore, to enhance the impact on the entire hair, from root to tip, it is useful to use a mixture of oils, and to solve narrow problems, apply the oil drug that is most effective in a particular case.

The top 10 nutritional oil medications for curls include:

  • Burdock - the most famous, the most popular. You can buy in a pharmacy or prepare burdock oil for hair at home, making for your hair either penetrating or covering. It is necessary: ​​chopped dried burdock root (100 gr.). Pour or olive (penetrating) 100ml, or sunflower (covering) 100ml oil. Let it brew for 14 days in a dark place, strain, pour into a glass dish, store in a cool place.

Massage rub in 2-3 days in the root system of the curl, distribute over the growth of the strands, you can keep on the strands at least all night or day. It is recommended to use in masks. Excellent nourishes the roots, protects the curls from falling out, moisturizes the curls from root to tip,

  • Olive Heat in a water bath to 30-40 degrees, rub into the roots, distribute on all strands from root to tip, wrap in a compress. It is recommended to use in masks. Wash off with shampoo for at least 30 minutes. With regular use, the curls will become soft, silky, elastic, dryness and brittleness will disappear,
  • Zhozhoba. The only oil (in its characteristics - rather wax), which completely removes the hardly soluble hardened sebum, clogging the pores of the scalp, chilling hair follicles. Apply to the hair roots for 20-40 minutes before washing your head, if you wrap up by type of compress - you can leave overnight. It provides cleansing and nourishing of the scalp, prevents the formation of dandruff, protects the hair from drying out, strengthens and moisturizes them over the entire length. Gives weakened brittle, colored curls shine and strength,
  • Coconut. Given its penetrating ability, apply to the roots and the entire length of the curls before swimming in the sea, or staying in the cold frosty air, or under the bright sun. If you make a mask out of it, then massage into the strands for 2-3 hours before washing, wrap up like a compress. Strengthens and reanimates weak lifeless hair follicles, moisturizes and nourishes the curls along the entire length, giving them shine and volume,
  • Castor. It activates hair growth, awakens dormant bulbs. Protects against dandruff. Apply to the roots of the hair, wrap the type of compress, leave for 2-3 hours, wash off in the usual way,
  • Avocado oil. An excellent remedy for strengthening the hair roots and curls along their entire length, moisturizes the curls, gives them shine, volume, vitality. Apply to the hair roots, gently massage in, spread over the entire length of the curls. It is recommended to use in masks. Wrap the type of compress and leave for 3-4 hours, can be longer
  • Grape seed oil. Provides maximum nutrition, hydration, gives strength, shine and volume to the curls along the entire length. It can be added to masks or applied to the roots, to curls along the entire length, wrapped up like a compress, washed off in the usual way,
  • Almond. Moisturizing and firming drug for the roots of curls, and along the entire length. It is recommended to use in masks, can be used as an independent tool,
  • Peach seed oil. The effect is similar as from almond oil. But it is not recommended to apply to the hair roots and add to the mask,
  • Linseed oil. The only oil condensing the friable, fuzzy ringlets. Compaction and thickening of each hair, revitalization of "dead" by chemical perm or hair coloring literally after the first application. The only negative - it is difficult to wash away and a specific smell. But the result is worth it! Apply on the curls along the entire length, wrap up like a compress for 1-3 hours, rinse with plenty of warm water and shampoo.

The choice of oils is large enough, everyone can choose for themselves the best tool.

The main thing is regular use, and the curls will be “rewarded” with shining healthy appearance, density and beauty.

Essential oils for hair

Essential oil since ancient times is familiar to mankind not only as pleasant aromas, but also as a therapeutic drug with a rich chemical composition. Due to its high penetrating ability, fragrant medicine was used and is used as a tonic, soothing, aphrodisiac, anesthetic. Penetrating through the openings of the hair follicles, the molecules of essential oils quickly mix with blood molecules, lymph and spread throughout the body. Therefore, even when applied topically to the skin, the essential oil acts on every human organ. This is important to remember when applying essential oil, hereinafter EM, as a means for treating hair at home.

The most effective is the use of EM so:

  • the use of EM to enhance the useful properties of masks (including oil), wraps, hair rinses,
  • hair treatment directly EM.

Due to the unique ability of EM molecules to quickly and deeply penetrate inside, supplying cells with oxygen and beneficial substances, the EM molecules carry along with them the molecules of useful substances of masks, causing them to act much faster, completely giving all the “benefits” to the skin and hair. Therefore, it is recommended to add EM in wraps, in masks for hair, especially in oil, saturating the mask not only with a pleasant aroma, but also with additional useful qualities.

Hair treatment directly with EM is carried out by applying EM to the curls with a massage brush or comb. For these purposes, suitable brush with natural bristles or comb from natural smooth wood, not varnished. Apply 5-7 drops of EM suitable to you on a brush or comb and start slowly combing the curls, starting from the roots. Combing can be done 2-3 times a week, several times a day. Do not wash hair after the procedure. After combing, rinse the comb or brush thoroughly so that they do not contaminate the curls during the next procedure. It is necessary to choose EM in this oil not only by the type of hair and the problem to be solved, but also taking into account the time of day, so that, for example, the invigorating aroma - for example, citrus - does not prevent you from sleeping at night.

EM for greasy hair

The problem of oily hair and oily scalp will solve:

  • lemon,
  • citronella,
  • bergamot
  • tea tree,
  • mint,
  • lemon balm
  • cedar
  • cypress,
  • pines,
  • eucalyptus
  • juniper
  • ginger
  • vervains,
  • carnations
  • sage,
  • geraniums

EM for dry brittle hair:

  • ylang-ylang,
  • mandarin,
  • orange,
  • incense,
  • lavender,
  • chamomile,
  • patchouli,
  • myrrh,
  • rosewood, palmarosa,
  • sandalwood

EM for hair strengthening:

EM for damaged hair:

  • chamomile,
  • geranium,
  • lavender,
  • Melissa,
  • basil,
  • rosemary,
  • all citrus fruits
  • grapefruit,
  • eucalyptus,
  • tea tree.

Using essential oil in various combinations, suitable for solving specific problems of a particular type of hair and to your taste, adding them to masks can multiply the beneficial properties of masks and wraps.

Properly selected oils and regular care - the best medicine for the beauty and health of your hair.

The author is Volochaev T.N.

Castor or burdock oil is better for hair: what are the main differences used for?

Oils are very often used for hair care. This product is considered the safest and most useful remedy for curls. When choosing a hair product, the question arises, how to choose from a huge range. Today, we will try to find out whether castor or burdock oil is better for hair? In the article you will find descriptions of products, for which they apply and the main differences.

Product Description

Castor oil or castor oil is produced by cold pressing from a plant called castor; it grows in East Africa. The composition includes the following chemical components:

  • monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic, ricinolic), which have antibacterial properties, strengthen the strands,
  • saturated fatty acids (palmitic, stearic) restore the protective layer of the skin,
  • polyunsaturated acids (linoleic) make antioxidant, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory effect.

This product moisturizes the curls well, eliminates dryness, brittleness, split ends. It also has a beneficial effect on the scalp, helps eliminate dandruff, strengthens the roots of the strands. How to use dandruff castor oil, read on our website.

Burdock oil is made from burdock roots, which grows on the territory of Russia, this product is created by the method of oil extraction, i.e. by the method of tincture of burdock roots on vegetable oils. To do this, apply olive, almond, sesame and other oils. The product has a pleasant aroma. Burdock root consists of many useful elements:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E, P restore the vitality of the curls,
  • proteins normalize the metabolic process,
  • mineral salts (chromium, zinc, manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium, sulfur, copper) have a rejuvenating, regenerating effect,
  • tanning elements have antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects,
  • fatty acids restore the hair structure,
  • inulin acts as an absorbent.

Note that burdock as well as castor oil solves a wide range of hair problems, the skin of the head. Thanks to their use, itching, dandruff are eliminated, the hair becomes shiny, strong, and the growth of curls is accelerated. Learn about effective masks with burdock dandruff oil on our website.

What are they used for?

Castor oil is used both in pure form and as a component of masks. Oil is often used to solve such problems:

  • dryness, breakage of strands,
  • restoring the structure of curls,
  • strengthening the strand bulbs, preventing their loss,
  • eliminating dandruff, nourishing the scalp,
  • add shine, soft curls.

Burdock oil is used for hair with such problems:

  • elimination of hair loss
  • accelerating the growth of strands
  • eliminate dandruff, itchy scalp,
  • restoration of damaged strands.

In addition, you can use natural oils to lighten hair. How to do it right, read our website.

The effect of using these tools is also slightly different. For example, castorca is designed to improve the condition of the hair, eliminate their fragility, repair damage, and burdock is an ideal aid in the fight against the loss of strands.

The effect of using castor remedies is as follows:

  • the curls become shiny, soft, strong,
  • eliminates the problem of dandruff, dry scalp,
  • bulbs strengthened, prevents strands from falling out.

Burdock oil performs universal functions, the effect of its use are:

  • improved scalp blood circulation,
  • restoring the structure of the strands,
  • eliminating dandruff, itching of the skin,
  • accelerated growth of hair.

Important! The main difference between the two products is their structure. Since castor is thick and dense in consistency, it is more often used in the treatment of hair, and not to accelerate their growth. Burdock consistency is more delicate, so it contributes to the speedy growth of curls.

The price of castor and burdock oils is very affordable. Castor oil can be purchased at any pharmacy for a price from 60 to 120 rubles for a jar of 30 ml. Burdock costs from 40 to 100 rubles per bottle of 100 ml. Castor oil is more expensive in the first place due to the fact that raw materials must be delivered from other countries, burdock also grows throughout Russia.

Terms of use at home

Both products are completely available for home use, suitable for all types of hair. Castor oil is more dense in consistency, therefore it is more often advised to mix it with more liquid oils or masks.

When using products in pure form, the application process is the same; it consists in the following steps:

  1. Apply the oil warmed to body temperature on dry curls, lightly rub a little into the scalp.
  2. Distribute the tool evenly over the entire length of the strands.
  3. Put a plastic cap on your head and wrap a towel over it.
  4. To sustain 1 hour and it is good to wash off oil shampoo before full removal of an oily film from hair.
  5. Both products should be applied 1-2 times a week for 2 months to achieve an optimal result.

Burdock ether is often combined with red pepper to improve hair growth.

Castor is used not only for hair restoration, but also to improve the condition of eyebrows and eyelashes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of using castor and burdock oils include:

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  • naturalness
  • security,
  • affordable price,
  • ease of application
  • no contraindications, adverse reactions,
  • high efficiency,
  • cessation of loss and an increase in the growth rate of curls,
  • eliminate dandruff, improve scalp condition.

Among the shortcomings are:

  • the effect comes only with regular use,
  • both means difficult to wash off,
  • with constant use, hair can become greasy,
  • with frequent use, color is quickly washed off.

Other features

As you noticed both products solve a wide range of problems with hair, but there are still some features. For example, when oily scalp is better to abandon the use of both types of oils.

Burdock oil can be easily made at home, which is almost impossible with castor oil. These products have different manufacturing methods. Also, when using the product of burdock, girls with blond hair should focus on the color of the product. It should be amber-yellow.

An important point! When applying a mixture of castor and burdock oils may appear a darker shade of curls.

In conclusion, it can be said that both oils are very effective for hair. These products have similar indications for use, but burdock oil is designed to treat curls from the inside, and castor oil restores their structure from the outside.

It is difficult to say which is better than castor or burdock oil, because the effect depends on the condition and type of hair. Some may see improvement after a week of use, while others will not see results at all. The best confirmation will be the use of these products in practice.

Useful videos

Castor oil for hair.

Burdock oil - for rapid hair growth, from hair loss and baldness.

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Burdock oil for hair - a tool that gave nature itself

Modern cosmetology is ready to offer any hair care product. However, despite this, most girls and women prefer the use of natural ingredients. There are a huge number of recipes for hair care, which is based on nothing more than butter. It can be castor, olive, burdock, almond, peach and grape oil for hair. Our grandmothers told us how to use them. Often, this method helps to solve the problem without the use of industrial tools. Consider the usefulness of burdock oil and how to use it correctly.

Burdock and its properties

For the usual type of unpretentious plants - burdock, lies a lot of useful properties. From the roots of young burdock make all kinds of decoctions and tinctures, using them as food. Oil is another excellent product obtained from the burdock. According to the reviews, when it hits the hair, it works wonders.

In the times of our grandmothers, the cosmetic industry was not so developed, so we had to use what nature had given. The recipe for burdock oil is not complicated. It is necessary to take about 100 g of burdock roots (regardless of the type: dried or fresh). Grind them and pour a glass of olive or almond oil. You can use any other. The resulting mixture is stored in a dark place for one week. Optionally, in the finished infusion add a few drops of infusion of nettle and keep in the refrigerator.

Oil, cooked with his own hands, is different than that which can be purchased at the pharmacy. It does not incorporate chemical harmful substances and more effective. At the same time it is washed harder.

Oil benefits

The composition of the oil has several advantages:

  • a large amount of vitamins A, B, C, E,
  • rich in minerals: iron, calcium, copper, chromium,
  • the presence of inulin, palmic and stearic acid.

A substance with an unusual name inulin, moisturizes the hair and nourishes the scalp. Thanks to its action, the curls become smooth and silky. In addition, inulin acts as a sorbent, cleansing the skin from excess fat and accumulated dirt. Numerous customer reviews confirm this.

The benefits of burdock oil are as follows:

  • elimination of itching of the skin and dandruff,
  • restoration of damaged hair structure,
  • getting rid of split ends,
  • treatment of brittle hair,
  • returning locks of elasticity, lively shine,

Choose a tool in the pharmacy

Residents of large cities will find it difficult to get real burdock root to prepare the tool at home. It can be purchased ready-made at the pharmacy. However, this method has its own nuances. For example, there are many fakes, so when you purchase you need to carefully study the proposed product. Only trusted firms should be trusted.

First you need to study the composition. It should not be too large, or vice versa small. The basis should be natural oil, not mineral, and be in the first place in the list.

Its application is no different from the cooked oil at home. It can be mixed with castor, leaving for the night, not forgetting to warm up before that.

A little advice for blondes. When choosing it is very important to pay attention also to the color. Green shade can tint hair. Choose a neutral color oil.

How much does such a product cost? This is the most pleasant, as the price is available for any resident of the city.

From excessive greasiness strands

Burdock oil - the true folk way to get rid of excessive fat. Many will wonder how to treat the fat content of the oil base. However, this method really helps.

If you apply oil to your hair and leave it overnight for a long time, after 2 weeks you can see the result. The secretion of sebum is narrowed, the skin is fed from the side and stops the production of excretory processes.

Leaving reviews on the forums, the girls claim that their hair becomes softer and more docile. The oil is added to the masks or used in pure form. It is very useful to apply a heated liquid on the entire canvas of hair and leave it overnight. In the morning, all washed off with shampoo or infusion of nettle and chamomile. When we sleep, the burdock is absorbed into the skin. The product can be applied only on the tips to eliminate dryness. All women can use the product, regardless of age.

Castor + burdock oil

Very often, to treat dryness, castor oil is used along with burdock. The technique of applying the same - from the roots to the tips. It also nourishes the scalp well. Castor oil accelerates hair growth, making it thick and voluminous.

The cooking method is simple. It is necessary to mix in an equal amount of castor, burdock oil, as well as aloe juice. All thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair, not forgetting the tips.

It is not recommended to keep the mask for a long time (you cannot leave it at night) - wash it off in an hour

Burdock and egg yolk

In some cases, to enhance the therapeutic effect of using egg yolk. First, heat the oil base and only then add the yolk pounded into the foam. Thoroughly mixed, applied with massaging movements, gradually spreading over the entire length of curls. Keep should not be more than 1 hour, then rinse with shampoo.

Washout recommendations

Burdock oil, and even in combination with castor oil, is very difficult to wash off. Most likely it will be to use shampoo after treatment, putting it on the hair several times in a row.

To facilitate the process of washing the hair, before applying the mask should be slightly wet, as dry locks better absorb the tool.

And what to do in the case when the mixture lasted all night? There is an exit. Consider several methods that are included in the instructions that tell you how to wash burdock oil from hair:

  1. Rye flour. Take 4-5 tablespoons of rye flour and dilute with water. The resulting texture should be similar to the base for pancakes. Whisk well and apply to hair. Keep for 10 minutes, periodically foaming. Rinse with water, massage again and wash off the remaining oil. The main thing is to wash the roots, since it will be easier to handle the tips. Numerous reviews confirm the effectiveness of the method.
  2. If you use regular shampoo as a wash, do not forget about balm.
  3. Castor oil can tangle hair, so rinse it with nettle tincture - this will make combing easier. Chamomile will also be of great benefit.
  4. If you choose rye flour, choose apple vinegar as a conditioner, and 1 tablespoon will be enough. The result is easy combing and extra shine.

The first effect of the application

How long does it take to use burdock oil to see a positive result? In fact, it all depends on the method of application itself and whether you are doing everything correctly. If you leave the mask daily for the night, you will not only feel the result, but also see it in 2 weeks. In the case of masks, which are made 1-2 times a week, the improvement will take more time - from 1 month or more. Another factor in this case is the degree of damage to the tips.

Burdock oil is used as a remedy for hair loss, so if you want to get a smart head of hair, you should leave it for the night. In any case, the benefits will be only after regular use - you can forget about hair loss.

Dear young ladies take care of your hair, do not use hair dryers, curling irons and irons too often. Do not be lazy to make masks, and soon your hair will become the subject of your pride, looking at which, people around you will experience admiration.

Features of the composition

Castor oil seeds are the basis for castor oil. Burdock is obtained from burdock root infused with vegetable oil, most often olive or sunflower. The composition of both is very similar: many vitamins, proteins, tannins and trace elements. The main component is represented by palmitic and stearic fatty acids and oleic unsaturated fatty acid, activating metabolic processes throughout the whole strand structure. But there are some differences. Burdock fatter, castor more severe. The latter contains the natural polysaccharide inulin, which increases metabolism. The healing and regenerating effect is provided by the mineral components contained in its composition, such as phosphorus, sodium, calcium, silicon, and iron. Burdock contains linoleic acid, which has an oxidative, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect.

The depth of penetration of these oils into the skin pores and follicles is quite significant.

What to choose

When choosing the means and the number of procedures, you need to focus on the type and condition of the hair, as well as decide for what purpose you want to use the oil. When choosing, you need to know exactly what caused your hair problems. Probably, the hormonal background has changed, or an adverse environmental factor has an effect. The poor condition of the skin, manifested in itching, dandruff, lifeless hair can be caused by a negative psycho-emotional background: stress, anxiety. Another cause is physical exhaustion.

Depending on the reason, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of one or another means.

For example, burdock recommended for nourishing hair from the inside, castor is better suited to restore the surface part. You can use these oils alternately. Basically, this natural arsenal of care and care is recommended for normal and dry hair to improve their condition, both in pure form and in the composition of masks. These folk remedies can be purchased at pharmacies and specialty stores, as well as cook yourself at home.

You will learn more about the properties of burdock oil in the following video.

Application area

Burdock oil is very effective for slow growth, hair loss, dandruff, itching of the scalp, broken structure and split ends. It is also used in inflammation of the skin and to improve blood circulation in the follicles. Castor should be used for brittleness, dryness, enhanced hair loss and dandruff. Oil and masks with its addition are used to solve the problem of split ends, to obtain easier styling and to give a healthy, natural glow to the curls. Most often castor oil is used to enhance hair growth, as well as to get rid of itching and dandruff.

Both products have virtually no allergenic properties, with the exception of rare cases of individual intolerance.

Both tools are used to enhance blood circulation on the scalp, strengthen the follicles, restore the hair structure, protect against itching and dandruff of the head, as well as give the curls a healthy look.

How to apply

In castor and burdock oils, a fatty base, which determines the following rules of use:

  • Before use, allergy test is required. Apply a few drops to the elbow area for 15 minutes. If itching or redness occurs, it is better to stop using it.
  • For greater efficiency, use better warmed, preferably in a water bath.
  • Apply oil or mask for 1-2 hours before washing your head.
  • Frequency - 1-2 times a week. More frequent use can have the opposite effect: increase hair loss, make the strands heavy and dull.
  • Wash off with water at a sufficiently warm temperature. To remove greasy film, shampoo can be applied and rinsed twice. Rinsing hair with water with the addition of an infusion of medicinal herbs (chamomile, nettle) or a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice gives a good effect.

Oil should be rubbed into the scalp, if necessary, distribute along the length of the strands and leave for 20 minutes under the film and insulated cap. Both means are used as independent means, but they also give a good effect as part of therapeutic natural masks.

Burdock oil in hair care

Burdock oil is obtained from burdock root. You can cook it yourself. To do this, 75 g of burdock root must be crushed and pour 200 ml of sunflower oil. The mixture should be infused day in a warm place. Then it is cooked on low heat for 15 minutes, stirring often. The resulting oil must be passed through a sieve to get rid of the remains of burdock root.

Burdock oil improves capillary blood circulation in the scalp, nourishes the hair roots and strengthens their structure. This tool is usually applied on the head for 1-2 hours before washing and cover the hair with plastic wrap. Like castor oil, burdock oil accelerates hair growth, fights dry scalp and dandruff, and prevents hair loss.

Especially effective is a mask of burdock oil and red pepper. In 50 ml of oil, pour a quarter of a teaspoon of red pepper. The resulting mixture should be heated in a water bath and thoroughly rubbed into the scalp. Then the hair is covered with plastic and a towel. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off with regular shampoo.


Watch the video: How to grow your hair longer and thicker, faster! Scalp oiling! (July 2024).