
Top 9 mistakes in hair care


Remember how much time you churn your hair? Norm - one minute, it should take 50 seconds to massage the skin. It is she and the roots that need cleansing, and rubbing the strands themselves is pointless and even harmful - the cuticle is injured and overdries. The correct mechanism is this: use your fingertips to make circular motions from the crown to the edges. So you will not only remove the pollution, but also improve blood circulation and “raise” the follicles. In the short term, this means even if not in excess, but still in volume, in the long term - accelerated growth and even increased density of curls. For those who wash their hair every day, it is enough to apply shampoo once, for the rest - two. The second approach is “preventive”, and does not imply long manipulations. The indicator of cleanliness will be the appearance of a thick foam.

Confused balm with air conditioning

Let's finally figure out who is who. The first has a more intense composition and is designed for those who have damaged the structure of the cuticle, or just thick, hard and non-greasy hair. If your fluff under this description does not fall, take the conditioner that facilitates combing, and not the one that seriously nourishes with nutrients. And remember: only in tandem with shampoo of the same line the product will give the announced effect.

Apply conditioner to raw hair

First, the strands must be blotted with a towel, since an abundance of moisture will not allow the components to soak, and the promised keratins will fly away into the pipe, plumbing. Leave two centimeters from the roots, distribute the composition in length and leave for a minute. The same amount should be spent on flushing funds. Otherwise, you will receive a guaranteed shine - just not healthy, but greasy: the remnants of the product make the hair heavier and they get dirty faster.

Spin the towel like a turban

While you are walking around the apartment with a turban on your head, your curls feel pretty tense. It feels like it’s like a favorite cashmere sweater in a washing machine on a spin of 1200 rpm. And by the result - the same: stretched, damaged, dull. After all, wet hair is twice as elastic (read: weaker) dry. To avoid split ends, do not try to thoroughly wipe the strands and do not curl them. Here is our version of "swaddling": wrap the head with a towel in a circle, lower its ends with an envelope and fix the corner above your forehead. And even better to leave the hair to dry naturally: long, tiring, but completely harmless.

Do not care for skin

You answer the question about the type of face faster than you can blink, but what about the head? Under the scalp lurks the essence is no less complex and susceptible, which also should be pleased with peels and masks, tailored to the individual characteristics. Fortunately, it is not difficult to identify them, because usually the skin is the same as on the face: oily, dry, sensitive or normal. All this is necessary to know when choosing the means, so pay attention to the notes and composition: D-panthenol and essential oils will help out in the presence of irritation, relieve peeling with lactic and hyaluronic acids from peeling, and in case of sebaceous glands hyperactivity choose products with herbal ingredients - for example , extracts of green and white tea. Remember: hair is a continuation of the skin, so you need to treat it exactly. Including from the inside, including in the daily menu fatty omega-3 and omega-6 acids, fiber, nuts and dried fruits.

Rarely wash combs

Answer honestly: when was the last time you disinfected your favorite “massage”? ("A year ago" - comment of the chief editor Julia Lapshina). And now look closely: do you see greyish deposits among the rolled up hairs? So, it is not just just dust, but a colony of microbes, nestling among dead cells, dried fat and styling residues. If you are not a hypochondriac and you can then pick up the instrument in your hands, carry it straight to the bathroom. Let the now 15-minute bathing in a soap solution become an indispensable part of the weekly exercise brush. It will save you from disgust, and your hair and skin from quick contamination, irritation and even dandruff, which is provoked by overly active microorganisms.

Keep the hair dryer at right angles

Drying your hair upside down is a universal volume formula, but you probably forgot to add one more indicator to it: the angle at which you direct the flow of air. It should go from top to bottom to close the cuticle, and not turn it into a "bristle". If you are accustomed to using brushing to create a magnificent styling, be doubly careful: it pulls out the hair, so you must first dry them completely to avoid injuries. And in general, round hairbrushes should be used very carefully - in inept hands they break more likely than build something standing on your head.

Overheat forceps and irons

Ominous hiss and smoke are the worst that can be heard and seen during hot styling. Wet hair and high temperatures are incompatible, so lower the degree: to 140 Celsius for wet and to 200 for dry. Anything higher turns the curls into products of combustion. Another important detail: do not twist the curls after using varnish - alcohol ignites when heated and melts everything around. With the naked eye, you will not notice this, but in the long term, “baked” hair will not exactly please with a healthy shine and smoothness.

3 mistakes in the care of hair that make brunettes

Luxurious dark hair, of course, attracts attention. But sometimes girls are so addicted to the desire to become even better, that only harm the beauty and health of their hair. As the saying goes, the best is the enemy of the good, so if you still do the same hair care mistakesLike brunettes, it's time to change that.

Brunette brunette №1: even darker, even richer

Most often from the brunettes hairdressers hear a complaint that the hair quickly lose their shine and become dull. To fix this, ask to darken the strands. And so with each new visit to the beauty salon, girls with blue-black and at the same time completely dry hair come out.

Black hair color adds even a very young brunette at least 5 years old. At the same time, even the facial expression itself changes - it becomes more sullen, tense and serious. But there is a solution - it is systematic toning 1 time per month, as well as moisturizing procedures, oils and hair masks. Shining can only be achieved by a systematic approach that will allow you to have the same beautiful curls as Megan Fox herself (by the way, she, too, has long refused to use extremely black hair).

Brunette brunch number 2: war with red pigment

If you are promised a 100% cure for the golden pigment in your hair, be sure that this is nothing more than a marketing ploy. If your hair by nature has a warm undertone, not even a super-duper cool colorist can neutralize it. The maximum that he can do is to give a cold shade that will last ... until the first hair wash. And most often such manipulations with a pigment lead to the appearance of a green hue. Against nature you will not trample! So you just need to take it and see the benefits of "gold" in your hair.

The trend today is natural and natural colors, so instead of trying to fight red pigment, just let go of your native hair color - you will be surprised how beautiful and interesting it can be with your type of appearance.

Brunette brunette number 3: "I want to become a blonde!"

For starters, it is better to sleep with this idea at night. If in the morning this desire remains as strong and unshakable, then get ready for a long and painstaking process of transformation. In one session, of course, you can lighten dark hair, but at the same time there will be no trace of the former beauty - only a duck washcloth.

The most gentle way to become a blonde is to choose to start booking. We described this type of coloring here in detail, therefore we recommend to get acquainted with this fashionable technique more closely and to save your favorite photos of celebrity in a bronde in the memory of the phone.

Booking will help to see yourself in a lighter image, but at the same time leave yourself a chance to return everything back with the least loss. Pay attention to how your hair will perceive lightening - will there appear a cross section, or an unpleasant subtone? To smooth out the dry ends, you will have to invest in the purchase of professional products for blondes, and after each hair wash you must do styling with brushing.

If this prospect does not scare you, then continue to add light strands, but without affecting the hair roots. Otherwise, it will be necessary to lighten the hairstyle every 2-3 weeks, which will definitely not add health to the hair.

Now you know what mistakes in hair care brunettes should avoid. And for blondes, we will also prepare an interesting article in the near future. Stay with us!

1. Choose the wrong position

Let's talk about the position, girls. If you are still washing your hair under the shower, like women from commercials, stop doing this as soon as possible. Yes, we must admit that this is a very convenient position, but the facts speak for themselves: tilt your head down - this is the best way to properly wash your hair.

First of all, it is much easier to apply shampoo only on the scalp. Secondly, it helps you to better wash your hair.

2. Use too hot water.

Hot water is something that we should avoid at all costs when it comes to hair. We can not always control the water pressure when washing the hair, but we can still control its temperature. Hot water makes your hair lifeless and powerless in terms of moisture loss.

3. Blow Drying

Women, as a rule, make the same mistake when drying hair, as well as when washing. Too hot air will help to dry hair faster, but it will also have long-term negative consequences for it.

If you only use a towel for drying hair, we recommend two things: either use a silk towel, or never twist the hair in a cotton towel. Wet hair is especially susceptible to damage and fractures.

4. Do not drink enough water

"There is no life without water." Everyone knows that water is crucial for good health. Raise your hand if you ever start the morning by drinking a large glass of water. Not many people know that hair also needs water to grow. Water is 15% of the total weight of your hair, so make sure that you consume enough water.

5. A bit about the weather

Say a few words about the weather. If you live in an area with a warm temperate climate, you're in luck. But if not, then read on, now that we know that water is an important part of hair, remember that water can freeze and expand. Therefore, be sure to wear a hat in cold weather and protect your hair in hot.

6. Use everything natural

Hair care with home remedies is fashionable. But you need to use what your stylist recommends, and not quite another - mix your secret potion.

Especially women like to include oils in hair care. Be careful, because natural oils (coconut, argan, jojoba) are not very well combined with devices for drying hair, curling tongs and so on. The average temperature of burning oil is 160-250 ° C, and the average temperature that we set for devices is 170-230 ° C. Imagine what the result may be ... hot, hissing hair! Therefore, it is good to use a good cleansing a couple of days after applying the oil to the hair. The oil membrane can remain in your hair for up to 2 weeks.

7. Eat lots of junk food.

Beautiful hair cannot exist without a good amount of proteins, vitamins and nutrients. The ingredients that are important here are iron and biotin (or vitamin B7). Iron activates a very important enzyme responsible for cell division. The list of products that help us have strong, shiny hair: nuts, flaxseed, salmon, spirulina, avocado, pumpkin seeds, broccoli, almonds, sweet peppers, Brussels sprouts, raw cocoa powder. Add spinach for extra iron and zinc.

8. Let it be

Every woman cuts split ends, unless she is one of those happy girls who have no such problem. If you think that without cutting off split ends, you will quickly grow long hair - you are mistaken.

Each of us has a kind of "genetic ceiling" that does not allow us to grow the hair of our dreams. This means that caring for these lifeless tips and treating them with serum, all for the sake of maintaining length, has no meaning. It is better to take care that nature gave you and your parents.

9. Don't forget to brush your hair.

Brush and brush again, baby. First, drinking a cup of coffee in the morning is great, but it is better to comb your hair. We often forget this simple procedure that can work wonders with how our hair looks and feels.

For a good dry exfoliation of the scalp, use a brush with natural bristles for massage. It stimulates hair growth, bringing nutrients to the follicles. In other cases, brush your hair with a comb and do not touch the scalp. Thus, we leave the sebaceous glands intact. Start cleaning from the ends and slowly move to the roots for 10-15 minutes.

Error 1: comb the hair from root to tip

The mistake that most women make. Conducting the comb from roots to ends in one motion, you stretch your hair and tear it out. Hairdressers advise start from the ends and gradually rise higher.

Error 2: forget about moistening

Even if you are a happy owner of thick and not spoiled by dyeing and other hair chemistry, it is still necessary to moisturize and nourish the hair. Hair loses moisture very quickly, so do not forget about conditioners, masks and natural oils. Try to water the curls coconut or olive oil. Just do not forget that the oil should be thoroughly washed. So the usual portion of shampoo will not be enough.

Error 3: combing wet hair

The most common mistake and leader of harm. Wet hair is much easier to damage. And the loss of "wet hair" several times higher than the usual combing. If you do not want your hair fluffed and broken, get rid of this habit as soon as possible.

Error 4: combing curly hair with a brush

Care for curls is very different from the routine of straight hair. Stylists advise owners curls forget about massage brushes. They electrify the already dry hair and violate the very structure of the curl. But, despite the previous point, curly recommend gently combing the mane, while it is wet. This will help give the curls a texture.

Error 5: frequent washing

Many may disagree with this point, but hairdressers are sure: daily washing is harmful to hair and hampers their growth. If the hairs are getting fat at the roots by the evening and look untidy, try using dry shampoo. It absorbs excess fat, the hairstyle will look neat again and you can delay washing for another day. Make it a habit, and gradually the scalp adapts to the new regime.So the usual shampoo will need a little less.

Error 6: aggressive and frequent scratching

Many girls in any free minute get a comb, go to the mirror and begin to preen. In fact, experts do not recommend combing more often 2-3 times a day. Mechanical effect provokes hair loss. And from too intensive work comb hair can simply tear.

Error 7: daily blow-dry

As well as the use of "ironing" or curling. It seems that everything is clear. And still, the girls continue to do it.
By the way this video will prove that curling iron you are not at all a friend. After all, it is better to see once.

Error 8: do not cut split ends

For this procedure does not even have to go to the salon. You can get rid of the broken ends by myselfby following this simple instructions.

Error 9: use conditioner on the hair roots and scalp

The main task of the conditioner or balm is to cover the hair with a thin film to prevent moisture from evaporating. The same “useful” film on the scalp often leads to clogging of the pores. That does not contribute to the growth of curls. To feed the hair from the roots, it is better to use natural masks from oils or products intended specifically for this zone.

Error 10: dry your head with a towel

In itself, a towel does not harm hair, but it slows down the drying process significantly. It is much more efficient to replace it with cotton t-shirt. You will notice that even in a natural way, hair dries much faster.

Error 12: Do not wash the comb

Like any personal care product, the comb quickly becomes dirty and needs care. At least once a week, rinse it under running hot water.

Revise your habits, and your hair will surely please you with health and shine. And when you grow a braid to the waist, try these simple but spectacular hairstyle for owners of long hair.

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Products that do not suit hair type

Choose only those tools that match your type and structure.

  1. For dry and stained hair fit soft, but nutritious products with regenerating properties.
  2. For fatty It is desirable to use herbal based and with antibacterial ingredients.
  3. For normal - shampoos suitable for daily use.

At this link you will find out which shampoo for mixed type of hair is best suited, and a lot of other things about the choice of these products.

Combing wet hair

Wet curls are much heavier than dry ones. If you comb them, they become brittle, begin to split and fall out. Better to do it before washing or after complete drying of the hair.

But, nevertheless, there are a few exceptions:

  1. You can comb short hair immediately after washing.
  2. If you need to comb long, remove excess moisture with a towel and divide into strands. Comb each separately, starting from the tips, gradually moving to the roots.
  3. It is better to comb, tilting the head forward, increasing the flow of blood to the bulbs, which stimulates growth and significantly improves the quality of hair.
  4. There are special combs that are designed for combing wet strands.

Irregular comb

The type and length of curls affect the choice of the correct brush. Improper brushes can lead to hair loss or even hair loss, as well as injury to the scalp.

Consider several types of combs and find out which one suits you best.

  1. For straight strands of any length A fishbone comb will do. Due to its structure, it will allow to maximize comb each strand, without injuring either her or the scalp.
  2. For curly type wooden combs with sparse teeth should be chosen.
  3. For weak and thin curls Use round brushes of different sizes, depending on the length.

Ignoring the care of the comb

If you have normal hair, you need to wash the comb 1 time in 2 weeks. If oily, repeat the wash once a week. After that, be sure to disinfect combs or massages using water with the addition of antimicrobial agents.

Remember that a comb, like a toothbrush, is a means of individual use.

Alignment wet hair curling

  1. First, the wet strands are not straightened by curling, of which only the moisture they need will evaporate.
  2. Secondly, this radical way can not only be burned, but also completely lose hair.
  3. Thirdly, it is dangerous for your health, as it can be electrocuted.

If you need to align your hair, consider the following points:

  • Curls should be completely dry,
  • Be sure to use thermal protection
  • Do not use high temperatures.

But there is a better way to straighten hair - lamination at home.

Sleep with her hair down

Many girls loosen their hair at night so they can rest and improve blood circulation. This is valid for short haircuts and haircuts to the shoulder.

For long, in order to avoid tangling, you can make a weak pigtail or a low horse tail (weak), fixing them with ribbons or rubber bands that do not leave creases. This will allow the strands to rest, and will not allow them to be confused during sleep.


Watch the video: 25 HAIRCARE TIPS AND MISTAKES (July 2024).